Postscript Notice: After writing this post, and perhaps being mind-spinned about what this is all about, I need to share something that may reflect the nature of societal infiltration, deception, and info spinning of some groups.
Here is a link with a riveting story from Jan in the comment section. Revelation: keep your mind open to all angles of a story before you jump on it. I’ll leave the original post intact to keep the spin and counter-spin issue alive. Yours Truly, Proton Magic
The “Satanic Panic” court case:

What in the New World Order does a virus have to do with a pre-school child abuse witch hunt? Has this little proton gone mad? Look, this is not satire like my usual posts, this is real baby cakes: McMartin Preschool Witch Hunt
In the 1980s a pre-school in LA was accused of being Satanic and abusing hundreds of kids in strange ways including making them go thru a tunnel and into the woods to get abused. Some alcoholic and mentally-ill parent complained to the school with this story, and a woman running a “Child Institute” with no credentials was hired to interview the children. She got 360 out of 400 2-5 year-olds to make “statements” about being abused. The woman showed the kids pens being put into a doll’s mouth making the kids crazy shouting “no-no!!”, and this was considered first class evidentiary statement by a prosecutor team with >200 person-years of legal experience. Dr. Fauci must have heard about this case which was why he was said to be drooling on his NIH job interview in the 80s as the legal case started.
The prosecutors office jumped on the case, the media was in a frenzy, and massive public protests went around looking to lynch the school managers. For extra creep, one male figure in the local media was fraternizing with the interviewer from the child institute and another became engaged to the prosecutor. Sex drive was in high-gear for the lead lynchers. Judges even co-signed Tommies in diapers’ affidavits to give these McMartins a life sentence.
Who has has the time and thinks they might get away from sexually abusing 360 kids? And what nincompoop prosecutor would believe this BS? (Proton Magic Chuckles).
In the end, and after years of legal wrangling and the accused spending 5 yrs in prison, no tunnels were found, the kids were deemed to have given leading questions by the research woman, and the managers were found not-guilty by the jury. The public ended up paying $21 mil for legal costs of all this nonsense.
This was a modern-day Witch hunt, the psychology of which is playing-out exactly the same now in our so-called pandemic:
1. The public was worked-up by the media and some people who claimed to have authority on the topic.
2. Many persons and organizations claimed there was a witch to be found, made public calls to get the pedo-perps, and wrote play-by-play articles on the issue keeping the public on their seats and their hands in their pants.
3. Peer pressure followed the whipped-up narrative which made many people join in and demonize dissenters.
Some people opined that the whole thing was drummed up by the Rockefeller Foundation as a sequel to their seminal psychological experiments (Orson Welles, Stanley Millgram, Sirhan Sirhan, etc.)
We are now in a 2020s WITCH HUNT, AND OUR WICKED WITCH CORONA is being exorcised with injections, PPE, disinfectant, restrictions, etc., and anyone like the no-thank you vaxers who are not in the lynch mob are also branded as witches.
Ah, the primitive people of the 80s. If they only had their school under total video surveillance with facial recognition like we do they wouldn’t have gotten into this mess.
To all, there may be deeper twists of propaganda to this story which makes this kind of information all the more important, not the least of which is that this little proton may have been spinned. See comment and replies to Michael Wallach below.
I agree with the fact that we are in a Witch Hunt and I love your work but I think Dave McGowan did some work on this and found there were some very strange things about the school after peeling back the onion in this book: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/programmed-to-kill/