Proton Magic & Co. is pleased to announce episode #2 of,
“Photos that say something very deep about the world”.
I want YOU to learn how to think, not just get me to throw info at you. Usually there is a shock and awe event that includes the photos we may want to use, or a photo after and related to the event. The shock and awe is what locks-in our thinking and we fall into the belief trap that makes us react the way the planners of these events wish.
Last time we saw the “Jackie the Car Jumper” photo. Today, it’s about “Manson The Moron?” Was Charles Manson really a Moron to do all those barbaric things? Let me be clear, Manson was one of the best thespians of our time. If your puking, please read on.
There are many Moronic Manson photos to choose from, some are too subtle, some are too obvious.
Today the guest of honor is the Manson prison interview by Vanity Fair Spain in 2011:
Today’s quiz, choose 2 choices that MOST CLOSELY speak the truth about what this photo represents (there is no fully true answer below). We want to see what your natural take is on it. Don’t look up more than Manson’s Wiki page, and don’t reply to the quiz for a few days if you have read deeply about Manson already (that means you Kevin Johnson, and a few others).
Choose 2 by number:
Hippie girls were easy, and Manson and got them hooked on murder as an aphrodisiac.
Manson wanted to get on Vanity Fair and the Proton Magic news.
The New World Order wanted Sharon Tate’s baby (some conspiracists say the baby is Proton Magic). They made a fake death, took her away and later returned her as Patti Tate, Sharon’s never known before younger sister who was amnestic to the whole affair.
Manson was just a nasty guy, the Mansonites all had childhood trauma, were desperate for love and sadistic.
Tate’s dad, a Colonel, got in trouble with the mob and they paid the Mansonites to get Sharon as retribution.
Sharon & hubby Polanski were funded by the CIA to make a gruesome murder movie for mind control of the masses. They hired up the Mansonites to act it out. Things got out of hand and the murders….Polanski and some others got away-after a few more drugging rapes.
It was all a failed attempt at polyamory, Manson got mentally ill and paranoid and thought his girls were in love with Sharon (like Hinkley was after Jodie Foster) and he decided to finish-off that rat hole.
All the deceased were planned to be sacrificed by an occult order before they were born, like Princess Diana. The occultists who run the world plan these events decades in advance.
Manson was gay and the best way to find partners was to go back to the penitentiary, he planned the whole thing.
In a few days I’ll have an award ceremony and some explanations in a pinned comment, and probably add some things to the body of the post so stay tuned.
Some hints when looking at photos:
Who has what background, who is related to or interacts with who?
What is going on in or planned for society or the persons involved?
What is gained, and who gains something from the shock and awe then ongoing publicity?
Is the photo altered in some way?
Why is Proton Magic sending you a photo if there’s nothing to read into?
A few days since the post we’re getting ready for the real story.
This photo is of Manson being arrested at the Spahns Movie Ranch a week after the “murders”, just put that sign right in the photo guys. The police came with a movie crew to film the arrest at the “Movie Ranch”, makes perfect sense. The police have non standard gear, one with an army shirt, and police in helmets? The expressions are strange, clothing is strange (one guy in a leather jacket, one no shirt), no one seems very upset, the police don’t look professional. Who’s the costume director, and why do they need to pose for a photo in a real arrest?

Manson was let go this time and even the next time. Here’s our guru Miles Mathis where you can read the 95 page treatise if you want:
The authorities wanted to let the story build a bit longer, let Los Angeles stew in fake fear a few more weeks. Besides, the date of final capture was already set in the script: October 12, Aleister Crowley's [Barbara Bush’s Father it seems] birthday….The secret services have been hiding behind Satanism since the late 19th century…
And here, we have our “Tate Sisters”
Sharon Tate at 23:
And 28-yrs later, Sharon, ahem, I mean Patti Tate below. Patti should be 36 in this vid and Sharon would be 51, note there are no photos of Patti before 1970. No photos of a child born in 1957 to a well to do family with a very famous celeb older sis? Whoops, who’s writing this spook spectacle?
Personally I think the “Patti” is Sharon with a small nose job and face lift. Look from 15 sec into the vid at Patti’s profile. Is this person a natural 36 or a 51 year-old with a face lift? Maybe one of you out there wants to do a voice match. Seems they copied each other’s speaking style a bit. Notice a cough into a fist a little after 4:50 and 5:50.
Update 11.25.24, that video description I just put in quotes was taken down, but I captured a screen shot 3 photos down of Patti’s cough. Here is another one vid, just look at “Patti” at 2:18, she is clearly Sharon with a nose job.
And here at 00:56 and 00:59 you can see Sharon also coughs in an interview with the same fist over the mouth reaction, nifty hint isn’t it?
Same thumb position, same wrist bone, profile of Patti 2 vids below is clearly older than 36. I think there is some grey hair showing even, but I digress.
Sharon around 25 years-old:
Patti said to be “36 years-old”, Sharon would be 51.
The spooks were too busy making up Manson’s hair, they forgot Sharon was a toker with toker’s cough. Or, it coulda been that Covid-19 came out from Sharon’s grave to get Patti in the 90s?
If you don’t believe plastic surgery is an age stopper, here you can see the middle sis Debra Tate who would be about 67 in this video in 2019 (there are other photos of elderly Debra on the net looking VERY wrinkled). She’s a very pleasant looking senior citizen here isn’t she?
I guess Debra goes to the same celeb deep-cut eyelid guy who does Pelosi. Spooky huh?
Ok, you don’t like the cough analysis, well here’s the ear analysis proving Patti is indeed Shannon: see page 72. Spook hunting is lots of fun!
Yours Truly, Proton Magic & Co.
~Personal opinion and satire~
The winner for guessing correctly on this post is... Amaterasu!!!
She wins because of the correct analysis of Manson in the Photo and the only commenter who wrote it all out for us. I couldn’t put it so clearly in #6 as that would have ruined the game. She did miss that #3 was also correct because of the evidence that Sharon became Patti, the made-up sister a few years later. She says:
“I give highest probability to the whole thing being a CIA psyop. Prisons do not allow beards, and Manson sported one every time They brought Him out on stage. This suggests that the actor was not actually in prison. I also do not think there were any actual murders - Tate was seen in Rome with Polanski years after the "event." From what I could glean, the CIA was working on how to stop the love building in the 60's, and threw that party to cast a ghastly light on "hippies" and the like.”
1. Kevin Johnson who gave us this that explains all:
2. Marta, Staszak who said #6 and #3. This is really the best simple answer.
3. Fizzygurl, who said #6 (but missed #3).
So what was the Manson-Tate event all about? It was 1969 and the anti-war movement was boiling over. This was mainly led by fervent hippies, some were even shot at by crowd controllers like the Kent State incident and they had to be discredited. Manson & Co. did the trick, but other music legends also had to go-probably just underground (Morrison, Joplin, Hendrix). Morrison's dad was commander of United States naval forces during the fake Gulf of Tonkin Incident-hey all in the family. War is big business.
It was also another episode of Intel agencies using movie sets to mind-bend us into a narrative and reaction. The photo shows Manson was never really in prison, he just visited for these follow-up shows. The Manson Family girls were all from affluent families and were all involved in stage and acting. They didn’t really look like hippies nor have the history of such and they neither were really in prison. Tate was another faked death like JFK and many others.
THINK & INVESTIGATE do not just BELIEVE & OBEY. Question everything and don't make any rash decisions if you don’t have the time or resources to investigate!
Well, I give highest probability to the whole thing being a CIA psyop. Prisons do not allow beards, and Manson sported one every time They brought Him out on stage. This suggests that the actor was not actually in prison. I also do not think there were any actual murders - Tate was seen in Rome with Polanski years after the "event."
From what I could glean, the CIA was working on how to stop the love building in the 60's, and threw that party to cast a ghastly light on "hippies" and the like.
#6 comes closest, but I think still misses the mark...