The flagship propaganda video of Japanese in fear of those meanie measles.
This Japanese clinic boasts an entire battalion of measles girls who have the unfortunate job of telling hundreds of vax-hungry callers, “there’s not enough vaccine to go around yet”, and there’s been 14 cases up to the week before this video. Cases of colds, drug rash, vax rash I suppose…
👉Update May 3, 2014. The links to the vids below are not active anymore (strange how news outlets ditch their own stories). Sorry, you’re forced to enjoy the screen shots and commentary from yours truly.👈
News page just below with a bunch of Japan measles vids-even if you don’t understand the talk, you can get the vibe just from watching.
Those eyes of concern in the lady top right- Tokyo Mayor Koike (her past and affiliations is a topic for another day).
Covid required a mask even when in a press conference but Measles does not. You’d think there’d be no reason to have a press conference until you needed a mask? Well the show must go on.

The Dr prays for your health before injection, at least he’s honest.
This animation that proves measles is after YOU, yes YOU, and only YOU
Don’t forget not to go out, those measles super spreaders are 10x worse than flu…The animation on the news said so, so it must be true.
Let’s get down to business, do you want a rash or a jab?
Mask, labcoat, hand sanitizer, RNA screen saver, and slick hair all in one photo. He actually says, “We gotta find those unvaxed and go get em!"
👉The news specifically asks him about measles in pregnancy (a leading question?) and he says, “yes, this can increase the risk of miscarriage” (well they do need a cover for all those Covid vax miscarriages-maybe that’s why they were told to ask that question?).
Proton Magic Secret Investigation with the Health Authority:
PM: Do Dr’s ever get sick from those pesky viruses?
Health Authority: Not often. They get immunity from being around so many sick people and from using anti-virus hair tonic.
PM: So if people can get immune why do we need a vaccine?
Health Authority: The vaccine will make sure you are protected.
PM: [Rushes to the toilet…]
Excess deaths can’t run away though:
The famous pandemic year 2020:
Three years since shots started at the beginning of 2021: A little harakiri anyone?
What does it all mean?
The number of excess deaths for all-cause deaths is likely to include deaths both directly and indirectly caused by COVID-19.
Are these prominent Japanese Drs. really stupid enough not to even mention the POSSIBILITY that shots cause many xs deaths considering they started soon after the shots?
Just a short search on the Japan Ministry of Health’s page shows a 365 page never ending list of persons dying within only 2 weeks of the shot (and this is for Pfizer only and only from 2.17.2021 to 1.22.2023):
The list starts from p. 4. Columns are Age/Sex/Injection Date/Death Date/. Just one of the 365 pages here for your info.
Let me remind you that no measles virus has ever been found, and that the measles vax was started in 1963 way AFTER measles cases and deaths plummeted to near zero in the late 40s. The measles vax obviously did nothing, and was an unnecessary injection of junk into little babies.
So for 14 (fake) cases of measles out of 126 mil people we need an entire section of the news, along with Drs and politicians already screaming for vaccines? Why don’t they just tell their surfs to stop shopping so much?
The Measles Motto: “The vax probably works so I’ll go get it”.
Yours Truly, Proton Magic & Co.
Jeffrey Strahl Lockdown Times Mar 22
It is .. what it is. :-) Notions that there are viruses will simply keep people vulnerable to future fraud, which could even included stuff like "Well, COVID wasn't true, but this is."
Proton Magic Proton Magic & Co. Mar 22
Exactly, that's why they've moved onto measles now.
Archive this post on your HD!
I’m not Japanese but I live in Japan and can confirm that we’re still playing plandemic here - at least in medical settings. I’m currently pregnant and every time we visit the doctor, the nurses will start chasing you around with masks the instant you walk through the door.
Most people just play along (like my husband), but I have noticed many others that have had enough and have stopped playing along with the farce (majority of them actually pregnant women which I kind of find especially impressive actually).
I live in a small town but I know there is even more push-back in the bigger cities now. I think that’s the reason why they are starting to push measles to hard now over here because people are getting really fed up with convid and have started to move on.
While it’s encouraging to see more and more people here finally saying “Enough!”, I also unfortunately think that there are still many more that will just go along to get along, including with the measles jab. I know plenty of people who got the convid jab, not because they were afraid of the virus but because “It’s just easier that way”.
I know the only reason my husband didn’t get the convid jab was because he knew that I’d be absolutely furious if he did, but he still held on to the “come get your jab”-invitation throughout the plandemic “just in case”.
(Before anyone asks; no, I’m not going to allow them to inject my baby with anything. Over my dead body. My husband probably won’t stand up to them when the time comes but I will. I’ve butted heads with everyone over here already so both the doctors and my husband knows to not challenge me on these things, haha.)
I love Japanese people but they’re absolutely terrible at standing up to authority - even when their own or the lives of people they love depend on it. I wish they’d bring back some of that samurai-spirit from the past..
Preying on people’s fear, naïveté, and mindless appeal to authority is egregiously evil and thus it's not hyperbolic to label the ruling elite demonic. Vulnerable third world populations always suffer first from these predations, but even first world countries like Japan whose citizens - perhaps based on their sense of honor to the ruling class, are just as likely to acquiesce.