There's another B52's song from the electronic/disco 3rd album they did in 1983 called Queen of Las Vegas. I used the song in the video I posted on Youtube in early 2018 called "Vegas, 91 and Beyond, We Understand the Plan". In the song "my father was a one eyed Jack of Hearts, with diamonds and an ace up his sleeve" is easily a description of performer Jason Aldine who was on stage when the "shooting" began. He even had an "ace up his sleeve" which was a tattoo of the exact imagery on the Vegas Illuminati playing card. In the song the dying mother (goddess?) is saying "I have the system" and she wants to teach it to the daughter before she dies. The daughter then acknowledges "I understand the plan". I thought the song was full of interesting coincidences at the time but who really knows? You can pull it up on Youtube and listen to it.
Plymouth Brethren a Christian organization whose early leader Darby has been alleged to be an occultist. Perhaps, Plymouth Satellite refers to branch off from Darby‘s brand of occultism. I'm rolling the dice here and mean no offence to honest, practicing Christians.
Cheers PM!! Not sure my previous comment warrants such an honor so I cobbled something together on the occult‘s pervasive influence over the millenia. For the grand daddy deep dive on this topic I would refer peeps to the work of Matthew Ehret. He is currently doing an excellent series on Tesla‘s involvement with the occult. This dude was a hard core eugenicist.
Cheers for pinning 👍👍greatly appreciated. I follow the work of Matthew Ehret and he has done great work on the occult, oligarchy. Check out his first 2 episodes on YouTube: The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs. I've emailed him to see if he has an article on Darby and Plymouth Brethren to share on your Substack. Alas, Ive only info in paperback, The Clash of 2 Americas which I thoroughly recommend. Real eye opener.
Can you see all 10 articles in the Tesla link I sent? In that series the name of occultist Alistair Crowley comes up a lot. He was a big influence on Darby‘s satanic journey and many others.
cool!! Yeah, intense. Recommend his Clash of the 2 Americas in 4 volumes. Try volume 1 first. The shortest read. Will give you a taste of things to come. Ignore this email if youve read.
You may not know it but I've got 2 Clark Kent jobs besides dealing with this mess we are in and I can only take in short articles otherwise I'll never sleep, but Matt's SS will be on my list for sure!
You know a ton of stuff so I figure you're alternating between rocket scientist, brain surgeon, and full time exposer of the fraudulent germ theory paradigm.
LOL 😀 Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No It's SuperProton. No worries sir. This mess is indeed full time work. We are glad You're doing the heavy lifting for us and shattering the Germ Theory fraud
5g high frequencies like 60ghz have a harder time penetrating skin and objects than the 4g 2ghz and 4,5 ghz frequencies.
The lower the frequency the more it can pass through walls etc.
5g uses the higher frequencies along with what 4g used, the lower ones. The higher frequencies are in more populated areas and they use weaker transmitters because they need more of them (as they are poor passing through objects) and they can interfere with each other.
For the same amount of data, 5g uses less radio time. It's more efficient.
However, 5g does have a bad thing called beamforming with multiple towers to combine signals (triangulation) to increase speed. This is more targeted and less general, meaning it cannot cover every area at the same time. It's a short time "boost" for a few customers.
To limit your exposure to cell signals it's important to not keep the phone near your body when in use, especially when uploading data. Streaming music or videos have minimal upload, just packets to acknowledge or ask for retransmission of packets that didn't come in properly.
A phone call or video chat does use more upload and again, keep it away from your head or body when doing this. The strength of exposure goes with the square of the distance, meaning a phone 12 inches away gives 1/32 the focused power to your body than it 2 inches away. (12/2=6. 6x6=32)
Yeah and how do you avoid 5g? Even if you don't have a phone, it's around us.
I have a phone for work and family to reach me. I sleep with it 6 feet away. When on a call I keep it away from my head. Simple things like this reduce one's exposure by at least 3/4. The rest is harder and harder to avoid, even without a cell phone.
Btw, tobacco is not the danger, but the freaking ridiculous chemicals they put in it. It's the worst in the USA, where they are least regulated.
It's probably the same with 5g, as our government usually sides with industry over health.
Govt isn't siding with industry, govt and industry are 2 divisions of the same entity that serve the same puppet masters.
There is little 5G in Japan, I'm surrounded by 5 concrete walls inside thick bedrock, no smart meter, Wifi is always separated by a concrete wall. I'll have to figure out the window side and going outside when the time you are right about that. But Japan is only planned 19% depop, UK 72%, US 69%. Russia, Asia and Africa are looking good in the depop game, some are even planning some pop gain.
But we can still reduce the bad stuff for little cost!
Also I forgot to mention that if you have a smart meter, it helps to put shielding like foil on your inside wall that the meter is mounted to. It's easy, just use some tape and you can put something nice to look at over it.
That reflects most of the radio signal away from your indoors.
I'm all about moderation because unfortunately I live in a semi crowded area.
Another hack that comes to mind...
Wi-Fi settings, login and look for advanced Wi-Fi options. Change the beacon interval from default 100ms to up to 400ms which cuts the power used when idle 1/4.
I put foil on the inside wall from the Ever-Fucking Snark Meter long ago... Yay! I also found out that those meter send their Nasty outward, not into the house, TBTD (Thanks Be To Dog). I have aluminum siding, which is gooood, but I also have big windows, and I live very near a guy with a YUGE antennae array for his EF Ham Radio... I'm losing my teeth as we speak.
But I don't HAVE WiFi. I'd prolly be dead if I did!! Thanks, Rob c !! xo xo
i love that you bring up beam forming and triangulation Rob! i learned some of that language from Elana Freeland Geoengineered Transhumanism; and building biologists can point out all the triangulation in our neighborhoods and environments. It's grim, like we're really in the middle of star-wars crossing beams around, over, and through us.
I’ve been thinking about all the ways they could use beam forming for a while. Initially I thought you’d be able to identify potential attacks if you were with someone and you both started feeling ill at the same time because on looking at typical current gen MiMo antenna for 5G (Siemens etc.) they claim a 20 degree main lobe width at best which means any attack on yourself would be affecting others in your 20 degree range (which obviously expands as you move away from the mast). However, it would be theoretically possible to use algorithms (which I know exist) to find the best path solution for highest gain at the ‘target’ (most energy on you) and use constructive and destructive interference of the waves of multiple antenna slightly skewed off of your position. This would allow for specific targeting of areas less than a 20 degree radius. You could use the phone location for targeting or possibly recent advances with AI to locate a person in a room from their wifi signal alone. If this targeting was happening and we had access to the mast signal data (such as power and direction over time) we’d be able to analyse that and correlate it with individuals who think they may have been targeted and prove it was going on. With such targeting, an increase in the number of antennas would allow for increase in power density on a position due to constructive interference of the EM waves (more dangerous). Things to consider are 2.4 GHz is microwave oven and WiFi, this affects water molecules and makes them vibrate (heats them up). You don’t feel heat from wifi because the power is not high enough so you can at least subjectively tell that you’re not having that microwave oven kind of effect. The power reduces significantly also as it travels through medium such as your bodily tissues. 60 GHz signals don’t affect water really, but they affect oxygen. So they’ll heat that up (if you believe in global warming - which I’d advise people really looked into since in sceptical now having seen a lot of countering data - having air heaters on every street probably won’t help). As frequency gets higher it can travel less distance through your tissues. I don’t know what potential it has for affecting air inside your lungs since it’s enclosed in tissue and you’d need much higher power to get inside. What I’m more concerned about is your neocortex and motor cortex being on the outer layers of your brain. By my calculations WiFi, phones, etc. can all penetrate to these locations under usual circumstances and neurons work at extremely low voltage ranges so could be affected. Many health effects we experience in the modern era could be explained through these potential interactions of penetrating EMF and near-surface level neurons. Another thing to remember is if it was just going higher in frequency that made things worse then we’d all be dead from lightbulbs rather than 60Ghz 5G so this is a counter argument to the potential dangers of 5G. Lightbulbs are electromagnetic and use the same field as 5G and WiFi to oscillate signals. They are approx a thousand times higher frequency than that of 5G and WiFi. If your eyes could detect radio waves, your routers and cell towers would all look like lightbulbs and torches lighting up the environment. There’s a lot of research on negative effects of EMF on neurons and I’ve also read that it can take up to a month for effects to become apparent or disperse so these muddy the waters. It would be good for groups of people to turn of all radio devices for 2 months and see how they changed to see if it was something worth exploring more before more cell towers go up and saturate the environment.
Fifth-generation warfare is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems.
Any questions why 5G technology is so suddenly pervasive in modern society and so important to the Technocrats? 🤔
Dave, that makes you amazing, not having a smartphone. i have an apple cellphone but it's not on and staring at me unless i am using it. i did purchase a stylus to avoid the tap-tap-tap with my fingers (me no swipe) all the accoutrements, cords, and attachments we need to be allegedly safe are truly inconvenient and more crap to drag around. BUT i MUST start using that stylus more...
I don't use one, either. My FREE one which became quickly hated, is living (turned arf) outside in my metal storage shed, as a prisoner, and is awaiting execution, as in, sledge hammer time. I could get a job as a commercial driver any time, but I REFUSE to use those gd devices.
And just to add a little more fear to your life: You can mitigate all you want, the fucking things give off radiation just being NEAR you. I'm sure you already know you're being tracked by that, as well, possibly listened to, possibly VIDEO'd... Welcome to Prison. :)
yes, i feel things, know things, and study a lot - like you do it seems! So then there's the symphony of all that with the LED street lights and then the awful night lighting on the roads and in all newer cars and trucks. Noise, V2K, electrocution, spying and video surveillance, internal combustion (nano-nano) even termination should we be on the wrong list.
No need to apologize. It's easy to do, it's the beginning of my "handle." It just seems like that's a name that's already taken, if you know what I mean. xo xo
Swan, that is typical unfounded modern Gematria pushed by Christian bigots sadly.
3 is not an evil number in any way . Serpents are not the devil, that link you gave is of a mad person stirring people ignorance for an agenda. This is what I am highlighting. People promoting silly ideas to demonize anything esoteric/allegorical/beyond their scope of comprehension.
3 represents the Trinity, 3-in-one, Godhead, Father-Son-Holy spirit etc.
Really , why do you think Kleck is confounding such knowledge for public consumption, is there anything you think validates what he writes, as I've studied this for decades & it is obvious he is either clueless or maliciously deceitful .
Its not evil per se, these are just Occult mysteries in our realm that add a certain amount of mojo to the mundane event trying to be accomplished. And Mars is 9 in mundane astrology, ie Babylonian. My point was they were using 3's to make 9. Tesla was really into 3 6 9, thought it the biggest secret to unlock energy and frequency information.
In mundane astrology of Babylon Mars is associated with the number five.
9 isnt directly associated with any planet but is linked to the Moon.
In Egypt 9 is the Great Ennead .
With Magic squares 9 is SATURN, the same as in seduko .
Where did you get that 9 is Mars please, are they a reliable source or more new age shilling ?🤔
btw the term 'Occult' is primarily concerned with things ALWAYS INVISIBLE (*1) to everyday perception, such as INTERNAL processes or things governed by TIME/Saturn/Satan only apparent after a life time or many generations. It is not specifically about Magic or secret societies , although there is obvious reasons for such associations.
(*1) so Iain Davis' terrible recent (latest as I type) essay is even more ludicrous to demand the Occult be un-occluded !
Maybe you've written on this, so if you've done so please post the story link in reply. But seeing you write that over 60 Ghz is very dangerous it reminded me about the frequency that EV's emit from their operation.
I was riding my bike a few weeks ago when three EV's passed me in rapid succession, without any ICE engine or other noises to conflict with the sound they were emitting. It was eerie, Jetson's-ish. They sound weird enough when just one goes by, or there's ICE noise to mix with it. But 1-2-3 in a row made me wonder what that frequency was that disturbed me; it was disturbing. And not just because it was unfamiliar.
I did a little poking around searching the interwebs about EV frequency emissions. Some pieces said that EV's emit a sound by law, because total silence is dangerous to pedestrians, bikes and other cars, as well as animals. The articles said that the law about mandated sound was initially very broad. And that Tesla allowed the operator to choose their car's sound. People being people were getting very creative with music, animal and other sound. So governments stepped in and limited the type of sound an EV could emit to keep it from becoming a cacophony. And Tesla had to update their cars to take away the wide custom options.
So that was one type of sound that a lot of my search results discussed. But a few of the more technical studies indicated that the whir of the EV motor itself spinning is variable, depending on speed, gear, etc. And from what I remember they said that the frequency could be between 30-120 Hz. With claims those frequencies are perfectly safe.
But, color me skeptical these days, so if you have any insights to share please do. For good measure these links are to some of the information I tried to make some sense of, but I'm not sure if it's what I'm after and you could point me in another direction if I'm on the wrong path for what I seek:
Yeah, I recall reading something about them but don't have deep knowledge. I may have read, and also think these cars will track/trace and connect with the nanos in people, so they will be surrounded by the same sensors as the phone but in 3D (?), and would probably be able to cause illness and rate social credit scores. It's real mess isn't it!
It's becoming more and more clear that surveillance and sensors are going to be pretty much everywhere and in everything. Even garments with no apparent power source can have tiny stealth RFID transmitters in them with enough juice to ping for decades, so it needn't even have an external power supply. Here. Now. Only getting more powerful and smaller.
That said, as to the frequency of an electromagnetic motor spinning at variable speeds are you aware of any health-related issues that super low frequency like the 30-120 Hz range may have on human (or human microbiome) cellular integrity or brain waves, heart function, etc?
love your conclusion- that their noisemaking was up to the highly disturbing 120 Hz.
Industrial noise always bothered me. i hear the loud ringing in the atmosphere beneath any relative silence - which i now imagine is HAARP + all the bomb detonations in the layers of the atmosphere. i notice that when multiple sirens go by at one time, the dogs in town scream and wail for a long long time. i'll stop here so i can copy your links - you've just added a new angle to my research - i have trouble on our weaponized highways, worse at night (yeah the LED's from hell too). ok, i said i'd stop...
It's really just my suppositions and questioning, no conclusion yet. One of the articles gave that Hz range. The links are just what I filtered down to during a couple hours of curious searches and reading. I'm not sure if they are the pathway to the knowledge I seek or a starting point that gets me familiar with terms and concepts to go down a different path or if they are first steps on the right path. If you learn more on your discovery please double back here and share. Thanks!
How much is scaremongering, boasting for funding grants, double & triple crosses tho?
Why can small creatures & birds rest upon such 'lethal' technology so readily & often ?
I do know that excess EMF/Dirty electricity is harmful, while types of ionization is rarely discussed in this & is very important. I also Know that some forms of 'excess' EM field can be benign, invigorating & even curative, all from EXPERIENCE , so intrigued about your view. Cheers.
Seems to me, judging by what I already know about the Nasties, they LOVE the idea of giving us People the means to kill each other, so they aren't so obviously doing it themselves... These are twisted fucks, I'm sayin. These are people who torture for kicks, k. I think we need a real-life version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer...
It's a one-dollar bet for many of them. No doubt they share laughs on superyachts, like "I told you we could make 90% of these imbeciles wear face diapers thinking they're sick" or "Bet we can make the imbeciles cheer for men beating women in Olympic weightlifting" or "How much you want to bet we can make these imbeciles clamor to eat crickets?" or "Wanna see the imbeciles cheer their toddlers into putting a $1 bill in the g-string of a fat old tranny in their elementary school library" or "Watch us get past that whole burn the bodies in massive ovens stage of the Holocaust by getting the imbeciles to demand slow-acting hemlock with their families paying for the burials:
Sadistic fucks, indeed.
It's a bet. For their amusement. Until we figure out the lesson in the movie Trading Places. Like in this Stack:
It is a double edged sword, & I thought it was in a way initially great that the 'forces of oppression' were now so overt that no-one could be in denial about the 'spectacle' & cultural imprisonment any longer.
However it also raises the misery levels- more people are now more aware that they are being 'tormented' ; typically by the very same sources 'liberating them' with information about their oppression. This conversely can generate the feeling of greater imprisonment & impotency to challenge it. Further the oppressors want more challenges to test their technologies & strategies !
As soon as we discuss the matter it is being collated & quantified, partitioned & assessed for tactile databases & policy. As mentioned above- part of the rancid 'game' (sic) is knowing where we stand as individuals so they can construct 'golems' out of the entire population for 'virtual' needs & aims.
It is akin to the CND & Greenpeace bait. Benign intentions being used to compartmentalize, entice & entrap.Like the UK Column & RDHALL did with the write to you MP joke on their viewers.
Fee Energy ? What is Breath then, and how intrinsic is it with 'free energy ideas'.
I've known and used these things for over 30 years while all around me I see people wittering on without a clue.
I don't see any reference to facts usually , just opinions and fanciful day dreams.
Who mentions the fundamental SCALAR 'fields', The formative Ethers/Aether, VORTEX & PLASMA templates in these comments with any knowledge ? it is just regurgitation of regurgitation from regurgitators isn't it ? 😂
'Good fortune for everyone' would be an event that defies Karma, commercial forces, human nature between cultures & life styles, & basic human psycho-dynamics of the past 1,000 years , notably regarding the sado-masochism of modern societies. !
Proton and I usually agree, and the role of 5G and comparable technologies cannot be overemphasized. Yes, there are another 12 major sources of sickening or killing people, but 5G signals are used for coordinating the worldwide operation:
It is possible to place all the disinfo into a whole as long as the person is able to apply deduction in a global interpretive frame, so I don't consider myself part of the "we" who are guilty, because I have followed that path:
All of a sudden, the CDBC, the injections, the gender delusion, the political circus, and the "don't comply" crap fall into place. I have addressed most of these without giving up my focus on the worldwide data collection whose results are fed to a central AI that is tasked to coordinate everything, including interruptions in the narrative, organizing controlled opposition, and recommending new events that usually work towards Agenda 2030 in multiple ways, which I called the "mass murderers' signature" already in February, 2023, and showed the various converging facets:
Oh, and one more thing: the towers are not needed anymore, because people's Wi-Fi devices turn the whole electric grid in the neighborhood into a giant antenna:
As you know, I have been making the correlation of 5G with Covid 19 since the beginning of 2020. In fact, I was waiting for illnesses to increase from 2016 when I first began to investigate 5G.
When Wuhan erected 10,000 towers and gave out millions of 5G ready mobile phones to the residents in time for the UN Military Games on 18th October 2019, I was particularly alerted because UK did not send a team to the event.
My archives are stacked with relevant material including the 3 studies you have chosen to use here.
After 8 years of accumulating material (see archive attached) I am absolutely convinced that 5G is lethal.
Can [they] target anyone anywhere with it even if you think you're in a "safe" area and have eliminated wireless sources in your environment as much as possible?
Some researchers say that EMF pulse weapons can target people and the technology is certainly capable of doing that. However, I am doubtful if they can target a person who has taken every precaution to eliminate devices from their environment and especially not if they are wearing EMF Protection clothing.
I know that there are EMF guns which can be aimed at people in the same way that any firearm works but our law enforcement officers do not carry them..... yet.
Without researching the topic greatly I think the 5G and plandemic rollout timing not being coincidental is highly plausible. My only question is that as 5G affects all of us, the perps who are conscious of its effects and those not, why would it be done? The jab is easily understood of course because the perps can avoid it, not so with 5G. Even with the jab I have to say I have questions. There are those in the know who would surely care about certain people not in the know - are they so callous as to just let those people injure, maim or even kill themselves with this thing. I must say it puzzles me.
Hi Petra, the perps can avoid it because the towers are programmable in frequency and place. The 2 papers referenced in the post are deep dives showing high likelihood of being connected indeed.
i think the perps are bleached gray-white and live in the deep tunnels and high towers in manufactured airless environments, so their slime can proliferate...
Love the B52's, something about 5G and Covid is worthy of an investigation. They are connected. Today I drove for several hours and saw 5G towers in the most remote places. Surely this isn't just for WiFi convenience...
i like how you pulled this one together Sane - as you know, you picked a pet peeve of mine - and i now have a dozen articles on my stack that cover the combined plan of 5G>geoengineering>pharma meds in depth.
I performed with an avant-garde dance company in the late seventies: The Meta-Whatever Dance Theatre, subsequently renamed The Bar Wars Ballet. Our signature piece had us costumed in silvery jumpsuits/spacesuits while we danced to the B52's She Came from Planet Claire.
This is why I say prepare for another covid-like scam and lockdown.
"...the higher frequencies at 60Ghz are very dangerous to humans."
>>6G will be fully commercial by the end of 2029. 7G, 2035-2050.
>>6G is expected to use a range of frequency bands, including 7–20 GHz for mid-bands, 460–694 MHz for low bands, and sub-THz for peak data rates. The 7–15 GHz range is thought to be the primary band for the initial rollouts of 6G. 6G will also take advantage of frequency range 1 (FR1) up to 7.125 GHz and frequency range 2 (FR2) mmWave from 24.25 GHz to 71 GHz.
What is the Morse code in Planet Claire?
The B-52s - Planet Claire
Pretty much the first 30 seconds of this song is morse code, which can be translated to "NAWS DE CFH II ZKR F1 3394 4156.66238......". One theory is that it is a transmission from a Canadian Naval base in Nova Scotia signaling to ships.
In fact you can see a Knights of Malta cross above the crown (Corona), that is above EMF waves that is then above a Masonic compass, that has a flower growing out of what looks to me like an abstract head of a goat.
This looks like quite a rabbit hole you've gone down! I wonder why on earth they would have put this message from a Canadian naval base in that song? The crown at the top of the logo is just all the usual royal family crap THEY always do. I call the ball with the Maltese cross on top the "Baal Ball". It is supposed to symbolize the globe earth and the royal families dominion over that. They haul the real one out of mothballs at every coronation ceremony and parade it around. Obviously the maple leaves are just the usual Canadian symbolism. Where this gets interesting is inside the circle and whatever all that is supposed to be. The zigzaging pyramid shapes obviously look quite Masonic and appear to form some version of the compass don't they? In this case they have the upper points on this configuration represent radio towers with the lightning bolts representing the actual signals. These lighting bolt kinds of shapes also, especially now, represent the power of the Prince of the Air, Satan, Lucifer etc. You see versions of these used everywhere by Satanists now. The real mystery is what the flowers coming out of that odd, head-like shape represent. It could be a goats head like you say but all of it is so sleek and stylized it's hard to tell for sure. Possibly seeing more representations like this used in other contexts might make this more definitive. Hope this is helpful!
You're the best Et's! Yeah, I dunno why. Maybe its a way to pay respect to someone in the blob they are indebted to who is connected to that place (like the Beatles did to Sergeant Pepper). "B-52s"? Hmm, one of their dads flew one?
Anyway, their symbolism is just all over the place once you look. Maybe more will turn up. Deep thanks for your insights!
There's another B52's song from the electronic/disco 3rd album they did in 1983 called Queen of Las Vegas. I used the song in the video I posted on Youtube in early 2018 called "Vegas, 91 and Beyond, We Understand the Plan". In the song "my father was a one eyed Jack of Hearts, with diamonds and an ace up his sleeve" is easily a description of performer Jason Aldine who was on stage when the "shooting" began. He even had an "ace up his sleeve" which was a tattoo of the exact imagery on the Vegas Illuminati playing card. In the song the dying mother (goddess?) is saying "I have the system" and she wants to teach it to the daughter before she dies. The daughter then acknowledges "I understand the plan". I thought the song was full of interesting coincidences at the time but who really knows? You can pull it up on Youtube and listen to it.
Great info Et's I will pin this comment. Yep, they make plans years in advance and then live them out. Rituals to complement reality.
Hi Et's, pls look at this comment below, and near the bottom where there is a link to the crest of this signal station that looks very occult/Masonic to me. Pls feel free to add your opinions and thanks as always for your invaluable knowledge in this area.
wow from me, who never listened to that music. thanks for pointing this out
Plymouth Brethren a Christian organization whose early leader Darby has been alleged to be an occultist. Perhaps, Plymouth Satellite refers to branch off from Darby‘s brand of occultism. I'm rolling the dice here and mean no offence to honest, practicing Christians.
PS added link to your comment at the top of the post!
Cheers PM!! Not sure my previous comment warrants such an honor so I cobbled something together on the occult‘s pervasive influence over the millenia. For the grand daddy deep dive on this topic I would refer peeps to the work of Matthew Ehret. He is currently doing an excellent series on Tesla‘s involvement with the occult. This dude was a hard core eugenicist.
Great info, I will pin this!
Cheers for pinning 👍👍greatly appreciated. I follow the work of Matthew Ehret and he has done great work on the occult, oligarchy. Check out his first 2 episodes on YouTube: The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs. I've emailed him to see if he has an article on Darby and Plymouth Brethren to share on your Substack. Alas, Ive only info in paperback, The Clash of 2 Americas which I thoroughly recommend. Real eye opener.
Can you see all 10 articles in the Tesla link I sent? In that series the name of occultist Alistair Crowley comes up a lot. He was a big influence on Darby‘s satanic journey and many others.
I'm on Matt's SS, it's very intense and much thanks.
cool!! Yeah, intense. Recommend his Clash of the 2 Americas in 4 volumes. Try volume 1 first. The shortest read. Will give you a taste of things to come. Ignore this email if youve read.
You may not know it but I've got 2 Clark Kent jobs besides dealing with this mess we are in and I can only take in short articles otherwise I'll never sleep, but Matt's SS will be on my list for sure!
You know a ton of stuff so I figure you're alternating between rocket scientist, brain surgeon, and full time exposer of the fraudulent germ theory paradigm.
LOL 😀 Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No It's SuperProton. No worries sir. This mess is indeed full time work. We are glad You're doing the heavy lifting for us and shattering the Germ Theory fraud
5g high frequencies like 60ghz have a harder time penetrating skin and objects than the 4g 2ghz and 4,5 ghz frequencies.
The lower the frequency the more it can pass through walls etc.
5g uses the higher frequencies along with what 4g used, the lower ones. The higher frequencies are in more populated areas and they use weaker transmitters because they need more of them (as they are poor passing through objects) and they can interfere with each other.
For the same amount of data, 5g uses less radio time. It's more efficient.
However, 5g does have a bad thing called beamforming with multiple towers to combine signals (triangulation) to increase speed. This is more targeted and less general, meaning it cannot cover every area at the same time. It's a short time "boost" for a few customers.
To limit your exposure to cell signals it's important to not keep the phone near your body when in use, especially when uploading data. Streaming music or videos have minimal upload, just packets to acknowledge or ask for retransmission of packets that didn't come in properly.
A phone call or video chat does use more upload and again, keep it away from your head or body when doing this. The strength of exposure goes with the square of the distance, meaning a phone 12 inches away gives 1/32 the focused power to your body than it 2 inches away. (12/2=6. 6x6=32)
One cigarette is a bad cigarette
One CT scan is a bad CT scan
One Starbucks coffee is a bad coffee
One dose of Chemo is a bad dose
One injection is a bad injection
Some 5G is bad 5g
-Try not to use any of these things unless you are very old and it doesn't matter anymore.
Yeah and how do you avoid 5g? Even if you don't have a phone, it's around us.
I have a phone for work and family to reach me. I sleep with it 6 feet away. When on a call I keep it away from my head. Simple things like this reduce one's exposure by at least 3/4. The rest is harder and harder to avoid, even without a cell phone.
Btw, tobacco is not the danger, but the freaking ridiculous chemicals they put in it. It's the worst in the USA, where they are least regulated.
It's probably the same with 5g, as our government usually sides with industry over health.
I only use land line and email.
Correct on Tobacco!
Govt isn't siding with industry, govt and industry are 2 divisions of the same entity that serve the same puppet masters.
There is little 5G in Japan, I'm surrounded by 5 concrete walls inside thick bedrock, no smart meter, Wifi is always separated by a concrete wall. I'll have to figure out the window side and going outside when the time you are right about that. But Japan is only planned 19% depop, UK 72%, US 69%. Russia, Asia and Africa are looking good in the depop game, some are even planning some pop gain.
And USA? Let me guess... 98% ?
Your comments are SO helpful to me! Thanks, Rob c
I'm glad, it helps me too.
Not all of us can be away from the grid.
But we can still reduce the bad stuff for little cost!
Also I forgot to mention that if you have a smart meter, it helps to put shielding like foil on your inside wall that the meter is mounted to. It's easy, just use some tape and you can put something nice to look at over it.
That reflects most of the radio signal away from your indoors.
I'm all about moderation because unfortunately I live in a semi crowded area.
Another hack that comes to mind...
Wi-Fi settings, login and look for advanced Wi-Fi options. Change the beacon interval from default 100ms to up to 400ms which cuts the power used when idle 1/4.
I put foil on the inside wall from the Ever-Fucking Snark Meter long ago... Yay! I also found out that those meter send their Nasty outward, not into the house, TBTD (Thanks Be To Dog). I have aluminum siding, which is gooood, but I also have big windows, and I live very near a guy with a YUGE antennae array for his EF Ham Radio... I'm losing my teeth as we speak.
But I don't HAVE WiFi. I'd prolly be dead if I did!! Thanks, Rob c !! xo xo
They can also blow up into smart meter fires.
I'm not worried about ham radio. It's low power but amazingly can go very far. It was the Internet of my age.
I remember a couple of times being able to pick up a New York radio station in Florida at night. It was so freaky to me at the time!
I'm glad it's easier today where one doesn't have to wait until night to transmit across the continent.
i love that you bring up beam forming and triangulation Rob! i learned some of that language from Elana Freeland Geoengineered Transhumanism; and building biologists can point out all the triangulation in our neighborhoods and environments. It's grim, like we're really in the middle of star-wars crossing beams around, over, and through us.
I’ve been thinking about all the ways they could use beam forming for a while. Initially I thought you’d be able to identify potential attacks if you were with someone and you both started feeling ill at the same time because on looking at typical current gen MiMo antenna for 5G (Siemens etc.) they claim a 20 degree main lobe width at best which means any attack on yourself would be affecting others in your 20 degree range (which obviously expands as you move away from the mast). However, it would be theoretically possible to use algorithms (which I know exist) to find the best path solution for highest gain at the ‘target’ (most energy on you) and use constructive and destructive interference of the waves of multiple antenna slightly skewed off of your position. This would allow for specific targeting of areas less than a 20 degree radius. You could use the phone location for targeting or possibly recent advances with AI to locate a person in a room from their wifi signal alone. If this targeting was happening and we had access to the mast signal data (such as power and direction over time) we’d be able to analyse that and correlate it with individuals who think they may have been targeted and prove it was going on. With such targeting, an increase in the number of antennas would allow for increase in power density on a position due to constructive interference of the EM waves (more dangerous). Things to consider are 2.4 GHz is microwave oven and WiFi, this affects water molecules and makes them vibrate (heats them up). You don’t feel heat from wifi because the power is not high enough so you can at least subjectively tell that you’re not having that microwave oven kind of effect. The power reduces significantly also as it travels through medium such as your bodily tissues. 60 GHz signals don’t affect water really, but they affect oxygen. So they’ll heat that up (if you believe in global warming - which I’d advise people really looked into since in sceptical now having seen a lot of countering data - having air heaters on every street probably won’t help). As frequency gets higher it can travel less distance through your tissues. I don’t know what potential it has for affecting air inside your lungs since it’s enclosed in tissue and you’d need much higher power to get inside. What I’m more concerned about is your neocortex and motor cortex being on the outer layers of your brain. By my calculations WiFi, phones, etc. can all penetrate to these locations under usual circumstances and neurons work at extremely low voltage ranges so could be affected. Many health effects we experience in the modern era could be explained through these potential interactions of penetrating EMF and near-surface level neurons. Another thing to remember is if it was just going higher in frequency that made things worse then we’d all be dead from lightbulbs rather than 60Ghz 5G so this is a counter argument to the potential dangers of 5G. Lightbulbs are electromagnetic and use the same field as 5G and WiFi to oscillate signals. They are approx a thousand times higher frequency than that of 5G and WiFi. If your eyes could detect radio waves, your routers and cell towers would all look like lightbulbs and torches lighting up the environment. There’s a lot of research on negative effects of EMF on neurons and I’ve also read that it can take up to a month for effects to become apparent or disperse so these muddy the waters. It would be good for groups of people to turn of all radio devices for 2 months and see how they changed to see if it was something worth exploring more before more cell towers go up and saturate the environment.
5G = Fifth Generation Warfare
Fifth-generation warfare is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems.
Any questions why 5G technology is so suddenly pervasive in modern society and so important to the Technocrats? 🤔
no question James. and no argument. i think your tribe may be here.
I hadn't considered the touching of those screens everyone is swiping. I don't swipe, I don't have a smartphone.
Who was the singer on Planet Claire, Fred or Kate? I think it was Fred. I wonder if he took the jab.
Dave, that makes you amazing, not having a smartphone. i have an apple cellphone but it's not on and staring at me unless i am using it. i did purchase a stylus to avoid the tap-tap-tap with my fingers (me no swipe) all the accoutrements, cords, and attachments we need to be allegedly safe are truly inconvenient and more crap to drag around. BUT i MUST start using that stylus more...
I don't use one, either. My FREE one which became quickly hated, is living (turned arf) outside in my metal storage shed, as a prisoner, and is awaiting execution, as in, sledge hammer time. I could get a job as a commercial driver any time, but I REFUSE to use those gd devices.
And just to add a little more fear to your life: You can mitigate all you want, the fucking things give off radiation just being NEAR you. I'm sure you already know you're being tracked by that, as well, possibly listened to, possibly VIDEO'd... Welcome to Prison. :)
i like you already The Word!
yes, i feel things, know things, and study a lot - like you do it seems! So then there's the symphony of all that with the LED street lights and then the awful night lighting on the roads and in all newer cars and trucks. Noise, V2K, electrocution, spying and video surveillance, internal combustion (nano-nano) even termination should we be on the wrong list.
Anything is possible when genius goes psycho.
Ooops, you've given yourself away, because the PSYCHOS are NOT the GENIUSES. lol
They HIRE the geniuses!! Rat muffo stinkbug nutcase bastards!!!! Okay. I AM calm, I AM in my quiet place.
Oh, please, donut call me "The Word" I am NOT the word. I HERD the words. ;) You can call me JDog. I yam a bitch!! WOOF! lololol
sorry about mistaking your name here JDog
No need to apologize. It's easy to do, it's the beginning of my "handle." It just seems like that's a name that's already taken, if you know what I mean. xo xo
Yea, he was into it from the sounds of it:
is Planet Claire truly the Pentacle Lair...?
Just noticed the "33" in "Planet Claire" as well. One of "their" favorite numbers.
Oh right, where was it?
I also note that the song is organized into three stanzas, and repeats the the title three times. Probably just a "coincidence."
She came from Planet Claire
I knew she came from there
She drove a Plymouth Satellite
A-faster than the speed of light
Planet Claire has pink air
All the trees are red
No one ever dies there
No one has a head
Some say she's from Mars
Or one of the seven stars that shine after three-thirty in the morning
Well, she isn't!
She came from Planet Claire
She came from Planet Claire
She came from Planet Claire
There were also 9 songs on that first album, and Mars is 9.
Would you mention How is Mars 9 ?
& why would 3 be considered in any way 'evil' ,it is typically the opposite ?
3=C in the Bible is Abaddon, Serpent, Angel of the Abyss, Satan
COVID-19 = Serpent (C/3) Sheep (Ovid) Slaughter (19 in Strong's Concordance)
Look into Jonathan Kleck for lots why is the Vatican a snake? Really, it's 2
Swan, that is typical unfounded modern Gematria pushed by Christian bigots sadly.
3 is not an evil number in any way . Serpents are not the devil, that link you gave is of a mad person stirring people ignorance for an agenda. This is what I am highlighting. People promoting silly ideas to demonize anything esoteric/allegorical/beyond their scope of comprehension.
3 represents the Trinity, 3-in-one, Godhead, Father-Son-Holy spirit etc.
Really , why do you think Kleck is confounding such knowledge for public consumption, is there anything you think validates what he writes, as I've studied this for decades & it is obvious he is either clueless or maliciously deceitful .
Its not evil per se, these are just Occult mysteries in our realm that add a certain amount of mojo to the mundane event trying to be accomplished. And Mars is 9 in mundane astrology, ie Babylonian. My point was they were using 3's to make 9. Tesla was really into 3 6 9, thought it the biggest secret to unlock energy and frequency information.
In mundane astrology of Babylon Mars is associated with the number five.
9 isnt directly associated with any planet but is linked to the Moon.
In Egypt 9 is the Great Ennead .
With Magic squares 9 is SATURN, the same as in seduko .
Where did you get that 9 is Mars please, are they a reliable source or more new age shilling ?🤔
btw the term 'Occult' is primarily concerned with things ALWAYS INVISIBLE (*1) to everyday perception, such as INTERNAL processes or things governed by TIME/Saturn/Satan only apparent after a life time or many generations. It is not specifically about Magic or secret societies , although there is obvious reasons for such associations.
(*1) so Iain Davis' terrible recent (latest as I type) essay is even more ludicrous to demand the Occult be un-occluded !
Maybe you've written on this, so if you've done so please post the story link in reply. But seeing you write that over 60 Ghz is very dangerous it reminded me about the frequency that EV's emit from their operation.
I was riding my bike a few weeks ago when three EV's passed me in rapid succession, without any ICE engine or other noises to conflict with the sound they were emitting. It was eerie, Jetson's-ish. They sound weird enough when just one goes by, or there's ICE noise to mix with it. But 1-2-3 in a row made me wonder what that frequency was that disturbed me; it was disturbing. And not just because it was unfamiliar.
I did a little poking around searching the interwebs about EV frequency emissions. Some pieces said that EV's emit a sound by law, because total silence is dangerous to pedestrians, bikes and other cars, as well as animals. The articles said that the law about mandated sound was initially very broad. And that Tesla allowed the operator to choose their car's sound. People being people were getting very creative with music, animal and other sound. So governments stepped in and limited the type of sound an EV could emit to keep it from becoming a cacophony. And Tesla had to update their cars to take away the wide custom options.
So that was one type of sound that a lot of my search results discussed. But a few of the more technical studies indicated that the whir of the EV motor itself spinning is variable, depending on speed, gear, etc. And from what I remember they said that the frequency could be between 30-120 Hz. With claims those frequencies are perfectly safe.
But, color me skeptical these days, so if you have any insights to share please do. For good measure these links are to some of the information I tried to make some sense of, but I'm not sure if it's what I'm after and you could point me in another direction if I'm on the wrong path for what I seek:
Sound Quality Aspects of Electric Vehicles
ATZ Worldwide, July 10, 2020
Noise Emission Models of Electric Vehicles Considering Speed, Acceleration, and Motion State
The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, February 17, 2023
Complex Electromagnetic Issues Associated with the Use of Electric Vehicles in Urban Transportation
Sensors (Basel), February 22, 2022
Study of the Traffic Noise Source Emission Model and the Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Electric Vehicles on Urban Roads in China
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, November, 2018
Effects of a 60 Hz Magnetic Field Exposure Up to 3000 μT on Human Brain Activation as Measured by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
PLOS One, July 27, 2015
Yeah, I recall reading something about them but don't have deep knowledge. I may have read, and also think these cars will track/trace and connect with the nanos in people, so they will be surrounded by the same sensors as the phone but in 3D (?), and would probably be able to cause illness and rate social credit scores. It's real mess isn't it!
It's becoming more and more clear that surveillance and sensors are going to be pretty much everywhere and in everything. Even garments with no apparent power source can have tiny stealth RFID transmitters in them with enough juice to ping for decades, so it needn't even have an external power supply. Here. Now. Only getting more powerful and smaller.
That said, as to the frequency of an electromagnetic motor spinning at variable speeds are you aware of any health-related issues that super low frequency like the 30-120 Hz range may have on human (or human microbiome) cellular integrity or brain waves, heart function, etc?
ELFs are said to be able to cause auditory hallucination, I'm sure other things but don't have into. Good point!
oh the clothes too...
and then reading earlier that children's clothes are poisoning them with the plastic microfibers in the fabric...
love your conclusion- that their noisemaking was up to the highly disturbing 120 Hz.
Industrial noise always bothered me. i hear the loud ringing in the atmosphere beneath any relative silence - which i now imagine is HAARP + all the bomb detonations in the layers of the atmosphere. i notice that when multiple sirens go by at one time, the dogs in town scream and wail for a long long time. i'll stop here so i can copy your links - you've just added a new angle to my research - i have trouble on our weaponized highways, worse at night (yeah the LED's from hell too). ok, i said i'd stop...
It's really just my suppositions and questioning, no conclusion yet. One of the articles gave that Hz range. The links are just what I filtered down to during a couple hours of curious searches and reading. I'm not sure if they are the pathway to the knowledge I seek or a starting point that gets me familiar with terms and concepts to go down a different path or if they are first steps on the right path. If you learn more on your discovery please double back here and share. Thanks!
How much is scaremongering, boasting for funding grants, double & triple crosses tho?
Why can small creatures & birds rest upon such 'lethal' technology so readily & often ?
I do know that excess EMF/Dirty electricity is harmful, while types of ionization is rarely discussed in this & is very important. I also Know that some forms of 'excess' EM field can be benign, invigorating & even curative, all from EXPERIENCE , so intrigued about your view. Cheers.
Seems to me, judging by what I already know about the Nasties, they LOVE the idea of giving us People the means to kill each other, so they aren't so obviously doing it themselves... These are twisted fucks, I'm sayin. These are people who torture for kicks, k. I think we need a real-life version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer...
It's a one-dollar bet for many of them. No doubt they share laughs on superyachts, like "I told you we could make 90% of these imbeciles wear face diapers thinking they're sick" or "Bet we can make the imbeciles cheer for men beating women in Olympic weightlifting" or "How much you want to bet we can make these imbeciles clamor to eat crickets?" or "Wanna see the imbeciles cheer their toddlers into putting a $1 bill in the g-string of a fat old tranny in their elementary school library" or "Watch us get past that whole burn the bodies in massive ovens stage of the Holocaust by getting the imbeciles to demand slow-acting hemlock with their families paying for the burials:
Sadistic fucks, indeed.
It's a bet. For their amusement. Until we figure out the lesson in the movie Trading Places. Like in this Stack:
You're SO WRONG...
Those people donut HAVE any $1 bills. ;)
I'll go check out your stack on mousies... I think I forgot to re-subscribe when I finally got my new hard drive... I'll do that, too. xo
It is a double edged sword, & I thought it was in a way initially great that the 'forces of oppression' were now so overt that no-one could be in denial about the 'spectacle' & cultural imprisonment any longer.
However it also raises the misery levels- more people are now more aware that they are being 'tormented' ; typically by the very same sources 'liberating them' with information about their oppression. This conversely can generate the feeling of greater imprisonment & impotency to challenge it. Further the oppressors want more challenges to test their technologies & strategies !
As soon as we discuss the matter it is being collated & quantified, partitioned & assessed for tactile databases & policy. As mentioned above- part of the rancid 'game' (sic) is knowing where we stand as individuals so they can construct 'golems' out of the entire population for 'virtual' needs & aims.
It is akin to the CND & Greenpeace bait. Benign intentions being used to compartmentalize, entice & entrap.Like the UK Column & RDHALL did with the write to you MP joke on their viewers.
Believe nothing , everything permutes.
Fee Energy ? What is Breath then, and how intrinsic is it with 'free energy ideas'.
I've known and used these things for over 30 years while all around me I see people wittering on without a clue.
I don't see any reference to facts usually , just opinions and fanciful day dreams.
Who mentions the fundamental SCALAR 'fields', The formative Ethers/Aether, VORTEX & PLASMA templates in these comments with any knowledge ? it is just regurgitation of regurgitation from regurgitators isn't it ? 😂
'Good fortune for everyone' would be an event that defies Karma, commercial forces, human nature between cultures & life styles, & basic human psycho-dynamics of the past 1,000 years , notably regarding the sado-masochism of modern societies. !
In January, 2024, I also tried to call attention to the fact that 5G alone is now possible to use for individually controlling everyone:
Proton and I usually agree, and the role of 5G and comparable technologies cannot be overemphasized. Yes, there are another 12 major sources of sickening or killing people, but 5G signals are used for coordinating the worldwide operation:
It is possible to place all the disinfo into a whole as long as the person is able to apply deduction in a global interpretive frame, so I don't consider myself part of the "we" who are guilty, because I have followed that path:
All of a sudden, the CDBC, the injections, the gender delusion, the political circus, and the "don't comply" crap fall into place. I have addressed most of these without giving up my focus on the worldwide data collection whose results are fed to a central AI that is tasked to coordinate everything, including interruptions in the narrative, organizing controlled opposition, and recommending new events that usually work towards Agenda 2030 in multiple ways, which I called the "mass murderers' signature" already in February, 2023, and showed the various converging facets:
Oh, and one more thing: the towers are not needed anymore, because people's Wi-Fi devices turn the whole electric grid in the neighborhood into a giant antenna:
As you know, I have been making the correlation of 5G with Covid 19 since the beginning of 2020. In fact, I was waiting for illnesses to increase from 2016 when I first began to investigate 5G.
When Wuhan erected 10,000 towers and gave out millions of 5G ready mobile phones to the residents in time for the UN Military Games on 18th October 2019, I was particularly alerted because UK did not send a team to the event.
My archives are stacked with relevant material including the 3 studies you have chosen to use here.
After 8 years of accumulating material (see archive attached) I am absolutely convinced that 5G is lethal.
Can [they] target anyone anywhere with it even if you think you're in a "safe" area and have eliminated wireless sources in your environment as much as possible?
Some researchers say that EMF pulse weapons can target people and the technology is certainly capable of doing that. However, I am doubtful if they can target a person who has taken every precaution to eliminate devices from their environment and especially not if they are wearing EMF Protection clothing.
I know that there are EMF guns which can be aimed at people in the same way that any firearm works but our law enforcement officers do not carry them..... yet.
Frances has got the goods on a whole bunch of Nastiness, including Nasty People.
And actually, she's got the good on a lot of GOOD stuff, too! Yaaay!
yes, i second thumbing through the Frances stack...!
Without researching the topic greatly I think the 5G and plandemic rollout timing not being coincidental is highly plausible. My only question is that as 5G affects all of us, the perps who are conscious of its effects and those not, why would it be done? The jab is easily understood of course because the perps can avoid it, not so with 5G. Even with the jab I have to say I have questions. There are those in the know who would surely care about certain people not in the know - are they so callous as to just let those people injure, maim or even kill themselves with this thing. I must say it puzzles me.
Hi Petra, the perps can avoid it because the towers are programmable in frequency and place. The 2 papers referenced in the post are deep dives showing high likelihood of being connected indeed.
OK, thanks, PM.
i think the perps are bleached gray-white and live in the deep tunnels and high towers in manufactured airless environments, so their slime can proliferate...
Love the B52's, something about 5G and Covid is worthy of an investigation. They are connected. Today I drove for several hours and saw 5G towers in the most remote places. Surely this isn't just for WiFi convenience...
i like how you pulled this one together Sane - as you know, you picked a pet peeve of mine - and i now have a dozen articles on my stack that cover the combined plan of 5G>geoengineering>pharma meds in depth.
Wonderful Yolanda, you are welcome to give us your best links!
Proton, here you go and thank you!
related articles:
the OOKLA 5G map seems to be expanding in inverse proportion to the shrinking of Palestine...
I performed with an avant-garde dance company in the late seventies: The Meta-Whatever Dance Theatre, subsequently renamed The Bar Wars Ballet. Our signature piece had us costumed in silvery jumpsuits/spacesuits while we danced to the B52's She Came from Planet Claire.
This is why I say prepare for another covid-like scam and lockdown.
"...the higher frequencies at 60Ghz are very dangerous to humans."
>>6G will be fully commercial by the end of 2029. 7G, 2035-2050.
>>6G is expected to use a range of frequency bands, including 7–20 GHz for mid-bands, 460–694 MHz for low bands, and sub-THz for peak data rates. The 7–15 GHz range is thought to be the primary band for the initial rollouts of 6G. 6G will also take advantage of frequency range 1 (FR1) up to 7.125 GHz and frequency range 2 (FR2) mmWave from 24.25 GHz to 71 GHz.
What is the Morse code in Planet Claire?
The B-52s - Planet Claire
Pretty much the first 30 seconds of this song is morse code, which can be translated to "NAWS DE CFH II ZKR F1 3394 4156.66238......". One theory is that it is a transmission from a Canadian Naval base in Nova Scotia signaling to ships.
PS added link to your comment at the top of the post!
Ah, I found this, thanks for the great hint Jerome!
The B-52s - Planet Claire: -Pretty much the first 30 seconds is morse code, which can be translated to
"NAWS DE CFH II ZKR F1 3394 4156.66238......".
One theory is that it is a transmission from a Canadian Naval base
in Nova Scotia signalling to ships. NAWS was the name when signalling
out to "any or all allied warships", DE means "this is", CFH is the
call sign of CFS Mill Cove, II signals a hyphen or dash, ZKR means
"I am listening in and guarding this frequency" and F1 refers to
radio teletype mode. The numbers that follow are the different
frequencies. So it would be "To any or all allied warships this is
Canadian Forces Station Mill Cove - I am guarding the transmission,
in Radio teletype mode frequencies 3394, 4156, 66238". Or something
like that.
Looking up Mill Cove here
You can see it was a VERY complex and sophisticated signal station-probably more than just a signal station.
👉The crest of the station looks quite masonic,
In fact you can see a Knights of Malta cross above the crown (Corona), that is above EMF waves that is then above a Masonic compass, that has a flower growing out of what looks to me like an abstract head of a goat.
This looks like quite a rabbit hole you've gone down! I wonder why on earth they would have put this message from a Canadian naval base in that song? The crown at the top of the logo is just all the usual royal family crap THEY always do. I call the ball with the Maltese cross on top the "Baal Ball". It is supposed to symbolize the globe earth and the royal families dominion over that. They haul the real one out of mothballs at every coronation ceremony and parade it around. Obviously the maple leaves are just the usual Canadian symbolism. Where this gets interesting is inside the circle and whatever all that is supposed to be. The zigzaging pyramid shapes obviously look quite Masonic and appear to form some version of the compass don't they? In this case they have the upper points on this configuration represent radio towers with the lightning bolts representing the actual signals. These lighting bolt kinds of shapes also, especially now, represent the power of the Prince of the Air, Satan, Lucifer etc. You see versions of these used everywhere by Satanists now. The real mystery is what the flowers coming out of that odd, head-like shape represent. It could be a goats head like you say but all of it is so sleek and stylized it's hard to tell for sure. Possibly seeing more representations like this used in other contexts might make this more definitive. Hope this is helpful!
You're the best Et's! Yeah, I dunno why. Maybe its a way to pay respect to someone in the blob they are indebted to who is connected to that place (like the Beatles did to Sergeant Pepper). "B-52s"? Hmm, one of their dads flew one?
Anyway, their symbolism is just all over the place once you look. Maybe more will turn up. Deep thanks for your insights!
Your always welcome Proton!
FYI, Aleister Crowley grew up in the PLYMOUTH Brethren occult group.