I don’t know much about guns -but that ‘weapon’ ( surprisingly intact after two blasts) looks to be made for buckshot..(?)

which would conceivably blow a hole in Abe, as well as potentially pepper those in front/around him...

The collar thing is weird- could it be a squib malfunction..?


‘Two loud booms...accompanied by puffs of smoke’. Pure theatre

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This is an excellent comment! Will pin it.

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Has to look like a lame homemade model - parted together from the hardware store! He could 3D print a replica, but then it would like real, and they need to scare peeps with Homemade and Spooky Ghost Guns (means no serial number).

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Things that stand out for me about the photos:

> was that the extent of the security? 4 guys? Especially for such an open spot, access from every direction.

>Also, they didn't notice the guy sneaking up behind them? Nobody saw him make his way around from his original position? There is literally nobody behind them and they don't see the one guy who does go behind them?

> who makes a gun that big for an assassination at close range? It looks like a bomb.

> do home made weapons smoke that much? Did this guy want to give away his position away and get caught?

Side notes from the videos :

> you telling me he wouldn't have flinched hearing that first shot? It also took him aaaaages to turn towards the attacker, while everyone else had turned to face him almost immediately.

> flapping collar is definitely wierd, nobody else's clothing near him was seen to flap like that.

Love these photos games PM! Nice change of pace and fun.

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Excellent comment, will pin it!

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You're right about too much smoke. I think the smoke is a prop to make something look real, like that a gun was shot. Just like Jackie jumping on the trunk to emphasize she was chasing brains, that JFK was shot. These are clever smoke and mirror tricks.

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Agreed. I think that "thing" down his shirt is also a probably part of a prop, one of those blood squib / bullet hit squib things.

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Great analysis Mia! I added some media at the bottom, check them out. I also put in the perp gun, it's smaller, the big one was found in the perp's house (they say). Maybe I posted before I had all my ducks lined up...sorry!

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"You can get 9 politicians at once with this baby." 😂

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Wow! What leaps out with the Corbett snippet is that "CO" feeling and similarly leaping from the Wikipedia entry on Yagamami that drivelly fake attacker bio feeling - although I cannot help being slightly amused by it - I know I shouldn't but just can't help it. I saw a video exposing the fakery soon after the alleged attack but no clue where it is now.

I shall await all to be explained.

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You've got better fake spotter eyes than I do! What does "CO" mean?

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Controlled opposition.

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Corbett never points out anything as fake! He'll have you asking "whodunnit?" FOREVER!

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I bet they regret not blowing Admiral Perry and his Masonic buddies out of Edo harbor.

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I had just made a note to link your Japan FM post to the award post, we have many ideas flying at the same time! Unfortunately the Japanese don't regret Perry and there are shops and signs even a statue around the town he landed close to that I've personally seen that make like he's a mascot of sorts. More ominously, besides a small minority, the locals have NO CLUE about Covid, 5g, SDGs, Reset, warming fake, nuke fake...nothing. 60-70% of people wearing masks now. For a few months it was down to 50%.

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"More ominously, besides a small minority, the locals have NO CLUE about Covid, 5g, SDGs, Reset, warming fake, nuke fake...nothing. 60-70% of people wearing masks now. For a few months it was down to 50%."

Is their life so unquestioningly satiated and sublime, their trust so absolute, their subservience so dedicated?

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Well there is a small minority and if you go to a protest you can meet many dozens all at once. So it's not a blanket "their". However, it is from strong indoctrination, and unquestioning of the narrative of history and the present that is pervading. Many will politely listen though. The majority of non-Japanese are also in the dark but the mask wearing here is off the charts.

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There have been some Japanese scientific/medical luminaries who have called out the toxic shots. How much impact do they exert in Japan and how 'managed' is the Japanese MSM? Watching the MSM elsewhere, in SKorea for example, it appears as 'managed' as MSM anywhere else.

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VERY managed. The TV and papers only talk about country A vs country B, get their intl news from the same sources as the West (AP news, Project Syndicate, etc.). They would never mention the word false flag or fake anything. The luminaries could be truthers, could be CO, I'm not sure, but they did not come out in force in 2020 so they didn't WARN people bombs would drop, they REPORTED that bombs dropped.

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Just to add, I didn't do any follow up to it but you can if you get the urge. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2013/10/24/editorials/mr-abes-undemocratic-secrecy-bill/

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Depends on the setting.

More like just above ninety percent in the grocery store wearing -- a relatively obvious minority, one in ten couples rather confidently wearing no mask.

More like two percent in the movie theater wearing a mask. The government gave the very clear signal last spring, was it, that the whole mask thing was over and depending on setting, people rather freely take their masks on or off, but rigidly by setting.

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I could swear I bookmarked it and looked on your site, can you give me the link to the Japan FMs story? Sorry.

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Thanks, it's now in this post, it's a amazing post. You seem to have deep interest in this place, hope you will come someday.

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You might enjoy "Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax" by Akio Nakatani. https://archive.org/details/death-object-exploding-the-nuclear-weapons-hoax-by-akio-nakatani-z-lib.org

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Thank you, and I hope so as well!

The culture, art, & history has always fascinated me. Our shared history vis-a-vis Masonry has only deepened that.

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I'd say you knocked this one out of the park but they made it so easy for you! "Ashley Babbit" was also wearing an identical contraption on Jan 6th. You could see it plain as day when she was being loaded into the ambulance and on to her next job.

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Great thanks for reading this post! I had seen a photo of Ashly at another event after 1.6, can't find it now. Crisis acting must pay well. Here is some info on Ashley I had:

1. https://greatawakening.win/p/12hRQHRIB9/did-ashley-babbitt-actually-die-/c/

2. https://dfreality.substack.com/p/my-j6-story/comment/46777797

Captain_Obviuos Jan 7

It's deeper than that, if you want to do family backgrounds; I alluded to it when I said Witthoeft (Joachim, using the Witthöft variation, Ashli's grandfather) was one of Hitler's boys. Witthoeft/Witthöft is probably a Dutch bastardization of the Germanic Weishaupt, which I hope you recognize (Adam).

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I've seen that picture as well but can't remember where either. It was about 2 months ago. It sure looked just like her to me. I am way behind on reading here because I have been working on a post for the last 2 weeks that has snowballed into a research and writing colossus. It really could be turned into a book but I have tried to keep it as brief as possible. Hopefully it will be complete tomorrow.

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Breaking up a long post into a series is better for engagement. Hope you will make a book though because you are a great contributor.

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The fact that he could stroll in there with that monstrosity and accurately fire and hit only Abe is pretty absurd. Seems like a psyop and exit plan combo.

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Right, nothing was fired except a fart or two.

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I've also seen this video shortly after the even, and here are my thoughts. Somehow, the event itself is forgotten like Maui.

Apparently, sometimes good servants are allowed to retire and their death is faked. Although I have a hard time taking anyone seriously who uses the word "draconian," Corbett is right about objecting (or only implying it) that the "departed" has not been made into a public hero. Or has he? :)

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Abe doesn't seem like a hero to the people, he seems like another family of famous prior politicians piece of furniture that, "well he's just in there because things run in the family in this country". Corbett's article only gives the official story, but covers that limited story well, that is what the public knows that's why I use it. If Corbett said it all I wouldn't need to make a post.

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That's what I meant to say, too.

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Corbett will only provide conspiracy 101 info, then you have to escape from his trap.

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Why was the assassination of Abe faked? What good is he alive ?

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Could be many reasons but he had lots of scandals that just disappeared overnight with the "death". Notice Corbett didn't mention those, he wants you to firmly stay in the "dead and gone sinkhole".

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Antartic is a bit busy ,

For some strange reason,

at the moment.

Brilliant deduction.

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Question : the still pictures, did you screen shot them or were they taken from newspapers? News casts?

And I can’t make out what the thing on his arm is but the next picture of him laying down , wouldn’t his white shirt be covered in blood .. well because he died from bleeding out? Or maybe blood takes a long time to saturate a white shot? Idk

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Some of the pics I screen shot then cropped from a video and some just copied from a site. All the pics should have the source linked if you click them. The collar flapping looks like blood air squib malfunctioned, then worked to some degree. Should be much more blood in a real shot yes. The squib mechanism is either wrapped on his arm or was on his chest and now lying on his arm, unclear to me but a squib fits with the action we saw.

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The picture of the shoes?

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click any photo and you will see where I got it from.

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Are you familiar with Peggy hall ? ( mostly you tube) her segments are about using critical thinking skills while trying to weed thru the BS.

Shoes was a big one , repeatedly in lots of different , ummm, big events, she was able to show pictures of shoes, a foot with a shoe, just shoes, just one shoe, etc.

she believes , as probably I do , that’s it a symbol / sign to the shadow over lords that mission was accomplished . Make sense?

In two of your pictures there are shoes .. the one with the shirt we already spoke about has the sole of a shoe , and the other has two men’s feet with shoes .

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I only see the pic with the sole. Shoes may have meaning but I dont see it repeated....but the sole is annoying and blocks his face, and seems to not be part of the original photo-honestly not sure what to make of that but take your point. I found a better version and replaced it.

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Hi proton , I do not know how to add a photo .. however , if you open the article itself .. the third picture down . With the “ big gun” on the ground . There is something not natural about the way the legs are hanging there . Like the back person was picking up the front person ? Somethings off .. what do you think ?

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Judging by the weapons that the govt agent has used, this stint was aimed at the anime fans - the young-er population.

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