Thanks everyone for reading Proton Magic. This is the last post of the year-unless I'm hit with a "Substack Emergency". Next week will start year 3 of posting, it's been a pleasure to learn so much from all of you. Have a great NY!🎊
I was chronically depressed into My early 20's. And I do mean chronically. And then... My sister introduced Me to Choice Theory by William Glasser. And that made all the difference in the world. I wrote an article on that:
Good piece, little Proton! Interestingly, a while back I was given a battery of psych tests and when They went over the results, They said, "You're perfectly fine - no mental issues at all... But You ARE eccentric." LOL! And how!
Thanks for sharing, personally I am happy you are better. As you know you are one of my favorite people on SS and we are comrade flies on shit now even. On the treatment, it is interesting because these therapies are complex. You did 3 things at once: 1. You got information from the Choice Theory content, 2. Time passed as you got it, and 3. You had hope and expectation (because you accepted and enrolled and sis referred you). You may even have had a therapist with charisma, another variable.
There was no control group which could only be yourself split at the moment of starting therapy and you were not blind. And, we would need to see what Choice Theory could do to 500 people divided into 2 groups, both blind to the treatment and actually double blind (treaters and subjects). Well this is impossible so...
But my list of non-psychotherapies, like coaching, solution finding etc, did not say they could not help anyone, in fact they may be quite helpful.
If all this was simple I wouldn't have written a post on it! Anyway, look forward to speak to you next year!
But you did get dishonorable mention in the video, more than some of the flies on shit got. You could cut that part out of the vid and make it your flagship post of the new year?
While dissimilar dissing occurred, dishonest morally / ethically disabled people making dishonest and dishonorable accusations need disclosure by a distant disappointed non Dr in 25.
Further - Dissidents shouldn't be dissipated by diseased dissuaders but that lot need dissolving and dissipation.
Just dissatisfied dissemblers and censors, me thinks.
Actually. I read the book, and tried the suggested approach, and it worked. No expectations, really - kinda the opposite. And no therapists. And... It worked the first time I tried it. Not for long, initially, but it worked.
So I kept at it. And in 6 months I was no longer choosing to depress. And haven't for... 40 years or so now. Haha!
The tests I took were a number of years after the choice to try the suggestion. And I wouldn't have done the tests but, well, it had to do with the hell of losing My daughter (ironically to My sister...). I wrote about that, too...
As I'm sure You are aware, Mankind's mind is far from simple my Proton friend; Not only are we, as a species, gifted with independent thought and feelings (urgh!) we each walk our own path through this thing we call life
As we walk our separate paths, we each experience different reactions to 'life' and any or all of the difficulties that present themselves; Mostly those difficulties come from other path walkers who see 'life' completely different to 'us' for whatever, many variables, reason(s)
Some path walkers never experience any real hardship or emotional turmoil; They 'feel' the death of an elderly loved one as 'the most traumatising event' even though, all things being equal, we all leave this mortal coil sometime after our 80's; These types of walkers more often-than-not are the Ones who sit in judgement of others as they 'observe' all the 'strange-to-them' behaviours exhibited by the more outwardly emotional walkers; all the outward emotions they observe in others is foreign to their thought processes; They then feel an overwhelming need to place their observations into neat labelled boxes for future reference
How's my psychobabblery going so far?
My path, and indeed Amy's is very different to these 'sheltered' types (how's that for a label?) in that we have experienced very real and touchable emotional experiences;
I am what 'they' label as a 'survivor' of childhood abuse of both the emotional and physical kind; I have no shame in admitting that (now) but at the time, while being 'psycho-analysed' by one 'therapist' or another for my 'disruptive' behaviours, I was made to 'feel' that there was something very wrong with my mind; Confusion and not knowing where I 'fit' ruled my thoughts for many years... roughly 45 years if I am to be completely honest (now that I think about it)
I spent my formative years in government 'care' facilities where I was Told how I Should feel, How I should react/not react and How I Should interact with others who themselves were damaged goods that no one wanted; My (our) childhood was a literal minefield where any outward emotion was often met with extreme prejudice by those claiming to be 'carers' and fellow unwanted's alike; 'the system' basically taught us all to trust no-one, especially anyone who claims to be an 'authority'; I care not to think about how many similar-to-I path walkers are 'out there' still breathing now but I can guarantee a great many of them are in a gaol or 'mental health' facility somewhere...
I went through many 'mind' stages; Introverted; Extroverted; Fun; Morbid; Protective; Uncaring; Violent; Passive; Nurturing... and all the time never feeling like 'me'; I was a walking persona whose moods and attitude changed depending on the company I was in
a deep sadness kicked in; self pity? quite probable; self loathing? absolutely; 'clinical depression' was the 'medical professions' diagnosis; Tablets prescribed; Counselling prescribed; CBT prescribed... Next 3 years is kind of a blur but one thing stood out to I; all the 'therapists' I encountered seemed intent on comparing their lives to mine even though they were what I label as the 'sheltered' variety; They liked talking about themselves before asking how I feel or think about their given topic; Yes, they had many 'certificates' mounted in nice frames hanging on their nicely decorated office walls but not One ever admitted to have any real emotional turmoil in their lives... 'problem drinking' seemed to be the number1 reason why most of these 'therapists' chose 'counselling' as a career; Yes, I was 'brazen' enough to ask them about themself even though my mind was in a petro-chemical 'tablet' infused state of altered reality; Deep down I knew I needed to and indeed wanted to talk openly with other similar path walkers; No book study can compare to reality; There are no correct or wrong answers; All the 'box ticking' in the world amounts to the same thing... Box Ticking
3 years of mind numbing tablets and various 'box ticking counsellors' later I'd had enough and coming off the 'psychiatrist prescribed' tablets was one of the most difficult periods of my life; constant dizziness; fatigue; hyper activity; insomnia followed by days sleeping; very disturbing 'fight or flight' dreams; unable to follow through on 'stuff' I had set myself to do throughout the day; I spent many day hours reflecting on my life experiences... I asked myself questions that ordinarily I shied away from with One mask or another; around 12 months later I finally felt like 'me' again; I accepted my past and accepted that it was Ok for me just to be me;
If others have a problem with me, that is their problem not mine;
Don't try to harm me and everything will be fine; Respect begets respect; Conversely, disrespect begets the same; Don't try to instill your ways unto me and you'll get no argument from I; Don't try telling me what I know or don't know and I'll happily consider your opinion; You do You and I'll do me; Hopefully we can learn from each other...
I'm certain any psychobabbler reading this will have a field day with their label makers; "what fucking box does this man fit into"? as top-shelf whiskey or rare gin gets poured into their gullet..."perhaps a conference call is required here"?
then 'covid' came into our lives and I was (am) glad that I have an innate distrust of all things 'authority' and anyone claiming to be an 'expert' on any given subject matter; My path walking experience taught me (indoctrinated by 'them') that most of these 'people' simply cannot be trusted; They need to be questioned near-on every time they open the hole under their nose...
Many rabbit holes were ventured into as a result of I asking questions about these 'authority' and 'expert' type 'people' as well as the 'virus' and 'vaccine' narrative that had besotted many of my fellow man; I learned much I really didn't need to know about; All of what I learned about 'government' and 'police' confirmed to I that I had very good reason to be an 'outsider' and a 'rebel'; I am not and was not a belligerent; I am a justifiable and rightful indignant to the lot of it; The entire 'system' is a house of cards built on lies, deception and fabricated 'authority' accepted into being by the willing and subservient majority; Mostly for the love of money or fear of not having any I will add without hesitation or discrimination
Some of the 'rabbit hole' images I have seen relating to child abuse and trafficking will never leave my mind; What I have learned about the psychiatry profession is frightening stuff... The methods these bastards have used to 'correct' people is truly barbaric...beyond barbaric; Take a peek into what a 'frontal lobotomy' entailed right up until the late 1970's; I guarantee it will make you shudder with disbelief if you don't already know about the practice; Most of the devices these psycho's conjured into being for 'correcting' minds is Evil beyond compare; Take a look into the very recent history of psychiatry if you dare;
Even more frightening is the realisation that the psycho's now have the keys for the straight jackets, the rubber rooms and the 'anti-psychotic' drug cabinets that contain more mind altering tablets than Bill Gates could ever dream of; Some of these 'psychiatrist prescribed' tablets can turn a man into a breathing flesh vegetable in a few hours; All with full support from 'the board of psychiatry' 'the court' after it reads a report from a police officer (policy enforcer) who in all likelihood has a very big chance of having some-type of 'mental health' issue him/her self
(a recent study report into Victoria Police (Australia) mental health revealed that 80% of officers have one form or other of a diagnosed mental health issue; Of that 80%, 60% take daily 'medication' and feel they have their mental health issues under control while the remaining 20% self medicate with alcohol and or substance abuse 'after hours') (at any given time, approximately 30% of police are rostered off on 'mental health' leave) Makes a man feel very unsafe and insecure knowing that 8 out of 10 police officers are not in full control of their mental reflexes...and they carry guns!
I was thinking I had it bad as a child but what I experienced was civilised when compared to 20th century history... If these young people somehow manage to live to an adult age, the world is going to have far-more 'issues' than anything we currently face; Perhaps the gene altering shots will numb these young people but if not, there's going to be a whole generation of very pissed off people roaming this earth and if my path walking experience is anything to go by, I strongly suggest not getting in their way; It will take them many years to stop being angry at the world
How's my psychiatric skills going? Do I need to front 'the board' and explain my outlandish thoughts?
As a practising naturopath I see a parallel between the DSM and the flower essences - deluded self serving paradigm setters gazing at their reflection in the eyes of servile sycophants.
You're cynical but you're smart and this article greatly broadened my perspective.
You make some smokin points. Verrrrrry thought-provoking. This is gold: "What we have here is a psychologist commissioned to play a role as a nut-case professional berating Trump, who himself is a commissioned politician playing a role as a nut-case leader of the free world."
Exactly...their loyal subjects are 100% the real issue
is there really such a thing as 'derangement syndrome' or is it something else like purposeful mind fuckery via any number of CeeAyeYay 'electronic' mind control techniques that have been revealed and well-documented over the last few decades?
My thoughts are definitely with the latter particularly following the nano-graphene oxide injections that (apparently) 85% of earths people submitted to
'derangement syndrome' would suggest that there is great numbers of earths people whom are so weak-willed and or wanting for more neurological processing capacity that they are easily brain-washed into thinking and believing without doubt they Need a saviour... and any saviour will do as long One does not have to take responsibility for themselves or the destruction of any community they might be part of; Said saviour will fix all these woes; He/She said they promise they will so it must be so... the promise of 'abundant wealth' forthcoming to all certainly played a big part in choosing said saviour; That particular messaging drew 'fans' from all over this earth
Being that 'community' died (suicided) a long, slow and never relenting death (mass suicide) many moons ago, I'm doubtful that any community 'hive mind' exists anymore save for the Amish people or any similar-minded collective of people;
Earth is full of me, me, me and more me's...or should that be I, I , I and more I's? How can so many I's all fall under the same hypnotic spell at a relatively exact time frame?
Further, how can so many I's all be deluded into believing that an obvious, professional grifting come politician is not really 'one of them'; How do so many I's not see that politics is the root cause of all their daily problems?
No doubt my thinking on this matter needs to be corrected; Someone with a certified piece of paper throw a 'sticky note' label on me and force me into an appropriate padded box to be thoroughly-head-examined at a not-convenient-to-I date by a board-certified lunatic, oops, sorry, I mean board-certified psychiatrist.
As a fellow trickcyclist, I agree wholeheartedly with your anti BPD stance. What a crock, what a convenient crock!! And someone should explain to the psychologist that there is no such thing as hyper manic. It’s manic or hypomanic or hyperthymic if you believe in the bipolar spectrum which I do. Anyway, happy Christmas 🎄
Thanks Laura, agree. There is also cyclothymic (bipolar III) and mixed states. Hyperthymic is said to be is a proposed personality type, so that is mixing mood disorder with personality....getting fuzzy. What my post is about really, is to get away from label worship and move to a dimensional description where each person has their individual set of symptoms rather than poorly fit into a box made up by a committee. Take care.
Oh yes, I find the late great Hagop Akiskal very helpful in teasing it all apart. But you are correct, labels are not the magic they have been set up to be. A diagnosis doesn’t explain all the difficulties a person has ever had. Many people fall into this trap and become attached to the label and the identity. BPD, ADHD, ASD and my new favourite AuDHD. (Sarcasm)
It is hilarious that people still by into this DSM bullshit - as for psychotherapy, all these sophisticated sounding treatments like 'cognitive bla blah' or 'dialectical blah blah' are irrelevant because what matters is whether the client connects with the therapist, in other words, finds a friend. Ie 'a problem shared is a problem halved'. Friendship prior to the invention of psychotherapy came free.
Agree with you Cally thanks for chiming in and your post which I read and agree with. I would say that whether psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers, physicists, engineers, military, mostly anyone who is psyoped by TPTB to participate in nasty stuff, unless they are part of it, they really don't know how or why what they do is nasty and do not intentionally mean to do anything bad. While I jibed psychiatrists in the post, they mostly mean well, they just don't see the big picture and will hem and haw and kick and scream at an explanation just like 90% of the population. Take care.
Don't lump virus theory in with psychiatry, though. There remains intelligent people who believe in viruses. Psychiatry is the biggest example of quackery in existence.
Got you, but it’s just to show similarities in the scam of saying things exist that have never been found. Most of my readers are intimately familiar with the never finding of a virus now so that resonates with this group.
👉 Virologists could change into subcellular biologists and do well, psychiatrists could challenge their nosology system, the fakery of psychotherapy, and insist on removing many dangerous drugs from approval. People do have mental problems, do need supportive talk, and there are some psych drugs that when used very carefully re type, dose, follow-up etc, persons who have very serious problems unfortunately may need (sans the possibility of nano particles). Like many medical specialties it’s not a zero sum game, they just need an overhaul, that is what my post is about. Take care.
Leave biology studies out of it! It will interfere greatly with the theory and computer modelling 'experts' who've spent many years studying things that don't exist and inventing pictures of things that don't exist to make them real; Have some common decency if not for the man or woman who made fiction a reality, then at least for the amount of time they took to make fiction a reality!
"safe psych drugs"... *wrong buzzer sounds* You and I agree on a great many subjects but on this, we are miles apart
How about getting rid of poisoned by fluoride water supplies; Removing toxins like 'colour additives' and 'preservatives' from food stuffs; Stop artificially sweetened drinks and food; Stop spraying growing food with chemicals; Stop saturating growing minds (every mind) with artificial light pulses and Electro Magnetic Frequencies... then we have a chance at establishing a true baseline to measure if someone has a mental health problem that is of any threat to others
(maybe I should mention TV and other propaganda programming devices here as they too have a huge effect on Ones cognitive functions)
If anyone 'mad' proves no threat to others, who are we to judge what is wrong and what is right? I look at many creatures and often say "they're crazy the way they...." but they mean no harm to I or this earth; Birds and Dogs interacting with other Birds and Dogs often looks crazy to I but they are apparently having fun defending what they think is theirs; They definitely entertain my senses; I certainly don't feel the need to lock them in a room/cage/container to 're-educate' them or drug them so that I feel safe or secure; Same should apply to people who act a little different to what 'man' expects other men to act like...
Keep in mind, some of mankind's greatest philosophers, mathematicians, poets, artists et al were said at the time to be 'madly insane' yet now they are applauded as brilliant genius'; Even if they were genuinely 'mad' they caused no harm to anyone but sat happily alone doing their thing and when they had finished 'whatever' they came outside to show the world
If any man or woman deserves or Needs to have their minds altered or be locked in a room away from the rest of us, it is those who think they have the right to control the free-will of others
Think about the 'mad man' who invented the wheel... what a crazy bastard he was!
Thanks everyone for reading Proton Magic. This is the last post of the year-unless I'm hit with a "Substack Emergency". Next week will start year 3 of posting, it's been a pleasure to learn so much from all of you. Have a great NY!🎊
Thank you for all the time you take to give us these articles.
Hoping for a fantastic new year ( that's a lot of hope, I know) for you and all our Substack Freedom Friends ⚔️💞⚔️
You too!
Happy New Year... Let's all survive it, eh? ^_^
I second the motion...
Please, let there be *no* Substack Emergencies! We all need some true rest, more time in nature, and moments in life to stop and breathe freely.
Thank you for your fabulous research and writing, Proton Magic! I look forward to your articles in 2025.
I was chronically depressed into My early 20's. And I do mean chronically. And then... My sister introduced Me to Choice Theory by William Glasser. And that made all the difference in the world. I wrote an article on that:
Choosing to Depress (article):
Good piece, little Proton! Interestingly, a while back I was given a battery of psych tests and when They went over the results, They said, "You're perfectly fine - no mental issues at all... But You ARE eccentric." LOL! And how!
That Choice Theory worked wonders!
Thanks for sharing, personally I am happy you are better. As you know you are one of my favorite people on SS and we are comrade flies on shit now even. On the treatment, it is interesting because these therapies are complex. You did 3 things at once: 1. You got information from the Choice Theory content, 2. Time passed as you got it, and 3. You had hope and expectation (because you accepted and enrolled and sis referred you). You may even have had a therapist with charisma, another variable.
There was no control group which could only be yourself split at the moment of starting therapy and you were not blind. And, we would need to see what Choice Theory could do to 500 people divided into 2 groups, both blind to the treatment and actually double blind (treaters and subjects). Well this is impossible so...
But my list of non-psychotherapies, like coaching, solution finding etc, did not say they could not help anyone, in fact they may be quite helpful.
If all this was simple I wouldn't have written a post on it! Anyway, look forward to speak to you next year!
I missed out on being on the poo pile and am almost sad about it now ;)
But you did get dishonorable mention in the video, more than some of the flies on shit got. You could cut that part out of the vid and make it your flagship post of the new year?
While dissimilar dissing occurred, dishonest morally / ethically disabled people making dishonest and dishonorable accusations need disclosure by a distant disappointed non Dr in 25.
Further - Dissidents shouldn't be dissipated by diseased dissuaders but that lot need dissolving and dissipation.
Just dissatisfied dissemblers and censors, me thinks.
Cool prose! You remember I gave you a shout out some weeks before the event, my brag that you can count on me. Have a HNY!
No poo pile for you!
Actually. I read the book, and tried the suggested approach, and it worked. No expectations, really - kinda the opposite. And no therapists. And... It worked the first time I tried it. Not for long, initially, but it worked.
So I kept at it. And in 6 months I was no longer choosing to depress. And haven't for... 40 years or so now. Haha!
The tests I took were a number of years after the choice to try the suggestion. And I wouldn't have done the tests but, well, it had to do with the hell of losing My daughter (ironically to My sister...). I wrote about that, too...
I Should Have Known (article):
And yes, You and I are on the same page! On many a thing! And I was honored to be placed on poop with You! Next year for sure!!!!
Courtesy of amazing, essential Proton,
Sensing “The Committee’s” trash from far away, and Illuminating “The Allegory” / The Cave like a Photon.
Worth a Whale dive?
Psychiatry is worse than "standard" religions, IME: besides masking reality, it’s meant to poison/ destroy people's brain, with The(ir) DSM-bible...
Thank you for 2024; only the best for 2025.
As I'm sure You are aware, Mankind's mind is far from simple my Proton friend; Not only are we, as a species, gifted with independent thought and feelings (urgh!) we each walk our own path through this thing we call life
As we walk our separate paths, we each experience different reactions to 'life' and any or all of the difficulties that present themselves; Mostly those difficulties come from other path walkers who see 'life' completely different to 'us' for whatever, many variables, reason(s)
Some path walkers never experience any real hardship or emotional turmoil; They 'feel' the death of an elderly loved one as 'the most traumatising event' even though, all things being equal, we all leave this mortal coil sometime after our 80's; These types of walkers more often-than-not are the Ones who sit in judgement of others as they 'observe' all the 'strange-to-them' behaviours exhibited by the more outwardly emotional walkers; all the outward emotions they observe in others is foreign to their thought processes; They then feel an overwhelming need to place their observations into neat labelled boxes for future reference
How's my psychobabblery going so far?
My path, and indeed Amy's is very different to these 'sheltered' types (how's that for a label?) in that we have experienced very real and touchable emotional experiences;
I am what 'they' label as a 'survivor' of childhood abuse of both the emotional and physical kind; I have no shame in admitting that (now) but at the time, while being 'psycho-analysed' by one 'therapist' or another for my 'disruptive' behaviours, I was made to 'feel' that there was something very wrong with my mind; Confusion and not knowing where I 'fit' ruled my thoughts for many years... roughly 45 years if I am to be completely honest (now that I think about it)
I spent my formative years in government 'care' facilities where I was Told how I Should feel, How I should react/not react and How I Should interact with others who themselves were damaged goods that no one wanted; My (our) childhood was a literal minefield where any outward emotion was often met with extreme prejudice by those claiming to be 'carers' and fellow unwanted's alike; 'the system' basically taught us all to trust no-one, especially anyone who claims to be an 'authority'; I care not to think about how many similar-to-I path walkers are 'out there' still breathing now but I can guarantee a great many of them are in a gaol or 'mental health' facility somewhere...
I went through many 'mind' stages; Introverted; Extroverted; Fun; Morbid; Protective; Uncaring; Violent; Passive; Nurturing... and all the time never feeling like 'me'; I was a walking persona whose moods and attitude changed depending on the company I was in
a deep sadness kicked in; self pity? quite probable; self loathing? absolutely; 'clinical depression' was the 'medical professions' diagnosis; Tablets prescribed; Counselling prescribed; CBT prescribed... Next 3 years is kind of a blur but one thing stood out to I; all the 'therapists' I encountered seemed intent on comparing their lives to mine even though they were what I label as the 'sheltered' variety; They liked talking about themselves before asking how I feel or think about their given topic; Yes, they had many 'certificates' mounted in nice frames hanging on their nicely decorated office walls but not One ever admitted to have any real emotional turmoil in their lives... 'problem drinking' seemed to be the number1 reason why most of these 'therapists' chose 'counselling' as a career; Yes, I was 'brazen' enough to ask them about themself even though my mind was in a petro-chemical 'tablet' infused state of altered reality; Deep down I knew I needed to and indeed wanted to talk openly with other similar path walkers; No book study can compare to reality; There are no correct or wrong answers; All the 'box ticking' in the world amounts to the same thing... Box Ticking
3 years of mind numbing tablets and various 'box ticking counsellors' later I'd had enough and coming off the 'psychiatrist prescribed' tablets was one of the most difficult periods of my life; constant dizziness; fatigue; hyper activity; insomnia followed by days sleeping; very disturbing 'fight or flight' dreams; unable to follow through on 'stuff' I had set myself to do throughout the day; I spent many day hours reflecting on my life experiences... I asked myself questions that ordinarily I shied away from with One mask or another; around 12 months later I finally felt like 'me' again; I accepted my past and accepted that it was Ok for me just to be me;
If others have a problem with me, that is their problem not mine;
Don't try to harm me and everything will be fine; Respect begets respect; Conversely, disrespect begets the same; Don't try to instill your ways unto me and you'll get no argument from I; Don't try telling me what I know or don't know and I'll happily consider your opinion; You do You and I'll do me; Hopefully we can learn from each other...
I'm certain any psychobabbler reading this will have a field day with their label makers; "what fucking box does this man fit into"? as top-shelf whiskey or rare gin gets poured into their gullet..."perhaps a conference call is required here"?
then 'covid' came into our lives and I was (am) glad that I have an innate distrust of all things 'authority' and anyone claiming to be an 'expert' on any given subject matter; My path walking experience taught me (indoctrinated by 'them') that most of these 'people' simply cannot be trusted; They need to be questioned near-on every time they open the hole under their nose...
Many rabbit holes were ventured into as a result of I asking questions about these 'authority' and 'expert' type 'people' as well as the 'virus' and 'vaccine' narrative that had besotted many of my fellow man; I learned much I really didn't need to know about; All of what I learned about 'government' and 'police' confirmed to I that I had very good reason to be an 'outsider' and a 'rebel'; I am not and was not a belligerent; I am a justifiable and rightful indignant to the lot of it; The entire 'system' is a house of cards built on lies, deception and fabricated 'authority' accepted into being by the willing and subservient majority; Mostly for the love of money or fear of not having any I will add without hesitation or discrimination
Some of the 'rabbit hole' images I have seen relating to child abuse and trafficking will never leave my mind; What I have learned about the psychiatry profession is frightening stuff... The methods these bastards have used to 'correct' people is truly barbaric...beyond barbaric; Take a peek into what a 'frontal lobotomy' entailed right up until the late 1970's; I guarantee it will make you shudder with disbelief if you don't already know about the practice; Most of the devices these psycho's conjured into being for 'correcting' minds is Evil beyond compare; Take a look into the very recent history of psychiatry if you dare;
Even more frightening is the realisation that the psycho's now have the keys for the straight jackets, the rubber rooms and the 'anti-psychotic' drug cabinets that contain more mind altering tablets than Bill Gates could ever dream of; Some of these 'psychiatrist prescribed' tablets can turn a man into a breathing flesh vegetable in a few hours; All with full support from 'the board of psychiatry' 'the court' after it reads a report from a police officer (policy enforcer) who in all likelihood has a very big chance of having some-type of 'mental health' issue him/her self
(a recent study report into Victoria Police (Australia) mental health revealed that 80% of officers have one form or other of a diagnosed mental health issue; Of that 80%, 60% take daily 'medication' and feel they have their mental health issues under control while the remaining 20% self medicate with alcohol and or substance abuse 'after hours') (at any given time, approximately 30% of police are rostered off on 'mental health' leave) Makes a man feel very unsafe and insecure knowing that 8 out of 10 police officers are not in full control of their mental reflexes...and they carry guns!
I was thinking I had it bad as a child but what I experienced was civilised when compared to 20th century history... If these young people somehow manage to live to an adult age, the world is going to have far-more 'issues' than anything we currently face; Perhaps the gene altering shots will numb these young people but if not, there's going to be a whole generation of very pissed off people roaming this earth and if my path walking experience is anything to go by, I strongly suggest not getting in their way; It will take them many years to stop being angry at the world
How's my psychiatric skills going? Do I need to front 'the board' and explain my outlandish thoughts?
Fully (?) in line with & amazing insights if I understood you and Proton correctly:
That's very good.
As a practising naturopath I see a parallel between the DSM and the flower essences - deluded self serving paradigm setters gazing at their reflection in the eyes of servile sycophants.
You're cynical but you're smart and this article greatly broadened my perspective.
With gratitude.
Thanks Hugh. I endeavor to keep my cynicism rational and provable.
You make some smokin points. Verrrrrry thought-provoking. This is gold: "What we have here is a psychologist commissioned to play a role as a nut-case professional berating Trump, who himself is a commissioned politician playing a role as a nut-case leader of the free world."
"Trump should be put in isolated confinement indefinitely, with Harris as a cellmate."
There would be blood, but whose and from where? Thanks for the laugh.
It's their fans that are the real issue.
Exactly...their loyal subjects are 100% the real issue
is there really such a thing as 'derangement syndrome' or is it something else like purposeful mind fuckery via any number of CeeAyeYay 'electronic' mind control techniques that have been revealed and well-documented over the last few decades?
My thoughts are definitely with the latter particularly following the nano-graphene oxide injections that (apparently) 85% of earths people submitted to
'derangement syndrome' would suggest that there is great numbers of earths people whom are so weak-willed and or wanting for more neurological processing capacity that they are easily brain-washed into thinking and believing without doubt they Need a saviour... and any saviour will do as long One does not have to take responsibility for themselves or the destruction of any community they might be part of; Said saviour will fix all these woes; He/She said they promise they will so it must be so... the promise of 'abundant wealth' forthcoming to all certainly played a big part in choosing said saviour; That particular messaging drew 'fans' from all over this earth
Being that 'community' died (suicided) a long, slow and never relenting death (mass suicide) many moons ago, I'm doubtful that any community 'hive mind' exists anymore save for the Amish people or any similar-minded collective of people;
Earth is full of me, me, me and more me's...or should that be I, I , I and more I's? How can so many I's all fall under the same hypnotic spell at a relatively exact time frame?
Further, how can so many I's all be deluded into believing that an obvious, professional grifting come politician is not really 'one of them'; How do so many I's not see that politics is the root cause of all their daily problems?
No doubt my thinking on this matter needs to be corrected; Someone with a certified piece of paper throw a 'sticky note' label on me and force me into an appropriate padded box to be thoroughly-head-examined at a not-convenient-to-I date by a board-certified lunatic, oops, sorry, I mean board-certified psychiatrist.
applaud, applaud, whistle; thatz' what im talkin' bout;
As a fellow trickcyclist, I agree wholeheartedly with your anti BPD stance. What a crock, what a convenient crock!! And someone should explain to the psychologist that there is no such thing as hyper manic. It’s manic or hypomanic or hyperthymic if you believe in the bipolar spectrum which I do. Anyway, happy Christmas 🎄
Thanks Laura, agree. There is also cyclothymic (bipolar III) and mixed states. Hyperthymic is said to be is a proposed personality type, so that is mixing mood disorder with personality....getting fuzzy. What my post is about really, is to get away from label worship and move to a dimensional description where each person has their individual set of symptoms rather than poorly fit into a box made up by a committee. Take care.
Oh yes, I find the late great Hagop Akiskal very helpful in teasing it all apart. But you are correct, labels are not the magic they have been set up to be. A diagnosis doesn’t explain all the difficulties a person has ever had. Many people fall into this trap and become attached to the label and the identity. BPD, ADHD, ASD and my new favourite AuDHD. (Sarcasm)
You are perfect Laura!
Back at you Proton Magic
It is hilarious that people still by into this DSM bullshit - as for psychotherapy, all these sophisticated sounding treatments like 'cognitive bla blah' or 'dialectical blah blah' are irrelevant because what matters is whether the client connects with the therapist, in other words, finds a friend. Ie 'a problem shared is a problem halved'. Friendship prior to the invention of psychotherapy came free.
Agree with you Cally thanks for chiming in and your post which I read and agree with. I would say that whether psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers, physicists, engineers, military, mostly anyone who is psyoped by TPTB to participate in nasty stuff, unless they are part of it, they really don't know how or why what they do is nasty and do not intentionally mean to do anything bad. While I jibed psychiatrists in the post, they mostly mean well, they just don't see the big picture and will hem and haw and kick and scream at an explanation just like 90% of the population. Take care.
Don't lump virus theory in with psychiatry, though. There remains intelligent people who believe in viruses. Psychiatry is the biggest example of quackery in existence.
Got you, but it’s just to show similarities in the scam of saying things exist that have never been found. Most of my readers are intimately familiar with the never finding of a virus now so that resonates with this group.
👉 Virologists could change into subcellular biologists and do well, psychiatrists could challenge their nosology system, the fakery of psychotherapy, and insist on removing many dangerous drugs from approval. People do have mental problems, do need supportive talk, and there are some psych drugs that when used very carefully re type, dose, follow-up etc, persons who have very serious problems unfortunately may need (sans the possibility of nano particles). Like many medical specialties it’s not a zero sum game, they just need an overhaul, that is what my post is about. Take care.
Leave biology studies out of it! It will interfere greatly with the theory and computer modelling 'experts' who've spent many years studying things that don't exist and inventing pictures of things that don't exist to make them real; Have some common decency if not for the man or woman who made fiction a reality, then at least for the amount of time they took to make fiction a reality!
"safe psych drugs"... *wrong buzzer sounds* You and I agree on a great many subjects but on this, we are miles apart
How about getting rid of poisoned by fluoride water supplies; Removing toxins like 'colour additives' and 'preservatives' from food stuffs; Stop artificially sweetened drinks and food; Stop spraying growing food with chemicals; Stop saturating growing minds (every mind) with artificial light pulses and Electro Magnetic Frequencies... then we have a chance at establishing a true baseline to measure if someone has a mental health problem that is of any threat to others
(maybe I should mention TV and other propaganda programming devices here as they too have a huge effect on Ones cognitive functions)
If anyone 'mad' proves no threat to others, who are we to judge what is wrong and what is right? I look at many creatures and often say "they're crazy the way they...." but they mean no harm to I or this earth; Birds and Dogs interacting with other Birds and Dogs often looks crazy to I but they are apparently having fun defending what they think is theirs; They definitely entertain my senses; I certainly don't feel the need to lock them in a room/cage/container to 're-educate' them or drug them so that I feel safe or secure; Same should apply to people who act a little different to what 'man' expects other men to act like...
Keep in mind, some of mankind's greatest philosophers, mathematicians, poets, artists et al were said at the time to be 'madly insane' yet now they are applauded as brilliant genius'; Even if they were genuinely 'mad' they caused no harm to anyone but sat happily alone doing their thing and when they had finished 'whatever' they came outside to show the world
If any man or woman deserves or Needs to have their minds altered or be locked in a room away from the rest of us, it is those who think they have the right to control the free-will of others
Think about the 'mad man' who invented the wheel... what a crazy bastard he was!
Seriously? both 'virus' and 'psychiatry' are based on theory or 'modelling' if you prefer
Stating: " There remains intelligent people who believe in viruses" is the very definition of an oxymoronic claim
you may as well add: "there remains intelligent people who believe in psychiatry" in the same sentence
Are we using 'higher education' to use the label 'intelligent' or are we using the 'IQ' label to ascertain the 'intelligent' label?
Either way, these 'intelligent' types are not very smart!
Fuckin' BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!
Great work. ^_^