Hi there! What is glycophate? I though it was glophosate? Is it a spelling issue or am I an ignorant?

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Urg....it's spelled glyphosate, we were both wrong. I'll blame it on "autocomplete" ((´∀`)) and see if I can fix that image. Thanks!!

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3D world - Deception, Diversion, Division.

It's all Overlord sarcasm.

350 million americans and we choose Trump for our leader? Just wait.

Next we get Biden. Oh boy!! Now who's next?


The predator gets a positive sensation from the terror and agony of its prey.

When the gazelle is giving off the bloody death throes, the lion is feeling "Yippee, dinner is served."

I need to mow the lawn. Hope the mower starts.

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This will help:


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Thanks PM. Brilliant post.

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Thanks Andy I've been reading all your nice posts, sorry I'm often in a tizzy and cant click like all the time. Take care.

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Thanks for reading my posts, Appreciated!

Stay safe U&Urs please. Cheers! 1Love!

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I walk about the gym wearing foam ear plugs that reduce the ambient racket of the force fed muzak. I smile and blend in well with the legion of goose stepping rainbow rinsed Borg with their transmitting buds and phones. The gym selling point is 'free wifi' ... so the young Borg spend a majority of their time on their screens, pointlessly occupying exercise stations. A corollary emerges. Fancy AA supplying free grog as an inducement to attend?

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Remarkable to me that SO FEW ask the question, 'how does this techology communicate?' The answer of course is by MICROWAVE. You would imagine a sensible person would reject this and so I wonder what technologies keep everyone shielded from THINKING. Dr Klinghardt nails it here in regards to the combination of poisons which debilitate our capacity https://www.facebook.com/reel/867556608545554 The solution I work with is redox replenishment to help revitalise natural functions and swing us back into capacity and insight!

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