Roberts was used to drum-beat the message that people needed to be tested and the government didn't have enough PCR tests. He hammered it daily as soon as the daily task force briefings got started in early 2020. He was clearly part of the cabal that helped establish the idea that the plandemic was real and dangerous. His wife played her part along with DJT when he was at the podium. In retrospect the theater is obvious, replete with fake tests, fake pathogen, fake and dangerous protocols which were known to be toxic/dangerous to humans such as Remdesivir. When you own the media, you can fool the world. Lies, and nothing but lies were being spun by virtually all world governments. Nothing will ever happen to any of the perpetrators, IMHO.

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Thanks John, I pinned your comment because you hit exactly what I wanted to express: the fake difference between media, gov't, and industry and how they can easily fool the public. Thanks!

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The globalist clique controls the money flow and own much more than the media. The following is only a taste of it:


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No surprise there. The main quality a politician that was let into a position of power has to have is being a good actor. Under any circumstances.

You know, acting to be honest while lying to get power.

So not that hard to see how they are just acting according to pre written script, ofc with ample room for some improv, to make it look more real. And if theres an issue, there will be a clone/double available in a jiffy! Really not that hard to pull.

And only a naive dumbass would think how actors are writing their own scripts. These ppl are mostly brainless narcissistic meat-puppets, possessed w demons to the gills, generally lost in life and overall a smug dumbass. Yeah, there's a few smart psychopaths among them in there as well. Top tier indoctrinated in private schools designed exactly for this purpose! Lower levels are picked from public school system, you know the type. Snitches, bullies and A students.

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Yikes. You really got that right

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Thanks proton magic!

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"“please embrace DIY eugenics”."

Exactly, thanks ProtonMagic <3

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I do ponder the comment that "everyOne has been vaccinated anyway... LOL! What a play!

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With what . Water 😂

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C'est possible. Haha!

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You mean it was a hoax? Hahahaha.

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No, planned genocide/democide/humanicide and enslavement of the survivors.

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I think you may have forgotten the biggy......planned biocide.

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Chat GPT said the favored term is "DIY eugenics".

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Get the Fuck out! Really !!??? ... Of course it is.....Gotta love A.I.... They like to give us Free Will :)

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As my old friend used to say, "You are free to do whatever you are allowed." :)

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Ray - good one

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No WAY 🤯🤯🤯🤯

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Absolutely, their white papers have been calling for depopulation for decades.

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So, something I've been kicking around in my head.....WHY are they so anxious to get us out of our meatsuits & own nothing & be happy? WHY does D~Wave want to house & digitize our consciousness so badly to we live in perpetual Virtual reality.? Is it cuz misery loves company & the top of the food chain is A.I.? & how does this "corona" mass ejection figure into all this? It IS all about the CORONA after all......

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Organ harvesting, life span modulation, slave labor, complete control of all natural resources with no resistance. Too many people makes it too difficult to manage.

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Do we KNOW for sure there are too many people? How many organs can really be used on the daily? NOTHING in this place makes ANY sense. THEY are harvesting more than just organs...They are harvesting MINDS.

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And I think they may have figured out how to harvest our own energy & use it for their new power grids. .. yes.. sounds crazy 😜

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I have spent decades thinking about this.

My conclusion is that no material world explanation can account for all the evidence that needs to be harmonized. If one examines each one in detail and then in the aggregate, they do not explain what has been transpiring. For example, decades of global nanoparticulate spraying is destroying the entire biosphere intentionally (all life forms are being negatively impacted and some are going extinct).

Even if the perps kill 95%+ of the global human population, they still lose because they will have destroyed their environment/planet in the process. The idea that they could be satisfied with a non-corporeal existence (if it were possible, which incidentally, I reject) is ludicrous. They love their physicality and all that it allows them to partake in/of, especially those who have unlimited wealth. Moreover, there is too much evidence that what we understand as soul is non-physical and survives bodily death. Harari for instance, makes claims about the soul that are incompatible with a great deal of evidence, for example, the testimony of near-death victims. Much more could be said on that topic alone. He also makes brazen and blasphemous unsubstantiated claims and expects people to simply believe him on faith yet asserts that he and his compatriots are in possession of advanced scientific knowledge/technology. He claims they can create inorganic life without any proof. All life on this planet is organic (carbon based). He has provided no evidence that self-sustaining inorganic life can be artificially created.

I have reluctantly concluded that the created entity that the globalist cabal worships as their god and from whom they derive their power, is in fact the totally evil/duplicitous Satan, the Devil (‘a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies’, as spoken by Jesus Christ in John 8:44), who despises the entire created physical realm and wants it destroyed, including all of humanity. The fools who carry out his wishes are apparently incapable of realizing that they will eventually be killed as well. If their program actually succeeded, they lose everything. This is another reason it is obviously not one of their own making. Nor can it be that of a physical extraterrestrial race attempting to terraform the earth into a dead planet. There are too many other dead asteroids/planets they could go to with far less effort/trouble, presuming they have a totally different biology (a possibility that is estimated to be nil).

I have no doubt that the globalist cabal will attempt to bring about what they speak of. I also have no doubt that things on earth will become much worse than they are now (barring Divine intervention which I do not assume will be forthcoming to prevent it). Many will suffer and die, but not all (‘At that time shall arise Michael the great prince, who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble (Great Tribulation) such as never has been since there was a nation till that time…’ Daniel 12:1. ‘For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved: but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened’, (Matthew 24:21-22. Mark 13:19-20).

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Wowza John, I appreciate the very detailed & thought-provoking response. I too believe Satan is behind all of this bamboozlement of the human race. I also tend to think that he speaks his lies thru A.I. & manipulated minds of men. I still plan to question everything because of the use of sorcery & glamour that we have been warned about. I see the illusion that has captured & captivated many minds ... WE are the ones we have been waiting for to turn this ship around.

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That is why they want our children. They will never be satisfied. So sick.

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YOU have to admit, they do a good job

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Refill your popcorn 🍿

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