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I said "suspect...was made", suspect is not a definitive claim, and "fabricator" I mean fabricating the hype of the test with his persona and the virus pushing and etc that I have said in the Mullis Movie Star post. The real inventor Erlich may have invented the test for fabricating viruses either by intent or was funded to do this kind of work not knowing what is might be used for. This is standard Rockefeller Medicine Technique. Just guessing based on where we are now.

From Omar's article ref in that post it should be clear who did what:

Again, as admitted in even the mainstream articles, PCR was just an alleged "idea" that Mullis had ... the actual in-lab work was conducted by a team of technicians that didn’t include Mullis. That team was headed by Dr. Henry Erlich. So why does the Nobel Prize website still credit Mullis as the “inventor” - is it just because he originally had the idea? How could anyone prove that the idea was originally his, anyways?

Google defines inventor, as:

a person who invents, especially one who devises some new process, appliance, machine, or article; one who makes inventions.

But Mullis didn’t do any of that at all. He wasn’t involved in devising a new process, appliance, machine, etc. All he did was allegedly “have an idea” one night while driving and half-tripping on acid. What a rebel.

At best, we have some stories of him allegedly conducting some half-assed solo experiments in a lab at Cetus, but no real evidence of that work.

Furthermore, his idea wasn’t an original one either, it was specifically an idea on how to improve previous processes. But the main point here is that Mullis wasn’t involved in any inventing, lab-work or on-the-ground processes at all.

Since the early 1980s, Henry A. Erlich has been well-known in the forensic and medical communities for helping to pioneer the research and development of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR ) technique that ultimately led to a number of important forensic and clinical applications. As a result of the pioneering efforts of Erlich and his team of scientists, the first commercial PCR typing kit was developed specifically for forensic use.

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My understanding is that while Mullis is credited with the conceptualization and invention of PCR, the Nobel Committee typically awards the prize to individuals who have made seminal contributions to a discovery or invention.

The actual work in the lab, including the refinement and application of PCR, often involves collaborative efforts by a team of scientists.

& this makes sense to me.

Henry Erlich is alive and well is he not? So if this was truly his invention then why not speak up? Or did he? or maybe it was "decided" that Mullis would be the front man. Maybe Mullis was the front man but also the patsy? & how is it that Mullis died just a couple of months before covid's theatrical debut? This seems like an interesting twist too.

But maybe none of this matters. I mean aren't we just getting caught in the weeds here, which in and of itself is a trap. I've just spend about 30 + minutes writing this response & to what end? It seems like there is a desire for "the people" "the peasants" to be focused on, and arguing about things that are inconsequential in the grand scheme. They want us to be distracted and divided. They want us to argue and they don't really care about what. Isn't this just playing into their hands?

I have no doubt that we are at war. 5th gen warfare style and if that is the case then we should be mindful to not get caught in unproductive or distracting arguments.

I fall for it less often now but here I am typing something that will not serve any purpose or be helpful to anyone.

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What you say has a lot of truth, BUT, the more we learn the more it can trickle thru the population. Many people have woken up in the last 4 yrs, some had to have a bad shot reaction. That is the big picture and you are part of it. But back to the details,

1. The Nobel Committee has long been (probably from the start) a propaganda arm of the plutocracy (what exactly did Pres I'llBombYa do to get the prize besides destroy uncountable families in the Mid East?). Kary played his part very well over the years, his persona well-hid the fact that pcr is an act itself when it comes to viruses, it's ALL FAKERY. PCR as an idea was around many yrs, imagining it while driving high on LSD is not really seminal of much but it has the, "yeah, only a cool guy on a psychadelic could think of that, wow!" punch to it so people would believe it.

2. There is no proof Mullis died, but I don't know. He would have been inconvenient being around that is for sure, but operatives like JFK, RFK, Epstein, frequently just go underground or back stage lets say. If you are new to this idea, pls see my recent post, "Jackie the Car Jumper".

3. We don't know what Erlich's position is. Just a hard worker in the dark about what lurks around him? A Free Mason Mule of the Elite? A high level Peerage guy? Just another onion layer of the actors?

Knowing the TYPES of games that are played on us IS VERY IMPORTANT, the details of each game is less important as you rightly say, but you need to see some details or you wont get the big pic. Sometimes just break from this stuff and enjoy life is my advice.

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Point well taken.

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I saw a montage of all those NASA astronauts that “died” when it blew up…some haven’t even changed their names.

And a few conveniently had “identical twins” as well.

Watch TruthTv on Rumble or


Really great informative video content - look for NASA (deceiver) content. Also RUMBLE The Lies they tell you about NASA.


You’ll be very busy on these sites.

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Carey mocked Fauci’s credentials on video and also said you can “find anything “ using PCR test.

Basically implying it isn’t’ reliable to test for ILLNESS because we have these proteins in our nose and it doesn’t mean we will get sick.

He didn’t seem PRO establishment or part of the conspiracy per se and he conveniently died JUST before the go live Covid Dec 2019 date.

He died due to pneumonia around July 2019…

He would’ve definitely spoken out about this PCR test being used…

He was a healthy surfer living in Southern California at the time of his death.

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There's no proof Kary Mullis died, we don't have a body to examine, and these elite persons are known to go underground frequently (see Mark Staycer), and for Kary is was a meaningful time to disappear. Kary was a darling of the blob, for his "marketing" of PCR in a sense, having fake fights with Fauci just like Rand Paul, he wouldn't go against pcr, anymore then he did for HIV, "the test can find anything"- but that doesn't mean there is no virus. He might be challenged to make statements on whether Covid virus existed, that would be inconvenient for the plan which he is part of so they wouldn't kill him. He's like the rest of the suspicious "deaths": Morrison, Lennon, JFK, RFK, Cobain, most pertinently the Challenger crew, it's a long list. Once you hear something over and over again from a million "official" sources you can stubbornly believe anything.

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I'm not saying you're wrong or right but this is something you can't know for sure, which in and of itself is discrediting.

What I'm noticing is that the more time people spend down 'the rabbit hole' unraveling the lies, half truths, deceptions, manipulations, etc they tend to make everything a cloak and dagger, everything's a conspiracy.

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Not sure what you are referring to, Mullis, or all of them? These are my posts on Mullis. The other folks fake deaths are pretty well documented, see Miles Mathis. Since the world is run by a criminal org that we know uses politicians, entertainers, and large projects (NASA) for their end game, going underground makes complete sense, adding that to the strange circs of their deaths. Mullis' death details are not known well, but we can know he was an actor for the blob while alive.



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I think our reality is that "They" have grown tired and bored with the old games and just don't give a shit about anything, anymore. Empire is throwing one last FreakOff and getting ready to guzzle down more Lnp mRNA Koolaid while praying for the sun to blow us another global reset. Then do it all again for another 12,000 years. Or maybe, just maybe, the real purpose for all these transfections is just the GOAT experiment ever conducted.

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Wow. Didn’t know that whole story

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