Excellent post, PM. I’ve been following you for over 18 months and am so glad I did. I’ve learned so much valuable information from reading your factual and straightforward SS articles and posts. Keep up the great work you’re doing to inform as many people to wake up to the truth. I encourage everyone reading this comment to start following Proton Magic. You’ll be glad you did.

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Your too nice James! I really only collate, annotate, and reverberate what I hear from others. My pet dog Viro though has a great nose for bullshit and starts barking in my ear when he smells BS running thru the internet.

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Tell Viro I sed "WOOF!" ;) 🐕

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Viro, the hero dog. 🐕 🤪

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Amen, Proton!

“Truth is the Best Medicine”

And thank You & Co for providing an introduction to:



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Oh, I've been following him for a long time... He smed like bacon.

ha ha, that's a dog joke...

Hi, James!

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There is a ton of supporting articles, studies, videos and discussions which support the premise that Covid19 is caused by 5G electro-magnetic radiation. I have been compiling an archive on this subject since 2020 accessible here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/all-my-substack-articles-on-emfc19

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I added it to the post body so much thanks again!

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But what IS "covid19" other than a set of well known symptoms of periodical detox?

Nothing tangible Id argue

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Seasonal detox is one method of getting cold symptoms, and that got included in the Covid label. Serious, "never felt before" illness was due to PCR tests, 5G, a bit of junk and disinfectant in masks, and then of course worsening by hospital protocols.

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And the JAB, full of hideous toxins... But that was later.

The PCR didn't cause any problems, but I'd say some bad stuff did happen with that long swab up the nose... with graphene oxide on it, apparently. Not to mention how that could mess people up if you poke too hard! And yeah, people forget about the junk hospitals put into people, and those effing RESPIRATORS... That can kill ya if you're in a weakened place anyway, lung-wise...

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Yes, the swab is what I meant by the PCR test. But the pcr itself can also lead to problems if one just has a cold then gets a + test leading to "treatments".

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Well, the PCR is not a diagnostic tool, never was. It’s an AMPLIFIER, in that it makes more of what you got. So, people need to remember that there is no diagnosis from a PCR test. There is no “yes, you’ve got this sickness,” NOR “no, you haven’t got this sickness.” It’s only for making more of what is there. Make sense? Kerry Mullis said this over and over and over and also what a fucking idiot Fauci is, and he got dead somehow! RIGHT BEFORE “covid.” Hmmmmmm.

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One symptom which is not a well known symptom of detox is hypoxia. Further to that is hair loss, tooth loss, heart attacks and stroke.

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I've had MOST of that happen to me... And the skin, with hypoxia, becomes loose and saggy, too... NOT just "old age."

I learned a LOT from YOUR posts, my dear pal.

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It's the SYMPTOMS of EMF's that are toooo strong (and not Earth's naturals).

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WHAT IS “CoVid 19”?

Augmenting Proton & Co, approach, for those into Conspiracy ANALYSIS:




CORONAVIRUS SPECIAL REPORT: Worldwide Outbreaks of 5G Syndrome & 5G Flu Driving Pandemic - Cosmic Convergence


CAVEAT EMPTOR Re Supplements, an Agent 13 courtesy:


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That is interesting but still promotes viruses, like this statement, “although, it’s really both co-factors working in tandem to turbo-charge each other.”

Since a virus has never been found any place that is not correct information and possibly trying to take the heat off 5G.

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I have counted 13 major variables that cause modern "illnesses", and they can converge:


Radiation alone can do most of the tricks needed for the technocrats:


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Remdesivir is also said to cause respiratory distress. People that were hospitalized for any reason during Operation COVID were likely given a dose and hey presto... more COVID diagnoses which helped ramp up the fear and the need for actual cases with symptoms beyond simply building a base of false positive PCR test results in asymptomatic guinea pigs.

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Finally, a connection drawn between 5g and Covid. I've suspected this for several years, ever since reading Arthur Firstenberg's important book about electrical pollution called 'The Invisible Rainbow'.

Extensive footnotes leave little doubt that cell towers and radio towers can cause all sorts of health problems. I also feel like this is at least part of the reason for colony collapse disorder among the vitally important bee population. Why no one really looks at this connection is a mystery.

5g was rolled out in Wuhan China in Oct of 2019, just as covid appeared. This was followed by a big push, at least in my area here in Vermont, to win 'fast track' approval for erection of 5g towers.

I am skeptical of the existence of a covid virus- I think it was all a big cover to mask the effects of 5g.

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And yes, I think it was like, 30 or 40,000 5G towers right before the BAT appeared...

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The indisputable concern regarding deleterious biological effects of sustained and pervasive EMR is unquestionable. Ramping up the assault with 5G and the literally thousands of orbiting down-dwelling Starlink satellites (and their military counterparts) beggars belief. So a question emerges, what of those who perpetrate and instigate all of this? Is their alleged desire to add to the putative global cull accompanied by a suicide wish?

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Apparently. I say LETHAL INJECTION would be appropo.

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Great post, thanks, and I'm sharing, of course.

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Brilliant work, little proton!!! Indeed, though general toxicity can account for some diseases, a great many can be attributed, with 99.999% probability, to the EMF They're subjecting Us to (unEthically, without Our fully informed consent!). We have psychopaths in control...

We Had Better Solve for the Psychopaths in Control NOW! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-had-better-solve-for-the-psychopaths

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The jury is out. The countries that rolled out 5G are quite likely to be the same ones that are at the forefront of the push to technocracy and the push of the "pandemic" story. My symptoms don't really match the list of 5G symptoms so although they no doubt exist, it doesn't mean some people weren't also affected by Covid 19 (whatever that was), at the back end of 2019. Military intelligence could easily have fixed that for the controlling class, as they follow orders.

Whatever, the important thing is to stop chasing our tails as that gets nowhere and is what they want.

Do we even want a society based on industry and technology?

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To your question at the end... I don't. At least, not as much as we have now! Not even half.

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The first "fast internet" was through an ISDN connection, but you had to be close to the local hub to get decent speed. I'm sure that technological "improvement" also contributed to the list.

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Also, here are a few more details on radiation exposure:


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What only few people seem to know that in Britain, after the 5G tower installations, many workers ended up on worker’s comp.

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What is worker's comp?

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If you are injured at work (in the US), there is what is called "Workers' Compensation," which is where you are paid while you recouperate.

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Fine details!

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Also extraterrestrial energies (maybe) -

1) Sunspots and influenza


3) Is he right?

"Ever wondered how the sun's energy compares to hashtag#5G?"


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Pete, just a quick search even Wiki says

"In terms of energy, sunlight at Earth's surface is around 52 to 55 percent infrared (above 700 nm), 42 to 43 percent visible (400 to 700 nm), and 3 to 5 percent ultraviolet ..."


The sun seems to be mostly in the nm range, see the image in Wiki:


The guy on the beach at sea level was only measuring energy at around 1.5uM (micro meters)

Here is some talk about 5G freqs and wavelengths, doesn't seem to Jive well with the nm range from the sun


"Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency (i.e., high frequencies have shorter wavelengths). For example, 30 Hz (low frequency) has a wavelength of 10,000 km (over 6,000 miles) while 300 GHz (high frequency) is just 1 mm."

So even at 300GHz which is much higher than the max we might see from 5G around 60Ghz for the kill range, we only get as small as 1mm, nothing like the sun.

Anyway, I just hacked thru it quickly, apologies for any flub-ups....though I'm thinking the beach bum is either not as bright as the sun or the vid is a Telecom infomercial.

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These are good topics Pete.

--The sunspot article, true or not, is reifying the existence of the never-isolated/found flu virus by using the word influenza.

--The Sun energy vid I think is not comparing the right things. With 5G it is the proximity and frequencies in a small space that we are not evolved to live with (like the O2 dissociation curve I posted). With the sun, we and animals are evolved to live and thrive in it. I suspect there are other factors of difference that make this comparison unreliable.

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I like sunspots. The sun also grants us the courtesy of going away for all the night, unlike the SkyNet of Elon Dusk!

Atmosphere is ~20% oxygen, so maybe it filters out the 60Hz energies. Anyway, the animals is not test tube so all the other body stuff probably also blocks, so how much 60 GHz energy reaches the hemoglobins? And even if it did, doesn't mean the oxygen molecules that absorbed such light and thus is spinning faster can't still attach to the hemoglobin.

You can check that by hanging out next to a 5G tower to see if it's like suffocating. More sensitive test would be to use a pulse oximeter.

Or just hang out in the sunshine to see if you feel short of breath.

Or maybe I don't understand it properly.


If you get 'covid' twice, call the police!


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See my reply above, the sun only radiates in nM to uM really, too small to penetrate much, even our skull. That's why the YT beach bum is cool under his umbrella, the nM rays don't easily go thru. I don't think this is either of our forte so I'm just hacking my way thru the discussion.

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Could be the sun gives microwaves in addition to all the other wavelengths, but sunlight too weak in the microwave range portion to even interfere with cell phones?

Anyway, cellphone tower isn't turning us blue - yet!

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No expert, but most of the sun is just infrared (heat) and microwaves are too small to get thru the cell phone case. Remember 10uM is the size of a bacteria.

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I don't understand "too small to get through", but never mind.

I think maybe the intensity of microwaves in sunlight is just very very very low.

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The sun is what gives us LIFE. It's our friend. You can overdo it with anything.

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btw, here they take a swab from the inner cheek to see if the nucleus of the cells getting damaged with respect to amount of cell phone use -

Comparative Evaluation of Micronuclei in Buccal Mucosal Smears of Mobile Phone Users


Makes me wonder if that's another facet of all the nasopharyngeal (NG) swabs for the plandemic - NG is even closer to the brain than the cheeks.

(In addition to harvesting everybody's DNA for their 'data-mining')

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The Nasties want us to believe that NATURE is behind a lot of terrible stuff, but they're NASTIES, remember. Telling us to "stay out of the sun," and wear sunscreen, and all the rest of the idiotic blather we've been hearing for decades (since WWII, mostly)... such as don't eat fats and don't eat salt, and on and on...

Kill them slowly, and get them to do it to themselves, or to each other, that seems to be the plan.

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