Great, will pin this!

"Time to revisit the need for human West Nile virus (WNV) vaccines. Since its initial detection in the United States in 1999, WNV has become the leading cause of domestic arthropod-borne viral (arboviral) disease."

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Sounds awesome 🤮... just like the dengue vaccine

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At least they are making projections of the damages they want to blame on a nonexistent pathogen in the future...

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Ill skip that trip. and/but what effects does plasma have on climate? it being 99% of Universe, it would seem an important insight!/?


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It could only be considered domestic violence if these mice lived with you as spouses (or family). Are you desirous of intimate rodent relations? A harem of mice to domestically abuse.

"Good god, they injected this gem right into the brains of mice with passages thru asbestos pads. That’s biologic domestic violence."

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They do love to prop Their century-long psyop. Their funding would vanish if They did not prop the mess. Good work pointing out the BS!!!

If I had $$$, I would go to the Nile with zero fear.

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Cool, but stay away from Massachusetts and the 5 cases there.

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Little Proton, Big R is going off the deep end with me. Could you help him negotiate unsubing me. Please 🙏🏻

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I told him how to do it, but you just need to click unsub that is at the bottom of the post notices you get.

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I don't know if that works.

I'll try.

(I think in the past it's put all my subscriptions in the junk file)

Now he thinks I sent a personal email to him to all of my subscribers. (I don't think that's what happened, but I am making sure. I think it's just a heading)

He said he can't unsubscribe me, but yet you did and you told him how.

(But I will try)


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We're sorry to see you go, but we have thousands of subscribers, and I'm a 100% volunteer. We can't have extra admin pls understand, we also have "normal" lives with other stuff to do and usual stresses just like you.

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I'm a 100% volunteer as well. No payment for any studying and or speaking out wherever I choose to do so.

I get no administrative help when people become reactive and defensive.

I have no 'usual' stresses as you are well aware.

Nor do I have the pleasure of employment and income as you do.

I asked you to unsubscribe me because your work is not resonating with me presently.

Don't loose your humanity in the midst of this war against just that. As many are and are continually being pushed to do so.

Your time is no more valuable than mine or anyone else's.

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👉 Guys, how is something “neurotropic” when YOU put a mess of shit right into the brain yourselves?!

Maybe it got in their brains first 🤣

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Great stuff but left wondering if its based on the old fashioned mozzies or the fashionable modern C.O. "co - opted insects".

Cheers, comatt ;)

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I am trepanning myself with an obsidian blade in order to passage the amanita juice preparation directly onto my meninges .

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Anxiously awaiting your report - how did that work out?

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My mind turned into a frickin’ Zika-fricassee...


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Ah, good thing you didn't include detailed instructions, the more adventurous might have tried to duplicate your feat, in pursuit of ultimate deliciousness.

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it’s not for amateurs...

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Here is something that IS for amateurs! this is excellent cover for any propaganda - my family will read anything with PIE in the title!


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Author of the climate change angle article: Shlomit Paz. Right.

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Weird. Someone just tried to make a comment here on my behalf. Didn't get through. The only comment I made is still here.

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Last summer I have been to sub- saharian Africa. It's a beautiful place there, the east coast of Tanzania. No need for medication or any magic jabs against flying unicorns. The moskitoes are the same like everywhere. Annoying but harmless.

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