PM, I finally had that dental procedure which definitely required Lidocaine. Even though I was pretty sure, based on your earlier post about your research, that it didn't contain the dreaded nano-tech, I know that all pharmaceuticals are poisons.

So I mentally said a lot of mantras prior to the injection. These were centered around the fact that, since I am a direct emanation of The Divine, I must be far more powerful than the death-cultists and all the harmful things they conjure up. I survived the Lidocaine application and the drilling. It has been a week now, and I feel fine.

Actually, I feel better than ever, knowing that one more mercury amalgam filling is out of my head. (My childhood dentist took full advantage of my father's excellent dental "insurance" and by the time I was 10 years old, all of my molars and pre-molars had deep fillings. A few years later, he was charged with multiple charges of medical fraud and he committed suicide, or maybe he just set up practice under another name in another little town in another state.)

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Thanks for the report Sharine and glad you had no specific problem! Not sure I dissected the lido issue fully but I want to move on to diphenhydramine as alternative for local anesthesia as it is not as likely on the plan to taint as lido. For now, I'm wedded to my ice pack and a shot of JD as the fat lady hasn't sung yet on this project but will keep you posted.

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Good(ish) to know about Lidocaine because I've had to undergo a lot of dental treatments recently - I'm convinced my childhood dentist was on a job creation scheme because all my teeth have had some form of restoration or whatever - and Lidocaine seems to be the drug of choice for dentists. I find it curious though that every time I have to argue with the dentist about how much to use. For about 10 minutes of drilling I am usually numb for over 5 hours with the usual amount of pain relief given and so I ask for the least amount of Lidocaine possible, which usually amounts to a sixth of the recommended amount and that lasts about 2-3 hours - more than enough time for the work the dentist has to do. So why are they overdosing the stuff?? Also, when I do ask for less, the look on the dentist's face is one of shock - like, why would anyone want less pain relief? And so I have to explain every time that I want to limit the amount of poisons going into my body......and I can just tell that the dentist thinks I am a complete nutter........hey ho, I might also add that the dentist is also shocked when they ask if I am on any medication or have any illnesses and I say no - I think I must be a rarity at my age in these unhealthy times, but these medical people cannot seem to put two and two together and come up with four, like the reason I am fit and healthy at my age is BECAUSE I refuse to have so much crap going into my system!

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Well said Laura and I like this "job creation scheme" as it's so true with many (not all) of them.

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People don't realize that dentists, not just doctors, go DEEPLY into debt for their schooling.

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I can only imagine the look on the face of the white jacket when you ask for less lidocaine....too funny.

Dentists now freak me out as do doctors. Can't trust them, especially when they are mostly bought and sold by pharma to flog their fluoride. I'm convinced they get to go on African safaries if they use enough of the stuff.

These days, I don't trust lidocaine or any other injection from dentists (or doctors), at all and I think they "overinject" people because they can and also people don't want to feel even a twinge so there is hardly ever any dispute. There must be another kick back from pharma for using it.

My childhood dentist took out the wrong tooth when I was little and my father never had any injections to have teeth removed or dental work (he had hardly any teeth left). He said he hated the feeling of freezing.

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Me, too. And GOOD FOR YOU. I lost faith in dentists entirely when I asked for no Xrays, but the guy whined and cajoled and he was the only dentist I could go to at the time... I notice how they put a big lead protective vest on your chest when they Xray your teeth, but NOT over where your brain is, which is NOT where your teeth are... let's all chew on THAT.

And glad things ended up okay for you!

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Dental xrays have very little radiation


Procedure Approximate effective radiation dose Comparable to natural background radiation:

Dental X-ray 0.005 mSv 1 day

Panoramic X-ray 0.025 mSv 3 days

Cone Beam CT 0.18 mSv 22 days

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Fine. I don’t CARE how much there is, when the entire planet is bathed in EMF’s. I’m already injured from all this, and my brain is kind of precious to me. My point wasn’t about how much, it was about the casual way my chest was covered, but my brain was NOT. Sends me a message, I don’t think it’s weird to think about this!! ;)

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Covering your chest is just to make the masses feel good and covers some liability from a complainer. But you have a good satirical point about it.

Yes, dental x-rays, esp the 0.005 mSv ones, are meaningless amounts of radiation.

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Not that I donut trust you, it's not personal or really about anybody in particular, but as you are saying, I think, it's about the message. AND I donut trust ANY of this kind of thing No Mo. (xo) I donut MIND being irrational about some of it, just for my own toothy feelings about it, as in, Grrrrrr. And just for the record, I am pissed arf already with dentists, because they should have KNOWN that putting MERCURY in our teeth was a bad idea, ffs. Burf. Roof. Owwoooooooo! PS... Maybe I should have been born a DONKEY, instead of a dog. ;)

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I think your limits of detection are too high, 0.1 weight percent ? Isn’t that like low ppm range?

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Thanks Steve, good you had me review this. Just re-calc myself using this


100μg/L is 0.00001wgt vol%.

See the top of the results table in the post, it was in μg/L. Only the Na was mg/L. Sorry the Japanese may have confused you.

For ppm here is wgt% to ppm conversion giving 0.1ppm


But, it’s good I looked thru the communications with the lab on your prodding. First we discussed EDX, then it changed to ICP-MS and I didn’t change the post, so I also changed that in the post just now.

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This is a heroic enterprise.

The sourcing of the lidocaine probably makes a difference, and as with the convid injections, the contents of the vials can vary by the batch.

So, even if a batch is totally "clean," it doesn't mean that all of them are.

In fact, I also know someone who received a truckload of lidocaine during a breast byopsy, and she was nearly fully incapacitated for two days. Even after that, constant exhaustion was present for months, but she got her next dosage during her surgery, in spite of her telling the surgeon about her previous reaction to the same...

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Well said Ray. And in addition, contents can vary over time and producer (though I am suspecting nasties would be centrally controlled and put in the raw materials in countries like China were the regs would be minimal), and my project didn't look at every element....yet.

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Finding "nothing" is interesting too. Keep on. Thanks.

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"Nothing was found" isn't the same as "nothing is there." Not every rock was overturned in the studies I did by any means. It a balance of cost vs value. This is really an interim report, but doesn't mean I will be the one to finish it.

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Sorry, not going to unsub. LOL! I love the data You offer up, and I thought this was quite interesting. [hugs!]

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What I have read elsewhere is that there are self-assembling nano particles in these anaesthetics. Your test doesn't go there. Also less than 100mg/L could also be significant if you are getting these poisons in similar microdoses in other products.

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I think you are confusing mg/L (milligrams) with micro grams/L?

Also, we need to be careful of concluding self-assembly if you mean tech. Tech requires we test the object's ability to function as tech, which I have never seen done. Did you see the LM and SEM posts I did on this sample in the last few weeks? Where would you like my "test" to go that we havn't gone to find "tech"? There was no tech looking stuff on 2 SEM scopings and a dark field evaporation LM scoping. That doesn't PROVE there is no tech but what you have seen that may look like tech is not proven to be tech either.

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If one didn't know better, it almost looks like Jackie is trying to escape someone dangerous who must be in the car with her. All of her training was to hunker down in the seat for protection and to be whisked away. Who would climb into the open just after someone shot her husband from (supposedly) outside the car? Now, who was that Senator in front of them?

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You might be right if it was for real but it was all a movie set and staged. Grabbing at brain bits nails down a real shooting for the viewer. She was trying to grab something, some people think it was a squib that malfunctioned but it would be best just to ignore that if it was true, and no senator in their right mind is going to try to shoot her with cameras rolling, makes no sense.

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Jackie is jumping on top of the car in the photo but onlookers are looking in the opposite direction. I was a third grader when this happened but never saw this shot until now. Is that her but? She was wearing a pink (panther) suit but where are the blood stains? Don't recall. And why was a presumably secret service person running toward the car when he should have been right there all along AND was she on top of a speeding car or was it stopped? Why is the photo in the lidocaine post? Caine? Cane?

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The photo was a recreation, it doesn’t have all the facts about the actual event. I just used it to get the point across of Jackie jumping. The actual photo of the event is at the bottom of the Jackie post. You need to read the post itself to understand what was really going on. It’s in the lido post as a comparison on what people take as popular vs unpopular things to read. My point on that is that people love action and people intrigue, but when it comes to science and research papers they have much less interest- this is a way those that manipulate our senses can take advantage of us burying us in People Magazine BS.

👉you can see people fixed on Paul arguing with Fauci or the dancing nurse actors, or Mike Yeadon screaming fear of variants. Did many people read the research papers or docs that spoke of the real truths? Not many, did you? Most people had their heads stuck in the sand (aka watching the news and Netflix) while the reaper came thru.

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So true. I'm stunned all the time at how ppl are so uninterested in these things while my jaw drops to the floor when I see this stuff. Ppl are in neutral, mentally, and just don't hardly respond to anything non-mainstream. If they don't see it on TV, they don't give it their attention. They refuse to engage with the challenges to their paradigm. I believe in curses and think something much more is going on than meets the eye. It's all just so very bazaar.

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The New World Order is pushing thru Agenda 2030 of course.

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I like Mike Yeadon, and he's pretty on top of things nowadays.

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I think you mean "bizarre." A bazaar is like a market... ;)

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