Reese spins no-virus & parasite smoothie🍹
Goes from no-virus are "radicals" to parasite pundit on a dime
Hey Greg, You de-subscribed and blocked me, my great honor to know I have hit the mark on you and thank you for your attention to detail.
Notice how Greg starts his post:
No one has ever isolated a virus [meaning a virus exits it’s just not isolated?]. This is admitted by modern science who claim it’s impossible. So instead, they mix it [“it” means a virus?] with a soup of other genetic materials, run it [“it” means a virus?] through a computer and create what is known as a consensus genome [“genome” implying a virus? Why not just call it what it really is, a letter sequence?].
👉He is trying to have us associate no-virus people with parasite pushers? Summer’s coming, a no-virus parasite smoothie will do the trick.

Do you know this guy Greg:
Even up to a few weeks ago Greg called no-virus people "radicals*", now he is pushing no-virus exists and pushing parasites in everyone like they need to go out and get prophylactic or treatment for them? All anti-parasitic drugs are dangerous, not to mention we can suspect what TPTB have been tainting them with.
Quotes from Reese’s post:
Parasites cause cancer
If 100% of cancer patients have parasites then parasites are likely causing cancer?
👉Really Greg? It’s not vaccines that cause cancer? Cancer rates have skyrocketed with the use of vaxes esp Covid. Nice dodgeball for Pharma Greg!
👉And you are falling for the “firemen at the house on fire” trick. Being at a cancer site or a multiple sclerosis lesion does not mean a parasite is the cause of the problem.
👉And cancer patients get chemo, chemo causes immunosuppression which can make one vulnerable to parasites like Toxoplasma that normal people do not get!
Invasion of the body snatchers AKA War of the Worlds:
👉So when we’re neuro-linked we can blame it on brain parasites, cool stuff Greg
We all have parasites.
👉Oh, your buddy Merritt just happens to introduce you to drugs for them. Just that 2 second plug right at the end of your vid once everyone is scared to death now about getting cancer, MS, etc.
👉Proton Magic encourages readers to comment and/or paste this post’s URL in Reese’s comment section to see what happens.👈
Living with parasites, the new normal boogeybug!
Proton Magic & Co.
Substack’s new auto complete feature for “parasites” gave this. I’m confused as to which exhibit is the parasite…
Did anyone notice how Greg not so subliminally suggests there is a virus in his write-up in spite of seeming to promote there is no virus. Look at the opening 3 sentences, my comments in brackets:
"No one has ever isolated a virus [meaning a virus exits it’s just not isolated?]. This is admitted by modern science who claim it’s impossible. So instead, they mix it [“it” means a virus?] with a soup of other genetic materials, run it [“it” means a virus?] through a computer and create what is known as a consensus genome [“genome” implying a virus? Why not just call it what it really is, a letter sequence?]".
They are trying to smear/ridicule "Team No Virus". The only team who would encourage you to think for yourself, and not shove mysterious pharmaceutical products (or even more mysterious DoD Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions™) down your throat, in your arm, et al.
This push from no-virus to get more people to take responsibility for their health would inevitably lead them towards classical naturopathy, unless of course they run across hashtag blockers like this:
They might even start looking at crazy US presidential candidates like Dr Shiva Ayyadurai to see how much different politics of "sick care" could be: [edited the video time to skip to the discussion start]