Continuing our ongoing Batman series saga, Mike picks-up the “discussion” in a recent comment on the substack and finally asks me out on a date:
Dr Mike Yeadon 53 mins ago
Shall we have a chat?
Honestly, I’m completely independent. I’m not part of any “freedom community”. I’m following no script or orders.
From ‘20 thru ‘22 Mike seemed enamored with the virus narrative, then sometime later and after all who were going to get shots did, he started to doubt the existence of respiratory viruses.

👉This post is NOT about Mike Yeadon the person. This post is about the nexus of narrative molding we are subjected to, only the focus will be on the soft-hand style of Mike Yeadon.
I honestly think Mike is a nice guy. I do not think he is stupid in any way nor does he actually wish harm on others. Only that he spent the operational years of covid pushing the virus narrative (variants, specific immunity to viruses, ADE, etc.) in spite of being shown the research and documents proving no virus had been found many times by myself and others.
Still, while he was stating the dangers of vaxes, it is clear he was on the “Pharma” and official side of the discussion. If the fake virus can be pushed from “anti-vaxers”, people will still just take a vax or other dangerous pharmaceuticals like ivermectin. Mike ran a company called Ziarco that received at least $23 mil from Pfizer and was later sold to Novartis for many millions. I don’t know Mike’s real situation, but he should have known, and was told clearly there was no virus by myself and others (links below) but did not have a normal inquisitiveness to look into that. Sigh, that’s the same tact for all fake freedom fighting virus pushers isn’t it?
My first post on Mike for background:
Without further ado, today I want to post his last communication to me inviting me for a phone date.
👉To discuss what and why? Why does he care about a small writer like me? And why can’t he write me a letter? SS also has direct messaging.
👉Why doesn’t Mike write Omar Jordan an open letter (See Omar’s post on Mike) they have definitely gotten more intimate on these issues than I have?
👉Why doesn’t Mike write Alex Jones from Info Wars a public letter emphasizing there is no virus and implore him to redo Covidland (Mike was on the original Covidland) with the no-virus narrative and expose the global crime? Mike, AJ has even admitted his family is deep in Free Masonry and connected to high-level handlers since before he was Bill Hicks (from
) even. I personally do not think you can be on an AJ documentary without being connected to one of the many bloodlines or secret societies, but I admit I cannot prove that for any one individual.👉Why doesn’t Mike make dozens of no-virus vids backtracking on his prior mistakes? I don’t mean just the couple he’s done.
👉Why didn’t and still doesn’t Mike use some small part of the millions he made from his pharma deals and the interest from that to make ads in newspapers and periodicals about the no-virus issue?
👉Why doesn’t he just pay for researchers to try to find a virus and show why they cannot. This is what
et al. recent cell-culture expose did recently.👉Actions and deeds are most important, and in 2020-21 Mike did many of them on the virus pushing side, so why not the no-virus side now? This only makes sense if he is playing games. Why would this nice guy want to play games? Mike is in Team Enigma, and Team Enigma is likely an Intel structure (see Omar’s post).
All these yellow finger icons 👉 start to get annoying don’t they?
’s SSShall we have a chat?
Honestly, I’m completely independent. I’m not part of any “freedom community”. I’m following no script or orders.
Everybody knows who I am and is free to dig around and decide what I’m up to.
You on the other hand, are anonymous.
You could easily be working for the perpetrators.
You write as if you alone know the truth and can slyly point out where I wrong, impliedly on purpose.
How do you know anything?
I have long said I know almost nothing & that we can’t trust what we’re told.
I’ve said of the injections that we don’t know what is in them. I’m dealing with them AS IF they are as described.
I do it that way because I can readily show how seriously bad that is.
I promise not to reveal your identity, if you wish to remain anonymous.
I’d like to understand what you think has happened and is happening.
If you’re a seeker after truth, then we’re on the same side.
If you reject an open handed invitation to speak, I’m going to assume you’re a bad actor. I won’t read anything you write & I’ll advise others of your refusal to converse.
Dear Mike, I really don't think a discussion is what we need, and honestly it is really too late to do anything. Enough of the world is poisoned and poised now to be dead or gravely injured with the upcoming next fake pandemic, radiation from 5G, and hospital protocols awaiting them. Your connections with Team Enigma and being on Alex Jones' Covid Land, promoting variants, bioweapons, and false positives which all keep the virus story alive- and arguing nonsense with me and Massey even is all we really need to know about you.
The only thing for you to do is follow my advice in the Yeadon Challenge post, still it's too late. Confusing the discussion and stalling are effective devices you guys like. It doesn't matter who I am, whether I am Jill, Susan, Steve, Bill, Dave, Yoshimitsu, no one really cares, people only care about facts.
From The Yeadon Challenge (Sept '23):
👉See the Yeadon Challenge for links to outside links & past discussions with Mike.
Both myself and many others have been telling you for 2.5 [now 3.5 years] years that no Sars virus was found. The Fan Wu discovery paper itself says, a mixed sample of RNA was made into a library. How is that a frikin’ virus?
Then it says that a sequence as assembled by computer programs (Trimmomatic, Megahit, Trinity). Sequence of what from where? Where is the monster virus?
Even high school kids know a mix of RNA isn’t a virus!! This is completely incongruent with your high level of biological education and CV, and you were told by many of us many times, so you have been knowingly propagandizing the population.
You hem and hawed and made excuses that the virus must exist as advertised while the house was burning down. Now a few million persons have already died from injections that people like you instigated people take because of all the “variants” you spouted and that it was a “bioweapon”. I think this is the typical “sorry” after the bombs have fallen strategy, but I digress…
Omar Jordan has laid out your propaganda tactics here.
You showed no interest in honestly reading, analyzing, or investigating what the truth was on the virus non-discovery, just like all of you in the “group” of fake freedom fighters.
For review of your past arguments purporting viruses:
But, we are real people who love other people so I’ll give you another chance.
I call this the “Yeadon Challenge” to remediate yourself:
Put a monthly running full page ad in the NY times (you are not living in a bike garage [the photo your PR handlers made], you’ve got plenty of money), make videos on every major platform stating the following:
-No Sars-CoV-2 or any variant has been found.
-No virus has ever been shown to exist and there are no variants and no bioweapons and no gain of function of any virus or germ.
[Continuation is Redacted for space reasons]
Discussion with Mike continued on the Substack:
Mike Yeadon 6 hrs ago [comment to Anthony Colpo’s post]
An excellent excoriation of the field. It’s extraordinarily frustrating that respiratory virus believers refuse point blank to deal in an adult way with the published record of dozens of attempts to demonstrate symptomatic transmission or contagion from a person sick with a cold to healthy recipients. Multiple attempts have been published from 1918 to the present day and none of them convincingly show this presumably trivial to show effect. After all, this is the heart of the matter. They refuse to cite a good quality paper proving transmission of acute respiratory illnesses. Not one is forthcoming. By the way, none even include adequate controls, which would include healthy people being “donors”, as well as sick ones, so you can see the spontaneous background rate of these illnesses (which is substantial, as colds are commonplace). When using gunk from a patient with which to attempt to demonstrate infection, a proper control will include gunk or washings from a healthy person, to test the effect of instillation itself. Furthermore, the experimentalist & the recipient should be blinded to the treatment they’re getting, so as to avoid biases. Again, these are all routinely missing.
I will apologise profusely and recant my position if anyone can cite a good quality paper demonstrating transmission of illness from someone with an acute respiratory illness to a healthy recipient.
Proton Magic & Co. 18 mins ago
Very good Mike! Let me substitute this comment for your request to have a phone meeting with me the other day.
So have you been making videos on all the big vid sharing platforms, did you implore Info Wars to revise your Covidland talks, did you implore your fellow Team Enigma 4IR and transhumanism pushers to come out as no-virus, and have you been plugging your new found no-virus position on all kinds of social media? If so can you send us a link list?? You know how much we all value your articulate honesty, you are the hero we want (Albert Pike even said, "The public needs heroes, we'll give them heroes!")
-Telling us well-sauced no-virus people ensconced in this lonely corner of substack is just preaching to the Choir.
👉You got millions of $ from your work at Pfizer and Sale of Ziarco Pharma, did you try to put ads or billboard up about no virus? If the church of Satan can make pro-abortion billboards can't you make a few no-virus bill boards? C'mon, show us the stuff Pfizer employees are made of!
👉Mike, pls send a list of what you have done, not just comments of what you think. That could help me reply to some people who are now calling you a "mole" trying to infiltrate the no-virus camp.
I’ve no idea what you’re trying to accomplish.
You behave like a child while mass murder continues.
I’m out of patience with your antics and am no longer interested in speaking with you or conversing in any way.
I wish you continuing good fortune with whatever it is that would constitute success in your mind.
Helllloooo Mike! It's quite simple, stir up the media with your fame, good looks, and charm, and tell the world there is no virus, disavow your prior speeches on ADE, variants, bioweapons, and false positives. Then send me your address for flowers and that's it.
I gave you the ways to stir up the media here:
This is all much simpler than a drug development project, each day you wait more people fall into the "mass murder" you yourself mention and you yourself prodded along in 2020-21 with your anti-vax but pro virus exists speeches. Oh, and tell your PR co to keep the motorbike out of your no-virus speeches. We're waiting for you to enter stage left, drum roll...tat tat tatata, tat tattta...still waiting....still waiting.
Being asked out on a date by Mike is not just Proton’s romantic fantasy:
Mike’s co-stars in the Real Fauci movie 🌠
Mike even got on the Proton Magic “Artificial Hero” list along with JFK, Captian Kirk, and Jim Morrison. Mike is no small-deal guys:
The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero
Reuters says so, so it must be true.
More stuff about fake viruses:
The whole Sars-CoV-2 story was a smoke and mirror show calling computer-printed alphabet genetics a “virus”.
The “smoke” part was some letters registered in a gene library so that Sars-CoV-2 (Covid-19) could only be related to this alphabet (fiction), and the “mirror” part was making pcr primers (short alphabets) to “find” the smoke part because it was a test specified by the bogus PCR making paper as leading to the fiction. This paper even said they made the pcr test, “without having virus material available”.
There are 2 ways to make this fraud:
One is to actually put primers into a patient’s sample and then software-assemble a fictional genome (fiction because no virus has been found).
The other is to just make a screenplay, say you did it, and go to lunch.
Now think carefully about what these could mean to an uninitiated brain:
#1 can mean that, “there is a virus, the software just figured-out the genome”.
#2 would mean that, “there is no virus and it is all a fraudulent theater”.
→ Right! This means the the planners are sort of ok with #1 but not #2. This may tell you how to read what someone is really trying to tell you.
Interesting post on whether viruses exist by
that I helped with:Holy Moly: Moles digging into Proton Magic & Co. Link here
I’ll have to start a “black book” with all the freedom fighters I get phone dates with.
Yours Truly, Proton Magic & Co.
Post thumbnail photo source: Epoch Times
When Yeadon signed the Virus Challenge with the Baileys, Cowan & Co. it reinforced my opinion that he's "one of the good guys" (for e.g. a later Yeadon quote; "....I focus on respiratory illnesses because I have most experience in this field and have good evidence that the viroLIEgy here is totally fraudulent. I’ve looked at a few other alleged viral illnesses. Every one of these quickly runs into the sand of fraud...").
However, in this post; Ari Stotel makes this comment; "I would like to see Mike Yeadon acknowledge the authors of Virus Mania...." the "Dr Mike Yeadon" comment; "I’m sure their work is good, but to my knowledge I don’t know who they are" causes the "Helicopter of Doubt" that resides on my shoulder, to take off & hover annoyingly by my ear... So on June 30th I commented;
"Michael, I cannot take you seriously when you state; "I don't know who they are". Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, you're telling your readers you don't know who the Baileys are? You know, the ones who're your co-signatories on "the virus challenge", you don't know who Nobel nominee Scoglio is? You don't know who the original authors Engelbrecht & kohnlein are? And also don't know the author of the foreword, de Harven? Sheesh🤦♂️" My comment has yet to be acknowledged.
And as of the 11 July "The Helicopter of Doubt" was still hovering annoyingly, because in the post; where, in the paragraph "Legalised Iatrogenocide" "Mike Yeadon" writes; "people totally unconnected to me, like Sasha Latypova..." Hmm?? Latypova who alongside Yeadon is part of the "How Bad is My Batch Team"
Thanks for sharing, PM.
I wrote the following some months back but never published it.
12 March 2024
TO: Dr Mike Yeadon (supposedly, allegedly)
And where, pray tell, have you made a video presentation examining & refuting the methodology of ANY virus paper or bacterium paper claiming an illness-causing microbe has been found? If I'm wrong, please post a link to it and I will apologize.
And why haven't you agreed to be interviewed on camera by Dr. Tom Cowan or Dr. Andrew Kaufman or Mike Stone or Drs Mark & Sam Bailey?
No one is convinced, "Mike", that you have radically changed your opinions. No one is convinced you have EVER tried to persuade anyone that viruses have never scientifically been proven to exist. Yes, I've seen you poo-poo viruses with EMPTY talk, but that's not nearly good enough. You have to DEMONSTRATE your reasoning by analyzing the methodology on video.
I have not seen a shred of evidence by YOU that you even know how to analyze the methodology section of a published virus paper. You SHOULD be smart enough to do so, but I'm not convinced you are.
If this is "Mike", where's your fucken balls, mate? No one trusts you -- on EITHER side. That's a weird place to be in, eh wot? A rebel without a cause or a pot to piss in.
12 March 2024
In principle, synthetic drugs are irrational. Mankind existed for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years without synthetic drugs or INJECTIONS. When the hell are you going to research the history of medicine in America? When are you going to familiarize yourself with the Rockefeller-funded Flexner Report of 1910? When are you going to research just HOW Rockefeller changed medical education from the early 1900s? When are you going to research how much of a horrific fraud Louis Pasteur was? When are you going to find out he was the Fauci of his day?
YOU, yes YOU, "Mike", were horrifically miseducated about health, illness, and medicines. You don't know the first thing about Nature-made biological bodies, for if you did, you would tremble & vomit at the thought of any "safe" injections or "safe" synthetic chemical medicines.
Yes, you were a good & virtuous boy for swallowing & regurgitating their miseducation so you could obtain your medical or science degrees, but you still seem incapable of realizing just how fucked-up & flawed that miseducation was. They not only lied to you about vaccines, but lied to you about virtually every aspect of health-education. Not just SOME, but nearly ALL.
You gotta long way to go, mate, and I don't believe for a second that you will advance one step further. Like Bhakdi, the thought of just how much nonsense & bullshit you have swallowed & spouted over the decades is too horrific to contemplate.
You're on no one's side but your own, "Mike". Hope you have fun with your ill-gotten millions of dollars (or is it BILLIONS?).