It looks like every batch might be different just like with the convid injections, so the safest way to go is to get one's supply and get it tested...

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I appreciate your hard work and your recent reveal on dental anesthesia helped reduce my anxiety after some dental work done last year. I had seven of those numbing injections in one day. Afterwards, I started reading scary stories of dental anesthesia.

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Thanks Ekoh, be sure, my negative results have not clearly proven anything to be safe. It's not necessarily looking at everything. There's still lots to know.

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I am truly frustrated by the massive obedience to authority and who refuse to question anything. I say, question everything. It’s surprising what we can learn if we are open to new information.

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Well said Ekoh

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Me too Proton, & thank you for remaining a health-warning platform…

2 cent-hints in the protonic Anaesthesia-Equation?

“Fluorinated Anaesthetics - Fluoridated Unconsciousness”

A section of: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/salud/salud_fluor06.htm

Itself part of:

“Fluor & Fluoridation: a Healthy Care Disguised Murderer”.

Per: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/salud/salud_fluor.htm

Deeper knowledge about the “Silent F-weapon in the Quiet War”?


Per: http://whale.to/b/covert_q.html

In short: neutralizing oxidation is natural (anti-oxidants), neutralizing (F) halogenation isn’t...

Indeed, and for those who induced using Fluor(oquinolones) to anesthetize bacteria and “tune” their mental health (as has been the case for undersigned, a “Floxie”) , Cf. The “healthy care” authorities’ confirmation


Strange isn’t it: all other Fluoride goodies (incl. toothpaste) are “subsidized” for permanent F-induced anesthesia; Read: permanent mass pacification purposes. ,

CLARIFICATION for those frustrated by the permanent "slave pacification"

Disguised (slave) murder, according to BibliotecaP, Whale.to etc.

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Where did these rumors originate? That the tech was in Lidocaine?

The tech is suspended in the LNPs which require refrigeration and some are stored at below zero temps to prevent degradation and agglomeration.

It’s likely not and never was in lidocaine. Lidocaine is kept at room temp generally. So this has all emanated from a scare campaign by someone who’s untrustworthy.

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Don't hold me to this but first La Quinta Columna was on graphene, then Stew Peters had the guy in Ecuador Matt showing tech growing with 5g, then Anna M, David Nixon, Len Ber, and others I think. Don't hold me to any of this nor am I saying the tech is true or not, though some of the pundits are strange and have questionable pasts.

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Good points. But lido could still have heavy metals in it and those can cause dementia, cancer etc.

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Of course anything’s *possible* but look where this scare campaign came from... Accounts I would never follow or take notice of, in a million years. Masonic shills.

It’s highly unlikely the lidocaine is tainted, IMO.

The “vaccines” (and not just the “Covid” vaccines) are specifically designed as bio-nano aggregate cancer carriers. They lodge in tissues and organs and it sometimes takes decades before they grow or are irradiated to a detectable size.


That’s why “virologists” use cancer cell lines to “find” mythical “viruses”.

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Tech and elements are 2 different kinds of "taints". There are many heavy metals, or even polonium (guess) that could lurk in lidocaine and we may never find it. IDK.

There are studies showing graphene (or graphitic material) inside salt crystals-like the ones we saw in lidocaine-which sounds quite bad to me.


I am only one person paying personally for all these studies, I can not look for everything. If you want more, please join in the contribution.

Covid shots seem to have more in them than just talk of tech


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“Tech and elements are 2 different kinds of "taints".”

Not necessarily. I don’t deny tech. But I don’t see any evidence for either “graphene” and polonium.

This analysis which I’ve seen already and linked to multiple times (55 undeclared elements) is proof of likely nano-electronic circuit boards or self assembling (tech) inside the shots. That’s what’s producing the Bluetooth signals and MAC addresses in the vaccinated and nasal swabbed.

If you research what metals make up electronic circuitry you’ll see nearly all those metals listed in the Diblasi-Monteverde paper.

“Polonium” poisoning is a hoax.

In the case of both Litivenko and Arafat.

The “graphene” is a psyop IMO.


There’s no proof of “graphene” in the vials. Either chemically or visually.

In papers on graphene nano there’s consistent darkening of any liquid suspension, from the carbon/graphite molecules. However, that’s not the case in any of the vaccine vials. They all visually present either as clear, or with a silvery-light yellow, reflective appearance before saline dilution. Unlike graphene. But more indicative of the metals found in that mass spec. analysis.

The Wiley paper you linked to is materials science and appears unrelated to vaccines:

“During this process, part of NaCl substrates were dissolved in 10 s, and the color of the solution TURNED DARKER indicating the presence of suspended free standing graphene layers.”

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"I don’t see any evidence for either “graphene” and polonium."

-I purposely said “graphitic material” because I know graphene is hypothetical. I seem to be the only one who reported on graphene in the graphene “discovery” paper as being “hypothetical”


“Polonium” poisoning is a hoax."

-I said it was a guess that it could be in there, its just an example. We can’t easily find everything so we can’t easily deny things. Can you prove Litvineko etc were a hoax for us?

"The “graphene” is a psyop IMO".

-Yes very possibly

"In papers on graphene nano there’s consistent darkening of any liquid suspension, from the carbon/graphite molecules. However, that’s not the case in any of the vaccine vials."

-When the vials warm up some metallic substance can be seen and that caused recall of 1.6 mil vials in Japan and the PM resigned the next day to change the news cycle and bury that story.


Covid vials are suspensions not solutions


The Wiley paper you linked to is materials science and appears unrelated to vaccines:

-The point is these things can be peppered onto salt crystals in solution, whether vaxes or lidocaine as I presented here


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I can’t PROVE those two asinine, unbelievable, laughable poisoning psyops were hoaxes but I’m 99% sure they were for the following reasons:

1) The news cycle is fabricated nonsense. It’s a mass mind control tool, not an information service. 2) I’ve investigated multiple alleged deadly (anthrax, sarin etc) or alleged radioactive substances and stories (plutonium - Galen Winsor) and found them to be hoaxes. 3) There isn’t enough uranium in the vials for it to be relevant. It’s in negligible trace amounts that are probably naturally occurring and bound to other elements like the magnesium. 4) I know “nukes” are a hoax. 5) And I know that the fear campaign around uranium is nonsense - Galen Winsor. 6) And the faux nation states aren’t warring with each other, they’re privately owned, centrally controlled corporations (under one legal umbrella) masquerading as govts. Ergo, the “poisoning” and “spying” stories are complete and utter garbage, seeded to keep populations compliant, obedient, scared and believing in their faux govts.

Re the news cycle in Japan, I wouldn’t believe anything in it much more than the clown who pretended to be an elected PM, resigned. The figure of 1.63 million is masonic numerology. The faux authorities may have admitted to stainless steel tainting (if there was a valid investigation) but may not have returned all the shots. Or they may have allowed the story to run, to boost sales of Pfizer’s product over Moderna’s. There’s multiple possible scenarios re that story.

Charles Lieber and his crew (since he’s part of a working group in DARPA’s brain initiative/Covid op) are one group involved with developing the tech in the vials:


“The‭ ‬probes‭ ‬(fig.‭ ‬S1)‭ ‬consist‭ ‬of‭ ‬double-sided‭ ‬platinum‭ ‬electrodes (‭27) embedded in the polymer-based mesh-like region‬.”

The above paper (and others I’ve read and researched) are more relevant and in line with the findings of the Diblasi-Monteverde paper.

“Covid vials are suspensions not solutions”

I didn’t write they were “solutions”. I quoted from the WILEY paper you linked to RE GRAPHENE solutions.

There’s no need for the faux authorities to taint lidocaine. They wouldn’t be able to control the dose, the way they can with vaccines. And they wouldn’t even know who got what. So I very much doubt the tech is being put in anything else other than “vaccines”.

Since there’s a discrepancy between the elements found in the various shot brands, it seems logical and probable they’re testing several types of tech and nano composite materials in each brand. Thus, through batch #’s and brands they can track who got what, and also who dies and of what dis-eases, and how fast. THAT’S INFO THEY WANT.

They can’t do that with randomly tainted dental or injectable pain meds, thus it’s so highly unlikely, as to be not even worth considering.

“The point is these things can be peppered onto salt crystals in solution, whether vaxes or lidocaine as I presented here”

There’s literally no reason for them to do it *and* as I stated earlier, those accounts where this rumor came from are shill accounts. IMO.

You’ve already proven what those shills couldn’t and wouldn’t and that’s more than enough.

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So wishing I could be in on this, but... Well. You know. Looking forward to the results!

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Glad you were able to confirm my opinion. There are far too many fear porn artists in alt media if you ask me.

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Thank you for you substantial job of work here. I wasn’t personally worried about tech in dental anaesthetics and had a dozen or more doses in recent years. I’ve got terribly abused teeth, what’s left of them!

I’ve been very concerned about the not-vaccines, by virtue of their purported design. It’s incredibly dark, what’s happened & is happening.

I’m sceptical about injected, self assembling “tech”. However, I’ve been plenty wrong before and not for the last time, I’m sure.

All the best,


Ps: oh, and why diphenhydramine? Old school anti-histamine with polypharmacology properties. A sleep aid for some.

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Hello Mikey boy. You just can't wipe that dupers delight grin off that leacherous mug of yours can ya. Oh masonic mikey save us from the evil scorpions please!

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Thanks Mike, try to read all my posts!


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Why are your detection limits at 100 ug/L? This is ridiculously high for ICP-MS. What did the QA/QC package that you should have received “flag” as a problem [eg, internal standards, duplicates, blanks, interferences (?)]

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Hey Steve, didn't you get my reply to your comment on that post?


See the top of the results table in the post, it was in μg/L. Only the Na was mg/L. Sorry the Japanese may have confused you.


100μg/L is 0.00001wgt vol%.

For ppm here is wgt% to ppm conversion giving 0.1ppm


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