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Great Question. We don't need Shots of any kind, especially if no virus (thanks PM!, Massey et al.), Preventative health is key. JJ Couey and Dr. Joseph Lee discuss at least 50% of all shots (vax) should be halted immediately. Let me dig up the link.

Edit: - https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological/video/1955162291 (1:40:00 - 1:50:00)

It's worth the 10 mins span. (linking of excess anti-bodies/ clot formation)

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Hi Peter, look up JJ Couey on Massey's web page. 50% halted means 50% are ok? Ok for what? And are they really ok even if they are for something, and which 50% are ok?

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If 50% are bad, why should we assume any are good? That seems like elemental logic to me.

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Thats exactly what I said though it was with a ? mark.

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we agree, none are good. 50% should be halted based on their clotting factors. above my paygrade, I don't know why excess antibodies bind to stuff.

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There is no virus, there is no need for this or ANY shot as there are no germs to treat all are dangerous, and all vaxes in the 20th century started to be given when the illnesses were near zero, then they claimed they helped. JJ acted like a virus if you saw his CHD videos.

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JJ acts differently on His own platform. He is Employed by CHD, has to follow the Bullet Points.

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If my employer wanted me to promote death and destruction they wouldn't be my employer anymore.

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Maybe go critique that 10 min slice of the video then. You'd understand it better than me. This is why I time code it for peeps.

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I guess it's about manufacturing and ingredients that we know cause harm, with solid evidence. Dr. Lee describes it better than me. I rephrase stuff, but my wife is in Medical Regulation. I am learning a lot. Sorry if I misused terms. thx PM.

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