I’ve been looking at a bunch of photos lately that are very telling about the way the world really is. I want YOU to learn how to think, not just get me to throw info at you or think for you.
Today we’ll look at: “Jumpin Jackie Flash”. The darling “widow” of the 60s. Reminding you she’s a “widow” cements the “death” of JFK doesn’t it?
We’re now upon the 60th anniversary of the event.
This photo, said to be a recreation of the 1963 event in the 70’s, is showing you something so deep you may not function well for a few days and blame Proton Magic for your woes.
Update 1.1.2025 I made this post below in July ‘24 and should have added it here. Please scroll down 「The Brain-Bits Sequel」 post to this section 「JFK & Jumpin’ Jackie- Royal Fake Heroes」 showing that Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit was the corpse said to be JFK. Now you know why Tippit got shot that day and that JFK just laughed all the way home.
I pasted a blurry Zapruder film photo of the actual event below, although the Zapruder film had a shady history and was itself said to have been manipulated-but that’s past the scope of this post. The recreation photo above is just clearer and of better quality-it gets the point across that Jackie jumped onto the trunk ostensibly to get a piece of JFK’s skull that had been shot off (this nonsense alone should make you realize the whole thing is a sham but I digress..). What the Government wants us to believe happened is enough for our investigation today.
Give 2 choices that you think are the closest to describing the truth of the photo after you look at it CAREFULLY. What do you see and not see that tells you the truth. The satire part is just to help you think.
Jackie wants to paste JFKs skull and brain slice back- she doesn’t want to lose her job of being 1st Lady.
The SS trained her to use her behind as a decoy target to escape bullets to the head.
She’s lunging at the SS guy she’s having an affair with- they finally have a chance to give birth to Proton Magic.
She’s Isis and JFK is Osiris reincarnated, it’s just a ritual these Gods do.
She knows the car jump will get her on the Proton Magic News in 2023.
It’s a movie audition and she’s going for star lady and stunt lady all-in-one.
She’s just a ditz leaving her husband and leader of the free world to bleed to death.
You never thought Jackie was that wide from astern.
LBJ, the CIA, and Jackie are part of a Coup to take over the govt.
The KGB has infiltrated the SS and driver of the car-it’s an attempt to undermine the US’s role in global affairs.
The above pic is said to be a recreation years later, here is the Zapruder film frame of the actual event in 1963. Our analysis doesn’t really change:
Below: active shooter scene (?) Duck for cover but keep those cameramen employed with their full movie-set cameras. Weren’t they filming when JFK was shot? Where’s their footage? The Newmann family was officially said to be the closest witnesses to the shooting. So if that’s true then the camera crew is lying they didn’t film the shooting, and if it’s fake, well then that would prove they are making up propaganda for some reason. Mr Newman really knows how to keep his son’s head protected. My kind of dad.
Here in the first few seconds of the LV shooting, raw cell phone vid of hundreds of people ducking as initial instinct. They only begin to run when they get their wits together and see that lying down isn't a good idea. Jackie had seats to duck into and there was NO TIME to get her wits together, car jumping is ACTING.
Here, people duck when shot at (or think they are being shot at), period!
You don't expose yourself to where the shots are. We are to believe She's got her wits on after JFK is shot at at least twice just inches from her per the official story and in only a few seconds, the car is barely moving, shots have not clearly stopped, and she thinks its ok to leave hubby in the seat to grab a piece of brain and skull to paste back on? This logic is more baloney than virology.
You say you want to see proof of ducking under seats?
If it ducks when shot, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.
Your’s Truly, Proton Magic & Co.
👉 See the top pinned comment below for PM’s answers and contest winners.
This post got lots of great comments and I appreciate everybody’s time! I Don’t want to say there are winners and losers but we have to tip our hats to people who got closest to the question I posed.
To cut to the chase, my answer is:
The Kennedy’s working for and with the global elite were the perpetrators not the victims here, and Dealey Plaza was a movie set. There is no evidence JFK was killed and more logic to say he went underground as part of a shadow govt structure. The victims were and are the Americans who paid, were maimed, and died for the result of this: The Vietnam War and destruction of SE Asia. This scammed death by our "beloved" JFK allowed 50k Americans and 2 million Vietnamese (not including Cambodians and others) to die in the coming years. A little depopulation game anyone?
They, and their backers/handlers set up a deception theater so simple but yet with such impact. Were JFK and his SS such buffoons as not to know what security to have for a motorcade? No bullet proof glass on the car, no SS riding on the car? No control of building windows and grassy knolls? Proton Magic says, “you don’t need to go on a motorcade to win an election”.
But that isn’t the issue. The Business Coup in 1933 failed due to Smedley Butler’s testimony to congress, great. He got his Karmic retribution a few years later (but may have done and Epstein, IDK). Do you think the Duponts, Morgans, Kennedys, and Rockefellers who are both part of and managers for the Global Elite, would just give up on controlling the US (you could substitute their names now to Gates, Musk, Besos, Zuckerberg, same idea). Dupont et al. went underground. I suppose they function as a committee, each family overseeing a specific sector of govt (mil, mob, domestic, econ, etc.) getting their orders from the central planners in the larger global power structure (the Committee of 300), and giving simple instructions to their stooge LBJ on what to sign. It’s the “onion structure” to the real gov’t that has to stay in the shadows.
This is the deeper issue behind the cinema:
“The US is run by a crime syndicate of such size it is unfathomable for most people. It hides in the shadows, deceives us to the hilt to be slaves, to obey, and to pay homage to the gods of statism that will make us willingly pay for and sacrifice our own people in wars, injections, and perpetual servitude to the elite.”
Kennedy’s presidency itself was a hopium deception. His family basically owned and ran all of the US mafia’s activities (and RKO Pictures!) , he was groomed to be the savior of the people but was just acting a role he had to play, because the Kennedy’s also had to follow the direction of the larger groups of families in their global network of Black Nobility (very similar play-game to Trump, just Trump isn’t as likable as JFK). JFK’s faked death served a few purposes, but to simplify, it put the populace in such despair and confusion it numbed their ability to protest the Vietnam war for a while. Similar to 9.11 which numbed protest to the sudden war in the Mid-East, and a fake pandemic that numbed protest to the control that is now building on us.
Look at all the Kennedys that were just stupid enough to get knocked-off, or did they just go into the shadows to do their jobs for the syndicate? Joe Jr, JFK, Bobby (and their concubines), JFK Jr, they’re all so unlucky! Why is “going underground" so hard for the population to accept? JFK couldn’t be the one seen openly going to war.
What about our car jumper? Imagine you are being shot at, IT’S FUCKIN’ SCARY! Who in their right mind doesn’t duck under the seats and pull their hubby down? Only an actress told to jump on the trunk! The jumping to grab a skull fragment makes the death more realistic to the viewer, and also serves as a reason the car can’t speed away. No idiot driver shot JFK, no idiots crouching in the road side drain pits shot JFK, no idiot guys on the grassy knoll shot JFK (no SS to cordon off the Knoll but we can fight a nuclear war? Cool stuff).
Most of the comments were still a bit fixated on the details (that is what they want us to do). A few comments though were correct about the details and are valid whether one is looking at the top recreation photo, or the Zapruder photo at the bottom of the post which gives the same basic story.
But one guy knew where the full answer was! The winner of the day is.....
Kevin Johnson with his simple answer, “Behind door number three: http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf ”
Because he read the same 80+ page document called the “THE HIDDEN KING(S)” that Proton Magic read to make this post and which makes it clear that the Kennedy’s were part of the perp group, not victims, a typical occult Illuminati set-up. So hat’s off the Kevin whose lesson is to put in the time to find to read long docs which make sense. Miles’ entire set of writings is one of the most impressive analyses of fakery you can find on-line: http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html
The closest answers were choices 4 and 6:
4. She’s Isis and JFK is Osiris reincarnated, it’s just a ritual these Gods do.
The Kennedys were one of the elite blood lines whose creed is based on pagan mythology (the Washington monument is Osiris’ “thing” and the Capitol bldg. is Isis’s womb facing the water which Isis’ “thing”). At the time JFK and Jackie were like gods to the American public and would be reincarnated after the event into new roles, making the fake death and reincarnation of JFK and Jackie into new roles as “gods in hiding” so to speak. Read all of this http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf to get it.
6. It’s a movie audition and she’s going for star lady and stunt lady all-in-one.
From what I wrote above, the Mathis pdf link, and Sun’s YT link below, it will be clear the JFK event was a movie set.
Runners up:
“No blood, no brains on the car trunk and the people are still standing calmly in the background - I would expect them to be crouching down, lying down or in the process of running.”
-Right, every one should have hit the deck if real bullets were raining down, even just fake bullet sounds (which is what I think the police recorded).
Amaterasu Solar
I find it interesting that I can see zero blood. I already give good probability that He was not killed
-Right, no blood. Anyone ever work in an ER with gunshot victims and see no blood?
Sun Sioux
Jackie was reaching for the hollywood style blood squid that went awry. the JFK “ assassination” was a Hollywood movie.
-Didn’t think of this one. Not sure if this is your induction or there was evidence on the squid, but I put you on the podium because you answered it was a movie set. Correct!
Smoke&mirrors ops were/are SO easy to pull off. Just control the immediate surroundings and have plenty of actors available.
-Simple and correct answer.
Scipio Eruditus
Man if only there was some sort of historic precedence for killing a body double of the nation’s ruler for ritualistic purposes. Oh wait, there is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substitute_king_ritual
- JFK could be considered the permanently dead substitute king and the real peasant king at the same time. A one-man ritual. You barely made it but your on the podium!
Sun Sioux
No one shot JFK: https://youtu.be/-JdYhbuLgjU?si=1kICcSjW3lDuBJa5
-On target with the nonsense details good find!
1. No brains/blood.
3. Notice that all bystanders are looking in the opposite direction, away from the vehicle and do not appear perturbed or aware?
-Another on-target wrt details!
Well, gosh, the photo is from a re-enactment of the event, circa 1970s. I knew that the first time I saw it some 20 years ago without having to do any research to confirm it. Do people honestly think that was taken on Nov. 22, 1963? A perfectly framed photo that shows everything (!), captured right in front of the limo before it speeds away? But then look at the "JFK" guy lying there, for crying out loud. Head perfectly intact with nary a wound or blood splatter anywhere! How about the bystanders on the sidewalk? Did people wear bell-bottom jeans and have mop-style haircuts in 1963? I'm surprised. Thought literally everybody knew this was a fake.