First, Quiz time! What is DJT really saying here?
Spreading his hands widely to show the number of Americans that will die from the coming pandemics?
That Melania is not going to be allowed to play women’s basketball no matter how much you think she is female?
That Barron is not being groomed to be president in 2050, regardless of Donald’s stock in growth hormone?
👉We’ll get back to the quiz later
Now to Trump’s “Core Promises” below.
I’m sure you can see the myriad of nice-sounding partial truths and promises (that will need to be cancelled or ignored once the coming volley of disasters hit). This is the Good Cop part, but:
☞ There is no promise to stop deadly shots & hospital protocols for the fake Covid diagnosis, nor support the U.S. families of the >1 mil dead and the many more injured from Covid shots.
☞ There is no promise to take down 5G towers or stop 6-7G, smart meters, dangers from EMFs in our environment, SDGs, etc.
This is the bad cop part (too long to list all the others). This slick game works wonders each time.
👉DJT in 2028, “What we did since ‘25 was fantastic, the greatest, but you know those democrats they are just the worst, and that pesky climate change, and all those viruses that Fauci made in Wuhan just threw a spanner in the works”.
Back to the quiz:
Answer: Displaying the gold fringe flag, he is reminding you that your slavery as part of the UNITED STATES INC. will continue as before.
👉See What does the gold fringe flag mean?
The gold fringe flag is historically used during times of war in maritime admiralty law (which we are in right now as well).
The gold fringe flag is not the same flag that is approved for our Constitutional Republic in USA code Title 4 Ch 1 & Ch 2. The fourth color (yellow) is not approved in the code.
We are in fact, functioning in maritime admiralty law, and our court system is actually upholding a corporation that goes by the name of “UNITED STATES”.
👉 28 USC section 3002 subsection 15(a)
This means, we the people, are “assets” (slaves) of this corporation when we use our names in CAPITAL LETTERS. The president is essentially the CEO and the Federal Reserve is essentially the stock holder. Your name in CAPS is called a Strawman (fiction) because it is an entity our natural selves did not agree to. Just look at your name on your credit card. Freaked-out yet? Lets continue from the site above:
In other words, we are not in a republic, and we are not dealing with the constitutional United States of America. Well, actually, the UNITED STATES does have a constitution but it is not the same as the original Constitution that was drafted for the republic.
Now…it basically boils down to either mastering the current system and learning how to navigate your way through it, without incurring personal liability for anything. Or, separating yourself completely from the system, and moving yourself back to common law. You can go as far as expatriating yourself from the UNITED STATES so that you no longer belong to that corporation. Therefore, their rules would no longer apply to you. Cool, huh?
I like this writer. Didn’t ask him for permission to be on the Proton Magic show but
Some folks do not agree that DJT's family name was "Drumpf". Honestly, I do not have official genealogy docs or other proofs. If you disagree, please show official city/state/immigration docs from his family in Germany and the US. Either way, the title of this post is taking the literary freedom to use "Drumpf" because mainstream publications in the public domain report this to be true, and that this history is used widely on many forums.
"Trump's bloodline is from Bavaria and was originally called Drumpfs"
"Donald Trump has become the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. But he has been less vocal about the root of his success: a chain of seedy brothels and restaurants setup by his immigrant grandfather Friedrich Drumpf. Friedrich Drumpf made his wealth from a chain of seedy brothels and restaurants in the lawless Wild West during the Gold Rush of the 1890s. At the turn of the decade, however, he heard news of the Klondike gold rush set to hit the North West and Canada. The shrewd 22-year-old changed his name to a more catchy 'Fred Trump' and headed to Seattle, Washington, in 1891"
DJT is a Draco/Nephilim bloodliner. He has outed himself as "The Snake" (reptile).
Melania is definitely an MTF tranny of the same bloodline. The bones don't lie.
Barron is obviously a Draco/Nephilim entity. Two "human" eunuchs of hybrid origin cannot create a human child.
All the symbols — gold fringe and so on — are shown so the black magicians and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns feel exonerated from Natural Law karma.
Humanity has been so slow-walked into this enslavement camp and the majority are so comfy-cozy that they can't be bothered to listen to their senses and say "Hey WTF, this is not right!"