Indeed, I have questioned ALL the Ones claiming there's such thing as a "deadly virus" - or even contagion - or choose to just not bring up the idea that there are no such things. My latest article here is about that, and I may have shared already - but will share again:

A Post to Be Viral: https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

When enough of Us stand sovereign and co-create vastly better, They (the psychopaths in control) will have no power.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Hopium!! New word for me. So very apt. Sorry to say farewell to Mikki, Peter, Del et al. I have been hovering on the brink but I think, Proton, you have just pushed me over.

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Carve out 43 minutes of your day to watch this:


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Thanks for posting this link. Hard not to long for the saviour but watched listened and learned.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

Yikes! That 43 minutes left me feeling totally hopeless! Ah oh. . .

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So people were duped fooled pressured and decieved , but now most know there ain't no virus any virus and contagion is just spreading in the minds of the weak feckless susceptible creatures.

However pixes and fairies are real , I have em and feed them every night ,

They eat mostly anything, and in the autumn, the climb the trees and shake the leaves off.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

I like you humor ... but I looked it up, and the "Restoring Hope" event is real ;-O

Let me say this (as a thorough terrain theory proponent):

I lately learned that most of the Pfizer Covid injections administered in Europe were placebos.

Learning that fact, I was actually disappointed.

Though it finally explains the "wacky" statistics, and the great amount of folks "reacting well".

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023Author

Hi Frank, because the event is real that makes their fake altruism distraction all the worse. About placebos, I suspect that everyone gets graphene to hook up to the cloud etc. but you would be correct that death and injury would be much slower. If everyone died quickly the vax uptake wouldn't go very far, that's why they were in such a rush to fear monger and coerce all to get the shots so fast.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

That was exactly my thinking.

The number of incidents was and is not coherent with the reported vaxx rate. For the reported 50 ... 80% vaxx rate, deaths and sickness should have been all around us. Watching on one hand a neighbor slowly die in a few months after the shot, and on the other hand equally fragile work mates being well, I suspected a significant placebo rate.

Another, still unclear point is the assignment (i.e. life/death decision). Was it random, or individually. We might never know ...

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Good points, "Placebo" should means no effects really, in this case, there could be components like graphene which will not impair health anytime soon, could be never, could be delayed we dont know. All we can say is there is a range of effects the pills show and that some correlate with time from injection from zero up to now (but who knows when), up do death on day 1. Time will tell...unfortunately.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

According to my understanding, Graphene (graphene oxide) is not at all a "placebo".

It forms arbitrarily thin layers (nanometers) which are quite solid and hard, causing microscopic lesion everywhere in the blood streams and organs. Especially in the capillaries.

Thus, according to my understanding, the internal bleeding issues, and the accelerated effect in athletes which are more physically active.

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Correct, I didn't write clearly but as you also say, I didn't mean to say graphene was a placebo, I meant to emphasize that many people who say there are placebo shots seem to mean there is no death or disability from them (so far), but they could still have graphene in them which would indeed not be a placebo. Causing bleeding etc (up to now at the 2 year mark) would probably depend on the dose of graphene and/or other ingredients. Most athletes who got he shots still do not show these symptoms suggesting their dose was lower or they had a different combo or dose of ingredients. Calling shots with no as yet seen effects a "placebo" is just unsupported conjecture.

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

I suppose any lengthy discussion is moot, because we don't know the actual ingredients of the shots, or even the placebos.

Though my suspicion is they used plain NaCl solution with zero effect, so as to "throttle the statistics" in the first phase.

The second phase would have been legalized mandatory/forced vaxxinations. A goal they did not achieve. If they had, there would have been very little placebos from that point on.

I still think the failure point was their executive force, a.k.a. police and military. When the vote in the Austrian parliament passed with a large yes-majority (we NEVER forget their names !), high-ranking police officials stated publicly that their officers will not enforce that law.

Which was crucial, because the police was intended to perform irregular identity checks, and report failure to produce a vaxx certificate to the officials. Only that would have started to legal case to punish deviant individuals.

It is always desertion of their bandogs which the pseudo-elite fears most.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

add: wacky stats are due to "their" need to inflate numbers in favor of the taking the mystery potion. In other words, they had to make it appear "everyone else" partook in the "large scale vaccine demonstrations" to convince some of the stragglers that "I guess it can't be that bad if so many others took it". This specific technique is a derivative of the Asch Experiment:


Even if there is one actor that deviates from the consensus, it can reduce the effectiveness of groupthink nudging over 80%. There were also reports of millions of vials being tossed due to expiration (cant find articles right now). So the "90% fully vaccinated" stats do need some grains of salt added. And I believe they changed the definition of fully vaccinated so many times, they started to use another term: stay "up-to-date" on your vaccinations.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

We have no idea what was in those vials (the datasheets in the vial lots are "intentionally left BLANK"). Obviously most vials were "less" toxic as so to not make the poisoning too obvious. But be careful about the term "placebo". And NOcebos must also be considered.

"Wacky statistics" based on EUA covered countermeasures not constituting a clinical investigation? https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exposing-trickery

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Just to be more precise, with "wacky statistics" I meant the mismatch between the reported vaxx rates (50...85% per country), and the comparatively low "incident" rate.

I knew from the beginning there was something off.

By the way, this media report about the high placebo rate has another positive implication. No mRNA, no "gain of function", no snake venom, no nano-electronics in the shot. Just plain toxic sludge, occasionally watered down a bit. The placebo rate is their only way to throttle the "effect".

The pharmacological Wizard Of Oz is far less advanced than he wanted to make us believe.

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Many shots in US were placebos as well. Vax passports are totally bogus based on this fact!!

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What about a 'no virus' bus? People who had relatives die of cancer with 'covid' written on their death certificates could sign the bus.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

I've been sharing no virus info with Del for years. What's up with him??? Until that medical mafia root ball is destroyed, we're all doomed. When it is destroyed, buh-bye WHO, FDA, CDC, entire vax industry and most of Pharma and American Chemical Company.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Del's already admitted on 2 occassions that no virus position:

1) would allegedly let Dr Fauci et al off the hook

2) is not an argument that his audience is ready for yet.

Baileys did a video responding to Bigtree




ICAN's mandate is to find safer vaccines. This is similar to Robert F Kennedy's Children's Health Defense Fund. RFJ has actually admitted outright he wants full vaccinations for ALL Americans.

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These are men that got signed up to Project Monarch

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That one doesn't sound right--him and his fund are, basically, against all vaxes, from before all this got started--before most of us stumbled across a Bailey video.

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"I grabbed the mic and shouted, “IF YOU JUST HAD A PARTY IN 2020 THAT THERE WAS NO VIRUS WE WOULDN’T BE IN THIS MESS!”. I really think this is an error. No. The assembled could not have undone the "virus paradigm" so easily even if they agreed with you. A significant part of the population can't even be convinced the vaxxx is killing and maiming. They keep saying "show me the bodies", but won't look! Our target should be the engineers of the Plandemic not our differences over details. "No Virus" or "Hype of a Virus" doesn't matter as far as the battle goes.

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Ha Ha...!!! Good one! My 'sentiments' exactly...! YAH bless <3

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Yes I got that, how ever sometimes you need to clearly paint the picture

You know a spade is a spade.

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Lost at sea , not a clue what proton is trying to say.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

IMO, Proton is saying that the Restoring Hope fundraiser event is promoting the virus hoax, is avoiding the fact that if the virus hoax were fully exposed there would have been no pandemic, that Pharma should be paying for the injured expenses, not us, and being asked to smile for the PR poster is mocking the injured, etc... Proton has more integrity than all of them combined!!

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Yes, yes, and yes!

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deletedJul 20, 2023Liked by Proton Magic
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Is there hope for the vax injured? IDK. Are they doomed to a slow painful miserable death? I hope not, I'm not heartless. I do feel Pharma should be held accountable, or their employer, or doctor, or governor, or hospital...

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