Proton Magic got some dirt on Dr. Vial and threatened him with doxxing if he didn’t come clean. We met in a dark alleyway of atoms and molecules and had it out:
Proton Magic: Good you showed up Dr Vile, I was ready to spill your contents in court.
Dr. Vial: Sorry sir, my name is,”Vial” not “Vile”, just for the record.
Proton Magic: I heard you are full of solutions for the population.
Dr. Vial: No, I don’t have any solutions, I’m a colloid suspension.
Proton Magic : So there’s no Spike-making mRNA in solution?
Dr Vial: Nope, just nanoparticles in suspension, heavy metals, and other shit. You never saw an mRNA-Spike dose response-curve did you?
Proton Magic: The only curves we got were curve balls you guys threw at us.
Proton Magic: What’s gotten into you?
Dr. Vial: Don’t know, I didn’t get a package insert either.
Proton Magic: We all heard that mRNA was unstable and needed to be frozen.
Dr. Vial: Yeah, most of the population thinks I’m a cool guy. That’s the only way to hide the nanos.
Proton Magic: Why all the secrecy? I can see right thru you!
Dr. Vial: Everyone sees thru me, I’m made out of glass. In fact a Dr. in the vax center in Japan saw the metal in suspension in my Moderna buddies when a vial warmed up to him and they recalled 1.63 mil doses. It was a hard time for the vial community.
Proton Magic: Community!? I also heard you also shot your load into little kids, you creep!
Dr. Vial: The FDA approved it, they said, “we’ll never know if it’s safe until you shoot it into them.”
Proton magic: Good God, anything is legal to do to little kids nowadays. You’re a pedo-vial!
--The interview broke into a fight, and shards of glass were strewn across the alleyway--
Later back at the lab, Proton Magic began an investigation:
Notice how they go to great lengths to argue why you need to know the reason vials are frozen. The more they try to convince you the more they must be lying.
Why does Pfizer’s vaccine need to be frozen at –70° C and Moderna’s at –20° C? The companies aren’t likely to reveal all the tricks and commercial secrets they used to make the vaccines.
“Tricks” or do they mean “lies”?

I also wonder when Pfizer ordered, and how long it took this company to deliver the MANY thousands of special freezers they obviously need? I sent a letter to the freezer company PHCbi today, I’ll put a reply here if I get one. We’ll just have to assume freezer factories in Taiwan had all the parts they needed in storage and were going at it 24/7 once the pandemic was called.
Is RNA really less stable than DNA in the first place? My small lab doesn’t have the equipment to do a deep dive, but here’s a study to wet your lips on:
Measurement of nucleobase pKa values in model mononucleotides shows RNA-RNA duplexes to be MORE stable than DNA-DNA duplexes
I then got my high school chemistry set out of the closet and started to play around. Little protons can learn some nifty stuff from chemistry fraud:
“Mommy, frozen colloids can hide what you are really doing!”
Understanding the Freezing of Colloidal Suspensions: Crystal Growth and Particle Redistribution
The solidification of colloidal suspensions is ubiquitous in nature and technology…we want to control the microstructure of materials obtained…
Translation: if you freeze a colloid you won’t be able to see it was a colloid mix of particles and solution. IT’S A CLOAKING DEVICE!
“Mommy, nanoparticles can act like drugs!”
Colloidal nanoparticles as pharmaceutical agents
Colloidal nanoparticles can be utilized as pharmaceutical agents.. that allow…induction of reactive oxygen species, ferroptosis, or autophagy…they serve as antennas for external light, magnetic fields, X-rays, or ultrasound used to generate heat or reactive oxygen species, sensitize the target tissue to radiation...
Translation: frozen colloidal nanoparticles can make you ill and worse.
Now we couldn’t finish this post without honorable mention of our friend graphene as a colloid could we?
Colloidal Suspensions of Highly Reduced Graphene Oxide in a Wide Variety of Organic Solvents
Nano Lett. 2009, 9, 4, 1593–1597
We report that homogeneous colloidal suspensions of chemically modified graphene sheets were readily produced in a wide variety of organic solvent systems.
Ok, ok, another encore:
Did you know ice cream is a colloid? No shit, it’s frozen so you can’t see the particles in suspension. You never knew ice cream was one of the world’s favorite colloids, 2nd only to the Covid shots.
Is this design a mirror image on Buffet’s popsicle?
“Colloid Boys” all of them!
Have a great day!
One might also ask why, when a truck loaded with this frozen "product" crashed in WV, I believe, in 2021, level 3 or 4 hazmat protocols went immediately into effect. They closed the whole area down, set up white tents, and all personnel were in major hazmat suits. This for a product being put in peoples arms? Maybe this truck was loaded with some of the really hot batches? The derailment in Ohio didn't get that much overkill.
This is classic! LMAO! My favorite part:
"Proton magic: Good you showed up Dr Vile, I was ready to spill your contents in court.
Dr. Vial: Sorry sir, my name is,”Vial” not “Vile”, just for the record."