< " Anyone can make a label and slap it on anything or anybody and change a label to anything they want. " >

ABSOLUTELY but to make it APPEAR "credible" by the gullible masses you have to apply the magic of the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - aka CULT OF LIES - presenting wo/man in white coats - by calling them "experts" with reference to the INDOCTRINATION CENTERS USED FOR COOKING UP THESE LIES - of course labeled as "ivy league universities" - defending THE LABELS OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, as those "experts" BELIEVE THE LIE themselves after having sunk so much TIME, MONEY AND EFFORT into it, that giving up this IDOL one got so used to is close to IMPOSSIBLE!

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Well said and Ulrike with her title and entourage did so, and my readers trusted Proton Magic and didn't suspect I would deploy a psychological test on them. We're all vulnerable to it until you know the game.

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" We're all vulnerable to it ..." ABSOLUTELY

"... until you know the game." NOT SO MUCH.

NO-ONE will ever know THE GAME, no matter what level of insight we BELIEVE we might have gained and what "resources" we BELIEVE we have at hand. Just look at the FOOLS THAT BELIEVE to have IT finally figured out, through all men's history ... let's just pray we might never fall for the same HUBRIS - NEVER!

Anything we ever will be able to do crawl forward humbly, diligently and patiently asking questions and WAITING FOR THE ANSWER to present itself - after the darkest hour has passed - no matter how long it takes making sure it is not THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN offering "the easy way out", which actually/truly is the first step into PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE - THE DARKNESS OF DENIAL OF REALITY!

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Btw who is Ulrike, am I missing something here?

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Ulrike Kämmerer the demoness in the 2nd half.

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Ok, you see here is the proof that I am slow - and not ashamed of it!

Thank you anyway for all whi you uncover, your effort is of great service to me!

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Nice PM, love the angle you took.

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I have never had an issue with anyone's anonymity as long as the info is sound, I am not too interested in precisely who is sharing it.

I for one am glad you found away around your obstacles to share your information and thoughts, I find them valuable.

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You're the greatest Mia!

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I love me some Genevieve Briand...

( I used to love reading cereal boxes, shampoo containers, etc...)

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even wakefield is a fraudster, he seemingly advocates for 'safe' vaccines as opposed to the 'unsafe' ones he likes to call out and clearly is a virus believer. he frequently appear on highwire along with his fellow fraudsters in the so called 'alt media' space.

the 'legal society' is based upon labels, or rather titles. as men and women, we are above it, but when we take on the title eg: patient, doctor, christian, muslim, daughter, son, mother, father - you get it, we bind ourselves and make the statutes, acts and legislations pertaining to said titles, our law. but, legal does not mean lawful. a man acting as a doctor giving (dangerous/harmful) medications to his patient is perfectly legal, but as the man giving such to another man or woman is unlawful. that is why, men and woman must have a licence to prescribe substances that do harm (as a doctor) in order to be protected against doing harm to a fellow man or woman who is acting as the patient. the same goes for needing a alcohol licence to sell booze, as a man/woman wishing to sell harmful alcoholic liquids to other men and women who act as customers. there you have a legal sale transaction between 2 fictional characters which is unlawful between men and woman.

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Ah, I thought that was in my memory yes, been trying to erase Bigtree from my brain altogether. This makes sense to 1. put out a limited hangout on vax dangers and get bashed for it thus bashing all anti-vaxers, and to plant these ideas: 2. "Vax injury has been looked into and shown to be fake", and 3. "Well vaxes an cause autism but that's it and otherwise their great!". Ingenious propagandizing. I didn't want to put this in the post for fear of alienating Dr. Wake worshipers.


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ah, sorry. seems i've unwittingly done that for you then. i'm happy to take the flack lol. i take it quite a lot as i essentially don't hand out my trust that readily.

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Thanks. You can see in the caption under the Dr Wake search image I did put my suspicions. See ya.

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After reading this Stack, I must slightly modify my original response to your question in your previous post. Here it is:

MOA = Method of Advertising (Truth in advertising isn’t always adhered to; label deception.)

When it comes to labels of any kind, we must always remember the idiom: “Don’t believe anything you read or hear and half of what you see.”

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Yes thats very close to the complete truth, which is, it's just a label, the thing doesn't even need to exist. Like a virus, alien UFO, pole reversal, dead body, human caused climate change, etc.

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What in the flaming conspiratorial hell do you mean by "dead body" doesn't exist? I'm on the edge of my seat for this one, mate.

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It means you can label a person as dead, doesn't mean there is actually a dead body, it's just words. Many people are faked or mistaken deaths. Labels can be endless.

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Are there any true labels? If so, can you give some examples?

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Lion cage says "Lion" and big motherf---er is salivating at the sight of your head. Probably a true label. Going to sleep now, take it easy on me💤

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Feb 21, 2024Edited
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You have 0% empirical evidence to back up your claim. I, too, have 0% empirical evidence to back up the claim that they WERE killed. Let's just keep things honest and not hyperbolic, cool? Otherwise we fall smack in the middle of the definition of lying-cunting-clickbait-grifting-conspiracy-theorists.

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Feb 21, 2024
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People yacking like they know what they're talking about is the psy-op. Your link offers no empirical proof. Just grifters yacking for the clickbait.

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Feb 21, 2024
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Ulrike Kammerer sounds like the kind of human that makes me wonder WTF?

There are thousands like her. Materialism is the hell-being's mantra and she certainly mantras.....

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The wayback machine link is broken here is an alternative:


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Wow, you are the fastest proofreader this side of Mars, now edited!

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Happy to be of service to THE TRUTH!

I ONLY take my time - as difficult as it is at times - as QUALITY/BEING ON SOLID GROUND - THE ROCK OF TRUTH - beats quantity/speed/half-truths any time in GOD ALMIGHTY'S UNIVERSE.

PATIENCE AND TRUST IN GOD ALMIGHTY is unknown to THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, which is why it makes so many mistakes and it will never be able to realise THE HOUSE OF LIES it has built around its PRIDE, ARROGANCE, HYPOCRISY AND HUBRIS - using time as its whip.

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This is a strange game where the only winning move is not to play.

I have no idea where I picked this up from and when I search can find no source.

As you have proven, the moment we engage in play, we deduce rules of engagement and begin playing by them and lose the game.

Nice one. Nicely illustrated with ol' Ulrike and her little story of the virus that could.

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WarGames (1983)


[after playing out all possible outcomes for Global Thermonuclear War]

Joshua: Greetings, Professor Falken.

Stephen Falken: Hello, Joshua.

Joshua: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?

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How about accepting THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA and participating in LIFE instead of being caught up in THE FALSE DICHOTOMY firstly proposed by EVE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN and accepted by ADAM and since then propagated by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - THE CULT OF LIES?

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Brilliant, PM!

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Wow that was a very good lesson, I was guilty of sloppy thinking/logic, again! I’m immersing in Alison McDowell and getting my head around some HUGE concepts, it’s starting to make sense.

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I just read about how the Titantic may have been the Oceanic relabeled. Unbekoming did a post on that.

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I think it was the Olympia not the Oceanic.

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Thank you for covering this, PM! What a story.

And kudos to Torsten Engelbrecht - it is him not I who has doggedly pursued Ulrike.

And kudos to Samuel Eckert for his fabulous reward offer, inspired no doubt by Stefan Lanka.

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And kudos to you for excellent SS post that greatly helped me get started!

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Love always, little proton! Indeed, They love to label things to hide reality. I am amused that Kämmerer applied for the prize and then... Did nothing to show She qualified! LOL!

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I said in the earlier post to check the nutrition information (back label, info label, product specs label).

For the large scale vaccine demonstrations repurposed to be covered countermeasures to Sars-Covid-2 "virus", the datasheets of vaccine's contents included in the vial box were "intentionally blank"....

I suppose intentionally blank sheets results in less questions from the masses vs a full datasheet with 95% black redaction ink on it. ::rolleyes::

But PM is correct in that the label itself can create an effective limited hangout, where we ignore more important info regarding the topic that is NOT being presented.

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Yes I remember your comment and thought you were the closest Jon! However, the full deal was something like, "This is just words on a label on a bottle, is there something of substance here to actually discuss?" If there is, then that leads to the next step of actual identification which is beyond the labeling issue for this post. Be sure I've made, and still make similar mistaken conclusions myself. Imagine a school class on how not to be deceived and how to investigate claims. There may be but I don't think a public school will have a course on doubting the govt! LOL.

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I love looking at labels and other graphics to find the deception!

Also, the black magicians L-O-V-E the twinsies!

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" Should be obvious the Authorities have had a field day with Dr. aWake & labels. “Fraud”, “dangerous”, “disgraced”, “chilling”…no lack of labels for Dr. aWake:"

Are you referring to FRAUDXI et. al.? - I am asking for a friend. ;-)

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I don't follow your question.

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It's not a real question, just a way of pointing out/ emphasising the obvious for those with eyes to see. Ironic sarcasm if such a thing even exists.

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