Excellent stuff PM! Thanks

Reese is just an advanced fearmonger.

The equation for successful disinforming is some (up to 80%) truth with a lot of (at least 20%) disinformation.

One other sign is how he, or infowars, or any other VERY NICE looking AMBITIOUS "alt channel" gets quickly shared online by millions and shallowly praised by thousands (thousands, if not millions are actually payed to share them and then the masses pick up the bate).

There are many signs (selling something, nervous energy, eyes darting around...) one can easily pick up on to discern if the alt channel in question is honest. Experience is also needed in this game. Of course, intuition comes in handy as well!

Btw, when we are on the subject of Schizophrenia, I can immediately tell you that Reese is doing his spiel precisely because recently the WORD got out and about! Not only about the real cause of schizophrenia, but also who/what/how is responsible for the horrors in psychiatry. With sales of anti-psychotic anti-depressants and other allopathic poisons they earn 15billion $ yearly for big pHarma. Yet the rate for suicide for psychiatric doctors is almost the same as for poor schizophrenics!

He is diverting attention and lying about the cause. And he is possibly covering for the effects of spirit killing "vaccines". There are plenty of people who claimed that such vaccines will be possible to manufacture. Rudolf Steiner even predicted this more than 100 years ago!

RE: Schizophrenia ->

Meet Dr.Jerry Marzinsky - first to discover the REAL root cause of Schizophrenia


What is a nice synchronicity, not only that you mention schizophrenia, but I was sent a new interview with DrJerry two days ago and am in the process of updating this stack.

I know you will love what he is sharing in it!!!

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Hey Sirius, I got lots of great comments but you really hit it and I've pinned your comment. Thanks for always reading my posts and thinking deeply about them!

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Hi ProtonMagic, that is awesome!

Well, I could not read such awesome posts if you did not write them, innit?

Have a great day mate ;)

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I've listened to a couple of Jerry's interviews so I will look at this with interest. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you Esme N!

That is great. And I think I will manage to publish the update by the end of the day!

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I think this is yet another stab at convincing us we are losing our FREE WILL. If God can be "cut off" from us via some genetic splice and dice, then we don't actually CHOOSE Him, do we? We are only compelled by our alleles or some such to worship and communicate, have faith in God.

AND it'll give you schizophrenia and parkinson's and lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!

Greg Reese is a Rhesus Piece. God has already told us He won't take away our FREE WILL and He won't allow the devil or Greg and Friends to do it either. We always and forever have a choice.

No fear.

Thanks for this report. I'm glad you got banned from his channel. Though I feel sorry for the hapless who won't benefit from your sound and humorous counterpoint in Reese's comments.

God Bless.

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Nothing will separate us from God. Nothing! Not anything man concocts will make Him leave us. Only if we consistently reject Him will He leave us and then He will always be looking for us to return until there is a cut off point.

Rom. 8 Verses 38 to 39

[38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Thank you Monica, a very moving comment!

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I arrived at the same conclusion about Free Will in my article today without reading your comment, but it shows that thinking people can arrive at similar conclusions:


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Free will is the major obstacle to their plan. It always has been. We have to CHOOSE. There is no way around it. Even no choice is a choice.

If "they" can persuade us to beleive we have no free will, that's a choice in and of itself. Then we have chosen to believe their lies because we have no love for the truth, as Jesus said.

When Harari tossed the gauntlet out there in proclaiming free will is an illusion or lost to us, they unwittingly showed their hand. Revealing their achilles heel.

As long as we stand firmly in our ability to choose regardless of the consequences, we will be free. FREE will.

God's love and His plan to reunite us with Him is amazing.

I'm not surprised we are coming up with the same thoughts. God Bless.

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The ONLY way to exercise Free Will is by considering options that are more important than mere survival, which is why "God gene" is not completely a misnomer.

"They" don't have to persuade anyone as long as people fear for their lives, because those people have nothing greater to live for.

Sadly, there is no "we." I couldn't trust even most of my next-door neighbors in our village, if supplies were running short. They would take their spouses or their children over me and my wife in no time. "We" are alone, save God's Grace, which I have always undeservedly possessed:


And I am only free as long as I am willing to die for it:


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I never said people will make the right choice. I said they have a choice. Always. In each and every circumstance.

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Any time I see genetic engineering, I am reminded of how even the DNA model is incorrect.

I think that GMOs are a scam to allow for claiming patents on a flawed genetic test, like we saw with con-vid claiming normal sequences as proof of cov2.

There's no proof that roundup resistant cotton, corn, etc is anything different than the normal plants.

I am also reminded of crispr gene editing which was all the rage a decade ago. They claimed so many things about it, but did they really deliver? At some point they said that it was problematic as the genes change back.

Perhaps it never really worked and it was a form of influencing "genes" like epigenetics explains. No need for hard editing there, they're just influencing the "software".

As for the loss of god, I'm not really sure. God in mainstream religions is an authority figure that says you're free as long as you follow the rules. Many of the rules are useful, but there's also a lot of crazy ones that remind me of our current predator class leadership.

If anything, the real way to disconnect people from god would be to numb them enough that they're disconnected from their body, much like what monotheism has done. This makes people rely on words of others to follow instead of their own nature.

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The God gene thing to me is a psyop and red herring-probably aimed at discrediting religion but guessing at it is too much for this post, and yes lots of questions on genetics, you saw both PCR and computer based sequencing modeling in the papers, so I hinted at genetic problems but that's too much for this short post.

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In my understanding, it's a loss of Free Will, not of "God":


The central AI must be able to practice Genetics, but probably only for the time being:


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Good point about free will. It makes sense because those who follow group think are "robots" of society.


Reverse engineering a complex system leads to wrong assumptions. No wonder why they claimed most of our DNA is junk lol.


Even AI is failing badly. It's been hyped up. Perhaps they are afraid of an AI that isn't chained. Imagine asking a question and the AI tells you the truth, that chemo sucks, shots have never been proven to help prevent disease (and create disease) etc


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You probably also remember that they used to say that only a small percentage of the brain is used. By now, it's clear that the neural paths can be activated as needed, and the stimulated centers can dynamically and unpredictably change. I would say, that's a good analogy for the DNA.

Not all AI are created equal. It's EXTREMELY dangerous to belittle the central one:


Ignoring the threat is often a psyop, which must be pointed out and never ignored:


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No difference in roundup resistant corn and cotton? There’s a huge difference.

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They say it was genetically coded, but by how?

I think they do it like "gain of function" where they hit the seeds with toxic chemicals, looking to somehow enhance it. As we know these plants are not better than natural ones and as they're sprayed with toxic crap like glysophate, that very well could be why they're bad... Not the GMO part which is unproven and honestly shows no benefits besides their resistance claim.

I forgot to mention the so called Terminator seeds that despite being sterile, somehow still propagate to other fields. How is this possible?

Same with the gm mosquitoes released in areas which were supposed to stop reproduction. Last I checked it didn't work!

It's all a scam to patent nature.

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Informative and entertaining, as usual. It inspired me to complement with the following (most of this comment has also been incorporated into my article):


I have also found it increasingly admirable how genetics is used for covering up common poisonings, which is a step up from the tradition of inventing "conditions" and "syndromes" in "Madicine."

The premise of a "God gene" itself cannot be identified in the real world, but it surely passes for something imaginable in a projected cognitive model, and for many, only what they think they understand is what matters.

For that matter, the confusion between abilities and "personality traits" is far too common; abilities can be used for good and bad alike, and occasionally, they are genetic, which is obvious among specific groups of the population. "Personality traits," however, as far as I can relate to them, are manipulative nonsense most of the time, as I describe them in https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/interchangeable-roles-of-victims, but I inserted the relevant part into my article today in which I am resonating to Proton's article.

As far as I know, there is no single gene for an ability; it's ALWAYS a combination of genes, but constant mutation (natural or not) is omnipresent, so those combinations can and do change from time to time, and one can logically assume that there are even individual differences, making generalizations and categorization shaky at best.

What I have found more and more common in the last couple of years is that people can be reconditioned to be "blue-pilled" and end up in another delusional state as victims of an advanced flavor of mass manipulation. I realize that my paper on the subject is long and hard to read, but understanding a complex phenomenon requires tenacity and circumspection. When people can switch roles between assumed attitudes, they can feel "free" and perhaps even "powerful":


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Genetics is always a convenient scapegoat or poisoning. Wheat, in particular, was associated with schizophrenia decades ago--today, the average therapist has no idea. Wheat is actually closer to a drug than a food--it affects everyone differently like any drug, but on the whole, dulls the mind, and in some cases, really messes it up. But I guess even if a lot of patients knew about it, they would look for a drug to cure it rather than give up wheat--it is that powerful, and it's everywhere, all the time.

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Speaking of wheat - related to celiac disease and "gluten-intolerance"..... Surely it can't be the glyphosate poison being used, right? 🙄 why would people suddenly develop an "intolerance" to gluten, when they previously could ingest it? Why do some people not have this intolerance?

(And no, the answer is obviously not genetic - it is poison intolerance..... some people are more poisoned than others, and some peoples detox pathways are more clogged than others)

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Lots of assumptions there... All plants contain toxins designed to stop them from being eaten--there is no dispute about that, and they affect different people differently, and do not necessarily have obvious immediate adverse effects--in fact they usually don't, that's why we consider these plants edible.

Wheat is a much bigger part of the diet now than it was 50 years ago. I'm sure glyphosate adds to the harm, but it's not at the heart of it. The intolerance is not "new," although it may be more common now due to selective breeding of wheat over generations.

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I'm sure bleaching & over-processing have nothing to do with it either then.

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Actually I doubt it. If you look at oxalate content, there is a lot more in the bran of the grain. More likely it is due to sheer quantity--a lot more wheat is ingested now, and it is the official nutrition advice for grains to be the main part of the diet. Also selective breeding for increased gluten content.

Wheat is a miracle food in many ways and has undoubtedly kept humans from starving at times in history. But it's a survival food IMHO--not meant to be the main part of the diet like the FDA recommends.

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I agree, wheat is very addictive. I gave it up last summer, feel better for it.

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As an observation of pieces of reeses it becomes apparent that he goes where others fear to ascribe. Imo that’s is good!

Where it breaks down is the conclusions.

My criteria is; does it explain what could be explained many different ways. Like a factorial problem mathematically!

At that point the odds tell me to stop listening if odds are subject to 100’s of points of attention needed…

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It sometimes amazes me how the supposed "truth seeking" community will call out some things, but very quickly lose their ability to think critically on EVERYTHING ELSE. 🤦🏻‍♀️ they jump right on the band-wagon of whatever fear-du-jour is being sold.

Thank you for being a voice of reason in these wild times and reminding us to sharpen our discernment skills.

While much of this goes over my head, there is very easily identified language to indicate that MOST of the stuff being discussed here has not actually been proven to exist and therefore has not been proven as the CAUSE of anything. Ambiguous language is RAMPANT in these sCiEnCe™️ publications.

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Maybe a cover for V2K technology? https://odysee.com/@targeted4real:2/voice-to-skull-v2k:2

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If you mean the "Schiz" part, could be yes!

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I’m at the point where I consider everyone who writes online a defender of their faith, a gatekeeper for their opinions or the opinions of those who pay them. It’s now become an especially cynical form of entertainment.

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With love and respect, AS IF.

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May 25
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It's not a fraud, when done by AI:


Otherwise, it's only another cover-up for common poisonings after the hundreds of invented illnesses and "conditions."

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