Thanks - so much substack-so little time - I never did get back here. And now I see the claim that Mullis had "handlers" - ?! - if anyone was the real deal it was him - (I had thought) - I almost fell in love with the guy via his hard to find videos. And Mike Yeadon - ?!? - not entirely on board with him either? I have some catching up to do here!
Thanks for the links - I do like to challenge and be challenged in my beliefs assumptions, etc. I downloaded the Yeadon piece - and ran though the first few pages quickly. Two things - 1) he has spoken to the 2009 Pfizer fraud settlement. Claims - I think correctly - it was a marketing initiative - he was in R&D - claims he and his colleagues (In R&D) just shook their heads in a sort of "what will they get up to next" sort of way. and 2) my sense is that he has recently come to question many of his life long assumptions and beliefs about pharmaceuticals and medical knowledge. He has engaged honestly with the no-viruses line of thought - Cowan, Kaufmann, et al. ...
I will try to make time tor read - all three of them. Thanks for your efforts.
Thanks. on 1) that's making it seem he could be anti drug co. Pfizer really doesn't care, look at the % of people who took the Pfizer shots with not a care in the world. On 2) It's too late. 80% of the pop got poisoned darts.
Typical propaganda strategy: make it seem he is on your side but add info most people cant understand about ADE and variants thus actually he's virus pushing. Later, when it's too late, question the bigger picture, but not fully. "See I'm still on your side" smiling Cheshire cat as your body clots into oblivion.
Just here from Conspiracy Sarah - take it a step further - No Virus -and- No Spike Protein - that is, in the virus or produced by the mRNA injections.
I love trying to be an outlier.
It's unclear if they should be called mRNA shots. Having little luck finding summary of data if RNA is in the vials I made my own:
Thanks - so much substack-so little time - I never did get back here. And now I see the claim that Mullis had "handlers" - ?! - if anyone was the real deal it was him - (I had thought) - I almost fell in love with the guy via his hard to find videos. And Mike Yeadon - ?!? - not entirely on board with him either? I have some catching up to do here!
Hi, On Mullis read the entire 40pg doc:
On yeadon, my post
and be sure to read all of this
See you
Thanks for the links - I do like to challenge and be challenged in my beliefs assumptions, etc. I downloaded the Yeadon piece - and ran though the first few pages quickly. Two things - 1) he has spoken to the 2009 Pfizer fraud settlement. Claims - I think correctly - it was a marketing initiative - he was in R&D - claims he and his colleagues (In R&D) just shook their heads in a sort of "what will they get up to next" sort of way. and 2) my sense is that he has recently come to question many of his life long assumptions and beliefs about pharmaceuticals and medical knowledge. He has engaged honestly with the no-viruses line of thought - Cowan, Kaufmann, et al. ...
I will try to make time tor read - all three of them. Thanks for your efforts.
Thanks. on 1) that's making it seem he could be anti drug co. Pfizer really doesn't care, look at the % of people who took the Pfizer shots with not a care in the world. On 2) It's too late. 80% of the pop got poisoned darts.
Typical propaganda strategy: make it seem he is on your side but add info most people cant understand about ADE and variants thus actually he's virus pushing. Later, when it's too late, question the bigger picture, but not fully. "See I'm still on your side" smiling Cheshire cat as your body clots into oblivion.