What's going on in Antarctica.

No one's allowed to take a look.

Secrets like this breed conspiracy theories.

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"To protect them from what? EMPs? 5g? dimming of the sun? War? Toxic smog?"

how about all of the above; apparently they have years worth of supplies, gardens, clean water and magnetic transport solutions in the vast underground metropolis's; they can wait for the earth to calm down after they have finished wiping out the majority of all life forms on the surface;

they'll even have huge piles of worthless bits of paper with numerals on it to wipe their collective arses with AND still have enough left over to build brand new life forms when they pop their ferret like heads out of their holes;

luckily for us, there will still be enough of us left just waiting for the bomb proof, flood proof, nuclear fall-out proof doors to open so we can begin open season on the ferret heads;

then again, maybe it's best if we stop the ferrets going down the holes to begin with...then they might not have the chance to finish off all life on earth and we won't have to guard the bunker doors; rather, we could all just carry on living a relatively peaceful life without having to worry about ferrets crawling up or trouser legs to take huge bites out of our manly bits.

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THEY have been building these underground spaces for many decades, everywhere. It is also possible they know there is something on the way that is out of their control as well, beyond moving themselves underground to get out of the way. An asteroid like Apophis would match what they have been up to. They are never going to tell us the truth about it. That is for sure. The film Deep Impact from 1998 may well have been predictive programming about something like this. The word is US military intelligence had a very big hand in it's production and may have even ordered it's creation. I agree that THEY are clearly up to something with all this underground infrastructure. Catherine Austin Fitts says she discovered that there was nearly 1 billion dollars missing from the accounts at just one regional HUD office when she was Asst. HUD secretary under George 1 back in the early 90's. She was going to audit all of them but got fired for looking at this. She says there is a little known Federal Statute that allows them to just vacuum money into black projects out of whatever accounts they choose. None of this is traceable. I bet all of this missing money was used to build these projects we all know exist. There is no budget for all of it anywhere else. "Housing and Urban Developement" under the ground..........

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Good point and I'll bet DUMBs are in the mix, like rabbit holes where rabbits can scurry into when threatened.


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According to whistle blowers I'm aware of and believe because what they say fills in the blanks and makes perfect sense, the people that would be needing to be housed would run into nearly 2 million people or more here in the US. That is the number given by several people who are familiar with how big the family networks actually are that control everything from the federal level down to the counties and cities. This is why the material that has leaked out seems to indicate that the infrastructure underground is absolutely cyclopian with rumors about all the locations being connected by tunnels and rail lines etc.

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Wow, pls include any links, photos, etc if you can. It's clear there are 2 parallel worlds of life, information, finance, technical level, freedom, and now probably death.

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Proton, I'm going to have to think and probably search to find links to any of this material. The problem is I am like a vacuum cleaner about collecting information like this and evaluating how it either fits what I already know or doesn't. I am constantly looking so I can't remember where I saw these interviews more than a year ago. One of them was a lady in Texas who had been brought up in this secret family system and had been employed as a "journalist" here. She had had enough of it and started doing interviews on alt media to anyone who would listen. This went on for a while and then she disappeared. She said that this network reaches everywhere and is over 1% of the population of the US. They are Doctors, Nurses, Journalists, Lawyers, Judges, elected officials right down to the local level, everywhere THEY need to be THEY are. She claimed that she went through training beginning as a small child designed to blunt your emotions and basically make you psychotic. All of these people are trained like special forces soldiers from the time they are small children to do anything they have to. What she was saying reminded me of the childhood training scenes from the show The Amerikans. I figure this is why even the small town in Texas I live in has leadership that is obviously corrupt and has been for years. Our school board pushed things to the very edge here during Convid . Masking small children, etc. even though the vast majority here disapproved. They have managed to get a tranny, with long metallic blue fingernails, to run around on the school campuses doing some job for them while wearing rainbow outfits. I would suggest THAT IS the job. No one here thinks it's a good idea but them. This is how all of this has been accomplished. All you need is about 1% to run everything. In my town that would be about 100 people in the loop.

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Et's this is REALLY INFORMATIVE info, thanks! We all think it works like this but this is a real human description. This is one of the rare comments I will copy to my searchable database, because lots of folks just cant wrap their head around how it works. It's really really nice of you to spend so much time on the comments and here I want to make sure someone tells you that!

BTW something very special happened to one of my older posts today:


Speak again soon, PM

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Proton, I wake up every day just to oppose all of this and fight the fight any way I can. I will die fighting all of this. It is always my pleasure to help inform discussions with relevant info. I was given some extraordinary abilities but they aren't worth a damn thing unless used and shared.

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Thanks PM! Fine post!

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They may blow this planet to bits, but, like a cockroach, I will exist. Some where. Some time.

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On principle, in the trenches or on the barricades it is all gratis, given our common cause and mutual endeavour for survival. I cannot imagine that the likes of Schwab, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg et al. will fair all that much better.

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I've given up on "knowing" the motive for the Great Reset because there's so much disinformation out there. At this point, we are left with various scenarios, including an imminent cataclysm.

In the cataclysm scenario, the “New World Order” refers to a post-apocalyptic world; the Great Reset is a diversion and the PTB are using the COVID shots and the forthcoming WW3 to cull us before the event while a select few will survive in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). A leading contender for the apocalypse is a pole-shift by ~2040 in which the outer crust of the Earth rotates around the inner molten core. (Atlantis is supposedly in Antarctica and was obliterated 12,000 years ago when a pole-shift moved Antarctica to the South Pole.) There’s strong evidence periodic pole-shifts are real but the mechanism is unknown. One theory hypothesizes the existence of a Planet X (Nibiru), which orbits the sun every 3,600 years. Nibiru’s magnetic field can supposedly induce a pole-shift if Nibiru passes by the Earth during its perihelion. (In the “Pole Shift- Evidence Will Not Be Silenced” book, the author says “Nibiru” (AKA the “Eye of Horus”) is actually a constellation alignment that heralds a pole-shift and is not Planet X.) A less far-fetched theory is pole-shifts are triggered every 12,000 years by an external cosmic event (e.g. galactic current sheet) that attenuates the Earth’s magnetic field, causing increasingly severe climate change and earthquakes as well as the gradual separation of the inner molten core from the outer crust, which culminates in a pole-shift. It’s also been proposed a comet strike (or the gravitational effects of a proximate comet) could cause the equivalent of a pole-shift by changing the Earth’s tilt.



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1. The power structure wants more power and to minimize restraint on their activities.

2. They need to organize and trim the world to fit with them at the top, meaning decrease of the population, and to monetize and make assets (slaves) out of the people and out of nature (e.g., undersea mining).

3. They have programs related to space travel, genetics, mental control of humans, organ breeding, life extension, etc. and they need more freedom to do these projects.

-The sine qua non of all of this is the fountain of youth, at our cost of course.

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Yes, Ben Davidson has talked about the coming magnetic pole shift and the 12,000 year disaster cycle on his youtube channel Suspicious Observers. Doug Vogt has also talked about the 12,000 year disaster cycle, though he has a different opinion as to how it will play out--he talks about this on his channel Diehold Foundation. All of this seems to fit with the evidence all around the world of ancient catastrophes in Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision.

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Also, I just think the motive of the Great Reset is that the banking cartel has been plotting for at least 300 years to takeover the world. They have captured all national governments by getting the power to issue the national currency (created out of thin air and loaned to governments at interest). For 300 years, these banking families have had the power to create money out of thin air and they have used this trick to buy up the world. They now own everything. We are up against trillionaires. See the writings of Larry Romanoff at unz.com -He has a good article on the City of London, and one, Richest Man in the World, which goes over all of the wealth these banking families have amassed by their fiat money scam.

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Bank of England was established in 1696. and from that moment the blueprint of central banking method will be perfected. Creation of US Federal Reserve Bank and Bolshevik revolution were the finalizing blows of jewish families that have monopoly on gold/money vs the rest of the world, or as they like to call us, the goyim.

Protocols of Zion even state that all this will be made public once they will know nothing can stop their plans and the coming of their moschiah (messiah). Hence, serfs/goyim like us can discuss how we are getting depopulated and skinned alive and these parasites will not loose a shekel over it.

Idk, as far as I am concerned, these people are crazy af and all their prophecies are pure garbage. Projection upon projection upon projection upon a delusion with a lot of blood sex magic and lately possibly with a ton of hard drugs. What could go wrong? Nada, they will melt with enough time and fall into the hole they dug up for themselves. I say, let them.

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The Jews have been a scapegoat and impersonated by the NWO for a long time. The NWO "Jews" are not Jewish anymore than Biden and Pelosi are American. It's easy to blame one group, thats a psyop to distract you from the more complicated web of elites you can find here if you have the patience and stomach to get thru it.


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I took these claims into consideration. But there are many signs that it is not so and that tell me otherwise. And you are free not to believe that they are important or that they are truth, its your choice.

I build/confirm this hypothesis on the following facts.

Chabad is a jewish supremacist satanist cult. Chabad rabbis have entered every single government of relevance in all big developed nations in the world! All the monarchies have been subverted by sabbatean and frankist jews through banking by the time of WW2! Today's most powerful organizations are all under the control of owners of central banks.

Its clear that higher echelons of this network are all into practice of kabbalah/satanism, which is the foundation of Freemasonry and is found at higher levels.

Many prominent jews and rabbis boast that they have created speculative freemasonry in 18th century in London. Before that time (1717) it was a guild of master-masons.

You say they are scapegoated but they themselves admit to all of it. One can probably find thousands of quotes that range from end of 20th century to today! There is more, but I think this is enough here.

Yes, at this moment I am inclined to think that these jews ARE the NWO.

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The NWO impersonate Jews, the Chabad or any of these high level people are not the same as the avg Jewish person you see at the supermarket who has normal freedom loving values. Deflection, impersonation, and usurping Jewish attributes helps them hide. The jabs in Israel have been killing huge numbers of Israelis, the satanic govt there are JINOs (Jews in name only who want to change Israel into a Luciferian capital and use the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that they kindled for this goal as they always do by pitting groups against each other), like NWO hiding in RINOs. RINOs in govt are not the same at the avg freedom loving republican in your town USA. There are 2 tiers of the world moving at the same time. Pls see: https://iaindavis.com/itt-video-new-world-order/

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Ah, so you know the history! I swear I drops links on this all over the place, and most still don't understand the monetary system and how the banking cartel has taken over govts. I posted a ton of links on a recent Jordan Schactel substack post (he doesn't get it) and it was completely ignored. It's so frustrating!! It's like people have been socially engineered to not have any intellectual curiosity or interest in learning, and it just boggles my mind that they don't want to understand the monetary system and who is ultimately behind the Great Reset.

Yes, these people are psychopaths, but right now, it doesn't look good for team humanity--they are rolling out their digital slave grid and puppet govts are in on it.

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Hah! Thanks Sandra!

Check this post, I wrote about this exact topic


You probably know most of what I wrote but I think you might like it ;)

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Thanks! I'll be sure to check it out! We really need to keep working on exposing who is behind this plot against humanity!

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Hey Proton, why does there have to be a sinister end to all of this scamming and new technology. It's all been going on forever. Why can't this just be business as normal. Obviously the tech is better but not much else has changed.

Perhaps the constant threat of impending doom (that's been pushed for all of recorded history) is the most important part of the scamming. It would definately be one of my trumo cards.

What do you think

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It's been a slow tiptoe to make world government and have full control of the people.

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Aug 25
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Thanks Matt. Do you want to leave this comment up or delete it? I will not link to it in another post but someone could see it here, though this post isn't getting much traffic now that it's old.

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Seriously? No one is going to get away with anything. Don't you know that when Jesus comes back, the sky will roll back as a scroll, Revelation 6:14 (the atmosphere will disappear), thus ending the life of all who do not have the life of Christ in them? No bunker will protect anyone from that. But no believer will have anything to fear. If you want more info, check it out in my free booklets, here: https://discourseonagape.org/. I suggest starting with Discourse On Agape.

These are exciting times, the last day events are upon us, and we all have a front row seat.

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Well, Im sick and tired of hearing apocalyptic prognoses. So lets be creative about it.

Because, there are many straight-up lies which are a part of everlasting fear mongering narrative which is showered upon humanity. Remember, number one weapon of control is fear! Fear of visible AND invisible shit. Fear of shit that does not even exist! Viruses and nuclear as the best examples. Bunkers = holding pens for cattle.

Yeah sure, if asteroids hit and all goes to hell bunkers will be cool for keeping some zombies around for a generation or two.

Besides, these underground bases and all the resources that they are amassing are actually the result of THEIR fear. Do they even know that they fear a public lynching?

And what if something huge hits our planet? Why would I even think I could survive it thanks to my efforts? I think the only possibility of survival in such a huge natural catastrophy is if you are lucky and intuitive as Spider-man. To be in a location that will not get melted or flooded. Last time it happened, Atlantis 15k years ago, some people survived but all their high tech was not very helpful and eventually got burried and lost. So why worry and be fearful? Better to go try and live a life that will not be "thrown in vain". And if we are to evolve above this level of existence than we should conquer all our fears.

Btw, the purpose for FEMA camps could also be for the purge/upgrade/downgrade of police and military once they are done with depopulation of serfs?

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