Admin Sam is a fool.

Best example, is that last comment of yours where you state unequivocally that you are not advocating terrain theory, only highlighting the fact that no virus has ever been found.

He then proceeds to WAFFLE about how it is necessary that you demonstrate measels are produced by a toxin in order to validate your comments. Wtf? Does he have comprehension issues? He clearly has problems separating the two topics.

I also agree with that other person, Admin Sam's "lol" are passive aggressive, rude and inappropriate. What a dick.

You did well to get out of there when you did PM, that conversation was degenerating fast and would have dragged you down with it.

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Thanks Mia, you are spot-on as usual 🎯! As I was in the thread I was thinking, "Wow, Sam is really good at destroying his own platform". Then I thought he was so good at writing nonsense, "Oh, I can just get him to write my next post for me." So I wrote him my 2nd comment pretending to be serious, let him write his predictable near-comedic dick-head reply and I got myself a cut-and-paste-post out of it. Oh, and as you know I love to pin your comments, today is no exception!

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Taking him down while being resourceful, very nicely done PM. 😎💪🏻

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"Sam" is obviously following a script, making it convoluted and pseudo-scientific enough to make sure most readers cannot follow or lose interest.

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That explains certain things!


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I found Sam's comments to reflect everything you suggested and more. He not only suffers from the very issues he projects onto others, but deliberately and repetitively ramps up the differences held around a specific point so that he can eventually use this as an excuse to shut down the thread and any further discussion that doesn't specifically approach the topic from his chosen perspective.

A very dishonest operator IMO.

But then I left the environment of OFF Guardian years ago because it stank of limited hangout and controlled opposition. Maybe it isn't. Maybe it really is down to people being so obstinate in their beliefs that they feel they have the right to mock, ridicule, censor anyone who doesn't toe the line.

We have to remember that normies coming from the land of academia, journalism, expert opinion, carry so much elitist and special purpose baggage that's it's a miracle that some of them can think critically at all!

Sam is one of these people. He has mastered the art of passive aggressive dialogue which he wields with aplomb because he believes he's in a position of power.

All Sam did was reference mainstream scientific beliefs that are accepted as facts when on further investigation they appear to be nothing more than hypotheses wrapped in manipulation and massaging of data.

My personal view is that people will start to walk away from allopathic medicine as the message spreads and people like Sam won't matter much anymore.

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Well said Tsubion!

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Thank you your excellency!

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Yes, it's really hard to determine if it's controlled opposition or a case of "useful idiots". What I think happens is that people don't have to be paid agents, it's just that they instinctively understand where to draw the line because they are in some way supported by power, eg, OffGuardian says they are supported by individuals and alt media. What alt media? There isn't any non-controlled opposition alt media that has money to support OffG.

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That's a very good point. I believe Amazing Polly did an excellent dive into the world of alt media recently exposing the next level of connections and financial backing.

We appear to be living in a giant puppet show.

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Agreed, especially with your 'ramping up the differences' and 'normies coming from professional backgrounds' points. Spot on. 🎯

I can't wait until people start walking away from these types of people and their precious allopathic medicine. I do fear it might not be in this life time however.

Nevertheless, people having these conversations, like the one published here by PM, in public spaces where people of PM's caliber are involved is, I believe, one of the surest ways to expose these people, their dishonest tactics and corrupt science.

We have to be fearless, intellectually meticulous and honest, and willing to take these people on in spaces where the public at large are able to witness it and make up there own minds about things. We have to be inspirational examples.

This is why I appreciate the work of PM and others, it is necessary and taxing work that goes mostly untanked and misconstrued.

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" We have to be fearless, intellectually meticulous and honest, ..."

13Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matt 7, 13-14

Don't worry to much about "the others" ... your soul is your first and foremost responsibility - being only saved by THE LORD JESUS CHRIST - the rest is taken care of by GOD ALMIGHTY - CREATOR OF EVERY SOUL sending your soul wherever its most useful according to HIS WISDOM MIGHT GRACE AND PURPOSE!

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I like that verse, will remember it.

"your soul is your first and foremost responsibility" very true, thanks for the friendly reminder.

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Don't thank me - it certainly doesn't come from me but from THE BIBLE, maybe not in this wording - thank GOD ALMIGHTY - ALWAYS FOR EVERY SINGLE LESSON - and follow HIS WISDOM MIGHT GRACE AND PURPOSE ONLY!

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As for people gradually waking up to and walking away from allopathic medicine (at least the most harmful aspects of it) I expect things to go slowly then all at once after a tipping point is reached. A little accelerant wouldn't hurt though.

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I don't think you have to be intellectually meticulous! You have to make simple arguments that the average person can understand. Ask them to present the evidence. If they can't, but continue to talk at length, tell them there is nothing to talk about until there is evidence... The "experts" may find this demeaning - but who cares - but the average person understands that all their talk is just a bunch of blah-blah...

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If I remember correctly, English is not your first language?

Being meticulous does not mean complicating things. It means that in your approach you are precise and pay great attention to detail.

It means everything you have suggested and more.

It means knowing exactly what the evidence provided proves and does not prove. It means not conflating two issues or making circular arguments. It means not overstating your case or making general sweeping statements. It means you don't make assumptions or jump to conclusions.

I agree making things complicated must be avoided at all costs. The whole point is for as many people to understand as possible.

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If you cannot explain it to a layman - i.e. in layman's terms - it is either BS or you don't know what you are talking about.

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Yes, English is not my first language and I only read and write with a translator. Thanks for the explanation and we agree!

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Also, being meticulous is best done by keeping things simple and not over complicating it.

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" We have to remember that normies coming from the land of academia, journalism, expert opinion, carry so much elitist and special purpose baggage that's it's a miracle that some of them can think critically at all!"

THE DEVIL wears Prada!

The last will be first and the first will be last!

I completely agree with you and Mia and more. The only way out is to have compassion in THE TRUTH! Those carrying the baggage your comment refers to have not "chosen" this baggage. They are SCARED TO DEATH of the "consequences" of opening their very eyes. Like a toddler unable to wake up from a nightmare. And pointing out the DELUSION we all suffer from or leave is all anyone can do.

There are simply certain thresholds of TRUTH that cannot be overcome by words - time is the best worldly reference to what I am referring to.

Looking at the development of "AI" serves as the best analogy I am able to provide at this point in time.


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I liked but it is better worth saying very well said. I find he goes beyond what an administrator should do. He does it, as I recall, on at least one other issue which I won't mention.

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The first comment was excellent. In reading down I did what I always tend to do and stopped reading 'admin' replies because they are intentionally offensive.

Back at the dawn of social media I was like that too. It's a method used to intimidate an 'opponent' rather than debate someone with an opposing view. Actual intellectual discourse is much more difficult because you have to think, but if all you care about is being right your toolbox contains an assortment of logical fallacies but nothing of substance.

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Good points. It's probably a resourceful move not to waste time of these people.

But like I say elsewhere, exposing these people for what they are can have a positive impact on how others view the situation.

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I totally agree, if it's a subject I'm well versed in, having recognised that I am talking to such a person often I will lay down both barrels in as concise and logical manner as I can and then move on. If all goes well they will hang themselves with desperate shallow followup attempts to be right furious that they are being ignored.

I have research piled up so high I need wings to stay above it.

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Getting them to hang themselves is the way to go, it's very effective. Sounds like you know what you are doing, keep at it.

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Sam is pretending that "There are many ways to prove a hypothesis" and a valid independent variable isn't required!

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This. My translation is "There are many ways to concoct a fairy tale about unicorns if you can't find one." Just mesmerize the peasants with lab coats and techy gadgets and start working backwards. Spend enough time and money on this bullshit and VOILA! Why can't you 'terrain people' figure out how it's done?!

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Yes you are correct that happens, but that is not mutually exclusive with terrain ideas. Note, I do not push terrain in my posts but do think it is a valuable concept.

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Degrading conversations is the intention, to get folks to leave & put others off contributing. Job done

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Exactly, confuse and conflate. BUT, I think if he had just kept his mouth shut less no virus people would have written so much Well he has to make his salary.

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Ah yes, the love of money is the root of all kinds of virus causing disease theories!

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How long has he been admin on there?

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Sorry havn't been following OG deeply in many months.

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some years, i discovered offg on 2020, i always viewed "sam" as male, but im inclined to think female now, but at this stage it could very easily be a bot, "sam" used to engage in some subjects in a positive way.

Likewise as Yourself i drifted well away from that particular sewer some time ago, "sams" liking of deletion and subsequent ridicule when the contributors thread no longer made sense (becuase of partia/ and full deletions) and then denying he/she/it had made those deletions seems to be an attempt to get other contributors on he/she/its side

The gratifying thing is that on the occasional times i have glanced back at off g since Oct 7th 2023 its clear to see the readership has dwindled and only a few "troopers" remain in the comments section...

Disection and post mortem of offg is much like viewing the remains of an old faithfull hound that fooolishly strolled under an artic (18 wheeler), the prognosis is terminal and the cause of death obvious.

Perhaps "sam" can now find a new role being the disembodied voice at a supermarket auto checkout... the mind boggles?

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I am that 'Other person'! Perhaps Admin Sam is a Lol-lard. :)

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Ha ha ha Your comment was spot on!

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Nope, both admins are AI, at least in my opinion, and they are highly competent to misdirect a discussion and draw it into a domain where only they can win. :)

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PM, sound exchange. Well handled Sir.

The critical point emerges of the inability to prove a negative, which as you know is why science uses the technique of disproving the null hypothesis, which allows exceptions to any theory to be demonstrated until the theory is expelled into the anus of history. There exists nonetheless a severe limitation here as science precludes the ability to falsify belief. This may be best viewed as the essential ingredient of today's hyper-politicized, precautionary, policy-based scientivism, the bedrock of contemporary virology, climatism, Malthusianism, and all the hobgoblins required assert and maintain tyrannical governance.

It seems clear there exists a desperate need to maintain a virus narrative. The irony is it topples so easily and readily when one applies rigorous methodology. There exists almost no attempt to consider alternatives to the lazy thinking of germs, except from a few now beginning to consider the dangers and evidence of EMR and its many dire biological consequences.

Belief continues to trump science, as subjective truths trump facts.

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Thanks as always Latus for your encouraging words, yes they are getting a bit desperate.

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See: Russell's teapot. You cannot prove something doesn't exist. People will argue that there are exceptions to that, maybe there are, but when you are attempting to assert that something so 'prolific' and 'dangerous' as a virus exists without any proof whatsoever when the means to do so are available, that it doesn't exist is obvious and the only logical conclusion.

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Thanks John, I agree the only logical conclusion is not exist, but proof isn't the same as conclusion. We can't physically prove there is no virus under a rock someplace. We can say that for all intents and purposes there is no virus and all grants, budgets, tests, and treatments should be shut down. All virologists, virology depts, and infectious disease depts and people ditto should be abolished and absorbed into depts of microbiology, though many of them should be put on a space x rocket and sent far away asap.

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Imagine the advances in health and science we could make if all that money and effort was dedicated to real research instead of the herculean effort put forth to bury truth and prop up lies.

One or the other will be our legacy.

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Sorry to interrupt your interesting conversation with my tackle.

Arguing based on the fallacious gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF MONEY is the trap where THE SYNAGOGUE OF MATERIALISTS keeps everyone bowing down to it locked up.

My logic goes like this. Every men and women is being born with faculties and talents, based on the mental capabilities, that in one way or another furthers LIFE. From sweeping the floor to cooking a meal to growing potatoes to building shelter .. one gets the idea. And this is all independent - not claiming it's easy to imagine/believe - from any money. Money is certainly the facilitator of many - destructive - activities. There is even a CIA document as proof that certain strata of society were thinking of it quite some time ago as the blood of economic activity. But in a mechanical way. And it is - AS LONG AS THE MIND BELIEVES IN THIS GOSPEL. Once you see THE PONZI SCHEME OF FIAT CURRENCY - run by the central banks and its investors (yes they are private entities and there is a whole CULT of economics behind it, just like viroLIEgy) - you start to see the root cause of EVIL.

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I've been seeing it for quite some time now. Can't say I always did.

I agree with you, mostly, but I do think there is a much bigger evil. Money is one of its tools.

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If I gave the impression that my comment was the whole picture that I can see let alone claiming this being the WHOLE PICTURE I have to correct myself.

There are many many many more facets to it and as time goes by more and more are being revealed taking the past/history as the reference.

But taking THE BIBLE - which has proven over millennia and based on my personal experience to be the best code for understanding - as a reference the process of painting the perfect painting is drawing to an end.

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There is no ROOM in an expert's mind - IT'S FULL OF ITSELF!

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Please be aware of how difficult it is to recognize your own opinions and, above all, beliefs that you have held all your life as completely wrong. It's like a big defeat and hard to swallow. Not everyone is therefore controlled opposition just because they still believe in certain wrong beliefs. And this belief is also defended by people, because it's actually unbelievable. Until you accept that we are being poisoned on all fronts:

- Weather / chemtrails

- Food

- supplements

- sun screen

- Body care products

- Pharmaceuticals

- Media and television

- and much more

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and when taken as a list like that We should naturally move toward a collective description of such activities and that would be best described as "terra forming" a concept that many who understand some or even all of the above listed still struggle with

even little mr gates and his chums have enough grey matter to understand that they are poisoning Our world to a degree where their offspring will not prosper as "human-beings", the "hybrid" options being foisted upon Us could be viewed as "best case scenario" from those who have an inside view...

In the same way that thousands of self serving twat politicians and civil servants went completely psycho over the jibby jabby it could be considered that above a "need to know" point the options here are limited..

With those scaly fingers of the synagogue of satan hovering over buttons connected to city buster devices placed under major cities worldwide its correct to deduce that We are had by the short and curlies...

Confusing deity with advanced technology has long been upright monkey digger hybrids` cruelest curse

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Those carrying out above things FULLY BELIEVE of doing GOD ALMIGHTY'S work!

What an irony and what a stark WARNING to everyone! GOD ALMIGHTY has truly fun with HIS CREATION!

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Sam is an idiot !! He's basically saying that in order to call out the lies of viroliegy you need to offer hard scientific evidence of what causes what germ theorists from a failed paradigm have labelled flu, measles, monkeyhoax etc. Will throw in an ADIMN SAM LOL 😀 at this juncture to scoff at his utter BS 😀 LOL . OH that was 2 LOLS 😀 LOL !!OH AND ANOTHER LOL 😀 Thumbs up for Sam being OFF Guardian??

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Thanks PM. Sam's comments are painful to read, so I only read a bit but noticed right away a double standard. Interesting for someone who says "I just want people to be consistent.".

I left a couple of comments:

"Sam, please clarify your comment: “you will preface all further comments as your belief, OR you will link to quality evidence”.

Is this is a new rule for everyone writing and commenting on Off-Guardian, or just for certain people who write things that you disagree with?

Kit’s article is based on the premise that “measles” is a distinct illness, yet she provided no “good quality, scientifically-valid sources” to back up this premise. Is it hypocritical of “Off-Guardian” to publish such an article and then have an “admin” berate a commenter for not citing such evidence?"


"Sam you failed to cite scientific evidence to back up your assertion re particle physics, despite telling someone else that going forward they “will” link to “scientifically validated sources”."

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" Interesting for someone who says "I just want people to be consistent."."


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See good outline of the brilliant Stefan Lanka's scientific examination of virology's (unproven) claims:

> Jun 26, 2023 - Stefan Lanka Explains Seven Flaws in Virology - Plus a challenge to virologists: film your method for the public to see. Plus, where to purchase stocks of the Omicron 'variant' for $1200. Plus where to download the genomic sequencing Python code! [ ! ] - CopperVortex substack


Excerpt: "I wanted to highlight one question and answer from a lesser known interview with virologist Stefan Lanka by Antonio Muro found here:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PQTheJ-LPgWZPRbKgZiAwW5TRGOFeOz3/view?usp=sharing , or at https://truthseeker.se/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Stefan-Lanka-DSalud-Número-249-English-1-of-3.pdf .

"I have italicized what I feel are the important points. I have not included the first part of Lanka’s answer, which is just as compelling, but wanted to focus on his seven flaws in virology:"

Excellent breakdown by Lanka that should convince even the most stubborn believer in virus THEORY.

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Very nice of you to share this thorough comment with us Lucinda. This one you probably know, its's easy for first timers too.


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Thanks PM - When I looked at the url/link is said "Irrefutable proof of virology" but when you actually click on the video link, the title instead is: "The Final Refutal of Virology," which is a different kettle of fish, so to speak. Interesting, as maybe that url gets virus believers to click on it & then be faced with the truth about (oops... on edit: so-called) viruses. Smaht, huh? haha

p.s. I do remember seeing this video (2021) somewhere years ago & it's def a good one.

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Ah, I see that, didn't notice that before. It's a subtle change, not sure if it is for the purpose of catching the believers, or just a word usage issue (I frequently make many typos, misspellings and word usage mistakes myself), but she is not a native English speaker and who knows if her or her translator just slipped on words. Once you make a mistake on the URL title it can be a real hassle to change. Even you misspelled a couple of words in your comment above🥰

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Yep. Urls are a problem. Just corrected/edited irrefutable btw. I I type faster than I should & don't always re-read. If there's another typo LMK & I'll fix it. (fyi Smaht is not a typo but a sarcastic, Boston-slang usage. Like wicked smaht.)

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Well, at minimum, seeds of doubt were sown. Some will take root, even in closed minds, and like the mighty oak from an acorn, those seeds will grow and grow until they can not be ignored.

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Greg Reece has a short summation of 'virus vs terrain theory' https://www.bitchute.com/video/lFI82h6vinh9/

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Thanks for joining us today Mark. I made a note to his post, taking in context his past and recent behavior, he is up to something:


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You're welcome PM; Thanks for continuing your work of exposing the fraud that is Virology....i have been a follower of your work since 2020;

maybe, just maybe, Reece has finally taken the time to do some research of his own and has finally joined in with helping to expose yet another fraud being played out unto mankind.....

at the same time i do recognise that he does do a lot of gatekeeping for the establishment...as do many other so-called truthers; funny how a lot of them are only just recently starting to 'report' on what many of us truly independent types have known for years...and i aint talking about ConVid1984 and the JewJuice, i'm talking about how it all came to be and how all of the '5 eyes nations' have lost their Sovereignty and the Constitutions thereof thrown into the cupboards which to i is a much bigger issue than anything other than Chemtrails at this point in time;

if we don't all start doing something to help rid Our Parliaments (and US Congress) of all the Corporate pretend Governments, the UN will have its way much sooner than most care to think about.

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wow....now that is some heavy posturing for position that actually led to a nowhere land full of multi-syllable words (someone has a handy thesaurus) that came to a sudden halt with "the science is settled";

granted, i am but a mere layman about many a subject but 2 things i know about science; Science is :NEVER: settled; there may be a logical outcome for a particular study set/group at a given moment in time but that does not mean that another study set/group will not come along and disprove the first study set/group to be invalid;

secondly, just like a 'poll' or a 'census'. the desired outcome to the (a scientific) question can be ascertained by asking 'appropriate' questions and concluding at the end of those set questions...that is until someone else comes along and asks a few more questions or changes the wording of the original questions;

i also know that if one cannot find whatever it is they are claiming to be, then it simply cannot be and no amount of clever word play can make it so and to this end, no 'virus' has ever been found in Nature; lots of concoctions have been formulated to replicate what the 'definition' of a (given) 'virus' is said to be but no-one has ever jumped up and shouted 'here it is' while looking at a purified blood sample.....

beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria's have been found; beneficial and harmful natural toxins have been found; natural poisons have been found....is this the 'terrain theory' we are talking about or is it something else entirely?;

then we get to Patents and the first rules of registering a Patent: anything that is of Nature, from Nature or is Naturally occurring cannot be Patented....yet there are many so-called 'virus' that have Patent Office Registrations attached to them;

so, has the definition of 'virus' changed or are 'virus's' indeed a construct of man....created in laboratories by crazy little men in bleach white coats who get pockets full of shekels for their 'ground-breaking research' and even more shekels in the way of 'fun-ding' to go off and play chemist for a few more months until yet another 'scientific breakthrough' is found?

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"... that is until someone else comes along and asks a few more questions or changes the wording of the original questions; ..."

... now extrapolate it into INFINITY, ETERNITY and one - sane minds - what can be proven beyond mere observational description!

Be a witness - everyone!

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My proofreader was on the loo

"one can clearly see" - but sane minds get it anyway....

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Your titles are always so clever, PM.

I have to say I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest something might be proven to exist by a means other than isolating it first ... but it seems viruses haven't been shown to exist any which way. If the virology community wants to come out and say, "Yeah, we don't isolate viruses ... but we prove their existence by method X," well fine let's check it out. But they haven't done that. They act as though they have isolated viruses.

But yes, OffG admins are something else in terms of 'tude. For me Sam was quite tolerable (although what he demonstrated with you was much more extreme I believe than I used to see from him) but not Sophie - love to see you in an argument with her. But the worst thing is the censoring of comments, notably my comments on the staging of death and injury on 9/11 - OMG why is this so taboo, it's a no-brainer when you blow away the magic propaganda dust. Censoring comments is just so incredibly antithetical to what OffG stands for I really wonder how they can do it.

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Very good points Petra, thanks as always!

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From my understanding of the issues, virologists have indeed come out, admitted they don't 'isolate' viruses in the same way that e.g. isolation of bacteria is performed, and have said 'we prove virus existence by method X' - that thing being cytopathic effects in a petri dish (and follow-up electron micrographs). Stefan Lanka, in particular, by performing the missing control experiments and demonstrating that the same CPEs occur without the mixture containing the purported 'virus', and Drs Sam & Mark Bailey in their research , have certainly looked into it.

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Very good point, Alison. Confusion is created in the use of the word isolation to mean the "isolation" of the sample from the patient.

There should be a name for this method. I wonder if there is one.

Maybe we can invent it - Uncontrolled Petri Proxy - UPP?

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I just learned the term “sealioning,” and it looks like admin Sam has provided a living example

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Incredible this admin says virology probably has flaws while demanding nothing from it but everything from you. Clownery.

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I've just put in a bunch of replies to Sam's inane comments. Most of my replies are a broken record, pointing out that Sam keeps trying to reverse the burden of proof. It's his/her main tactic.

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Thanks, I read them. Very good.

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Admin Sam wrote: "I see no one attempting to set up a dialogue and test their convictions in an open-minded way with the virological community. I see a closed-minded echo chamber in the terrain camp, preaching blind belief as facts – eg. evidence-free concepts like ‘toxaemia’ as a universal explanation for ALL disease.

Where is the ‘isolated’ evidence for this? What measles ‘toxin’ are you talking about, or herpes ‘toxin’? Where are these ‘isolated’?"


No-one attempting set up dialogue? That's what the Bailey's have been trying to do for 3 years, with multiple signatories, including well-known figures like Mike Yeadon.

I see no-one in virology attempting to address well-founded and researched criticisms, even though these are gathering apace and changing the paradigm.

And I've never seen anyone who is looking into virology and alternative explanations for sickness claim there is a 'measles toxin' or a 'herpes toxin', or define illnesses as 'toxaemia'. This Admin person obviously hasn't even dipped a toe into the issues being raised.

I mean, all you have to do is pick a paper - any paper - about a purported 'virus', and it stands out a mile. For me, the 2020 eye-opener was the Washington U (I think, don't have my files with me) paper on America's first 'SARS CoV-2' patient. A master-class in circular argument. Coincidentally that paper was linked to me by a commenter on Off-G in 2021, as 'proof' of SARS CoV-2 as a distinct entity. It did nothing of the sort. 'Got a covid patient, made a test from their lung fluid, tested that person and found covid virus' about sums it up.

I'm flabbergasted at this Admin's comments. In my book an admin of something like Off-G needs to be intelligent, diplomatic, and, well, 'moderate'. Using phrases like 'your logic kinda sucks lol' after a thoughtful, logical and detailed reply from a commenter KINDA SUCKS, ADMIN. But to be honest, I stopped reading Off-G about 2 years ago. All got a bit too fear-mongering (ie 'we're all about to be killed by nuclear bombs! etc) and I started to get a bit suspicious of it all.

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"I see no-one in virology attempting to address well-founded and researched criticisms"

-Thats because virology is a scam mechanism to control the population and assets, it's not science nor medicine.

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I couldn't read the whole thing. So tedious to hear the mental contortions and silliness people engage in when trying to contest the idea of terrain (it isn't a theory). I wanted to let you know that I have recently started a Substack explaining why it is so important to know that viruses don't exist (as of what we know now), "germs" don't cause disease, and contagion is a myth. Maybe you'd be interested in taking a look! It's called This Changes Everything. My most recent post, put up yesterday, is about what "terrain" means, from the perspective of a non-scientifically trained intelligent person with some common sense (i. e., me). I'd love to hear what you think. And I do mean that.

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Ah, now I see why you've not been on comments in many weeks, will look at your page and glad you have done it! though you may get "Substack Insomnia" from too much work like I have. Hope to speak later.

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Yea, the OG deleted my no-virus comments back in 2021 and so I quit reading them. Controlled op (or just as bad for being turd-ignorant fucks with closed minds).

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Thanks for letting us know. I think they are workers with a job to do and follow an SOP to deal with different inconvenient topics for their overlords.

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