I usually get 5-10 likes on a note but this one shocked me at 35 likes and made me think there is something that is really reverberating here with people. So today I’ll make a full post of it and add some extra fun.
👉Would you use a “Masked Skull & Bones $$$” image as thumbnail for a serious post to an audience who has had friends and family injured and die from shots for believing in viruses and bioweapons?
David Martin scares the hell out of us with the “deadly” bioweapon story, then tells us “fear is what makes the Globalists win”. Martin on a Video by Greg Reese
👉No virus has ever been found so there is no virus bioweapon. This is to usher the masses into fear of the coming 2nd Agenda 2030 pandemic.
👉This is a rotten onion of layer upon layer of double speak. That’s all you need to know.
📣Greg, you showed Martin’s HP at the vid start, why not mention the Free Mason icon at the top left and illuminated eyes watching a hearbeat? What’s going on here?? Many FMs are nice fellows, shouldn’t FMs be proud to state being a FM openly, why the semi-secrecy?
Images linked to source:
👉A Bowtie means "honesty”
👉”Info Wars” means the info war is against YOU. They assume you realize this.
👉Yes, it started simply, there has never been any Corona virus found, ever. How much more simple can you get?
👉So you want proof there has never been a Coronavirus? Ok baby you got it! Read a short summary about each never-found coronavirus near the top here from line 54, “HAVE ANY HUMAN CORONAVIRUSES BEEN ISOLATED?”
Original in Spanish, it’s obvious what they are saying “Covid-19 is a farse!”:
Thanks as always to Greg Reese for bringing us important info!
Genetic experts call this, “image homology 98.6%”

👉 Here are some pertinent comments from the note:
Sue David Martin is a huge Freemason. His company webpage is covered in symbols. This guy is a phony from day one.
Robin I really believe like Dr Cowan says that what they are doing is spreading toxins of some sort, whether biological, chemical, or electrical (EMF) and claiming it's a “virus”. And I believe it is what they have always done to us.
jbc77 He needs to clarify his position. Was there a novel new virus? I think not. He seems to suggest however that there was an intentional release. So was it sprayed on area of the population? My lived experience tells me there was no virus. Lat time I was sick was 2019.
Rob Dubya David Martin sits right near the top of my Bellend chart.
Frances Leader I want a Bellend Chart! It would fill a whole wall…. 🤣😂
Albert Lovely tattoo!
CSH He’s controlled
Frances Leader I knew this guy was a wrongun the first time I saw him on a screen with his trophy wife. He treats her like she has air between her ears and she lets him….grrr.
Sues SARS was created in the Lab they have Patents They have Patents for SARS Cov19
Proton Magic Hi, thats the patent psyop. Anyone can make a patent for anything it doesn’t have to exist in reality, and there is no paper finding Sars Cov as a virus particle. They want to push the bioweapon lab creation because there is no actual virus.
“Don’t count your owls before they hatch.”
-Anonymous viro-ornithologist
Yes! The "lab-created bioweapon" narrative is a huge controlled opposition lie. I had to explain that to several friends who are "truthers." Anyone pushing — or abjectly avoiding in their discourse — the fictitious notions that 1) we make each other sick and 2) there are "cures" for this bouncy-ball sickness is either a high-level MK-ULTRA'd bloodliner or a cushy-job-keeping career clown . . . or both.
Dr. Martin better watch out, PM is on the prowl and he’s not going to let up on his vicious attack until that bow tie David likes to wear becomes a noose. 😳