"Do you believe the unbelievable test". Which one of the following are believable as unscripted events:

1. It's 2022, Ukraine is surrounded by Russian Tanks ready to invade and President Zelensky says, "we'll fight back!".

2. Russia basically destroys Ukraine but the war drags out for 2.5 years now.

3. In 2024, Ukraine invades Russian territory up to 1000km and takes over 75 villages.

4. One Gazan boy with flaccid paralysis invokes a huge convoy of polio shots and cease fire in Gaza with Israel's help to save children after Israel has destroyed Gaza and said to have killed thousands of kids.

👉Hint, the number of items of "believable" has been found in a peer-reviewed clinical trial to be correlated with the number of Covid shots one has taken. Publication in print. People scream, "But correlation is not causation!"

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Yeah, strange how different rules apply in situations like these.

Cohenincidentally enough, Russian SMO was started exactly when Russian population was offered Sputnik V -> which they refused in huge numbers! Of course, all who were drafted were forced to have the jab!

I think that all BIG wars (and many that we can call SMALL) are basically purges of unwanted elements in the society/region/locality that is pushed into war.

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None of the above!!!

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They won’t allow food in but they will allow these vile concoctions.

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Thanks, this seems like some kind of twisted propaganda, like "Israel is trying to help" and "the vaxes are real". And how did they get these vax logistics going so quickly, and for one case of flaccid paralysis (supposedly, though in the vid he doesn't look"flaccid"), this all looks like a ginned up Trojan Horse to me. When the Gazans get sick from the shots they'll blame it on bird flu and give more shots I guess.

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I must have missed some episodes of this sitcom..... last bit I saw said that Gazans were dying of starvation and eating their pets. Surely they ate the chckens first?

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Gaza is the future for all of us if we don't pull our heads out...

Hi, FL. xo

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I think we all know, here on SS, what that's about. :(

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Israel doesn't give Palestine anything, so this is certainly worse than nothing.

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Lot's of obvious fakery with these wars; could be all fake. Back in April-May, there was a few days when nobody could figure out where was the USS Eisenhower fleet, in the Red Sea or the Med Sea, as if it traversed the Suez Canal twice in the same month.

War in Ukrainia also seems totally fake.

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Jesus . It’s so obvious!! Why don’t more people see it! I’m fucking losing hope in humanity here!! They fucking stopped a war to vax people!!!!! God Could it be more obvious!!! Anyone!!! Oh yea Ok A few people on substack get it That’s great!!! Fuckin great We are really getting somewhere now Fuck

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Right, I almost puked at seeing this, one of my rare forays into seeing the MSM lately.

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It is big show and your not in it :) And me neither, but this "war" is strange for sure - like the other one too. With the comedian SELL-ensky on the helm :P

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Does this soap opera come with advert breaks, please? I need to make myself a coffee.

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Oh dear.... they have now decided that its cheaper & much more efficient to just target them all with frequencies to manifest diseases then ship in shit loads of FREE VACCINES to help eradicate the problem! & VOILA... the kids are all slowly dying of what looks like natural causes for the next 5 to 15 years & those that live longer than that are infertile due to the vicious jab contents!

Job Done!

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I think Israelis are well past that point of humane approach to Palestine. And I think this is just a show for the watching world. That still believes in viruses and the medical establishment's propaganda. And that wars are fought in an "organic" way, for freedom of people that are fighting...

But we can see that this war is like a theater play. And that would mean that all the actors are all coordinated by the same regisseur.

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Israel is the most deceived and propagandised nation on earth. They have educated every generation since 1948 to believe that Palestine was a "land without a people for a people without a land". They believe that the only Arabs that were there were Bedouins passing through with flocks of sheep. They have been brainwashed into hating and fearing the Palestinians and no matter how much evidence we show them, like documents, stamps, coins, businesses, 100 year old orange and olive groves, they will never be persuaded that their Zionist leaders have deceived them.

They are going to be exterminated by their own Khazarian usurpers who are no more Semitic than a kangaroo.

It is a vile, 2,000 year old plan, written by the Romans and attached to their Bible in a totally faked book called Revelation! They are following that book as a blueprint and a carefully symbolised genocide.

The writers forced that narrative into all three Abrahamic religions and, hijacked our natural power of manifestation to bring it to fruition!

Anyone who falls for the deception has been suckered in. You only have to read Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini in which he spells out precisely how the Christians and the Muslims will be depleted of their population, resources and strength. He speaks of 'releasing the atheists and nihilists' - aka the Zionists embedded in all three Abrahamic religions.

Revelation is an abomination and very few people truly understand how well it has distorted the Western world.

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☞Israeli, Israel Govt, Jewish, Zionist are easily conflated terms.

☞American, US Govt, patriot, traitor, republican, democrat are also easily conflated. "RINOs" and "Libtards" are also easily conflated with various factions and meanings.

1. Aside from passport, Israeli is a vague term, can be person of various religious, cultural, or ethnic affiliation. Same as "American".

2. The Govt and high level mil of Israel largely means NWO operatives, who may call themselves Jewish but thier allegiance is to the NWO. This is exactly the same for most all high level US politicians and high level persons in every branch of Govt and Mil (ditto for most countries). They are "cut-outs".

3. Jewish, can mean a practicing or nonpracticing every day normie with head in sand or red-pilled person like us., or it can mean fake Jewish person with self aware affiliation to the NWO or not aware, they were just told they were Jewish by their parents or decided to affiliate with being Jewish, a kind of "cut-out".

4. Zionist can be of any cultural, religious, or ethnic affiliation in some mix as in 1-3 above and others such as Christian Zionists. They may or may not understand the end game of political Zionism which is run by the NWO.

👉Persons doing bad things to humanity are any of above associated with the NWO.

👉There is no such thing as a Jewish race or ethnicity.

-I'm writing quickly, may have missed something.

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Proton - I am compiling relevant comments into a post. May I add this one from you?

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Sure. Please feel free to fix up anything not written properly.

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But there is a Jewish ethnicity! They like to deny and confuse those who do not understand that Judaism is not just a religion. This ethnicity came specifically from Jakob's family. As the Jews have already said, non-religious Jews also belong to the Jewish ethnicity. A Zionist cannot be a proselyte, because they convert to the Jewish religion, but their race is not Jewish. It is no coincidence that those wishing to settle in Israel are asked to prove their ancestors' Jewish origin! Those who can't, won't be allowed in! A nation was always created from the blood relations of a group of people. Like, for example, the Japanese.

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In general, we agree.

There is the Transfer Agreement which shows how the Brits (british zionists) played with the European jews to have them moved into Palestine. I believe Israel even was in War with Britain in 1958.

And Lord Palmerston's plan to populate Palestine before it, right?

Mazzini, not Manzini, right?

Btw, I have issues with the Khazar theory. Nothing special


Also, thanks to Fomenko, I have a fresh/different view on the Abrahamic swindle.

Maybe one day we will agree on the details as well ;)

Have a good day Frances

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Well, it is evident that you have yet to read my article which does discuss the transfer agreement and other ruses pulled on the Jews. I appreciate that it is very long and annotated so you may not have time atm.

Sorry about the typo on Mazzini's name. I have corrected it.


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The Fake Albert Pike Letter, Mazzini and 3 World Wars https://youtu.be/9msVvKlmk3w

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The letter was never admitted to, nor found. There is no proof of who wrote it, of course, BUT, just like the much disputed Protocols of Zion, whoever penned it knew of the future plans of the Black Nobility and their associates.

Albert Pike, a Confederate officer and Freemason, and Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian revolutionary, exchanged letters in 1871.

Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez is mentioned as the original source of the information about the letter and he is an acclaimed author of Mystery Of Freemasonry Unveiled. https://angeluspress.org/products/mystery-of-freemasonry-unveiled

Originally published in 1925, this book remains the best summary and reference book on the deceits and evils of Masonry. It is very interesting that the Cardinal quoted from the letter written in August 1871 and commented that it was in the British Library. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_masonsknightstemplar15.htm.

Mazzini lived in London, off and on, and was there in 1871.


Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian patriot, philosopher, and politician, is credited with founding Italian Freemasonry, specifically the “Loggia Massonica Italiana” in 1847.

Influence on Italian Unification: Mazzini’s Freemasonry involvement contributed to his efforts in promoting Italian unification, as he used the organization’s network and ideology to spread nationalist sentiments and coordinate revolutionary activities.

Links to Mafia and Cosa Nostra: Search results suggest a historical connection between Mazzini’s Freemasonry and the Mafia/Cosa Nostra, with some sources indicating that Mazzini authorized criminal activities, such as thefts, arson, and poisoning, as part of his revolutionary strategy.

P2 Lodge: The “Loggia Massonica P2” (P2 Lodge), a secret society within Italian Freemasonry, is mentioned as having acted against communism and promoting a presidential republic. Its members included politicians, secret service agents, military personnel, and magistrates, and allegedly played a role in Italian massacres aimed at blocking social conflicts and left-wing advancements.

Organized Freemasonry and Harm: Some sources invite reports of personal harm or experiences with Organized Freemasonry, suggesting a potential dark side to Mazzini’s Freemasonry legacy, a significant role in Italian unification and alleged connections to criminal organizations.

Earlier in his life he travelled a great deal and was a close associate of Felice Orsini, an Italian Black Nobility revolutionary and leader of the Carbonari who tried to assassinate Napoleon III, Emperor of the French.


Even if the letter is faked, it is remarkable in its accuracy, don't you think?

Something we might expect from undercover agents of an international crime syndicate who make a habit of forcing narratives into the human consciousness and hijacking our natural power of manifestation to bring a plan to fruition!

Early Neuro Linguistic Programming, perhaps?

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But the letter only exists in the minds of people who are predisposed to believing that The Zionists faked the moon landings... so they could take over the world and eat all the fresh born babies.

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Not sure what you are saying there.

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This debunking is somewhat non-convincing, to be polite.

I can only compare the content of this letter to the Protocols.

And Frances Leader already stated the relevance of the precision in which the contents describe events in modern times.

Regarding its content, I can say that I have seen more than few rabbis who say how Islam should NEVER unite with Christianity. And hence the jews will be profiting if they manipulate Muslims to fight with Christians.

With great success, as can be seen in UK.

Do the Muslims know that the Talmudic law is higher than Commerce or Admiralty/Maritime? Which btw to me seems to be correct.

Of course, the Arab monarchy and British monarchy are cousins. And on the top they are working w their Churches.

Its a case of a Few playing with Many.

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Now "The Protocols" are real too?

Whay not just read The Holy Quran?

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Sure Pete. Like with the owner of this yt channel in comments, who claims that the French revolution was 100% innocent socialists.

And that Noahide Laws are to be desired!

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This was a thorough investigation into what they are and not https://www.bitchute.com/video/YYTLpdXdiEVh/

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Yes, exactly so.

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It is simply marketing there... in this case for big pHARMa and the WHO. But also Nike and Adidas like to sponsor fake events. Even the pic has adidas again ...

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No way 1, this is not a marketing campaign for vaccination!! No way 2, those are certainly not paid actors. No way 3, that this war is staged. No way 4, that Hamas is actually funded by Israel.

Agent131711 had a great stack about the crISIS actors recently...

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I heard they ate the hostages months ago.

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Regardless of the possibility of such horrific turn of events in that part of the Biblical world, it would seem that cannibalism is gaining in popularity elsewhere as well. But not just the straight up Haitian "throw the enemy into fire and eat him while the meat is still blistering", no no.

There is also this this other, ritualistic and magick derived cannibalism, organ trafficking in part is done for this purpose, not for transplants.

Reading rabbi Ariel Toaff's "Blood Passover - The Jews Of Europe And Ritual Murder" and few other books, it all became clear to me. The pedophilia and adrenochrome, abortions and organ trafficking, satanism and human sacrifice. Huge magickal-healing power is in the blood of the innocent/sacrificed. What is most telling, according to the Babylonian Talmud riding rabbis, the strongest and most preferable type is the blood of Christians, babies blood power is x1000. Satanists like Marina Abramovic (as well as rabbis) also use the blood in their black magick rituals and casting spells or curses.

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Sirius - mate.

I was joking!

However I have also heard all the old tales of blood sacrifice and all the other heinous behaviours you mentioned. But that does not mean I actually believe that any of it actually happens!


Since Roman times, tales of such things have circulated about the Jewish community but haven't you noticed that the people actually caught in the acts have mostly been Priests and Nuns of the Catholic persuasion?

Does it not occur to you that the Vatican has been covering up, scapegoating the Jews for 2,000 years? Why? Because the Roman Catholic Church is one branch of the old Roman Empire. The City of London handles the Empire finance and Washington controls the military. It is a three headed monster and it wants total control over Palestine/Israel, the reinstatement of Khazaria and Astana as the capitol of the entire world!

I grant you that renegade or false rabbis made plenty of shekels writing books like Ariel Toaff's. Others worked for the other side, lying their way into Palestine from the 1930s onwards.

I firmly believe that the object of all this historical and hysterical hatred, accusation, deportations and pogroms are DESIGNED to enrage Christians and Muslims until they join in a REAL blood sacrifice of the entire country of ISRAEL.

Read my work laying out the plan in detail here:


As for Satanists - they have never had the numbers that are claimed and they certainly are not capable of real 'magick' - they are deluded, sad attention-seekers, little more!

That is my honest opinion after many decades of study and activism.

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Oh, but we agree on certain things.

It is just that my comment seemed like it focused specifically on the jews.

Altho, I see only a very small part of Christianity that is willing to call out their older brothers.

And you can not downplay the extent of hate that these jews have for anything Christ or white related.While whites are actually a MINORITY in this world.

Renegade false rabbis? Are you thinbking about the millions of Catholic priests that are crypto jews at heart? If not, you should.

There are SO many books that show the true face of the jew, SO many movements in the past, all saying what is always heavily censored. But when this type of stuff is connected to Christians, it is printed in millions of books and pushed as gospel

I have learned and seen enough so that no one can now downplay the role of what are called "the jews"!

And I find that the roots of this issue lie in Babylon and it's cosmology and what today people call satanism is worship of demons that are known since those times.

Modern Islam and Christianity are completely on board with Satanism. In official chronology, both Christianity and Islam were created on the foundation of the OT.

But we do agree on the fact that, as you call them, black nobility families, are in league with Babylonian Talmud rabbi's, the top of the Christian world - the Vatican, Islam and Israel. Governments do not have any sovereignity, nation states are a Human Zoo spiel for the goyim.

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Thanks for implicating some sort of forgiveness for my bad taste in humour! I am very sorry that my sarcasm was not apparent.

Would you mind if I copy/paste the content of our conversation as a post, where we can encourage more people to weigh in on this discussion without hijacking Proton Magic's excellent post?

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Re: your conclusion about Islam and Christianity uniting against Israel.

Incredibly enough, this goal is aimed for by both the Zionists as well Christian-zionists and Apocalyptic believers. Radical Christians would want to see apocalypse while they are alive - while many crypto jews push for it as well - BUT for a different reason - its because Messianic jews are claiming, that when all hell on Earth breaks loose, they can expect the coming of the messiah to make them god's chosen and turn the Earth into heaven.

But there is an issue with Islam turning on Israel. MANY rabbis said how they are using Islam as a broom against Christianity. And this is what we are seeing on the ground, silent invasion is in full swing and getting stronger every month!

On this note, you can read the recent article from Alan Saborsky PhD, a jew and a retired Marine officer, on Unz.com. Title: "Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well”

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Yes. I was not sure what you were implying lolz. One liners without face and contact with who is saying them often remain a mystery...

Why would you want to? MANY will disagree with me.

Firstly, these comments are written in haste and would need to be expanded upon.

Second, I am no erudite scholar or a trained researcher. Yeah, my perspective is kinda unique - why?

I crosscheck everything with what I learned so far from A.T.Fomenko and R.Steiner! Information I learned from them is unique and without it many things would remain a mystery. And it is a huge body of work that they have done, so very probable I will be learning while I am alive and still have some to learn when the curtain finally falls ;)

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However, in their Torah it is written that "whether a person or an animal, which is completely dedicated to the Lord, cannot be redeemed, but must be cut down and sacrificed, because it is a very holy sacrifice to the Lord, their god"... You don't have to you can believe it, just read it!

Today's Christianity was created by Constantine the Great, and in order to favor the Jews as well, he designated their god as God the Father, the father of Jesus... After that, the scriptures had to be falsified to make them somewhat similar to the Jewish scriptures... You don't have to believe this either, just read it!

So Christianity is a religion invented by the Jews, in which the popes and high priests perform the same magic that the Jews do to their god. The Inquisition was a public human sacrifice to Jehovah, the Jewish God! Of course, this was practiced and is practiced now, but not publicly...

Let's say Islam is also from them - through the "Christian" popes - who, interestingly enough, are always of Jewish origin - and in that way they can present many more human sacrifices to the bloodthirsty god....You don't have to believe this either, just read it! And do you think why the Mende legends about the Jews spread if they have no basis? And why does he always brand the goyim as liars when it comes to what the Jews do?!

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I have read and written about quite a few theories about the origins of the three Abrahamic religions and none of them were particularly attractive! One or two people often comment that the Jews created Christianity to bring down the Roman Empire but were thwarted by Flavius who commissioned the writing of the Gospels as a mind control mechanism, saving the Empire a small fortune in military costs!



"You don't have to believe this either, just read it!" to quote your good self.

ps (Edit)

I cannot find anything about the Jews of Mende.... neither can AI.


Peter, the legendary first Pope was obviously Jewish. (So was Jesus, apparently). There was one other known to have been Jewish, St Evaristus but he only lasted 8 years. Subsequent Popes were appointed from the Roman nobility and they were mostly descended from Etruscans or Greeks. Throughout the Crusades, the Popes were appointed by senior Venetian Families who lived in the Papal States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_popes (fascinating list)

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Sorry, I didn't write about "Mende" Jews, I just used a Hungarian term for the word "stories" that the translation program can't translate.

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My first reaction was disgust at the hypocrisy. When I reeled in the emotion in the next 30 seconds I was mad at myself for letting that overide rational thought. Such is the power of these psyops. Even to the aware. Think of the affect on the those that are not.

Looking at things rationally the trickery is pretty obvious and pushing forward the agenda using all the tools. War. Germs. Vaccines. Normie media. Echo chamber media debating labels. Israel has been reanointed and good to go for a few thousand more child deaths.

Francis’ take on the three pillars of world government, finance, and military tie events together nicely although you could quibble on some of the founding elements.

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Better than "Israel" the correct term is "The cult that controls Israel". The number of Gazans killed pales compared to the number of persons around the world the "US" has killed or had killed in wars over the last 75 years. Saying the US killed though is quite rude to the average American who has no clue who pulls the strings, I would say, "The cult that controls the US".

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We get all wrapped up in these labels and identifiers. Labels are imprecise shorthand that evoke all sort of personal imagery. Another tool to channel thought. In the mean time the military wing of the cult executes.

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Agree Mike though there are some differences in a way. What the US did was hidden well. Did you ever think the US killed 2 mil Cambodians and Vietnamese and 1 mil Iraqis+ millions of Japanese were firebombed to bits in 70 cities and countless others. I dont have all the data memorized. Israel is a bit different, it is not hidden what they do and Jews around the world are blamed as well for world control, which is the farthest thing from the truth because to get in the power structure you have to be part of the Occult, Free Mason, etc. who are likely to call themselves Jews to deflect the heat, they don't call themselves Americans. This is why we need to be extra sure about "Israel". I hope you understand my logic and take care.

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I think we both see the underbelly of the beast. To forward an anti-human agenda, shiny objects and deception must be used. I’ve had a long lifetime of indoctrination. Problem (for them) was I kept opening the hood and crawling underneath to see how it worked. Respect dude. Keep hammering.

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We know polio is caused by DDT, but it seems very likely that it's also caused by any number of environmental toxins that are similar, or possibly even water that's somehow no longer drinkable (without problems!)...

TERRAIN THEORY is clearly FAR FAR FAR more compelling than all this nonsensical "germ" insanity...

But how many Gazans have the wherewithal to find out about what WE on Substack know? And even here in the US with the ubiquitous CELL PHONES irradiating everyone, we are still struggling to educate OUR people...

It seems we will simply have to lose a lot of lives for nefarious reasons, and that said, we must KEEP ON TRYING TO SPREAD THE WORD.

Thanks for this post!

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Like Antartica, its another thing they can all agree on despite being in a war.

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Tell me more about Antartica. I hear strange things go on there?

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Wow... this is the best subscription I have!

Another AMAZING thought provoking post.

Thank you!

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They are killing them with the jabs 100% for sure

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If Israel is able to pull off forcing these vaccines it will be a most successful attack. Can anyone imagine any Palestinians lining up for these shots?

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They denied the Palestinians the Covid shots so why would they want to administer the Polio shots? Could it be because they know about India's experience with those UN approved jabs?

Also - to vaccinate a starving child is almost guaranteed to over stress the immune system and result in alarming adverse reactions. I guess that the Israeli health authority lost touch with DO NO HARM somewhere since 8th October.

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We both know Israel manufactured/allowed the 7th attacks Frances!

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It is the occult NWO handlers that controls the Israeli Govt

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I doubt that the Israeli Health Authority was privy to that subterfuge! There are probably really decent and dumb doctors in Tel Aviv, campaigning to get these polio jabs because they are so brainwashed that they genuinely think it would be the right thing to do. 🤪

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So now Palestinian children are being killed by "vaccination"? The Jew figured out how to kill in such a way that they could not prove the fact of genocide! At least according to the current state of "science"

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Hi Ida, we want to be careful of conflating Israeli Govt (NWO) with the Jewish person on the street. That would be like conflating all Americans with the occult war mongering and vax poison pushing NWO US politicians, ergo you would be falling for the Jewish cut-out psyop.

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Bingo, little Proton! I stand aghast at how many blame 15+ million working class People for what the psychopaths - in that group and others - are doing on Our planet. 1% across the board are genetic psychopaths.

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??? But how can people be blamed without power? It is clear that it is about those who have power! But let's face it, someone who happily kills and tortures on command is not completely normal either!

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When the US mil destroys Iraqi cities they do so because they are ordered to do so for the mission they are brainwashed to accomplish and to avoid the consequences of insubordination. Neither they nor the Israeli mil as individuals would do this. This was what the Milgram experiment showed. I agree they should be held accountable but being held accountable is not the same as directing it.

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I don't think anyone talks about collective responsibility when they name the enemy!

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However you said "The Jew figured out how to kill" But Jew≠Israeli nor the Israeli Mil or Govt, so who are you referring to? Jews means people in a religion spanning the globe, ethnicity, nations, and political views.

Mixing Catholic with Jesuit would be a similar problem and I would tell you the same thing. Fauci is a Jesuit I am told, does that mean all Catholics are murderous vaccinators? I don't think so. Actually please read the About for this SS on comments and consider editing yours above. I would change "Jew" to "NWO operatives hiding in the Israel Govt".

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Sorry, I don't know English, I only write and read with a translator! I don't know what English words he translates the words I write in Hungarian into, I can only see if it makes sense in Hungarian! Sorry if not! That is why I wrote that only those in power can be said to be responsible. I was thinking of Netanyahu, his advisers, the chief rabbi when I wrote that "the Jew figured out how to kill the Palestinian children...". At the present moment, he and they are in power in Israel! And I haven't forgotten that some of the Israeli Jewish people have already protested against Netanyahu...

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more genocide

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