I’ve been wanting to take a break from the virus circus for a while but keep getting sucked back into it. Today we’ll finally return to “pictures that say something very important about the world”.
Our favorite was Jackie the Car Jumper:
Well it seems there’s more brain juice to squeeze-out of these brain-bits that Jackie was grabbing at on the trunk in the middle of gunfire.
I asked the PM crew if they thought it was strange to be jumping for brain bits while under gunfire and they all said:
👉I think all guys instinctively wish they could get a wife dedicated enough to even risk her life to grab their brain-bits on the trunk of a car on National TV. You can’t make this shit up….or could you actually?
👉The Winners’ Podium for today’s quiz is the top pinned comment here.
Here are the photos to ponder:
Camelot on the throne with that “Captain Kirk” look:
Moved to the autopsy throne, but still happy.
Kirk on the throne with that “JFK” look:
Jim Morrison “This Is The End”:
Morrison on his throne (doesn’t look like JFK or Kirk):
Jim Morrison’s grave doesn’t get as many visitors as JFK’s, but his visitors are more artsy hippie types, and Jim was “Faithful to his demons” according to his parents who put this inscription in Greek on his tombstone. Would you put that on your famous son’s tombstone who died at 27 from a “heart attack”, and in Greek no less?
Mike Yeadon on the garage throne ready to Roll On Down the Highway. Neither JFK, Kirk, nor Morrison knew what an “anti-vaxer” was. I heard that Mike got the same garage PR team Brin and Page used.
I got some calls to include Kurt Cobain, John Lennon and even Trump in the photos since Trump just got inducted into the “got shot club”, but they aren’t similar enough to JFK, or are they? You decide.
What’s going on with these photos? There’s more than one thread to ponder. I won’t give choices this time only hints:
JFK looks very much like Kirk on the bridge chair.
JFK’s just shot corpse is smiling because he’s gonna get an airport, a memorial, and a center for performing arts named after him.
Kirk is pissed he’ll never be as famous as JFK
Why are famous people surrounded by so much death? Some say it’s “flies on shit”.
Kirk is itching to get his own CIA hit-job I hear…he thinks he can catch up to JFK in the fame game.
Morrison wanted to be like JFK and Kirk, then he grew up.
My next post will be about Mike Yeadon asking me on a phone date, no joke. What does that have to do with JFK, Kirk, or Morrison?
🎊★Brain-Bits Winners’ podium!★🎊
This is the explanation on how PM got the ideas for today’s post, and this is link to the Winners’ podium and the winners’ great points.
The main thread that runs thru all these folks is, “The Artificial Hero”.
Making narratives for public consumption thru the hopium of an artificially-made hero, but having ulterior motives and a connection to some larger organization of stake holders for these motives.🏹
Albert Pike the leading American Masonic scholar of the nineteenth century, said, “Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him”. Celebs (AKA fake heroes) that mold peoples’ thinking seem to run thru paternity lines and are likely connected to Intel and/or secret societies.
JFK & Jumpin’ Jackie- Royal Fake Heroes
Both Jackie and JFK were fake heroes, the UA 93 “Lets Roll” guys on 9.11 were fake heroes, DJT getting ear-shot was a hero made up by media and intel agencies. Morrison was made into an anti-establishment hero along with many other 60s musicians groomed in CIA-infested Laurel Canyon near Los Angeles. Even Hitler was a made-up hero by being in prison and writing Mein Kampf (probably written by his handlers).
So was JFK’s just-shot corpse smiling because he’s gonna get an airport, a memorial, and a center for performing arts named after him? Nope, because that was not JFK, it was a Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit, er which side was Tippit?
See the Photo of JFK above in the chair and on the autopsy table. Both his sideburn slant angle and the nose shape in the autopsy look like Tippit not JFK.
Here we have a redacted low-down on Tippit:
J. D. Tippit was the Dallas policeman murdered on November 22, 1963, 45-minutes after the shooting of JFK. Tippit’s murder was immediately pinned on Lee Harvey Oswald. Tippit as was described as having been shot the right temple, specifically the right temporal area, the very same region of the head where the fatal shot passed through President Kennedy…mere coincidence--that the man accused of killing both Tippit and JFK could shoot 2 people within 45 minutes of each other, within 4 miles of each other, one with a rifle from a high building and one with a handgun at short range (on the run), and inflict exactly the same type wound.
Tippit bore a remarkable resemblance to President Kennedy, so much so that HIS FRIENDS IN THE DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT USED TO RIB HIM AND CALL HIM ’JACK’ AND ’JFK’"… the report of FBI Special Agent Arthur Carter on the autopsy of Officer J. D. Tippit..I saw a remarkable similarity between Tippit diagrams and the wound I perceived in the purported JFK lateral x-ray. I realized that the lateral x-ray purported to be that of the late President might in fact be that of Officer J. D. Tippit.
👉So now you know that doubles can substitute for corpses not only the living. Nowadays I guess they can just make a humanoid manikin and photoshop it.
👉JFK’s stage role was to pump-up the hopes of the country to such a high and fabricated level that when he suddenly “died”, the mental devastation on the country was too much for them to protest the Vietnam tragedy (another war to hide population culling of some far-off country, and the damaging of yet another young U.S. generation). Can you believe the gullibility of generation after generation of young U.S. men willing to fight in war after war whose start is either so strange (like the Japanese would really bomb the U.S.?) , or has little purpose like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and others.
Jim Morrison-A Prince Acting Like a Rebel
Psyops for war, who would have thought? Jim Morrison’s dad evidently thought so. WTF?
Yep, Morrison's father was the Rear Admiral in the Gulf of Tonkin event, but that is only the tip of the iceberg, as you see. Jim Morrison was related to just about every other famous person you have ever heard of, and many you haven't heard of. For more proof of that, we can look at Jim's grandmother. She was Caroline Hoover, sister of Admiral John Hoover. He outranked Jim's father by two stars. Jim's dad was a Rear Admiral, with two stars. His great uncle had four stars, and he served under five-star Admiral Chester Nimitz. But it goes even higher than that. Who outranks a five-star Admiral? Only the Commander-in-Chief. That would be President Herbert Hoover, in this case. Yes, Caroline Hoover was related to Herbert Hoover.
👉OMG, that grungy Jim Morrison screaming “Light My Fire” was a prince of all these Royals! Notice the Doors Occult Music & Lyrics (Light My Fire, human sacrifice?, Lizard King, This is the End, Break on Thru (to the dark side?). Jim was a Pre-Grunge role-model for kids to imitate debauchery. Hero of nihilists and the anti-war crowd at the same time distracting them, well that was the point of 60’s rock.
Your lips got wet at my noting Jim, Laurel Canyon and the CIA didn’t you? Here I won’t let you down and even paste the entire URL:
Spooking is known to be a family affair. Would you go on YT to talk about your dead bro? Not this proton. Well we saw Sharon Tate’s sis on an interview didn’t we. “Gotta keep that ‘dead and gone’ narrative” going now don’t we say their handlers.
👉Sis is pretty cheery for a talk about little bro dead Jimmy. Her directors were the same as the Sandy Hook directors I reckon.
👉Dad is also cheery. He says that, “Jim was the kind guy you would like to get to know.” Can you imagine Jimbo chatting to this little proton about fictitious smoky genomes and mirrored pcr tests? Didn’t think so.
Now finally both sis and dad say that the gravestone in Greek says that Jimbo was “true to his “spirits”. I thought it said “demons”. 📣Is there a Greek speaker in the house?? Help!!! Anyway putting the occult inscription in Greek thing smells like they want to keep it low-key. As I said. S-P-O-O-K-S👻
And do you think these 2 love birds Jim and his GF Pamela here holding his sis’s baby looks like death is in their near future? Nope, looks like Pam wants her own baby in due time. She “died” in 1974, 3 yrs after Jim. Funny isn’t it, or just more spooking.😶🌫️
Does anyone think Jimbo’s head shadow and his sis’ shadow don’t match, nor is there any shadow from the baby, and Jim’s right arm seems missing? As I said. S-P-O-O-K-S👻(easy, I can just cut and paste this line in many places can’t I?).

William Shatner-The JFK Hero Act-a-Like
Billy boy @ all 6’s. Lovely isn’t he? No one I know makes the “ok” sign with 3 fingers at attention do you?
Tired from typing so much about JFK and Jim M., I’ll just give some crumbs on Bill Shat-in-her (Sh*t can’t spell today, must be all those nanos mucking about). Now Star Trek was loaded with New World Order/Occult themes, see these Trek posts:
Bill was married four times, one of his wives Nerine Kidd was said to have drowned at the family swimming pool. Why do rich and famous people have so much more drama and tragedy than the average Joe and Jane? Maybe you have gotten some hints from this post.
Bill went into space in 2021 and said this about the flight, "It was the death that I saw in space and the lifeforce that I saw coming from the planet — the blue, the beige and the white, And I realized one was death and the other was life." Sounds a little Masonic checkerboard-esque to me. You decide.
So our God of Enterprise fraud Billy boy, 1. distracts us from the hell of jungle fighting in Vietnam. 2. Subtly rouses the interest of young male-bonding men who want to be part of a crew, maybe on a ship or airplane (there was a real aircraft carrier called the Enterprise), and to suggest to nerdy Sci-Fi kids to also join the service. Remember our Genomic Lego Star Ship from Shove That Fake Genome!

Mike Yeadon, Biker Hero On the Pharma Highway
Mike is easy, we can see that the spook outlets themselves push mike as a hero. Here, Reuters says:
Yeadon has emerged as an unlikely hero of the so-called anti-vaxxers, whose adherents question the safety of many vaccines, including for the coronavirus. The anti-vaxxer movement has amplified Yeadon’s skeptical views about COVID-19 vaccines and tests, Yeadon has said he personally doesn’t oppose the use of all vaccines.
👉Hmm, he’s a crazy anti-vaxxer hero (they say so themselves) but doesn’t oppose their use? So maybe they are ok? Which ones? Where is the clinical trial data and post-marketing data? More importantly, is there evidence of a virus?
Some former colleagues at Pfizer say they no longer recognize the Mike Yeadon they once knew. One of those ex-colleagues is Sterghios A. Moschos. In December, Yeadon posted on Twitter a spoof sign that said, “DITCH THE MASK.” Moschos tweeted back: “Mike what hell ?! Are you out to actively kill people? You do realize that if you are wrong, your suggestions will result in deaths ??”
I heard Mike say this to me in a dream, “Your’re not callin’ me a Spook are you little Proton? I’m a proud member of Team Enigma, we are only into 4IR and Transhumanism projects, and you know it!”
👉Now, why does a seasoned pharma professional Moschos think a mask will help you with a 100nm particle? If this little proton can read about masks can’t he? Even N95s are only validated down to about 300nm, and that is a new mask worn tightly and in laboratory conditions. Other masks are much worse and open at the edges. “But they will prevent droplets” they say. Don’t they think the droplets will dry in a few breaths and the mask has just made the target for droplets on the face now connected to the mouth larger? And Yeadon is gonna cause “deaths”?
👉I vote that this is a scripted game between spooks faking a fight to discredit vax hesitant people by association, and that Mike is part of this propaganda (why does Mike need to bother to tell people to “ditch the mask” to begin with when he should just have listened to Proton Magic who wrote him many times showing him the research by Fan Wu proving they never found a virus). As I said. S-P-O-O-K-S👻
I thought I heard Mike say, “I would never be seen even talking to fake freedom fighters”. Oo…ookay Mike, we got your back, right…here:
So, lets leave it at this on Yeadon for today, he has recently asked me out on a phone date, and I will report on that soon. For now please refer to this post:
There are so many twists and turns to enigmas and hidden mysteries.
Yours Truly Proton Magic & Co.
Extra reading for the competition:
🎊★Brain-Bits Winner’s podium!★🎊
I thought I would get all kinds of flack for this post for being silly or stupid but no, I got some really great ideas I never even thought of, what a wonderful day! I've also added a large section at the bottom of the post explaining the issues of importance.
So today I’m honored to present the “Brain-Bits Winners Circle”. And the winner is…drum roll…🎊 🎊 🎊SHARINE!🎊 🎊 🎊.
But we have some very on-the-mark runners-up: Mia Breeze 🎓, Sirius 🎓, and Petra 🎓!
Everyone else gets the “dud” prize, no just kidding we still love you for showing-up!
So what was so special about Sharine (besides she seems to have read all the PM posts in a week)! Well, she came up with many right ideas: On Morrison, his dad was the Admiral of call on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident to start the Vietnam war, “MK-ULTRA'd bloodliner tool for the wayward wizards and their Luciferian agenda.” She doubts he died (so do I since his GF Pamela “died” 3 years later). The JFK photos didn’t match (bingo! Sharine was the only one to note that. I was taken by the nose shape and the sideburn angles), and on Kirk she noted that the “A” is for the Ass*ole loving Enterprise crew (notice all the evil projects the nasty elite do are “Enterprise" fraud). Still Sharine missed what the “throne” symbol meant.
MIA: Do not underestimate Mia for a second, she was right on Sharine’s heels and correct about hero-worship which was one of the main digs. Mia hits home here with,“lead roles (sitting on thrones) / face of different narratives that were promoted”. Sharine missed this one and only eked-out first place for her many on-the-mark ideas. Sharine and Mia, how do your friends and family take to your knowing so much about conspiratorial facts?
SIRIUS: Kicking the heels of Mia, his point is right on the mark, “ALL Pop culture is actually PsyOP culture! Morrison and many many others [even Charles Manson] are kids of military, so their nihilism and self-destructive behavior was expected and counted on..”
👉Yes, their behavior is then imitated by young people and undermines society. Teens won’t take their studies seriously, might have a going-no-where-life trying to do their own music and/or get into heavy pot use and crack, raves and ecstasy, and up to heroin and opioids.
Cpt.Kirk is just a part of “Make all straight men GAY” mission.
👉Intersting, Sirius please elaborate!
“Why so much death around celebrities/elites”
👉Good point, it is clear that many of these are psy-ops, the persons did not really die, their “deaths” are for a purpose; to make heroes or to put the country in a state of shock (JFK's "death"), or to make them lose their role-model standing; Morrison and the rock/hippie scene was backfiring on the Military-Industrial-Complex due to coordinated protesting of Vietnam and TPTB needed to take these movements they themselves started out or discredit them (i.e., the fake Manson Murders).
PETRA: Makes a good point about how many deaths are fake, so this is about JFK and Morrison-though Shatner’s wife’s death is extremely suspicious as a fake or homicide/suicide. To me, the stunner is how people believe most anything they’re told whether it’s a virus, or an assassination, death, terrorists in caves taking over the US...
👉This point also related to the faked shooting of Trump the other day. I think we are all tired of talking about Trump so I’ll quit here.
★I’ve added a more thorough commentary at the bottom of the post.
I don't know the right answers. But my research and intuition tell me that Jim Morrison — son of a high-level military father — was an MK-ULTRA'd bloodliner tool for the wayward wizards and their Luciferian agenda. I doubt that he died. He is probably playing another role, since that seems to be how these black magicians roll. His gravestone inscription is straight-up truth: They worship demons and are actually possessed by them through this bloodliner black magic. It's all part of the "artificial elevation" program, as I call it.
The JFK photos seem like different people (the ear doesn't match). Either way, I am pretty sure we're dealing with the same bloodline stuff in his case. William Shat-ner, too.
Yeadon? Is he a germ theory proponent? If so, bloodliner.
P.S. The symbol on Kirk's shirt is a symbol "A" which means Luciferian butt-boy. No one gets into the limelight without performing regular anal sex.