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p.s. Stefano is a scientist, but not a professor that I know of.

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All is AOK!

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Hi PM - all is not AOK with me. I've always been an ardent supporter of CM's work, she knows it and I also recently became a paid subscriber to her SS. I think this thread began with me paying tribute to her work and asking why it hasn't lead to legal pursuits. But I have divided loyalties here. The guys doing the microscopy work are clearly not fear mongers or using CGI to deceive people. Ditto for those investigating nano stuff. I don't care whether it's graphene, graphene oxide/hydroxide, reduced GO, graphite or some other poison. What's in a name? GO, by any other name, would smell as foul. Whatever that poison is, it seems to be everywhere, including in our water supply where GO is apparently being used as purifier which sounds much worse than fluoride to me, so that at least should interest CM. I think I'll sign off now. I have vax-injured family members so my focus is now on vax contents and how to get rid of it. Thanks to Scoglio and others, at least we know it's not the spike. I also get sars2 is fake, probably all viruses too, but that knowledge is not going to save my kids. Apologies for over-commenting but I feel as if I'm being interrogated by the chief Schutzstaffel officer here for daring to criticize the Fuhrer. Just occurred to me they share same acronym as Substack!

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ok got it yes metal was found (exposed) in the shots in Japan in '21 and there was a recall. But some of the micro people are indeed diverting us. Ana M, almost never mentions no-virus and ingratiates Christians and made an entire post to that. That means they are her target to distract into a barrage of micro photos daily. Many have already got the shots, and its taking up bandwidth from the issue of no-virus, 5g, and who is behind all this and why-the Bad guys Nobility and the solar minimum we are in.

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Totally agree about Ana M. Did you know she banned John Lukach from commenting on her site? Lukach is really trying to get to the bottom of all this. He's done some excellent articles analysing IEEE docs - much easier to understand than Sabrina! Still not sure what to think of her. Anyway, I linked to them somewhere in the comments. Apologies again for over-commenting. By il Sophista Coppolino's standards, you should've banned me long ago.

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Sabrina is discredit by association, connecting her nutty persona to nano tech conspiracy.

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Interrogated? I simply responded to your comment where you wrote:

"The no-virus group tends to follow the leader. Whatever the top dogs Lanka, Scoglio or Cowan have to say is gospel. So they're not going to touch the nano stuff."

You've been commenting on Stefano and "graphene", and speculated that he didn't join the convo under Eric's article because he realized that others had investigated "graphene" more thoroughly than him... without having read his pdf or understanding his basic argument which was also outlined in the interview. (And this is not just about the name "graphene". Specific properties have been assigned to this alleged "graphene".)

So I spoke up for him and the no-virus ppl who you speculate about, and now you characterize me as "interrogating" you for asking you basic questions relating to your comments.

In response to your comments further above, which I only read for the first time now, re why no-virus people haven't done a lawsuit like Stefan Lanka's in Germany:

Speaking for myself, the "laws" are different in Germany and Canada (where I am)? I'm not aware of a legal requirement for "scientists" to implement controls in Canada. And the courts here are super-corrupt. An attempt was already made here at the federal level re the no-virus issue, and I provided an affidavit re the FOIs, and the judge simply swept it all aside and "took judicial notice of the existence of the virus" instead. And in case you haven't noticed, I've been busy dealing with harassment by the "authorities" here involving "criminal charges" against me in response to having simply served a Notice to a "medical officer". They criminalized me for simply serving a Notice, and that matter is still not cleared up. There is also a warrant for my arrest in connection with another ludicrous matter wherein I was criminalized for simply attending a courthouse (while acting as surety for someone scheduled to attend a trial!) and being annoyed with the staff who had changed the location of the trial without even telling my friend or I. I have written about this. Simply turning up at a courthouse could get me arrested. Further, I have zero $$ to put towards lawsuits (if anyone thinks my SS is a get-rich-quick scheme, I've had less than $5000 in donations). And I have zero trust/faith left in the court system.

I was extremely, intensely active on fluoride and other issues for a decade prior to fake-covid (and never took a cent in donations for my fluoride work). I've neglected my personal life for years. I've been putting myself out there for a long time and I'm tired. But now you expect me to take up another water-related issue?

Stefan Lanka has been speaking out for decades on this topic and has already done an enormous amount of work, not to mention must have spent a good deal of $$. I imagine he's quite tired at this point.

It always amazes me when the people who have already done so much are expected to do more and more and more, as if they're limitless, never get tired, always have $$, always have the time and energy to take on everything that others dream up for them.

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"Interrogated? I simply responded to your comment where you wrote: 'The no-virus group tends to follow the leader. Whatever the top dogs Lanka, Scoglio or Cowan have to say is gospel. So they're not going to touch the nano stuff'."

Apologies for feeling interrogated. Actually that was a deliberate diplomatic understatement addressed to author. I maintain the top dog scientists/doctors have set the tone on the nanotech issue and the others have followed. By others I mean the doctors/scientists of the no virus group, not people like Coppolino or yourself. 

"You've been commenting on Stefano and "graphene", and speculated that he didn't join the convo under Eric's article because he realized that others had investigated "graphene" more thoroughly than him... without having read his pdf or understanding his basic argument which was also outlined in the interview. (And this is not just about the name "graphene". Specific properties have been assigned to this alleged "graphene".)"

Yes. It is clear to me that others have researched "graphene" more thoroughly than Scoglio, including the specific properties assigned to it. And the name is also key - see JL comment in particular. It seems the term "graphene" is being used much like "carbon" for CO2. I read the PDF (after commenting on Scoglio's SS) because I couldn't find it. After reading it I returned to comment only to find Copppolino banned me. I also listened to the interview carefully, took notes, shared with a few others. I may comment further on Coppolino's SS. I found it more philosophical than scientific, apart from alleged flaws he pointed out in Campra paper. It would be interesting to see if the QC has replied. A slinging match between Scoglio and Delgado would be fun to watch.

"So I spoke up for him and the no-virus ppl who you speculate about, and now you characterize me as "interrogating" you for asking you basic questions relating to your comments."

I was not "characterizing" anything/anyone apart from my feelings. I felt like a pow being interrogated by the Schutzstaffel. That's a reflection about myself. I also didn't realize you were the group's spokesperson.

"In response to your comments further above, which I only read for the first time now, re why no-virus people haven't done a lawsuit like Stefan Lanka's in Germany: Speaking for myself, the "laws" are different in Germany and Canada (where I am)? I'm not aware of a legal requirement for "scientists" to implement controls in Canada. And the courts here are super-corrupt. An attempt was already made here at the federal level re the no-virus issue, and I provided an affidavit re the FOIs, and the judge simply swept it all aside and "took judicial notice of the existence of the virus" instead. And in case you haven't noticed, I've been busy dealing with harassment by the "authorities" here involving "criminal charges" against me in response to having simply served a Notice to a "medical officer". They criminalized me for simply serving a Notice, and that matter is still not cleared up. There is also a warrant for my arrest in connection with another ludicrous matter wherein I was criminalized for simply attending a courthouse (while acting as surety for someone scheduled to attend a trial!) and being annoyed with the staff who had changed the location of the trial without even telling my friend or I. I have written about this. Simply turning up at a courthouse could get me arrested. Further, I have zero $$ to put towards lawsuits (if anyone thinks my SS is a get-rich-quick scheme, I've had less than $5000 in donations). And I have zero trust/faith left in the court system."

My comment was not a reproach towards Lanka. I just thought, given he'd won on measles case, he would be the appropriate person. But I get why he might not want to. I know about your situation with courts because I read your article. I also took out a subscription after reading it so you have my total support on that. I hope the no-virus top dogs have done the same. You deserve it and I fully understand your exhaustion and frustration.

"I was extremely, intensely active on fluoride and other issues for a decade prior to fake-covid (and never took a cent in donations for my fluoride work). I've neglected my personal life for years. I've been putting myself out there for a long time and I'm tired. But now you expect me to take up another water-related issue?"

I don't expect you to take up another water-related issue, just to note that "graphene" (or whatever it is) is apparently being used to purify water supply and microscopy groups are also finding similar substances in other products, meds etc. Some say it's GO, others just put their work out there for info/comment with aim of finding solutions on how to get it out of the body. Some of them have been jabbed, are unwell and are experimenting on themselves. I doubt they're wasting time creating cartoons. I'm not talking about those pushing expensive and potentially dangerous treatments.

"Stefan Lanka has been speaking out for decades on this topic and has already done an enormous amount of work, not to mention must have spent a good deal of $$. I imagine he's quite tired at this point."

Agree. I suggested Alec Zeck might be a good one to take up the baton, esp. after his excellent no virus series. 

"It always amazes me when the people who have already done so much are expected to do more and more and more, as if they're limitless, never get tired, always have $$, always have the time and energy to take on everything that others dream up for them."

I'm not dreaming up work for anyone, just suggesting possible ways to move the cause forward. Maybe it could be crowdfunded? I'm sure there's people prepared to support it financially. I certainly would.

Hope this has cleared a few things up. Thanks for engaging with me. All the best, Kerry

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I didn't say anything about me feeling interrogated, I was quoting you.

So you've assumed and claimed publicly that I've simply followed the "gospel" of the leaders in deciding not to focus on the jabs, which is not the case as I already explained to you. Not sure where you get off "maintaining" otherwise, especially after everything I've already told you about myself.

I'm done here, not reading any more of your comments.

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To clarify: By "Apologies for feeling interrogated" I meant "I apologize to you for feeling that I was being interrogated by you". Apologies for poor grammar!

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Hi again PM - I was determined not to post any further comments as I don't like over-commenting, esp. making long comments that some might consider irrelevant to present article. However, Christine asked a number of questions that needed be answered. It's a pity Coppolino stifled discussion on GO issue because that's where the debate should have taken place. Maybe someone will take up Scoglio's paper and have a proper debate on it. I am also thinking the QC and maybe others have reacted already. I'm looking into it and if you're interested will add to this comment if I find anything. I can't imagine Delgardo would take it on the chin.

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Thanks, Scog's GO paper is hard for a non-specialist to evaluate, my take is that he has not put the existence of GO on ice but I don't have the expertise to fully evaluate. I will pass the paper around and see if I can find someone who does and suggest you do same, or find someone on line, even give them an honorarium to make a statement sheet. With the long and multiple comments, at some point it's best to take a time out if the discussion has run into a ditch. See you.

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