Pole Reversals Coming to a Theater Near You🧭
The only thing the magnetic poles are gonna flip at us this century are their middle fingers.
Greg Reese has an uncanny way of predicting the future-not to mention we’re becoming such good friends.
Here’s Greg’s intriguing video:
Conflicting Pole Shift Agendas Between the East and West:
History tells us that the climate does radically change. Examples such as the Younger Dryas ice age that occurred twelve thousand years ago shows us that these things do happen. And the current level of earthquake activity and volcanic eruptions could be an indicator that the climate is radically changing again [ze climate crizis].
Now, in the late nineteen-forties, Major Maynard White, commander of Project Nanook, discovered that the Earth experiences routine magnetic pole flips that occur in the span of just one day. But this information was suppressed from the public.
Since climate changes MUCH more frequently than the many hundreds of thousands of years since the poles have last changed, are we supposed to worry now? Earthquakes are now known to be caused by low vibration waves from HAARP and maybe other places. And more volcanic eruptions?
When was the last time the poles shifted? One study in Science Magazine says 42,000 years (which is what Greg says), but they only studied trees:
We used ancient New Zealand kauri trees...atmospheric radiocarbon levels....We find that geomagnetic field minima ~42 ka, in combination with Grand Solar Minima, caused substantial changes in atmospheric ozone concentration and circulation, driving synchronous global climate shifts that caused major environmental changes, extinction events...
Even Wiki says: over 90 per cent of the area of kauri forest standing before 1000AD was destroyed by about 1900, and this paper says that, “Individuals..probably often exceed 1000 years, but there is no reliable evidence for trees >2000 years in age”. So how do they get 42,000 years exactly? Maybe I need to really read every page of these papers not to miss something.
Well, this proton is no expert but it seems that pole reversals cannot be precisely characterized, and why do we need to worry about a problem that happens many hundreds of thousands of years apart right now while Agenda 2030 is wrecking our society?
commented that the dead trees are buried and could still be examined. I like that info, still I think only one location doesn’t say what happened around the world, more location points are needed.Other research (below) has said the last pole reversal was 780,000 years ago, and we can see there are hundreds of thousands of years between flip-flops: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_geomagnetic_reversals
A geomagnetic reversal is a change in a planet's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south are interchanged (not to be confused with geographic north and geographic south). The latest, the Brunhes–Matuyama reversal, occurred 780,000 years ago...Reversal occurrences are statistically random. There have been at least 183 reversals over the last 83 million years (on average once every 450,000 years).
Every 450,000 years? Wow I’m gonna have to give up my WEF membership to pay for all that birthday cake.
Just to make sure Wiki matches the scientific research:
Based on our age model, the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal is dated at 775 ± 10 ka [775 million years ago (some say 780)]
No, flips do not happen over night:
Of course there are models of these things on a computer, just like viruses!
Ok so 42k yrs ago or 780k yrs ago, we’ll let the geophysicists argue it out, still we should worry about this bad baby NOW?
Next, are volcanoes erupting more as Greg states?
Here you can see volcanic eruptions by year, do they seem more to you? Not to this little proton nor to the researchers here at the Smithsonian:
These researchers have a burning passion for their craft:
Our primary conclusion is that overall volcanism has not increased, but that the apparent rise is due to reporting bias issues, where recent improvements in communication and technology (especially satellites) have allowed observation of low-level activity that went unrecorded in the past.
What about earthquakes, are quakes erupting more as Greg states?
Seems like a lot of randomness here, but 2010-12 didn’t look much different from 2021-2023, nor most of the years in between. I think it is hard to say there is real change either way, of course ze climate crizis will make that worse, just wait.
Proton Magic on megaphone 📢: “Greg, look into things in more detail before you post my good man!”
Getting back to the star of the show Major White, Reese says:
In the late nineteen-forties, Major Maynard White, commander of Project Nanook, discovered that the Earth experiences routine magnetic pole flips that occur in the span of just one day
👉I debunked the short-duration pole flips already above and also from the Arstechnica article:
A key 2012 study proposed a common halting pattern to all pole reversals. This pattern includes a halfway flip followed by an actual full flip that reverts halfway back before stabilizing in the new orientation, all over 9,000 years or less. Rather than fitting this fairly simple pattern, new researchers point to a 2011 model simulation they say is more similar. Although that model took 50,000 years to make the transition, it showed a matching pattern of rising and falling field strength and pole variability.
Back to the Major White: Operation Nanook was an Arctic expedition…mostly documented as cartographic in nature.
GREG, where the did White “discover” anything? He was briefed on “declassified info” at a meeting. That my good man is not a discovery.
Operation Nanook guys: “We’ll nuke those poles if that’ll keep them in place.”
🧲 This link describes Major White’s “discovery” that the Earth experiences routine magnetic pole flips: https://exopolitics.org/massive-pole-shifts-are-cyclic-according-to-declassified-cia-document/
At one of the scientific meetings that Major White attended in the Pentagon in early 1948, the scientists discussed the advisability of alerting the public to the pending polar-flip phenomenon [“pending” means in how many thousands of years?] According to the classified information received by Major White and his USAF Arctic reconnaissance unit, the magnetic pole flip would be the trigger for a crustal displacement leading to an almost 90 degree geophysical pole shift.
In ¼ to ½ a day the poles move almost to the equator, and all hell lets loose. The atmosphere and oceans don’t shift with the shell – they just keep on rotating West to East – and at the equator that speed is 1000 miles per hour. It has to be, normally, to make one rotation per day. So, while the shell shifts with the poles going toward the equator, the winds and oceans go eastward, blowing across the face of the earth with supersonic speeds, inundating continents with water [surges] miles deep….
Though the link above already debunked rapid pole shifts, “water miles deep?” We went from climate clowns, to virus clowns, now pole-shift clowns? When has this happened in recent 10s if not 100s of thousands of years that it will just occur in the 2020s when Klaus Schwab is screaming of, “ze polycrizes”.
They freaked out about pole shifts in 1948 and 76 years later we are still waiting, not to mention the last one was 780,000 yrs ago.
👉Oh the CIA started in 1947 and they needed something to do, got it. But this time it’s for real, it’ll occur just in time for Agenda 2030! Ok, I’m just a little proton, I’ll agree to be frozen until the next reversal. Can they keep me in the basement at the WEF?
Contrary to all the hype, reversals are VERY unpredictable. There’s lots of fuzzy science involved and the experts themselves don’t know: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0012821X0600269X
The poles are constantly wandering: https://watermark.silverchair.com/6-2-221.pdf
Here on P. 5 if you download the pdf you’ll see the poles have been doing a barn dance here and there over the last 7 millennia: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/BF03352849
Do you feel the “miles high ocean surge” coming yet?
All this unpredictable fuzzy science makes for a great research career chasing rocks in various hellish climates and mapping what happens over millennia. If nothing else you can write papers and put photos on the wall of yourself in Siberia with icicles coming off your eyebrows. But are the poles really gonna crash the party just because society is having ze polycrizes? I’d say this is less likely than finding a virus, less likely than capturing an Alien UFO, and less likely than going back to 1963 and finding a dead JFK corpse in Dallas.
But Maynard’s son Ken did get a book deal about the World in Peril:
This is the standard, “once” classified disinfo propaganda trick. If it was true it could cause panic because there is not much to do about it, and if it wasn’t true why tell anyone? Just let scientists look into it and decide on their own.
👉The propaganda is to use magnetic pole switches as cover for turning up 5g from towers or from space and blaming it on mag pole shifts, and may include covers for man-made earthquakes, hurricanes, ice storms, wild fires, internet or electric outages, EMPs etc.
👉Reese’s video is predictive programming so that when these things happen you will recall pole switches as a real thing.
Now look closely:🧲🧲🧲 did you see that? Proton Magic made the poles change direction just in a mere nanosecond! Greg was right after all…we’re fucked.
We have been poisoned, murdered, Poisoned and Sterilized! Our food supply is now destined for mass collapse, pollinators are dying ok pretty much chaput, and humanity is 'bout to be toasted crisp. Whosoever is expends mental energy, burns a single k/cal worrying about the oceans sliding around the planet; please just have a seat and watch it all on your 5G phone
I had to sit down and separate the topics then decide what article belonged to what:
1. How often to poles change in general?
2. How long does the PROCESS of pole changes take in general?
3. How do they move around even when not changing? Both poles and just some magnetic lines can move but that's not exactly the same..
4. What do you need to do to determine the above?
5. Are volcanic and quake activities really increasing?
6. What did Major White really do or not do?
-Since few people have the will to spend a few hours to sift thru all this sh*t, Mr Reese can just bamboozle the public without blinking an eye, and few will read or get my article, so even if they do read it he doesn't care very much.
👉That's the same deal with virology, make it multi-layered and time consuming to get, so few will get it except persistent and/or nerdy investigators or readers.