I think you would binge off of the auditor channels like LackLuster or We the People University. There are so many. But the one where an old lady alleged to have stolen $16 from WalMart and was already walking home.


(part 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNkfN9pwBmc

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Audra asks in the video what crime she committed.

The strict liability crime she committed (just a misdemeanor) is what the courts call "disturbing the peace." If you yell, scream or otherwise disrupt a public assembly then you can be removed; in this case she resisted removal when the officer asked her to leave, and then when she attempted to grab the officers flak jacket with her hand that would be considered an escalation of resistance, and I presume that is why the officer dragged her to the ground.

The council members didn't commit any statutory violations by removing her, but they are certainly callous, unsympathetic, self-rightous, insensitive, post-modernist thugs who don't give a damn about that woman's husband because like most utilitarian consquentialists his death is simply a means to their end.

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You have some good points.

My view of the vid, she's sitting down and the cop is intimidating her space. At 5:20, she stands up and the cop forcibly grabs her arm and pulls her, so he got physical first which was unnecessary. In other countries, like Japan for example, they would probably just look at her sitting from a distance as she never attempted to be physically aggressive, they would just let someone scream at the mic for a short while. If she really disrupted the meeting (which I don't think she did), they would have surrounded Audra with 4-5 cops and been very polite and ask her if she would stay calm or leave. If she was aggressive they would wrap her in a blanket-called a protection sheet- and carry her to a patrol car. See for example: https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/36602/do-japanese-police-roll-drunks-and-criminals-into-giant-futons

So there was never any reason to drag her or forcibly cuff her. This is just about the nasty police strategy, more crucial is the corruption of the Board and the feckless bystanders and society that do not realize the bigger tyrannical picture. When they are cuffed on their way to a FEMA camp it will be too late.

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"They will not stop till they will not be stopped". Not clear yet? No, because very much something is wrong with most of the people all over. Just few flowers will not make the spring to come. Stupidiocracy is our fatality.

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I watched this distressing video a couple of days ago. Every element about officialdom (police or administrators or the processes seen in both) is as appalling as is the conditioned NPC crowd.

One or two individuals evidently persist.

There are essays and books that could be written around what we witness here, even going so far as to allude to seeing the terminal stages of the demise of both a civilization and values it once treasured and venerated. For now I will simply echo Alexander Hamilton, “People get the government they deserve.”

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