The other day a deranged reader sent me patent on how to take a leak into the toilet. The patent suggests a complex method of leaking and flushing, making a vortex which can lead to beaming out of this shitty dimension.
Speaking of leaks, I received my first “leaked” documents!
I received three slides from a leaker about a presentation that gives medical doctors continuing medical emasculation education credits to keep up their licenses (a kind of forced indoctrination). I confirmed the source myself with info from the leaker.
Leaked doc #1: Covid-19, “Several Types of Chronic Sequelae”
First we have a compact image on the different types of sequelae that Covid can cause. Pulmonary fibrosis, stroke, diabetes, cardiovascular illness, cerebrovascular disease, autoimmune syndromes like Guillain-Barre, and “established” long-covid (meaning you feel like shit forever).
👉 Doesn’t it seem like these neatly fit exactly with what the vaxes do? Just coincidence.
Leaked doc #2: “Mechanistic Approaches To Therapy for Long Covid”:
-Virus this and that, inflammation, auto-antibodies, and SURPRISE our favorite type of damage, CLOTS!
A clearer view of the image:
Leaked doc #3. “The Balanced Forces At Play In Covid”
This is the super doc, pushing any and every nook-and-cranny of the Covid psyop into a one-for-all super slide. Just read all this nonsense and fear for yourself because I feel like vomiting every time I read it.
More and nastier variants in the future
👉The guy making these “educational” slides is the only nasty variant I see here.
A mongage of all the wonderful stuff covid injections “long-coivd” can bring:
This is what MDs are teaching other MDs
Now you know why medical professionals are so intent on following the global rules: The truth is in documents used in a class given by experts in white coats, so it must be true
Notes on the leak
*After intense internal deliberation, Proton Magic & Co decided that it would be better to avoid naming who I am making fun of (the Dr who presented the slides and the platform he was on) vs. giving credit to them. At the same time the world needs to see the BS their beloved Drs are being fed and this post and SS is for educational purposes only. It’s a balance of ethics. If the presenter or platform finds this and confronts me, I’ll worry about it then.
Just in case you wanted to snoop around on these docs I’ll help you:
☞Google search of the slide titles and images
Web results of the Slide titles: No results that find the exact slides.
Image search:
Slide #1: No results. I guess the speaker made this slide himself. Not sure why Google didn’t give related search results.
Slide #2: The diagram in the slide was found by Google here: The speaker used the diagram from the paper in the link and imbedded it in a slide he made and gave the reference.
Slide #3: Some of the results Google gives are on similar topics but the neither the slide nor parts of this slide are in the search results.
“Leaking and incontinence are not the same thing” -Anonymous Intel Agent
They just refuse to stop showing their "love" for humanity.
They won't stop til everyone is diseased with their inDOCTORination.
Wow. I interact with medical people and they are truly baffled which makes me baffled as to why they have any merit in society. Then I hear laypeople interacting in polite conversations recycling this absolute crap to anyone who will listen, around goes the dog chasing its tail. Then someone will question what I say, rebutting with what they heard from the experts their friends heard it from. And then I refuse to interact with anyone. I see firsthand what is happening to people, yet I am the "crazy one". Connecting causal relation has never been such a gargantuan feat. Thanks for letting us know what we are up against. I could go on and on about conversations I've had but dear lord... I need to control my blood pressure 🙄.