Hereā€™s the follow-up with todayā€™s answer and a practical example:


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I am familiar with Biotin supplement, marketed mainly to women who wish to have nice nails and grow hair. That is the MOA of Natrol in this case their marketing campaign exploits women desires, (and vanity maybe?).

I went to look up the entire ingredients list and if you ask me, for those who know how I look at the world...this value is pure bullshit wichtcraftery masonic value just for start 33,333% .

Curiously enoughā€¦. I am really opening up another can of worms hereā€¦ā€¦the word BIOTIN in Gematria has a value of 33 (redux) and has same cyphers of the word ā€œCoronavirus Diseaseā€.

Not to mention the other ingredients added in this particular oneā€¦..silicon dioxide (good old E551) being one of them with very dubious. Sometimes I think they push the supplement to make you ingest the inactive ingredients. Well no thanksā€¦ā€¦I will risk tuna fish with mercury instead, eggs or continuously break my nails.

What is MOA of Biotin in the human body to make your nails and hair grow? I really do not know the details of this except that it is a form of vitamin B and we get it from foods like eggs, fish and organ meat and some vegetables. So in my head translates as I am going to eat it in form of food instead of via supplementation because it is usually the best way to absorb it. Even if the food already has a reduced amount of it.

My biggest pet-peeve about supplementation is the vagueness of the allotted amount per individual and how do we know if an individual is lacking of xyz nutrients in the first place. No specific testing via blood sample or any other tech advancement allows this. Age guidelines stop usually at age 19+ā€¦ā€¦this is not science. It was never science for the consumer but to satisfy the market in legal terms.

Every individual has a different need based on their UNIQUE make up. Older women for example in menopause would have a different need than pre-natal women ā€¦.but how did they get those nutritional needs values in the first place?

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I might point out that "BIOTIN" has a LOT of interesting gematria. 69 in ordinal, 330 (33) in "standard," 93 in rev ordinal, 111 English Qabala and Cipher X, 314 reverse primes, 22 septenary, and... 303 (33) in reverse satanic.

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On the label says it contains Calcium (as Dibasic Calcium Phosphate)

66 mg

I do know that almost all of psychiatric meds use plenty of Ca DCP and its not a good


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Wow, that's a full house of rather nasty numerology!

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" No specific testing via blood sample or any other tech advancement allows this. "

There is no "technology" that could be applied - disregarding costs - to determine ANYTHING. - is that what above statement is trying to reveal?

If this is the case, I would be very much interested in further elaboration, however brief, or sources with further elaboration about it.

What your comment highlights about the age and constitutional limitations of each and every individual is the most obvious RED FLAG about this scam.

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Its MOA is to fill the pockets of the owner of the company which is selling stuff which humans should be getting via food.

Big Pharma/Food Industry model = first they make us sick and then they make us addicted to crap that keeps us between slightly sick and very sick.

Natrol is of questionable quality in any case - but what supplement isn't? More expensive stuff with nice packaging just doent have as much soy in it.

Makes one want to cry because incredible human soyence is actually failing humanity!

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MOA = Method of Advertising (aka Deception)

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In the most interesting picture I see a self perpetuating machine with movement in an endless circle, but it's going nowhere. Not input, no outcome. It produces and absorbs all the energy at once. That's not even continuity, without any purpose, I guess.

Your riddles are so puzzeling.

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Yes, it's mesmerizing and has deep purpose for our deep riddle today which I will let simmer for a day or 2 but falling asleep now.....zzzZZZZ

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" ... a self perpetuating machine with movement in an endless circle, but it's going nowhere." BUT only if one is caught up in PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE, indoctrinated into each and every mind falling for the label circus run by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, pretending again and again to have figured out GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT AND GRACE!

GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION IS going somewhere but as far as I am aware not in THE MATERIAL.

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Mechanism of Action

"Biotin also acts as a coenzyme for multiple carboxylases in humans, and it changes the irreversible carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA.[2] These enzymes are vital in numerous metabolic processes. Recently, the new roles of biotin have been acknowledged, in particular, the roles in cell signaling and epigenetic regulation.[8] Biotin's mechanism of action occurs by attaching to specific lysine residues.[9] The side effects of ingesting too much biotin could include an upset stomach, although it remains a vitamin with very low side effects. Biotin uptake by human colonic epithelial is a carrier-mediated process.[10] Vitamin B7 is a cofactor for three significant carboxylation reactions, which include the conversion of pyruvate to oxalacetate, acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA, and propionyl-CoA to methylmalonyl-CoA. A carboxylase reaction includes the transfer of carbon with the assistance of biotin. Essentially these conversions assisted by biotin break down food into glucose, the primary carbohydrate source for the brain and body.

With the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the United States, further exploration regarding biotin's role in glucose control requires investigation since studies have concluded it may be beneficial for obese patients and those with type 2 diabetes.[13]


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ANYONE confronted with the myriad of feedback loops mentioned in the short comment this comment is referring to, and who is not MESMERIZED AND HUMBLED ON THE SPOT has a steep hill to climb .... DOWN, from the high horse of PRIDE, ARROGANCE, HYPOCRISY AND HUBRIS indoctrinated into one's own mind by the label circus run by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.

ANYONE honestly claiming to be able to "understand" THE MARVEL LIFE represents, is beyond redemption as far as man's capabilities are concerned!

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MOA refers to the chemical reaction that causes the desired effect of the drug.

I would assume thenBiotin - synthetic vitamin B7 which is made from mainly crude oil- is the MOA in this product. All the other chemicals would be there to keep it in pill form and stop it disintegrating. So final answer - CRUDE OIL is the MOA.

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Funny, I looked at wiki-biotin and it does not mention crude oil or that it is synthetic. All listed sources are animals or veggies. And I didn't see why would there be a need to take it, since the requirements are so minute. Later it states:

"According to the Global Fortification Data Exchange, biotin deficiency is so rare that no countries require that foods be fortified."

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Yeah there may be natural sources of biotin /vit B7 but that doesn't mean that what they put in the pill was obtained from those sources. All vitamins in pills are manufactured by chemical synthesis with crude oil as the main raw material. (as far as I could find out)

If you eat properly you will NEVER experience a deficiency or need to take a vitamin pill. There are no vitamin deficiencies, only a lack of a proper diet.

It's amazing how often those on top run the exact same scam with us on almost every level - create a perceived problem (scarcity or deficiency ) run to the rescue with a medication or a savior .

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" If you eat properly you will NEVER experience a deficiency or need to take a vitamin pill. There are no vitamin deficiencies, only a lack of a proper diet."

... which is why it is called THE GARDEN OF EDEN and not "the garden deficient of nutrients whose inhabitants are in need of having to supplement their diet with 'vitamins' synthesised by Rockefeller & Co. - i.e. THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN " ... but EVE had it figured it out back then - so it seems - and ADAM fell for "EVE'S wisdom" following suit in her demonic endevour of abandoning GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT AND GRACE/THE TRUTH/COMMON SENSE ... but that's history - THE TRUTH seems to dawn on EVE and ADAM alike worldwide, not evenly but inevitably.

What your quote is missing though is sleep, exercise, prayer and fasting ... to name just a few - but above all TO HAVE FAITH IN GOD ALMIGHTY WHO then will provide each and everyone with his/her tailor made recipe for existence no matter what the temporary ailment might be to guide each and everyone towards THE LIGHT!


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I agree 100%

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The mfg. is disgusting.

There is NO need to take it.

10.2 Methods of Manufacturing



The Hoffman-La Roche industrial synthesis of biotin starts with fumaric acid.


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does the law requires supplement to tell us how they originated? It does not seems so. And in any case laws are crafted to go against consumer case.

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Haven't looked into that but I would think not, otherwise all vitamin pills would have to disclose that the vitamins were synthetic and I have never seen one pill bottle do that.

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Isnā€™t most biotin made from crude oil, or maybe all of it is I kept thinking of Moon of Alabama and crude oil,

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All "vitamins" are just toxic synthetic chemicals being marketed as some naturally occurring nutrient that may or may not even exist. They are one of the biggest scams in history. It wouldn't surprise me if one of these poisons was being used with quantum dot technology.

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that is why it is been pushed so muchā€¦..possibly.

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Mechanism of action = swallowing the pill without reading the ingredients label?? We dont know what's inside of it.

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I just did a bit of reading and apparently it is used in the body to create glucose from non carbonhydrate sources. I guess that means body-fat.

The science regarding this uses a lot of 'hedging their bets' words in their descriptions and those descriptions seem to be very complex, wordy and quite likely indicate guesses.

It has been my experience that level of inability to explain a concept clearly is directly related the level of comprehension of the concept.

I eagerly await clarification from the Magic of Protons.

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The method of action is just the continuance of the con that these products have any resemblance to or association with the real nutrients in food. They are getting the Goyim to pay to poison themselves with these products and have been doing so for a century.

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" The method of action is just the continuance of the con that these products have any resemblance to or association with the real nutrients in food."

The China Study by Dr Campbell is proof of that, at least for those with careful reading skills.

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Many people seem to be low on energy, and this product claims to help convert food into energy?

Biotin sounds like Bitcoin?

Natrol sounds like natural?

Biotin sounds like biological feels like natural?

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Metabolised on Arrival?

I love your scepticism (and in the words of the Beatles - but best coming from Bryan Ferry - Please Don't Ever Change) but I don't have either Wakefield or Mike Yeadon as controlled opposition. Even having been deep in the enemy camp at Pfizer, Yeadon is an innocent. I followed him on Twitter at the start and watched as one horrific realisation after another dawned on him and he reluctantly accepted the world was much wronger than he had ever imagined. That's happened to most of us here and it's very easy to track its development across time with him. I doubt he's even now fully awake but being an intelligent man he's grasped what's going on pretty quickly. I still believe in his integrity but of course he has a lot to lose, so he can be threatened very effectively. I don't suppose he's yet realised quite how viscerally cruel and vindictive these people are to their enemies, so he may well have already been threatened and not realised it yet.

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Hi, I understand your take but you probably didn't realize some things on Yeadon, it will take some time to get thru these:

ā€¢ https://mega.nz/file/MEI2XSDb#dqHqCI7rjZbm-AyLsWdi3zRutf2MiKb1OLILQ7gmnGE

ā€¢ https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/yeadon-disappears-thru-brick-wall

ā€¢ https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/my-open-exchange-with-michael-yeadon-may-8-2022

On Wakefield, it is subtle but his calling out Autism (of course positive in itself) was associated with his being decertified and discredited so that while many of us got his point, the blitz against him made ALL ANTIVAX INFO discredited to the LARGER masses. Just put "Wakefield Autism" into search you'll see FRAUD FRAUD DISGRACED. If you bring him up to most people they just laugh and say "everyone knows he was a fraud, anti vaxers are crazy". While I can't say he did that on purpose (it could be), it is clearly being very effectively used for the purposes of discrediting antivaxers, and stopped short at only "autism" for kiddie vaxes, not the "deaths of millions" that is the truth of the Covid shot saga which is not over. These are typical propaganda tactics. On the Beatles see http://mileswmathis.com/lennon.pdf and you will quickly see how we were all fooled by Lennon.

On the issue in the post I will explain in a couple of days.

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I'm not convinced by Miles's take on Lennon and don't think the guy in the film is actually him. There are a few curiosities in that, though, like how he ended up owning the same mixing desk as Lennon. (I must check this out again as I know a bit more about mixing desks now than I did when I first read it and there are some early '70s era mixing desks that have legendary status for their sound quality and there was a period when they were being sold at scrap prices.)

I've read your bit on Yeadon (but not the others) and think you must have found him a fair bit after I did. I was hip to what was going on extremely early on, almost immediately after lockdown, because of a bit of mathematics that I could see was being ignored and therefore meant the whole endeavour was being performed unscientifically. (It still isn't properly understood and I do mean to do a substack on it at some point.) Yeadon was on Twitter at that time and though he was saying one or two mildly controversial things he was in no way clued in to it all being a hoax and put-up job. I watched him wake up, item by item covering the same sort of ground that I'd covered in the previous dozen years, but doing it grindingly slowly. That's not something i think can be faked.

I also don't think anyone should be condemned for not picking up the argument that viruses don't exist. That is quite a leap to make and, far from being the killer argument, because it's a superset of Covid doubting it means people are far more likely to call you out as insane and not listen to you. I feel pretty sure they don't exist at all but I don't argue from that position. Instead I think the people who should be condemned are most likely to be those arguing whether it was a lab leak or a bat flu, on what the GoF work was or anything else that presupposes (and enhances the idea) that Covid exists in the first place.

And from Yeadon's pov, you are never going to get someone from that educational background to completely ditch what they have been taught. I know his background because mine is almost identical and its lure is that being scientific and dispassionate means you are examining things more rationally than those people who weren't up to doing science subjects. That's the same lure that keeps people "following the science"! Here, the people who were too thick or too uninterested in doing sciences realise that, if they agree with "scientists" they too can have some of that reflected glory and be thought of as being on the side of the rational. Sadly it's not the case and they are just the clueless congregation to a new scientific priesthood. But getting back to Mike Yeadon, he won't have had any doubts about the rightness of science before this and AFAIKS, wasn't even aware of the holes that had been blown in the fabric of immunology since he was at school. Immunology has always been a mess and full of hand-waving arguments. Biochemists are beginning to clear it up but even they don't dare go near the cash cow that is vaccination. The whole idea of antibodies is almost totally discredited now that we know that what clears up unwanted intruders are Pacman-like phagocytes that go round munching up bacteria. Antibodies are just a bruise that says you've had an infection, but there is no decent science linking their presence to you being immune to a disease because you have them. So, since Yeadon and I left university, the understanding of what goes on has changed but the medical profession hasn't changed the story to match it. Too much money at stake to do that! If Yeadon hasn't got that far then he's not going to be changing his mind on whether viruses exist. And, given that he has made several tens of millions from medicine, I'll bet my bottom dollar there are plenty of personal reasons why he's not going to break with conventional scientific understanding. He's not going to deliberately put himself in the same pot as the baddies.

I didn't see Yeadon on film for at least six or nine months post lockdown. While he was on Twitter he was obviously stunned and incredulous at what was going on and he had definitely not fully woken up by the time he disappeared or was suspended. He certainly didn't arrive on the scene with a camera crew and professional level lighting - and I don't even remember an interview like that.

As for Wakefield, he was first of all right but his less than perfect moral probity left him open to all the usual accusations one can throw at a doctor on the make. He wanted as much cash from his work as he could get and he seems to have been left completely out in the cold as a result. All the other doctors involved in that paper and research have long since been rehabilitated. I used to know his brother Hillary and I presume Andrew had a similar sense of entitlement and it rubbed people up the wrong way. In any case, the only thing he's able to do is to continue fighting until he's finally acknowledged to have been right. He doesn't have any other career options and he's never going to be able to return to the bosom of the medical community. I suspect those two facts will explain his every action, but at the very least they should be borne in mind before condemning him as a shill. I don't think either he or his brother are properly honest but that doesn't mean he's working for the other side.

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Yeadon... I also don't think anyone should be condemned for not picking up the argument that viruses don't exist.

šŸ‘‰He was given the Fan Wu paper and detailed explanations directly by me and Massey. He hem and hawed and showed no honest inquisitiveness that anyone would show to a scientific paper.

šŸ‘‰He promoted variants, ADE, bioweapons, and false positives, none of which can exist as there is no virus though was shown the proof. He was on Alex Jones Covidland in the studio. You don't get to do that if you are not in a fold.

-You were given Omar's and Massey's write ups so you donā€™t have the full info.

And from Yeadon's pov, you are never going to get someone from that educational background to completely ditch what they have been taught.

šŸ‘‰Most of the no-virus people, Baileys, Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka, Myself, and many others have similar educational and work backgrounds. It's not a matter of education it's a matter of flexibility, or, you are being controlled/in an organization, etc. We don't need to know which, only that Mike is not honestly inquisitive. Since start 2023 it is TOO LATE to be no-virus. You don't need to agree.

He certainly didn't arrive on the scene with a camera crew and professional level lighting

šŸ‘‰The first vid with him in his motorbike shop is clearly staged to make him look like a regular guy, you donā€™t need to agree.

As for Wakefield,

šŸ‘‰We can not know if he is honest or not and we don't need to know. We do know that his study helped a small part of the population on the fence be no-vax but the vast majority just doubled down on being pro-vax and deriding anti vaxers, they are the ones dying from covid shots. Ingenious planning, doesnā€™t mean Dr. Wake was, but doesn't mean he was not in on it, it is just fact of the result.

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"As for Wakefield,

šŸ‘‰We can not know if he is honest or not and we don't need to know. We do know that his study helped a small part of the population on the fence be no-vax but the vast majority just doubled down on being pro-vax and deriding anti vaxers, they are the ones dying from covid shots. Ingenious planning, doesnā€™t mean Dr. Wake was, but doesn't mean he was not in on it, it is just fact of the result."

ABSOLUTELY - and this an example par excellence how THE TRUTH works. Those who are not inquisitive enough (as pointed out by your comment in the case of MY) will be left behind. Being "ruthless" what is true and what not, including half-truths, is of utmost importance. Especially WITHOUT EVER considering possible worldly/material consequences. Which in your discussion with Christian becomes quite clear, that those men being seen as "having missed the train"/being doubted of being trustworthy, have obviously acted based on some middle-ground between truth and fame.

Usually I am not so much into personal stuff but here it might help to make the point as people and events illuminate what otherwise cannot be explained.

In 2020 I came across one of Ms. Bayleys' videos. And I LITERALLY could not believe what I saw/heard. And I can see myself as of this day how I came across this information and in an instant I realised in my stomach how MONUMENTAL this information - IF TRUE - would be. And it certainly wasn't a cheerful feeling. More like a COBRA staring me into my face. Not that the information itself - which was ALL HAPPY NO VIRUS (which I already doubted) NEWS - but what it would mean for me as an individual. Which is exactly based on what THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is based upon. TRIBALISM, INNUENDO, AD HOMINEM, OSTRACISING, ... where GOD ALMIGHTY, EVE/ADAM, THE WORD - THE LORD JESUS CHRIST come into play!


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Feb 19, 2024Edited
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Someone else popped right out of the same mold is pharma industry profiteer Sasha Latypova. There are a number of these people filling the "Big Pharma Insider" role.

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You can feel that about the lady. Also, who has time to research and produce ALL those articles, ALL those videos, respond to ALL those comments, fly ALL around the world to ALL those symposiums and courtrooms AND paint ALL those paintings?

Not me. You?

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Where exactly was Dr Mike Yeadon incorrect?šŸ¤”

He ( and Dr Wolfgang Wodark ) wrote to the EMA, and UK Gov, that the injections contained toxic molecules .

Dr Mike Yeadon is an exceptional toxicologist as well as Ex Pfizer Worldwide Respiratory Scientist.

They stayed that the injections could cause deaths injuries and were potentially particularly problematic to birth rates.

We now have since the roll outā€¦

1. Excess Deaths ( in UK alone, over 100K in 21/22 22/23,) āœ…

2. Lower birth rates in all highly vaxed populations āœ…

3.Serious injuries and disablement (Edward Dowd , insurance,ONS stats.) tick āœ…

And to add ā€¦..

4. NONE of the above during the pandemic, before the so called vaccines, Denis Rancourt,Ed Dowd,NormanFenton ( Substack) āœ…

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It seems to me that you and Dr Mike Yeadon are actually on the same page,I donā€™t think you understand that just like me and many others he acknowledges that a virus has never been isolated and much more,there are 2 Mike Yeadon Channels on Telegram,one is fake the one with 30,000 plus followers who donā€™t even know itā€™s fake,I was one of them.

The real channel is Dr Mike Yeadon Solo channel.I have cancelled the other one 3 times and many have reported it but still Telegram refuses to remove it.

Thank you for your work in educating your followers and the public at large.

If you join his real Channel,run by T W you can then judge for yourself based on real time comments from him.

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It doesn't sound like you read Omar's somewhat long post on Yeadon.

Also, Yeadon is part of Team Enigma. This is a propaganda team that weaves a crucial complex narrative web leading to the 4th Industrial Revolution w/digital ID. From Omar Jordan (redacted)


Why are Yeadon, Paardekooper, Latypova and Rose creating a narrative about ā€œbad vaccine batchesā€ which conveniently crosses over to the other questionable narratives about ā€œearly treatment,ā€ ā€œrepurposed drugs,ā€ and others that are pushed by operatives such as Kirsch, Malone and McCullough? Well, we know that these folks are all Pro-Vaccine, virus believing Pharma soldiers, and that they are directly involved with and affiliated with other companies and individuals of the same stripes. We can see clearly that these individuals and companies are involved in biotechnology, digital id, monitoring software and devices, etc.

ā€œHow Bad Is My Batchā€ operation is to convince the public that while the vaccine batches may have been ā€œbadā€ we need to improve or fix the system so that we can avoid these problems in the future. This false, manufactured narratives discredit those of us who understand that all vaccines are toxic, there is no virus and who also understand the larger 4IR agenda, by engaging in wild, far-fetched conspiracy factory narratives about ā€œmass genocideā€ā€¦ When no ā€œmass genocideā€ materializes, then normies will (rightfully) conclude that Yeadon, Mikovitz, and the rest of these VAERS hustlers are peddling lies about the vaccines and wonā€™t take any of us seriously.


If you get it now, you can let us know. If you still think Yeadon is helping humanity, I think we are at the end of our discussion rope and don't wish to continue the discussion thank you.

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Hello Helen, I think there is a large swath of info you may have missed,

from Omar Jordan's link at https://mega.nz/file/MEI2XSDb#dqHqCI7rjZbm-AyLsWdi3zRutf2MiKb1OLILQ7gmnGE

"Yeadon, a former vice-president and chief scientific officer of the Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer, provided a simple explanation of why lockdowns could never have worked, went on to explain that there is ā€œzeroā€ chance of incessantly reported new variants escaping immunity. Since SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isolated, then there can be no proof of a variant of a thing that doesnā€™t exist. No scientist anywhere in the world can possibly verify a ā€œvariantā€ of a thing that doesnā€™t exist, for the simple fact that they have nothing to compare it to. So, anytime you hear Yeadon say the word ā€œvariant,ā€ you can rest assured that he is lying."

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Thanks, but I have spent 5 hrs every day for 2.25 years examining the so called evidence for virusā€˜s .

Since my Pfizer Booster, mRNA Transfection on 08 11.21 which gave Serious adverse events,and robbed me of my vitality for a long time,now mostly recovered,I hope.

I have Stephan Lankerā€™s PDF file Of exactly how Virologists do a lab test for viruses,and the whole history of them, and from many sources,the vaccination methods and ( lack of ) evidence going back over 100 years.

After many hours of study, I can see clearly we have been lied to by misguided Scientists now taught to use invalid methods.

Mike Yeadon has also come to the same conclusion I have about the lack of evidence that viruses ,as we have been taught, exist.

.I watched Prof. Luc Montagnier virologist,, state that he never isolated the AIDS Virus ( even though he rcd The Nobel Prizeā€¦.The so called Measles virus ,turns out to likely be an exosome ,not discovered until over 50 years later.I could go on much furtherā€¦..

I will look at your links but doubt I will learn anything.

I suggest you watch JJ Couey on Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International on Rumble hosted by Charles Kovess ,you may learn a few things yourself from the many scientists that present their viewpoints and in turn are asked questions by many other skilled professionals across a wide spectrum of interest.

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It took me 20 min to find and 15 min to read Fan Wu "discovery" paper that only fabricated a string of letters calling it a genome. No virus found. Smart high schoolers and college students I've explained this to understand it quickly. This evidence was given to Yeadon in 2021 by myself and Massey and others but he argued back with nonsense like specific epitopes (that is false). He kicked the can down the road purporting things that can not exist if there is no virus like ADE, variants, and false positive PCR test (there is no true positive so there can be no false positive) , and only after all the shots were given thus operational importance was over did he admit respiratory viruses might not exist-still leaving the chance that other viruses might exist and never mentioning fabricated genome trick. This is standard propaganda strategy to flip when the op is over-JJ did the same thing. Yeadon was on Alex Jones' Covidland, Alex is a high ranking free mason and elite propagandist, you have to be in the fold to be on that show. If you have some point on Omar's post you can try to debunk it but otherwise there is really no where to go with Mike's abject "soft propaganda".

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