Some pertinent points I've garnered from this post.

👉The INDICATION for whatever is in shots etc. is not the same as what EDTA has been used for in the past. What may work and be safe for one indication may be completely different from another.

👉I notice the same ease to believe "safe and effective" brainwash for normies with the shots is now playing out with the red-pilled for treatments of nasties in the vax etc.

👉No one investigator's findings makes something safe and effective.

👉Trusting a person or not does not make something true.

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Live commentary with "Targeted Justice" from this post


TJ states in the post

"Dr Ana Mihalcea has personally researched the effects of EDTA on clearing the blood of nanotechnology from COVD shots. EDTA and Vitamin C have been proven to work."

["proven" wow, we don't need clinical trials anymore then?]



Proton Magic

You knew EDTA is made from poison?


Targeted Justice, Inc.

Chewing gum is made from toxic chemicals - that does not mean the final product is toxic. Clearly, you did not study chemistry.


So basically, you are saying - wait for the blood clot to form and accept instant death. No thanks. That's not an alternative. I did notice you did not provide a "safe" alternative. Nothing but criticisms. Are you working for the criminals?


"Agent 131711" - We also noticed you did not provide a real name, address, or email...

Proton Magic


Did you read the specs in Agent's post with Safety Data Sheets denoting EDTA as causing serious health effects and not for drug use? Would it be polite for me to say "Clearly, you did not study English?"

Proton Magic

Don't follow you. Why would anyone use a chemical known to be hazardous with no clinical trial of efficacy to prevent an outcome that has no proof of it preventing? We don't really know if/what Ana did, with what, it is only her report. Fauci also reported AZT was useful for AIDS-clearly now. Ana is using a known hazardous chemical-supposedly EDTA- and she does not do clinical trials under GCP or GMP, no safety review board or PMS.

Agent131711 is just posting public info. Getting his name and email address will not change that info.

Targeted Justice, Inc.

The same govt criminals said ivermectin should not be used to save your life. This is the same govt responsible for safety data. Did we miss something?

[Note: EDTA pusher, IVM pusher]

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Seems like you’re not the only one smelling a rat here:


For what it’s worth, I have not trusted Dr. Ana or her crew for some time. It’s been evident, to me at least, that many of these so called alternative doctors are merely exploiting a different market by manipulating people’s fears and emotions.

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Yeah, I only beat him by about an hour at the publish races.

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I smelled a rat three years ago when Malone did his first outing on Rogan. I could just tell by what he said and how he said it that he is working for the enemy. All these freedom docs and many other freedom health people too are snake oil salesmen, making a fast buck out of the fallout of of the pandemic.

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I agree, I have felt the same. She discredited herself in my eyes after she jumped on the bandwagon rapidly about the shedding, claimed that the unvaxxed are contaminated, and the ludicrous lack of science she also jumped on board with Justin's one Asian woman with the orange/blue glowing face under UV Blacklight (to long ago to find the link for you, I'm sure you can find it in Dr Ana's substack feed if you want it). She jumps on board with narratives without providing adequate scientific evidence. I am not looking for peer review, I am looking for credible evidence that she can produce and have not seen it yet. And I am entirely open minded and concluded there was nanotech in the shots before many.

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Sean and Dr. Ana believe that voting Trump into office as POTUS will save America. Seriously! If they actually believe that any selected candidate running for president is going to make a difference in the decline of the USA, then I doubt anything else they’re purporting as truth is true at all. 🤔

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Yeah, I puked watching them. I wanted to keep politics and Sean and Ana's antics out of the post but here in the comments it's right on.

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Rs and Ds play for the same team…and The House always wins!

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Likely They're both part of the show. Leading the participatory audience along.

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Seán never believed putting Trump into office would save America, or recommend EDTA or zeolite.

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It's all AI-generated, and the "remedies" are manufactured by the same pharmaceuticals and/or their subsidiaries as the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections. Ivermectin itself was a Trojan horse:


This time, one chemical/radiation follows another; it allows for a huge range of potential ways to die, and the culprits can blame contamination or human error, while maintaining the stance of inculpability.

If it was me who designs the steps, I would make sure that one chemical/range of radiation follows another, and they activate each other as needed. In fact, they seem to do exactly that, and the globalists' game is nearing its end:


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Yes, how silly even I was to think otherwise.

Man, it really stinks to realize you’ve been played.

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As I told my father 15 minutes before he died and was bawling, "It's never late."

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I thought this take on it was fairly intriguing.


Something's off about the push for EDTA. I can't put my finger on it, but it sends up my alarm bells and tells me to keep searching. Take that for whatever it's worth.

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Yes, but there's always that lingering "revelation of the method", so that when most people die because they didn't heed warnings, they can smirk, "well we told you the remedy". They double speak so much it can be hard to know....unless there is independent confirmation.

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Nothing Ethical in "telling" Us (amidst lies, misdirection, and theatre) the truth. It is only Ethical when delivered straightforward, unambiguously, with all efforts to deliver needed knowledge, in the vernacular, in clear and certain terms. Any unEthical approach will not absolve Them of "karma..."

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And it can be a double-edged sword. When I was close to dying last year, I tried some of the miracle meds, and only one was working, and only for a week, no more than two. The other ones were bad to begin with, and even the one that helped (which is possibly a reason why I'm still alive) turned bad after no later than two weeks. I concluded that I was already halfway synthetic:


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Yup, Mihalcea has been under suspicion for quite a while by now. Just search for "Mihalcea" under my "Archive" to learn more.


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Yes, her facial expression is strange at the start of the SGT rumble vid, smiling or smirking. Very similar to Gates.

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If you look closely she is quite masculine, a very thick neck. Something strange is going on with that person in more ways than one.

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I can see the scar line from where he had the tracia shaved. This appears male.

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Yep, it's all "off." My whole thing is honing in on emotional resonance, and she's missing something critical.

...and I just put my finger on it. Desperation. The rest of us, the ones who legitimately care, are in various stages of desperation trying to get people to wake up and look at this.

She's too cool. Too calm. Too certain. Her "anxiety" feels manufactured; the contours are off... The honest ones know we're all basically in way over our heads, regardless of education and knowledge levels, and regardless of whether we're more worried for ourselves or others, and that gives even the most Zen among us a certain... palpable, pulsing urgency. We know that even if we can clear peoples' blood and stop the MAC transmission, that doesn't mean the threat is over. And her posts feel like those shows that end with, "Will the princess escape the clutches of the evil Monstroso? Tune in next time to find out! (And buy these limited-edition chips, available at a grocer near YOU!)"

It's a minefield in a hall of mirrors, with the mines made of clusterf&@#s and the mirrors all smiling and whispering they alone have the Grail.

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Best comment! Beautifully insightful. I appreciate the sharing :)

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Gates and Trump appear to have female hips. And they appear female in the facial features. Gates former spouse Melinda looks 1000% male. They are inverts.

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Same as Ardis

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Why doesn't someone contact Sean from SGT Report and ask him?

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Don't expect him to say much besides he reported on Ana's posts and he thinks she does good work. We need some 3rd party confirmatory data on this topic.

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Let us trust our instincts. The instincts that have been THE #1 Target of ALL of "their" efforts.

Trust yourself and your own instinctive knowing. Put away the need for "experts" and reclaim your natural God given instincts!

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That's why I said someone needs to confront Sean from SGT Report and ask him. He puts a lot of information out there. I don't know, if all is true. Do you know that some are not the facts?

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Yes, I just wanted to focus on data in the post but me and you know they are wolves leading the sheep. Confronting Sean would be like telling a hippo to get out of the water.

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He is part of the commercial wonder drug cabal.

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Really? Sean from SGT Report...

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He has another wonder drug with Dr. Robert Young. They seem to be partners.

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What is proton saying about it? What was your illness? Glad you recovered +

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Ray explained it well in his post and I agree with him.

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We are on parallel wavelengths this weekend, Proton.

I include Dr Ana in the "random fearmongering Vril Maidens" that I mention in this post:


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She writes more than a human could, so is AI or a group. Her stilted relatedness, talk about Annunaki and interdimensional beings and Occult, picts of spider legs coming out of checkerboard ceilings, and and even worse symbolism on her HP, and ingratiating Christians is just toooo much.

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I never go there..... she is given to religious hallucinations and that triggers me with memories of evangelists speaking in tongues!


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From: Agent131711’s Substack:

EDTA POISON: The 3 Ingredients Used to Make Our Beloved Heavy Metal & Nanobot "Detox"

The truth sucks, but I'd rather rip off the Band-Aid and deal with it than bury my head in the sand...


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read AGENTs ss today...EDTA is poison

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Yes finished it already and saw your comment in it. Thanks Prof.

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He also claims Methelyne Blue is as well. So if true, it looks like all roads still lead to Rome.

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EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a xenobiotic molecule, meaning that it does not occur in nature. It was developed in part to remove lead from sailors who developed lead poisoning from painting ships with lead-based paint. It works very well for that.

Because your kidneys recognize it as a foreign agent, they will kick it out immediately and if it’s gone, no more chelation.

To chelate means to claw or cleave, and EDTA will attach, or cleave to, to free metal ions, and being somewhat pH dependent, it will attach to the easiest available ion first. So, it might see a zinc ion and a lead ion, and it would attach to the zinc ion first, for example. This happens in a chemical moment, because chemistry is essentially the study of electron transfer. The charge will determine which is selected depending upon what is available.

Because this process happens so quickly, a slow IV drip has big advantages over oral ingestion.

Once EDTA cleaves a metal ion, that molecule is removed by the kidneys. It is best done in a medical setting. Zinc and other metals may need to be supplemented after a session.

Chelation is usually done in series of ten sessions. Only free ions can be chelated, so it won’t remove anything bound in tissues, for example. It make take multiples of sessions to remove enough of the contaminant to restore optimum health.

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Well written explanation Ekoh, thank you.

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My late SO was a chemist who was trained by an expert on EDTA. I learned a lot from him.

I also met someone at an event who had worked at a chelation clinic. Both saw excellent results and restored health in individuals. It does have benefits if Used correctly. I would never recommend oral usage, knowing how it works.

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Oral gets excreted out too fast?

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what about the microsomal?

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Good question.

My concern with oral chelation is that it can cause an imbalance in your necessary metal ratios. And too much could cause kidney problems. It’s very important to monitor blood and urine levels to see what might need to be rebalanced. That would be challenging when using an oral form of EDTA.

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"Agent" is writing about this today:


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I have 3 shots , each of anestetic for pulling my teeth within 4 months time frame in 2019. A year later I was really sick and not quite sure why. Fast forward due to Dr Anna (and other researcher) those shots contains nano stuff… At the time I used may method to cure my self. The one that work inclueing sodium chlorite (mix with weak acid, to become chloride dioxide) well known substance for malaria and other ilnesses. Plus anti parasit. It works but takes detail step to make. ClO2 is known to heal autistic kids/person…

Last one I tried was gold plus frankincense plus myrhh mixed in boiled water (thanks to Frances Leader). This one is quite good and simple to make.

As for edta i dont have access to it.

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Thanks for writing, can you give us a link to the detailed steps and any clinical trial data?

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For ClO2 you can read “Healing the symptoms known as Autism” 2nd ed by Kerri Riviera. Also book “Forbidden Health” by Andreas Kalcker. Autism is basically heavy metal poisoning (like chemtraila) that destroy brain cells. ClO2 and Sodium Chlorite was “found” by Jim Humble in the 70s to treat malaria. It has been used by many many people with good result.

As for gold, frank. and myrhh was adviced by me by Frances Leader (she has substack as well), she was once poisoned almost die and she remember thia remedy which is from old china remedy and cure her. Interestingly these 3 things related to Phrophet Yesus peace be upon him, as well has been used by Phrophet Muhammad peace be upon him although not mixed together. In modern time, gold is found to be very strong anti toxin, and frnakincense and myrhh fixed the rest of ailment.

Hope this help

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Thanks so much. Kerri gives a very complex explanation on how to make it, it's a bit oppressive to read. I'll have to "distill" it.

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You can simply puchase chlorine dioxide to consume (i did),,, later on i learned how to make it

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Did you order liquid form? If so can you suggest a link?

What about this


I wonder how much to put in a liter of water then use it?

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You should buy aodium chlorite plus weak acid/citric acid such as this, and mixed it depending how many drops you need (1:1 mix)… as for clo2 tablets i have not used it. Btw i dont live in the us, but it is available here (cds solution which is clo2 in liquid form)


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liquid gold?

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Dont trust any commercial product.

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I wish I had anything to contribute. But so far... I would not hang a hat on that just yet. Thank You, little proton. for bringing this forward for consideration!

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Never heard of Ana before but a short google finds this book: https://www.amazon.de/Solutions-End-Times-Plans-Blessing/dp/B0CKGT5DQS

And look at the other ppl writing it... Tenpenny, Merrit etc all suspect as shills. Also seem to push the criminal/ fake abr religioN(s)

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Hey PM, have you ever heard of Shilajit? It supposedly is destroys metals in your body and is an excellent detox treatment.

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I've vaguely heard of it and zeolite. Admittedly I'm not up on these things. Are you hinting it's an upcoming post for you? I'm all ears.

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That’s a good idea now that you mention it. 🥸

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