Mr 2nd (as you refer to him as) cannot even reveal his identity, instead hiding behind an avatar. Surely he’s smart enough to upload a photo to his profile. A definite ‘wrong ‘un’ in every sense.

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There's not a more thin-skinned writer here haha. He was quoting Conservative Treehouse the other day showing his colors; next he will be shilling for Trump.

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I would want to be recognized as the "not so bright among many”……allows for a certain degree of freedom in the era of digital surveillance via internet forums post.

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"I’m beginning to wonder if Substack was made to give these folks a platform, and to find out how many of us on the other side there are and who we are".

It's very probable. Indeed, I wonder the same thing about any plarform that allows "free speech", like Telegram.

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You can be sure complex webs like this, likely even with detailed personal info exist in Intel circles, maybe even corporate circles like SS. Then again is there really a line between Intel and corporate?


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Let's "smoke 'em out"😉, he can't be 2nd if you and I exist 😂, then there's the beyond spectacular intelligence of the free thinking people on substack to consider, especially Mary Anne, fantastic in depth research, tunable metamaterials, I'm just an enthusiastic amateur, on a mission to create " heaven on Earth" WITHOUT the dogma and indoctrination of the fire and brimstone NWO religious zealots.

"Bash on regardless" ......the controlled opposition IS the NWO intelligence arm, very silly , I thank The Creator for woke hiring, they should have remained behind closed doors......now where's Flipper lol " thanks for the fish, now I know what the bowl of Petunia's were on about.

Cheers 🍀

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I've worked out that if you don't restrict your Substack then approximately 1% of subscribers will pay. You need a 100k subscribers therefore to get 1000 paid ones. Is that enough for a salary? Maybe if you live cheaply it is. Don't forget you have to fund your own research as well. So there's hardly anybody here making money. Does it die if we abandon it? If we're not making money how is Substack making money?

I'm also banned by Mr 2nd for exactly the same reason if I remember correctly (it was a year or so ago).

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If one could just get the virus dependent and addicted 'docs' to read the relevant science....a most unlikely supposition, there would be a chance to alter the narrative. Regrettably, like the addict, their cortical and thalamic control knobs are fried.

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Glad I read this. Was pondering following the (doubtfully) 2nd Smartest Guy in the World. I won't bother. If honest comment leads to banning, yeah... Not interested in shills like that.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

I did follow '2nd Smartest Guy' for a while and unsubscribed; although never paid.

As noted in the Post; there is an almost concrete subconscious similarity to the

'Controlled Opposition'. Though I still receive some I know are installed

for the purpose of 'Data Harvesting' and identifying enemies to the evil Arrogant's

and their Agenda it's always wonderful to find out just how stupid they honestly

are delusional to believe society is.

Not that I adhere to Nietzsche; but

trying to ascertain which side of the abyss is which from Nietzsche's quote...

“Stare Into The Abyss And The Abyss Stares Back”.

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Yeah, the psychopaths in control, the "useless ELiters," do underestimate Us, and many a narrative of Theirs is being lost. The "anthropogenic global warming" is but one. May all the rest of the falsities collapse and the sides of the abyss become stark and clear.

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Any comment that could possibly interfere with his grift of selling biker-meth-lab sourced chemicals gets you banned quickly. Best case scenario - his supplier is sourcing from China or India. Actually, best would be baking soda or lactose powder, because those are preferable to gray-market China powder.

Has anyone here ever seen a medication, prescription or OTC, human or veterinary, packaged in a box (or container) labeled "PHARMA GRADE" - ?

It's ivermectin or fenbendazole. These aren't used in foods or cosmetics. Or even in agriculture.

If it were legitimate veterinary medication, it would be labeled as such.

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Yeah, I cringe when I see IVM being touted. Clear sign of grift if They're selling it. Thank You for Your reply!

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Since then he has come out peddling IVM for Covid and Arthritis, lately Doxycycline for cancer. His target audience are the vaxed and those on the fence not us.

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His target audience is anyone who will buy

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Sounds like His motivation is... [drum roll] MONEY! Haha! Money motivates the most ghastly behavior choices. And that is why I aim to be rid of that psychopath-promoting tool.

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He is "he" in name only. This SS is made by multiple people and or AI because of the volume, frequency and intensity of the posts.

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I would not be surprised. In the least. But the Ones running the SS are clearly in it for the money. Directly (selling things) or indirectly (propping the "deadly virus" BS likely gets One "thanks..." If You catch My drift).

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Me Too... Banned .

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hi proton magic i just found you ------what i do with people like 2nd smartest guy in the world is ask them a direct question -------Do you ? 2nd most smartest guy in the world take vaccines in any form??????? and do you give them to your kids and do you reccommed them to the general public???????----------and i would like a direct answer yes or no -----------oh and i am subscibing to your substack post proton magic you were mention by really great company looking forward to your latest post

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Thank Bradley and see you again in the comments!

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I'm in as well :) Thanking you for your service !

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He's doing adverts on his stack. I got banned too btw for saying something similar but with less details as I don't have the specific training nor have I sought it out.

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I am proud to announce that I have been banned, too, probably because I intervened with 2nd's "Ivermectin business." Strangely, I have never received a notification about it.

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What's wrong with his iver?

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see my Red Alert: Don't Take Ivermectin post a few weeks ago and the links inside.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Author

When MaryAnn seemed to ban me from her SS I did not get any warning or notification. I even asked her twice thru a comment she had on my SS, and thru someone else on her SS why?...no reply. Then she (?) or they, still commented on my SS! Finally I banned her soon after she made a long comment which wasted her time writing it. Unless someone is really nuts I will try to discuss with them, or warn them to revise their message, or leave them like Broze to show the world their foulness.

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As far as I can recall, she has been publishing useful stuff, too. Strange.

What did she write to make you ban her? (I also negotiate first.)

2nd doesn't comment on my site.

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023Author

She didn't write anything strange. I'm not gonna negotiate forever, banning someone is a strong statement, and I've contacted her 5 ways from Sunday to find out why but no reply. So if someone will ban me but is really not communicative or fairly sharing their platform best to part ways.

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Well, I must give you the nickname "The BANdit" for being banned by some very influencial and popular Substack writers. Since subbing to your Substack a couple of weeks ago, I've already unsubscribed from two writers. Today, makes three. Mr. 2nd is the latest victim.

Needless to say, I'm placing a lot confidence and trust in you Proton Magic. I have a good sense that you are the real deal. Hope I can learn a lot more from you that leads to truth and answers that I long for. Cheers

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Uh, people! It is possible that something can exist that CAN'T be isolated. I don't know for sure, but since Nature is Red in Tooth and Claw, in my mind it is likely viruses exist. Of course terrain exists and is underestimated by our corrupt medical "professionals." Part of the job of terrain is make sure organic tissues are not easily invaded by other organisms seeking replication and nourishment.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Author

Dear Lloyd, thanks for the input. This, "something can exist that CAN'T be isolated" is not specific enough, could be true for quantum or other weird physics at the angstrom or smaller scale or string theory space folding scale. It could also be true for something that WE CANT LOCATE but if we could locate it then it could be found. Does Big Foot exist? We cant say no but then again there is no definition of Big Foot because none has been found. So for a SPECIFIC LOCATION AND IF IT CAN BE FOUND and if it is not there, no it doesn't exist THERE.

"Virus" size 100nm particles can be found if they did exist in a SPECIFIC LOCATION. Bacteriophages at about 30nm are easily found and purified and DO EXIST. Their characterization has not shown them to be virus, only spores of dying bacteria. If patients are said to be ill with a virus clinically and/or on a test that is said to test for that virus, and you keep looking in these patients but never find a virus using valid methods you can say that the virus has never been found so it is not likely to exist, you can certainly say that IT HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND, though theoretically it could exist in a location that we cant locate, like in a bat cave deep in the earth, but there is no logic to assume so. Is Godzilla in my room? No. Is she somewhere? So far only on a movie, so far viruses, ALL OF THEM, are only registrations in a library of viruses or text books or photos of structures unknown source and nature in mixes of cell culture debris-they never use valid methods to separate and characterize 100nm size particles. So yes you can have anything "exist" in your mind you wish. I wish many things in my mind could come out and greet me in the flesh so we are on the same page with that probably.

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Seeing with a microscope is not the same as isolating. Virologists claim they can see viruses with an electron microscope.

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You seem to be rejecting theory per se. Some scientists look at somethings with an electron microscope, but others look and think they are something else. All is theory with varying confidence levels.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Author

First you have to have a object separated from the other gook to know what it is. You need to ultracentrifuge then look under the EM to see purity then go back to the separated sample from the centrifuge then characterize and sequence FROM THE THING ITSELF. If I take a cell from Lloyd I know its Llyod and the genome belongs to Lloyd. If I take little pieces of genes from the local lake and have software make a big thing out of that, this is not finding a thing, it is theoretical nonsense re finding a specific thing until the researcher get an "a ha moment I need to separate a then then sequence it!" Since high school students can understand this concept, virology is pseudoscience, and for some intentional fraud. Could you say you found bacteria type A or B int the lake, yeah maybe but not the genome of a specific bacteria and certainly not a Novel bacteria just from this method using small primer sequences (metagenomics). Bacteria have been isolated before so going so far to say type A or B is in there is ok, but NO VIRUS has ever been isolated and sequenced from the thing itself, so even using the word "virus" is a reification fallacy.

Virologists never separate and purify things, they look at a mix of things without separating which is meaningless, these are all part of millions of particles that are all dead and unmoving, stained with heavy metals and bombarded with electrons.

If you don't get it, you need to see or read the references here as I think I cant help you further:


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So well explained.

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Some scientists think they are sequencing viruses which they think is a good substitute for isolating. Perhaps their theory is wrong. Others have alternative theories.

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BTW: Are there centrifuges delicate enough to separate one "whatever it is" thought to be a virus from a few molecules different "whatever it is"? What is the virologist excuse for not separating viruses for study?

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Its theoretical software assembly in a computer, not from any found virus. Its like saying you found a Hobbit because the software knows what a Hobbit should be from a book. There is no real Hobbit nor did you find one, you made it up, but your computer can register this Novel Hobbit and give you a vaccine so you dont get infected by them. See reply above.

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I'll be continuing reading and studying this issue. Without a "lab coat", I may never get a level of confidence one way or the other. However great it would be as a defense mechanism against "PLANDEMICS", the "no virus" theory isn't going to be accepted any time soon. We can't even get people to acknowledge the bodies and injuries from the vaxxx are piling up into a mountain.

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Well I'm not sure how you can ever be an expert on something that doesn't exist. So once you start studying it you have to decide whether to continue in agreement with it being the preferred weapon of the genocidal eugenicists or front up and call it for what it is, an invention in the service of bio-weapons (aka jabs, vaccinations).

This seems a good read (I've only just scanned it) despite the necessity of conforming to the establishment view to get published.


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2nd made a total tool of himself by sharing an article which was nothing but satire.... he had believed that Putin had shot one of his staff for mentioning that the West thinks 5G is safe.... everyone and his auntie called the article Fake News and he had to delete it.... this happened only yesterday and was highly amusing!

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Hi Frances, nice to hear from you and love your work. 2nd actually doesn't seem to be one person because of the huge number of complex posts and the canned complex replies to inconvenient topics I've experienced (it seems more like an COINTELPRO propaganda unit), and it's unclear if 2nd is a he, or she or mix of multiple of these. 2nd is certainly pushing IVM like it is candy, well at least many people in our circles are getting the word out that it's a sheep-dipped Trojan horse. It's still better to see what 2nd is doing so that we can warn others.

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Trojan horses were really boats hiding in a harbour down the coast before attacking the next day.

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The Greeks discovered ink on vellum as a weapon of war fairly early on.

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I'm sure that Frances agrees....

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So the correct pronouns are they and them? Well, scuse me for my crass insensitivity! 🤣😂

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I mean the group is made of many hes and/or shes, not that one person is a mix. I generally don't use woke pronouns because that is about pushing a globalist agenda not respect for a specific person's wishes.

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I was joshing..... never mind.

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I thought maybe so, its midnight here in Tokyo and I'm not myself with the keyboard right now.

See ya a better day!

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