Hey PM, this is excellent stuff"!

You REALLY have a knack for making seriously gruesome stuff quite entertaining and comical!

God bless you ;)

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Yes, and not of this mattered at all, did it? I knew all of this early 2020. Since, I have had my career destroyed. Too many business I have frequented for decades have gone under. My kids childhood stolen from them as well as the early language development years of education. Friendships and networks torn asunder. Friends and acquaintances and never of my wife’s family lost to the clot shot.

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Yes my family and friends too. Warning most everyone there was no virus and a deadly vax was coming meant they would not talk to me anymore. Get to sleep.

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Thank you for the detailed reporting.

The plandemic was primarily promoted by the muzzle mandates in order to keep up appearances. How was that in Japan?

It's good to see how "public shootings" tend to be for a show or just dry runs for mind control:


Fewer Japanese character would suffice for my silly American mind, but the message IS getting through.

For that matter, the Japs, last time I checked, had only one "mandatory" injections (misleadingly called "vaccines").

Please, adjust the "ivermectin" story, which is quite clear by now (no, this is not an attack on PM, only a request for some modification):


It would help, if the introductory texts to the links were more informative, but PM is one of the best here, so who am I to say anything like that?

And, of course, "public protests" might even be orchestrated, because they don't achieve anything but harm:


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Thanks Ray, what you say is correct, I have separate posts on IVM and the intro texts was my lame attempt to make the post bilingual, I guess only those really "into" Japan will read them but I have seen a number of likes coming up on those linked posts in the last few days. The muzzle masks here have been part of the cold and hay fever season for decades so they just see it like we might see a baseball cap, but in 2020 they were getting much more neurotic about masks, well so were many foreigners in Japan too. IT'S SO EASY TO BRAIN WASH THE MASSES!

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Konnichiwa Proton!

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I speak - but don't read - fluent sushi (hamachi beings a fave...), but this was...an interesting exercise with googoyle translate. LOL!

Indeed, a lot of BS has been floated on the info pool surface, and I thank You for pointing it all out!

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So, I don't get it. I read a substack where Japan was apologizing about the COVID JAB. Now, are

you saying the Government is not truthful? Read Michael Yon's substack about Japan. He stated

that we could go to war with Japan. Have you heard this?

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Hi Lynn, you'd need to provide the exact links for me to evaluate the context. Thanks

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I don't know how to send the link. But, go to Michael Yon's Substack. Just put in search

Michael Yon, substack. JAPAN IS BEING SET UP FOR WAR.....let me know that you

found it. Thanks :-)

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This post doesnt have much info


just musing and opinions. There are no self-replicating mRNA jabs-see my HP top post on Proton's last theorem, so if he says this I don't trust anything he says. But yes a Japanese Pharma co is making shots and they and all the corona shots have the same metals in them and under 5g lots of people will die, mainly in Ireland/UK and the US.

The apology guy's speech is the 2nd to bottom of this post and my take, pls see it. HE is not Japan or the govt, he is an ex minister and he is not apologizing, he is trying to show fake sympathy so you will believe his push to take IVM for the never found BS corona virus.

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No doubt with bad flu symptoms of the avian kind. Does anyone know how to get this stuff out of bodies? Nearly everyone I know took them.

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I meant the one picked up by the aligned PCR test which produces the "cases" but maybe caused by EMF as your comment inferred.

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I think you can not get it out, just dont take more and it might degrade slowly and EMF protect.

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I'm getting on, nearly 70, and, although I at first believed the lies, my first awakening was stumbling upon critique of the Drosten RT PCR test, without having a virus. This then set me upon my looking into history of medicine, Rockefellers, Jenner, Pasteur, etc., electricity, frequences, previous attempts with mRNA. My big concern is for the young, far more educated than me, who dismissed my warnings, embrace wifi, smart meters, ear buds, contactless payments. They were brought up with it and can't see any negatives or believe there is anything sinister going on. I can't get through to them, my kids, neighbours.

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WOW....Thanks Proton. So, that man is fake. That's what I read under Michael Yon's comments. People were disputing his comments. I just don't know what

Michael Yon is all about. He's been on Bannon about the Border. Now, he says

he's in Japan with his crew. Somebody must be paying him. He's against

Trump. I don't know what that's all about. IVM?

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IVM is dangerous they want to make you sick and infertile


Serious neurological adverse events have been reported from large scale community-based ivermectin treatment campaigns...A case series of serious neurological adverse events occurring with the use of ivermectin outside of the onchocerciasis indication has been identified in VigiBase...there is supportive evidence for a causative role of ivermectin including presence of the drug in brain tissue in one case and recurrence of symptoms on repeated exposure in three cases.


Of the 21 persons who called in August...Six of the 21 persons were hospitalized for toxic effects from ivermectin use; all 6 reported preventive use, including the 3 who had obtained the drug by prescription. Four received care in an intensive care unit, and none died. Symptoms were gastrointestinal distress in 4 persons, confusion in 3, ataxia and weakness in 2, hypotension in 2, and seizures in 1. Of the persons who were not admitted to a hospital, most had gastrointestinal distress, dizziness, confusion, vision symptoms, or rash.

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All medications MAY have adverse effects on some people. What dosage they took? I have been taking 12mg twice a day. My husband's Mother was a

Medical Doctor. He worked in her office for years. I have had no side effects that I know of so far. Do you take Ivermectin?

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Theres is no virus nor anything else to take IVM for.

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I don't know much about IVM. I take Ivermectin for fibromyalgia. I take other supplements, also. They all build up my immune system.

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If the injections contain modRNA, isn't it these codes that instruct your own cells to produce the alleged spike protein, rather than syringe containing them? Pedantic, I know, but that is their narrative. It's puzzling to me that the independant researchers find no mRNA but lots of undeclared contents yet the Harma industry is gearing up to make all future ones with this method,

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No there is no spike and no mRNA certainly not for a virus, see my HP, Protons last theorem at the top.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was unable to provide any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 spike protein being found in anyone and purified (as opposed to “recombinant” “spike protein” being created in a lab and then studied, as though that reflects something going on in actual people); and so they responded as though this was another FOI regarding the fake virus, and provided the same useless paragraphs that they’ve been giving people for the past year or so:



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I've seen and watched the OG interview before, which kind of gave me hope but also wasn't 100% sure as Weissman and Kariko allegedly got Nobel prize for making the LNPs enter cells. Luc Montagnier also got Nobel prize for "isolation" of HIV but not according to The Perth group. I am suspicious now of the prize winners, who, seem mainly to benefit pharma. I was shocked by this well explained video on LNPs and his follow on one, which beggers any regulator giving authorisation! vimeo.com/807279310

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Pasheen: Do you know Clif High? He's into aliens, too. He believes there are aliens living on the bright side of the Moon and more. Tell me more about your out of body interdimensional travel.

We animal rescue, too :-)

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Jun 6
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Hey thanks for the heads up I will look at it. Any one can use a TOR browser etc, or just even make another SS acct with another handle and still be on SS and go lite. If you want to give me your email on direct message or other format we can stay in touch. Going to sleep now.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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