The "lurker's" post below of an impending “Putin-Nuk‘em” event
was taken up by the our friendly neighborhood spook the, “2nd Smartest Guy” from a 4chan post (QAnon also started on 4Chan).
Lurker’s post reads like a COINTELPRO kind of faked leaked notice to incite fear, and if Lurker knew about this why not write about it a long time ago? What exactly does he expect us to do about a nuclear war provoking false-flag attack with 48-hours notice? All this means that the Lurker notice is made by a 3-letter agency. The only thing to fear is the planned crash of the world economy and takeover by autocracy not any fake nukes (AKA MOABs) to come.
Are we sure nukes even exist?
This will be tough to swallow but you may have noticed that nuke fear indoctrination is very similar to the virus story. Here, Hiroshima (& Nagasaki) looked JUST LIKE Tokyo after the firebombing, most all concrete and bridge structures standing, people in the concrete structures survived, streets cleared in days-weeks, radioactivity quickly low (all heavy bombs cause some radioactivity). See the photos here at the bottom part of the page.
Some speculate that the nukes were smart bombs that could be programmed not to hit concrete structures or bridges even if they blew up right above them. LOL! Here’s the evidence:
Above is a picture of Aioi Bridge in Hiroshima on Oct 6th 1945. The "bomb" exploded just above it on Aug 6th. Soon after the trams running over the bridge were up and working again.
How about I decisively prove to you that your history has been lied to you. Here, will tell you:
On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb carried from Tinian Island in the Marianas in a specially equipped B-29 was dropped on Hiroshima, at the southern end of Honshu: the combined heat and blast pulverized everything in the explosion’s immediate vicinity…
Only a nincompoop would say they see everything pulverized near ground zero in the photo above. Why? The bridge itself was the target of the bomb!
From Wikipedia:
The original bridge, constructed in 1932, was the aiming point for the 1945 Hiroshima atom bomb because its shape was easily recognized from the air and also because the bridge was close to the center of the city. Although the bridge was not destroyed by the atomic blast, it did sustain heavy damage.
“Heavy”? Looks like you could take-off and land a 757 on that bridge buddy.
👉 Be sure, Proton Magic is not making fun of any of this. In fact, I’m typing this article only a few miles away from where this picture was taken.
Here, Tokyo fire bombing, bridges and concrete buildings standing, streets cleared. “Hey mommy, looks just like those nukies!”
Even Nukes don’t deter infrastructure in Japan. Hey, just run into a concrete building when Nukes are coming.
Be clear, I'm not minimizing the tragic and numerous deaths due to firebombing.
Nuke fear did lead to the cold war and further draining of all our finances.....into the banksters....who we are now completely dependent on, and can be used as another fear monster to control us.
The reading takes time. There is no short cut to break your indoctrination:
👉You must read this if you really want to get it: Akio Nakatani: Death Object Exploding
Nukes Don’t Exist - Emund-Matthews
Dr. Michael Palmer -Proofs On Hiroshima
Miles Mathis The Great - Nuke Fake Tests
Everything Firebombed - Jeremy James
Now if we could just find fissile material inside viruses we could combine 2 monsters into one.😮
Belatedly, I would like to pin some important links from Anri Jonis' comment below:
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Archive, 25 photographs of civilians six months and one year after the atomic bombing):
Tsutomu Yamaguchi Biography (Survivor of Hiroshima & Nagasaki):
Tsutomu Yamaguchi: The Man Who Survived Both Atomic Bombs. By Matthew Heron:
I just finished a three part series on this very topic. It’s shocking how little the physical evidence matches with their fantastical stories of death and destruction. Really absurd stuff.
They didn’t just start inventing tall tales in 2020.