We have been poisoned, murdered, Poisoned and Sterilized! Our food supply is now destined for mass collapse, pollinators are dying ok pretty much chaput, and humanity is 'bout to be toasted crisp. Whosoever is expends mental energy, burns a single k/cal worrying about the oceans sliding around the planet; please just have a seat and watch it all on your 5G phone

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You said exactly what I mean by this post, hats off to you and you are now pinned at the top!

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I had to sit down and separate the topics then decide what article belonged to what:

1. How often to poles change in general?

2. How long does the PROCESS of pole changes take in general?

3. How do they move around even when not changing? Both poles and just some magnetic lines can move but that's not exactly the same..

4. What do you need to do to determine the above?

5. Are volcanic and quake activities really increasing?

6. What did Major White really do or not do?

-Since few people have the will to spend a few hours to sift thru all this sh*t, Mr Reese can just bamboozle the public without blinking an eye, and few will read or get my article, so even if they do read it he doesn't care very much.

👉That's the same deal with virology, make it multi-layered and time consuming to get, so few will get it except persistent and/or nerdy investigators or readers.

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Man, this is almost as worrying as the supervolcanic devil comet racing towards us.


Is Greg Reese still mobbed up with Alex Jones? I’m just surprised he didn’t try hawking Ivermectin as the cure to this “crisis” too 😂

Great work once again PM!

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I wouldn't be surprised if IVM could change one's bodily polarity actually it is so toxic.

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Great article!

Seeing you and Greg are becoming friends, ask him when he'll cover what's inside this book: https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

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Sorry it was a satirical remark...you'll have to write him yourself!

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O, I have. I've posted on his twitter feed, emailed him and left numerous comments on his substack articles... He's yet to respond.

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I am going to add my two cents worth to this contentious debate by simply writing about two things I have observed. First, It is a fact that a full-on propaganda assault began back in the early to mid eighties regarding this subject. It rapidly became one of the centerpiece doctrines being pumped out by the New Age movement. By the mid-eighties several versions of allegedly "channeled" earth changes maps began to appear. The people producing them became instant stars of the movement. Google Lori Toye's IAM America Map. Gordon Michael Scallion was another as well as crazy Nancy Leiderman and her ZETAS. The military then began to leak similar looking maps which can be found as well. You know what I believe about the "NEW AGE". It has been scripted by THEM so all of this is beyond suspect.

The other thing is that it appears beyond doubt that the elite have been building bunkers. REALLY BIG ones with our tax money. Why they are doing this can only be guessed at but there is a reason for it. Possibly a near earth object they are concerned about? Who knows........

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I remember reading a book in the late 90's (pub 1997) called "5/5/2000: Ice - the ultimate disaster" by Richard Noone which tied in pyramids, pole shifts & apocalypse which fits right in with this.

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Feb 28, 2024
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A bunker in a mountain could have vents at mountain top, but pole flips are a diversion. The mag lines take many thousands of years of running around before a flip which happens every tens to hundreds of thousands of years. The bunkers are for something more mundane, chemtrails, EMFs from 5g and satellites, zombified covid vaxed crazies....other shit.

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Good article, thanks 'lil proton.

A heap of Kauri trees were knocked down into a swamp and preserved there for 100 of thousands of years. Apparently.

Could have been a tidal wave from an asteroid, maybe.

As to geophysical shift from magnetic pole reversal, seems extremely sci-fi, as that would require a massive amount of force to overcome both inertial and gyroscopic resistance.

Ergo I do not believe it.

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Lake Taupo eruptions knocked them down. There are layers of them that we dig up from the swamps. The timber is beautiful.

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Thanks Matt, I didn't dive deep enough into that (no pun intended). But on the pole reversal, I think you need many points on different parts of the the globe to really nail it down because partial reversals can be confused, and different researchers have different conclusions-well sorry I'm not an absolute expert on this besides to say it's not gonna be in our back yard while our TVs are on.

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How much energy could the galactic current sheet add, do You suppose...?

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Very well written. You had me fooled in the beginning because I thought for a second that you were promoting these snake oil carnies lol. Excellent visuals on the “shell” moving with, but not the oceans and wind currents. That would in fact kill everything on the earth if it did actually happen like they suggest. I will be tuning in to more of your content 🤙🏼.

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That was a lot of fun. In fact, I added this to the list of predictable false-flag operations:


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It is a very good thing there are more and more flat earthers then? Because they certainly do not believe in this pole shift fearmongering-like narrative..;)

Hey, as long as there are nice looking simulations to watch on screen, everything will be going according to plan.... haha, what? Whose plan?

Interestingly, and similar to CONvSars2, this pole shift biz is found only in computer modellings.

Btw, you graduated from "possible physing site" to "possible fake site" according to protonmail notifications that I get when I click on links in the e-mail I get from substack but actually from you.

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Would love Your take on this...

Earth Disaster is Coming | ALL The Evidence (17 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j635Cv2aOlA

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Don't take this personally, but there is no need for me to watch SO's video (I followed him for almost 2 years) - because I already gave you my opinion in my initial comment, haven't I?

You see, his spiel depends on you parroting science which you can not replicate or research for yourself.

Id bet a small amount on him being connected to freemasons or Jezuits, because I think there is chance for that.

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Well, I do ponder what is making the magnetic poles move so radically... But... [shrug]

Thanks for Your reply.

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They always move, this is hype now a CRISIS, that is what think tanks are for how to make crises. I spent a good few hours reading all the links in this post, read them and I'll give you a fuller reply tomorrow, but I did prove there are no increase in quakes nor volcanoes, all the images are linked to the source read them very carefully as I did. In 1948 they made this BS imminent crisis stuff, still waiting.

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Perhaps, but still, I ponder.

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i heard a new theory recently, the magnetic pole is only moving more rapidly now because it is very near the geographical pole and that it will slow down the further it goes towards siberia. according to the theory it is always moving but only acceleraye when near the geographical pole. i did like to follow SO at some point with his micro nova theory but i have no way to verify either hypothesis

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Not sure what You mean by the "geographical pole..." Like the rotational poles? The magnetic poles have hovered around the rotational poles for a very long time - yes, they moved, but not greatly. Only recently have they been seen to move, and accelerate in movement.

They have measured the galactic current sheet too. And yes, We are passing through it - nearly to the halfway mark, which is where the "fun" begins. And surely such a current would have an effect on the magnetic elements on Our planet...

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150 years of data doesnt enable us to say anything.... but yes it has been accelerating ever since that time. not just yesterday or 10-20 years ago and it might decelerate when it will get away from the geographical pole towards siberia. right now it is still to near for any deceleration to be measured. time will tell wich theory holds the road

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Thanks for that info on the current sheet. The Sun’s poles shifted in 2013 and will again in 2024. Might have some serious solar activity as a result. AND it could also open up our protective magnetic field. That’s a win-win for a crisis! Looking at the April to August time period. Most likely will be nothing, though. Magnetism is such a black magic subject! Tesla seems to have had a real grip on it, though. Too bad he promoted free energy. We’d have something to life hack if he’d fooled Rockefeller into funding his discoveries. Oh well. With fluoride in our water we may never get another Tesla to discover free energy for us.

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And I do not ponder on what is making you believe that "the magnetic poles" are "moving so radically".

Tis the same science which is selling you CONvSars2 experimental jab as protection against something which DOES NOT EXIST.

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Not the same "science" at all. These are measurements and locations plotted over time. The SARS Con more is based on nothing at all. So I'm not following Your logic...

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The poles are always moving-look at the image for this post. They can just say they are moving faster and there are more volcanoes and quakes from that which the data doesn't show. And why now? Because its Agenda 2030 and they need crises and covers for disasters they will make themselves.

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How? It is very simple. In the case of officially accepted scientific dogmas, anything that COULD be faked was probably faked. That is how modern science works since Rockefeller set it up, so we call it fake. This type of science uses a small fragment of reality, cuts it apart and then invents an abstract around it. To suit the goals of greed and manipulation.

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it's so-called science based on and performing centre stage in computer models, and manipulated by the military at that.

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..and he's ' Allowed' to remain on Screw Tube!

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So am I. Just severely shadow banned.

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protonmail is just mad cause protonmagic is creeping on their domain.

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I honestly didn't understand the conclusion he was drawing in his video. Maybe that was the whole point.

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Hi Ricky, "I'ts coming soon and when it does come think of the poles as we will tell you", not an EMP or 5g, or cyber attack, etc. It's predictive programming to a cover story.

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I suppose. I'll keep my eyes peeled.

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I don't follw Greg, but I have been known to listen in to a little suspicious observers on YT. He seems pretty certain that the the earths crust will slip 90 degrees and that it is imminent. I'm not expert enough on anything to call him a loon. I have learnt to keep an open mind about almost anything until I have had the time to make my self well educated on the subject. But that being said, I do find the timing of it all a little too convenient.

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See the thumbnail images on his bitchute channel then you will understand what he is about.

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Maybe the poles shift, and maybe they don't. If these "elites" are so afraid of the oceans overtaking much of the land, then WHY do they continue to build gargantuan homes on the shores of said oceans? LOL Weather manipulation is happening, in part due to HAARP. They have their DEWs in place, so all these "fires" are NOT due to climate change; i.e. Paradise, CA. I've seen numerous photos of people that live out there and they've been shut down. Explain to me how homes crumble right to the ground, much LIKE the Twin Towers and not any of the trees on their property are fried. Hmmm - definitely NOT a normal fire, wouldn't you agree? I don't believe in flat earth - sorry. Other planets appear to be round, so we're not somehow? I follow a couple of fellas that have been posting on YT (yea, but don't get crazy). One has a 14" telescope and he gets as close to moon shots as he can. Very strange things he captures. It does not appear to be faked. Another fella reviews what the Mars Rover is taking pictures of, and he is now using an AI program to really clarify some of these findings. Some things are very questionable looking. There is no manipulation from either of these guys. Not in my opinion. UFOs? I am not sure. 50/50 on that. Perhaps we've really been on the Moon much longer than they've led us to believe. At the end of the day, I believe Jack Shit in what Government or MSM spews out. This includes those "fighter pilots".

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Good comment, I was almost gonna pin it, I thought you just needed to run down the final stretch.



On the moon, we can leave it open, but seeing things there isn't proof of any conclusion. Unmanned craft could have left stuff there after the Apollo time. Not sure how someone without access to detailed records could know.

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The fella I mentioned is Bruce Sees All. Not that I believe everything he perpetuates as UFOs (in the sense its "aliens") , but he sure gets down to the nitty gritty of what he shows. No manipulation. It is extremely questionable. I have asked him with all these humongous observatories, that I am SURE tax payers paid for, they cannot capture whats going on? If he can point out things with his pee-wee little 14" telescope, then there is definitely more than meets the eye. Besides all the other "stuff" flying around in our skies that the naked eye can't see. No, its NOT all satellites either.

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The govt is heating up Project Blue Beam to scare us. UFOs are just like assassinations where you need to examine a body, and viruses you need a purified object (never has been done), you must have an object isolated to characterize. Images, reports, stories, etc. DO NOT PROVE ANYTHING I hope you understand.

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Yes, they are. Fear porn every where you turn. I suspect all these "satellites" up there in our skies will have certain jobs to do when the time comes. Not all of them are for communication. Some are weapons. What "alien" in their right mind (I am assuming they have one) would want to come here with all the destruction they must be witnessing?

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A friend and I were fishing in the Santa Barbara Channel late 90s and witnessed a UFO coming up behind Santa Cruz Island. It was big...really big. Silver blimp shape by like 10-50X the size of a blimp (think Goodyear). Watched it rise slowly for almost 10s then it went transparent and vanished. Am now thinking it was a projected image....possibly. There is a military outpost on the backside of the island right below where it came up. Hmmm?

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Yes holograms are used in many places for many uses, one are sky images, we should stop using the UFO term because it suggests there is really an object there.

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dunno what bruce or his followers think they are seeing, i cant see anything, just pixelated images which proves nothing. he's full of BS imo and likely an agent for the state.

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very knowledgeable and former pilot John Lear († 2022) used to have an amazing youtube channel, often covering the topic of the moon and its secrets - http://thelivingmoon.com/47john_lear/menu.html

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Lear is friends with Bob Lazar, UFO guy who "with no controls, on his own levitated a UFO that had the power of 2 atom bombs"-hmm good idea or BS? Lazar was indicted for running a brothel-good career move for a scientist. These guys are spooks. Lear is just more stable and a better actor.

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exactly. "know thine enemy" ;-))

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No one in government is going to allow anyone of value to talk. Come on, People. Look what they did to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and others (many already dead).

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alleging NASA's unmanned craft went to the moon

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There's no Van Allen Belts, people, or a return trip to fret about for unmanned crash into the moon in the 21st century. Much more realistic than toy space ships landing on the moon in 1969 controlled by a floppy disk. Notice Apollo 13 with the heroes, just like UA 93 on 9.11 with the heroes. Heroes make things real and rude to deny them. Ingenious.

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Ken Kesey, author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Sometimes a Great Notion, wrote a novel about a rapidly occurring pole shift. Protagonist goes to bed and wakes up with the poles now opposite each other. The book is called Sailor Song. It is so popular one can grab a good condition hard copy for $6.95 at Abe Books. Then there is this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUODdPpnxcA

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Well there is the gradual purported rise in the Schumann frequency....

Given the many thousands of down dwelling microwave receivers and emitters of Musks, StarLink (and the military version) plus the sundry multitude of military and other similar emitting hardware, it should provide robust meaning to the utility of a tin foil hat.


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Assuming we can trust this satellite map any more than the 5G map, the global warming map, the covid case map.....

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Magnify your neck of the woods, note the slowly changing positions and examine the night sky. ...?

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Sudden Polar- Shifts ,

Harken Shortened Shrifts...


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I got a little turned on by all that fear porn... If I smoked I'd light one up right now.

The Biden administration is working hard on the flipping poles problem by banning gas cooking stoves and pushing electric cars. The idea is that all the additional consumption of electricity and thus production of local electromagnetic fields should hold the earth's field right where it is.

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