He’s pissed at the Ministry of Health but, 1. He still believes Covid is caused by a virus. 2. This kind of speech is tooooo late for most people. With all the muzzled people in Japan though I’m still impressed, and even more so that six on the panel took off their dirty face diapers.
No matter how many people I implored that you cant put a vax with new-tech on the population in a matter of a few weeks without any preclinical toxicology, no biodistribution study and finally one done in Japan showing nanolipids going into all organs, ingredients not specified to the public, clinical trial using relative instead of absolute risk, etc. etc. still about 90% of persons I told this was not a vaccine ran to get an irreversible shot supported by persons who publicaly state they want to decrease the population, coerce you to get it to keep a job, travel, go to a restaurant or a concert.
I will repeat this common sense:
Do not take medical treatments for problems you don’t have. WAKE UP, pandemics are not determined by crisis actors in China falling flat down in front of guys in Hazmat suits, and persons with pneumonia do not fall face down, they don’t leave home if sick, and if they are in distress they might sit on the street, but that is not common. How many “Covid” patients did you see sitting or falling on the street in 2020 in your area?
Do not take medical treatments for administrative purposes (for a job, to travel, to go the bank, etc.)
Do not take medical treatments where the contents are not shown or the safety & efficacy data is shady or you don’t understand or didn’t even read.
This little proton dug-up some info from our Japan correspondent on deaths from “Covid” in Japan by age over the last 2.5 yrs. There’s 126 mil people in Japan many packed in trains every day. Up to the age of 50 there were very few deaths to write home about, even up to 60. But still the population ran like lemmings on call from the media push for the nano-Godzilla buster vax. And this graph looks just like the flu graphs, because IT IS THE FLU (see our Labeling Machines post), in fact in 2020 there were 2,500 deaths from the flu and 1,500 deaths from “Covid”, where were all the BiZeRk Drs in 2020?
Japan “Covid” Deaths By Age and Gender Up to Sept. 19, 2022

What will it take for the educated classes of first world countries to screw their heads onto their body?
Info: Japan XS Deaths
Japan Ministry of Health list of post vax deaths (starts on page 4). The list of deaths within a few days of injection goes on, and on, and on, and on…..
yes, yes and yes
Sadly, to my understanding, the Japanese people in general have been the most obedient since gunpowder came on the scene and samurai got eradicated. And after all the daimos/warlords moved to Tokyo and left their castles to Zen monks. Which makes it harder and far worse for them in this plandemic ridden world. I sure hope that their independent spirit will be waking more of them up and fast!!!