I must be the worst researcher in the world, all my studies on lidocaine come out negative. No tech, no crazy elements found, WHAT’S GOING ON?
Are all those famous microscopists we see on Substack and online wrong? Are they making up stories or psyops, or am I and/or my lab just flops? We did scoping with electron and light microscopy, both with and without 5G streaming, and even did a plasma elemental analysis. My God I learned lots of stuff, but it cost me a few smackers for all that education and some cheers from my loyal supporters who I think are just trying to be nice (appreciated).
Even Watson knows it’s the elements that count.
The MSM won’t tell you what’s in shots or anesthetics. The alt freedom media is showing all kinds of scary tech and blinking lights. You don’t think lidocaine is used often? It has been estimated that more than 300 million cartridges are administered by dentists in the United States every year, and that doesn’t include the zillions of plastic surgery and dermatology procedures.
☞ Only Proton Magic has the hutzpah to challenge both the official and alt news all at once!
Here’s the list of studies done so far:
Lidocaine dental anesthetic elements study
Lidocaine light microscopy time-lapse
Lidocaine electron microscopy with 5G streaming
Lidocaine electron microscopy without 5G streaming
What did we find so far? NOTHING. Only pretty pictures and salt crystals. Be sure though, we didn’t look at all parameters or elements, and our studies do not prove lidocaine is safe at this time. And even if it did, you would need to get your own batch and test it.
I put the little resources I have left to good use for dinner:
BUT, the show must go on and for that I need you and I want you to want me!
Next, we need to test the lidocaine alternative, diphenhydramine (AKA Benadryl):
☞ Got 10 of these babies. Happy cavity fillings for years to come!
Do you think this can be ordered on Amazon with a few clickies? First I had to convince my dentist to agree to use diphenhydramne, then call a Dr and a pharmacy to make sure they had it, then go to an internist to get a prescription, then to the pharmacy to get the vials, then mail them to the lab. The local community has got their eyes out for what craziness I might do next. If they only knew what this is all about…
Such nice nerdy guys these dentists. I’ve begun the
“Fear No Evil In Your Dentist Campaign” with diphenhydramine
Proof of concept in the paper here:
I’ve got an idea on how we can join hands in testing diphenhydramine. We’ll all pay the lab directly! I will be the point-guy arranging the details with the lab and reporting results publicly. Send me your e-mail on the substack chat (click the chat icon and search for “Proton Magic & Co.”) and I will give you more details.
If you are afraid of sending me your private e-mail, have no fear, Substack lists all subscribers’ e-mails in my SS subscriber list anyway so you’re already on their radar. I’ve heard wise.com will send to an overseas bank for about $3 commission. Make sure you send in Yen only.
I’m thinking participation costs of $50 or $100 ($200 if you are really feeling warm and fuzzy) but don’t send more until I have more projects up because it puts too much pressure on this little proton to deliver, ok?
Right now the lab will take payments for:
The lidocaine 10-element quantitative study just done (Cost was about $1100)
The Diphenhydramine screening qualitative 69-elements study now planned (Cost is about $600).
You can specify to me one, either, or split between both. If the costs for one get filled I will apply to the other one. Below are the invoices to you to prove these projects are/will be done. They are in Japanese but have the numbers, you just have to TrUsT my twisted mind!
Not sure what I’ll do next, maybe ketamine vials/nasal if I can get my hands on it.
Lidocaine 10-element quantitative analysis (reported here, still accepting payments):
Diphenhydramine 69-elements qualitative analysis (start pending):
Doesn’t this photo give you a warm feeling of wanting to support a Japanese lab?
Just think how the Japanese are still Building-Back-Better after all those terrible earthquakes, tidal waves, and nuke-plant explosions all happening within a few hours. Could a 3-in-one disaster be planned like dominos? Naah, no one controls the geosphere?
Disturbing video warning (4min 30 sec footage starts from 2:45):
It looks like every batch might be different just like with the convid injections, so the safest way to go is to get one's supply and get it tested...
I appreciate your hard work and your recent reveal on dental anesthesia helped reduce my anxiety after some dental work done last year. I had seven of those numbing injections in one day. Afterwards, I started reading scary stories of dental anesthesia.