Climate change has become such a knotty issue, I’ve avoided it for the last 54 posts. Everyone wants to push what they know about Global temperature, melting ice caps, polar bears being abducted by aliens, that Climate Gate 1 & 2 don’t mean much, that the Great Reset can’t be related to the “climate crisis” that has yet to be, that Co2 is terrible (ask your local forest for it’s opinion), and that the sun is just sitting up there minding its own business I guess. Oh, there is a climate crises but companies are just taking advantage of it is another common line. Arguing with any climate activist will go around the same circles that arguing with pro-virus/vax people will.
Why those in the know about the no virus can’t see this is the same monster that just happened to be developed in the same 30 years in a different costume just puts this little proton unstable spin. So here’s a simple one-liner, a deadly blow to the Addams Family fan club.
A Globalist tentacle called the Club of Rome stated in this Document from 1991 in the paragraph on the lower right:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming…would fit the bill.”
Did they find data and get this idea? Did they know there is climate warming? Only a decade earlier they were spouting global freezing (👈damage control propaganda article). Seems that strategy didn’t work so well you say? They might just have made a strategy on a global scale to fit with the idea? Seems they do a lot of that.
Proton Magic’s famous last words:
Pollution sucks, but it ain’t climate change!
The only thing Co2 will poison is your way of thinking!
After I wrote this post draft and getting more info I see Frances Leader had the same quote. So hat’s off to her and please see her thorough write-up about the COR.
And reading this document CONSPIRATORS.HIERARCHY.-.THE.STORY.OF.THE.COMMITTEE.OF.300 will quantum leap you into understanding the world you really live in. Do an in-page search (Ctrl-F) for Club of Rome.
They obviously sit around looking at things that are real but not so bad, then make them into an agenda, that’s why they are called THINK TANKS and not INVESTIGATION TANKS:
There have always been wars, let’s just gin up lots and bigger wars.
There have always been economic problems, let’s just gin up bigger crises.
There have always been bad weather problems, let’s just gin up bigger ones.
There have always been illnesses, let’s just gin up bad ones caused by germs.
There has always been racial strife and sexual identity problems, let’s just inflame these issues that don’t need to be inflamed.
👉Knowing this info and putting it on my CV I’m getting calls from head hunters asking me if I want to work for a think tank. I’ve declined but this method could work for you if you need a job.
1000 pictures write 3 simple words: “It’s all bullshit”
Global Freezing, really?
Seems to be made by the same PR company:
See the FallCabal Climate Vid at 2X speed and in 19 min you will know more about true climate science than all of the experts you see at the COP meetings:
I don’t see any heat coming out of this little baby do you?

Until 4 years ago I was taken by the news that there was man made global warming, now I know its part of the NWO end game to control the world, starting and crossing the finish line in tandem with the Germ and vax agenda. I'm gonna pin this comment so that I don't have to reply to each and every climate change enthusiast that is sure to comment this section to death. Now I realize that if I had put an image of the surface or inside of the sun instead of nuke plant water vapor stacks at the top of the post, maybe that would get the point across that the sun controls the Global climate many orders of magnitude more than we can-although the Geoengineering projects the elites have going may make you think otherwise.
Temperatures rising where you live does not mean it is caused by human activity. And while pollution sucks IT IS NOT warming. I STRONGLY suggest all to watch this vid:
The info I now understand to be correct:
1. The sun is the major cause of climate changes not greenhouse gas.
2. Greenhouse gasses are water vapor 90%, 5% Co2 (don't hold me to exact numbers).
3. Over the millennia, when the sun causes temp to rise, Co2 rises 800 years later. Temp ALWAYS rises first. The Co2 in the rocks in the oceans is coming out, just boil a bunch of rocks on your kitchen stove and measure the Co2 in the vapor.
4. Global warming started BEFORE the industrial revolution in the early 1800s after the Mauder solar minimum was over.
5. Since 2020 we are said by some to be in a solar minimum predicted to become quite cold above the 33rd parallel by 2040 (some of you will shiver at the number 33 I guess, I noted it runs right thru Nagasaki, hey I don't make this shit up I'm just a reporter).
(Some pundits say there is no minimum which would be in the Globalist's favor of course)
6. Take the term “Global temp” with a grain of salt, this can be manipulated by where and how it’s measured.
7. There was a Climate gate 1 and 2, how many of you heard this bombshell info? Right, it wasnt on the news. The “scientists” admitted in emails they fudged the info.
8. Isn't Greta just wonderful, sitting on the pavement sulking, when just out of the blue a photo production team get her on all the news all at once. WOW! Since then she's made $millions (no wonder she keeps screaming) while Proton Magic & Co has made $ZERO and refuses any and all money (bunker tickets are appreciated), Proton Magic will NEVER be on a video or TV, though I may make you laugh sometimes. Who do you trust Proton or Greta?
I recommend People watch Tony Heller, a meteorologist that is showing how They tamper with data to make it look like there is a problem with "global warming" when there clearly is not. I'll just offer the first six of His vids in a series now 19 videos, and counting:
Climate Fakery Part 1:
Climate Fakery Part 2:
Climate Fakery Part 3:
Climate Fakery Part 4:
Climate Fakery Part 5:
Climate Fakery Part 6: