I just finished a three part series on this very topic. It’s shocking how little the physical evidence matches with their fantastical stories of death and destruction. Really absurd stuff.
They didn’t just start inventing tall tales in 2020.
Your article looks amazing. I too have been skeptical about all these narratives around nuclear weapons since 2017 when I first started looking at all of it. This was around the time I was realizing nearly everything was fake. I see you are writing about many of the things I have trouble with as well. I am going to read every word of it tomorrow and get back to you. I may be able to help you fill gaps but it looks pretty thorough . One very interesting tidbit I have for you is that when they built what's called the San Jacinto Monument here in Texas, outside Houston, they oriented it toward the North West with a long approach and reflecting ponds, the whole shebang, just like the Washington Monument in DC. It is the worlds tallest obelisk. All of these things represent the phallus of Osiris as you probably know. This project was surveyed starting in the early 30's and construction was completed in 1938. They built this thing with both the Trinity River and Trinity Bay at it's back. So back in 2018 a channel on YouTube called Seven7One1 got a wild hare and decided to shoot a line on Google Earth through the symmetry of this project and that line went, you guessed it, right through ground zero at the Trinity Site. This means there were already plans afoot for the site in New Mexico as early as around 1933. Things that make you go hmmmmm.
How are you Et? I wonder about this, blowing up the "Trinity", could that symbolize destruction of Christianity? Once you know what they are up to, makes you wonder.
There's no doubt whatsoever that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombings and nuclear weapons generally are fake. The glaring problem is that - as firebombings - the alleged nuclear bombs didn't do anything that firebombings don't do of course (except supposedly cause radiation sickness and burns) ... and I'm not sure what great things nuclear bombs would achieve anyway? just the one bomb instead of many - is that the great thing?
Scipio Eruditus's page (Dispatches from Reality) is very good which I plan to link to from my page.
These are points on my page that may not be covered elsewhere in other comment sources ... but perhaps are.
5. From YouTuber, Priesthoodagitator, a one-minute video showing how Little Boy, the atomic bomb allegedly dropped on Hiroshima, resembles a 4,000lb RAF bomb (US manufactured bombs for UK during WWII)
6. From YouTuber, Priesthoodagitator, a one-minute video showing that in one shot the number on Little Boy looks painted on while in another stuck on with tape and the building that it is rolled out of has straight sides in certain photos and curved sides in another, all suggesting that "Little Boy" was really a movie prop.
7. The colour of the atomic bomb explosions we are shown is orange or yellow with some black smoke. Nuclear experts claimed that the Little Boy explosion reached 6,000°C on the ground and also claim that a nuclear explosion is brighter than the sun. The problem is, a yellowish color indicates a relatively low temperature hydrocarbon flame.
8. Ludicrous miracle survivor stories are told about Hiroshima survivors, for example, The Incredible Story of the Miracle at Hiroshima. Unbelievable miracle survivor stories are typical of psyops.
"The bomb exploded half a mile from the Jesuit Church of Our Lady’s Assumption. More than 100,000 people were killed instantly and thousands more died months later from the effects of radiation. However, the church building and eight Jesuit priests stationed there survived."
10. Stories about Iranian nuclear scientists being “assassinated” and imprisonment of alleged leaker of Israeli nuclear secrets, Mordechai Vanunu, have psyop fingerprints all over them.
Wikipedia bio of alleged leaker of Israeli nuclear weapons secrets, Mordechai Vanunu, completely unconvincing, especially section of bio linked to Iranian nuclear scientist killed by one-ton automated gun in Israeli hit: Jewish Chronicle (Feb 11, 2021), unconvincing
Bonus point
The alleged plane that dropped the "Little Boy" bomb on Hiroshima was named Enola Gay by the pilot for his mother, Enola Gay Tibbets. Does it not seem strange that a pilot would name a plane that was going to drop a bomb to kill a huge number of people in a horrible way after his mother?
The alleged plane that dropped the "Fat Man" bomb on Nagasaki was named Bockscar for the pilot, Captain Frederick C. Bock, who was assigned to fly the plane but which, allegedly, ultimately was flown by Major Charles W. Sweeney.
Check out the Bockscar nose art and note the number 77, reminiscent of Flight 77 at the Pentagon.
No trouble, I just copied and pasted from my page.
I think the radiation sickness and burn thing may have been more complicated than just burns from straight bombing.
First thing, though, is that the evidence of injury isn't commensurate with what would be expected, eg, people very close to the supposed hypocentre of the explosion not showing any signs of severe irradiation etc (see Pathology of atomic bomb casualties https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1942918/?page=1)
Moreover, in Nagasaki, people reportedly survived in "primitive hillside shelters, practically at ground zero," where they were "unharmed by the atomic blast, heat, and radiation" (Alexander de Seversky, "Air power: key to survival," Simon & Schuster, 1950.)
Associate professor in biochemistry, Michael Palmer, has written a free e-book showing how napalm and mustard gas could have been used to fake radiation effects.
It's also interesting how flimsy the evidence for dinosaurs is. It's similar to virology where an entire body is extrapolated from a tiny fossil fragment. The "fossils" we see in museums are actually reconstructions, not actual fossils.
Very interesting info CK, some is plausible knowing what this cult wants to do. Strange Darwin found out so much in such a short time. Still, just to be balanced, evolution can be true (I dont think Darwin "found this out himself, it was an idea for a long time), AND be exaggerated-like making up dinos-to make a Luciferian point at the same time. About the FE or the moon being around the corner, well, the solar system should be full of frisbees but its not, so they cant fake the shape of the earth and the solar system at the same time. I think FE is COINTELPRO as it just leads to poising the well (discredit by association) as it makes normies look at any rational conspiracy idea like its like the FE. Standard COINTELPRO operating procedure. Thanks for the post.
Me too. But I have to say... I am impressed with the stubborn, pig-headed, brazen, unrelenting commitment of the Flat Earth narrative in the modern age. It's taken on a whole new life of its own and probably converting thousands as we speak. The scales are tipping back the other way finally, but it doesn't help that many influential truth speakers jumped on the FE bandwagon. If it's useful for anything, it helps people start to think for themselves again, to question everything they've been told, but we still need to do our due diligence and tread carefully in new territory. There's a lot of hucksters and self-appointed high priests out there pushing all kinds of schemes.
Very true, in addition I think that some of these influential truth speakers were actually sleeper cells that were called on during Covid to do some dirty work.
Well, my mind is blown with the fact that atomic narrative is also a hoax! Thanks Anri, I found more on this subject only after you sent me the initial info! ;)
"In other words they started with the answer and then created a theory that supposedly proves the answer is correct."
Excellent phrasing Anri!! This is the reason humanity is in such a mess! Big bang idiocy! The foundation of modern science is a bad fantasy, a lie that exists solely for purposes of greed and power over others. Science which is used in rage.
And Tesla really knew! Excellent quote!
One of hif most famous quotes: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Well if a leak from a nuclear power plan contaminates the ground with radiation for the next 800 years (see Cernobyl or Fukushima) ....how is it that the 2 atomic bombed Japanese cities are livible now??
And the victims show same damage (even generational) of chemical warfare.
Proton, I got banned, finally, by "the friendly neighborhood spook" the other day for making comments questioning the Petmectin he is selling. Before this we had some encounters somewhat similar to my Derrick Broze festivities here. I documented all of this in a post on Saturday. I think you would find it amusing. If this story originated with him it is pure propaganda.
Thanks for the confirmation! I suspected something was off with that stack, as is with many others, too many to remember without taking notes.
Some signs that give them away:
Frequency of posting. Whatever the reason might be, these accounts post way too much posts. Asking for donations in an "agressive" way. Q type content. Projecting and fearmongering without much evidence or any warning.
I thought it was just an synthetic anti-parasitic. Idk what side-effects they list. You think an anti-parasitic for pets could have such interaction with graphene?
I don't worry too much if nukes are real or not, I just absolutely refuse to live in any fear of them and give no time to anyone who suggests that anyone should.
Btw, I use protonmail and it is constantly reporting that mails from you are "possible phising attempts"... even tho I marked your mails as legitimate a dozen times already. I guess its because of your publication's name...
It was only a 20kilo, which of course is a pop gun compared to a 50mega destination. An air burst would not have destroyed the bridge because obviously, the bridge is still there. It remains in place because the explosion did not exceed the top load of a concrete steel-reinforced bridge.
Doc, you need to read all the links. I like you but cant repeat that enough. I spent many hours on those links and other stuff over many weeks. There was not much radiation, and what was there was in patches found 2 yrs later, ergo radio waste was planted. The blocks from the buildings did not have the neutron thermal or gamma signature expected from a nuke, and people and buildings do not survive ground zero nukes if they did exist. Read, study and read more my good man. Simmer on it then write back to me in a few weeks. They firebombed 70 cities-all looked the same, they decided to call the last 2 nukes to scare you and steal trillions from the treasuries of many countries. Ingenious kind of robbery really. Every time you pay any kind of tax you can thank these racketeers.
The radiation poisoning took almost another 100,000 lives, which was not the result of napalm exposure. You (rhetorical you all) having learned core mathematics and CRT, can not process simple math problems in your head or used your CRT to think critically. You were indoctrinated not educated. Get an attorney and Sue the school board try to recover of your dignity.
Doc, it was burn injury they CALLED radiation. No, I've been out of school a Loooong time. Anyway I told you how to get the info but you certainly didn't read it in the couple of hours since your last note so I think we are at the end of our rope but best wishes.
Hello Doc, its because concrete buildings and bridges would not be left standing after a theoretical atomic explosion with all the people still alive in them. The people in wooden houses were indeed incinerated as you say-by fire bombing as was the case for 70 Japanese cities (that was part of the NWO genocide not a war). Pls spend the time to read and see ALL the links in this post, incl the Palmer showing experimental proof of no atom bomb, and the comments, simmer on that, then come back to me. Thanks.
A few false-flag “attacks” on the country can be expected, especially because, allegedly, many metropolitan areas are mined, as were the Twin Towers and Building. In this case, the mining must have been done under the pretense of scorched-Earth strategy employed in the event of a foreign invader making catastrophic advances inside the country.
Belatedly, I would like to pin some important links from Anri Jonis' comment below:
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Archive, 25 photographs of civilians six months and one year after the atomic bombing):
Tsutomu Yamaguchi Biography (Survivor of Hiroshima & Nagasaki):
Tsutomu Yamaguchi: The Man Who Survived Both Atomic Bombs. By Matthew Heron:
I just finished a three part series on this very topic. It’s shocking how little the physical evidence matches with their fantastical stories of death and destruction. Really absurd stuff.
They didn’t just start inventing tall tales in 2020.
Very impressive, great we've met up just at the right time!
Your article looks amazing. I too have been skeptical about all these narratives around nuclear weapons since 2017 when I first started looking at all of it. This was around the time I was realizing nearly everything was fake. I see you are writing about many of the things I have trouble with as well. I am going to read every word of it tomorrow and get back to you. I may be able to help you fill gaps but it looks pretty thorough . One very interesting tidbit I have for you is that when they built what's called the San Jacinto Monument here in Texas, outside Houston, they oriented it toward the North West with a long approach and reflecting ponds, the whole shebang, just like the Washington Monument in DC. It is the worlds tallest obelisk. All of these things represent the phallus of Osiris as you probably know. This project was surveyed starting in the early 30's and construction was completed in 1938. They built this thing with both the Trinity River and Trinity Bay at it's back. So back in 2018 a channel on YouTube called Seven7One1 got a wild hare and decided to shoot a line on Google Earth through the symmetry of this project and that line went, you guessed it, right through ground zero at the Trinity Site. This means there were already plans afoot for the site in New Mexico as early as around 1933. Things that make you go hmmmmm.
How are you Et? I wonder about this, blowing up the "Trinity", could that symbolize destruction of Christianity? Once you know what they are up to, makes you wonder.
There's no doubt whatsoever that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombings and nuclear weapons generally are fake. The glaring problem is that - as firebombings - the alleged nuclear bombs didn't do anything that firebombings don't do of course (except supposedly cause radiation sickness and burns) ... and I'm not sure what great things nuclear bombs would achieve anyway? just the one bomb instead of many - is that the great thing?
Scipio Eruditus's page (Dispatches from Reality) is very good which I plan to link to from my page.
These are points on my page that may not be covered elsewhere in other comment sources ... but perhaps are.
5. From YouTuber, Priesthoodagitator, a one-minute video showing how Little Boy, the atomic bomb allegedly dropped on Hiroshima, resembles a 4,000lb RAF bomb (US manufactured bombs for UK during WWII)
6. From YouTuber, Priesthoodagitator, a one-minute video showing that in one shot the number on Little Boy looks painted on while in another stuck on with tape and the building that it is rolled out of has straight sides in certain photos and curved sides in another, all suggesting that "Little Boy" was really a movie prop.
7. The colour of the atomic bomb explosions we are shown is orange or yellow with some black smoke. Nuclear experts claimed that the Little Boy explosion reached 6,000°C on the ground and also claim that a nuclear explosion is brighter than the sun. The problem is, a yellowish color indicates a relatively low temperature hydrocarbon flame.
8. Ludicrous miracle survivor stories are told about Hiroshima survivors, for example, The Incredible Story of the Miracle at Hiroshima. Unbelievable miracle survivor stories are typical of psyops.
"The bomb exploded half a mile from the Jesuit Church of Our Lady’s Assumption. More than 100,000 people were killed instantly and thousands more died months later from the effects of radiation. However, the church building and eight Jesuit priests stationed there survived."
10. Stories about Iranian nuclear scientists being “assassinated” and imprisonment of alleged leaker of Israeli nuclear secrets, Mordechai Vanunu, have psyop fingerprints all over them.
Wikipedia bio of alleged leaker of Israeli nuclear weapons secrets, Mordechai Vanunu, completely unconvincing, especially section of bio linked to Iranian nuclear scientist killed by one-ton automated gun in Israeli hit: Jewish Chronicle (Feb 11, 2021), unconvincing
Bonus point
The alleged plane that dropped the "Little Boy" bomb on Hiroshima was named Enola Gay by the pilot for his mother, Enola Gay Tibbets. Does it not seem strange that a pilot would name a plane that was going to drop a bomb to kill a huge number of people in a horrible way after his mother?
The alleged plane that dropped the "Fat Man" bomb on Nagasaki was named Bockscar for the pilot, Captain Frederick C. Bock, who was assigned to fly the plane but which, allegedly, ultimately was flown by Major Charles W. Sweeney.
Check out the Bockscar nose art and note the number 77, reminiscent of Flight 77 at the Pentagon.
Thank you for your time in writing this! I suppose that standard burns from fires were called radiation burns.
No trouble, I just copied and pasted from my page.
I think the radiation sickness and burn thing may have been more complicated than just burns from straight bombing.
First thing, though, is that the evidence of injury isn't commensurate with what would be expected, eg, people very close to the supposed hypocentre of the explosion not showing any signs of severe irradiation etc (see Pathology of atomic bomb casualties https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1942918/?page=1)
Moreover, in Nagasaki, people reportedly survived in "primitive hillside shelters, practically at ground zero," where they were "unharmed by the atomic blast, heat, and radiation" (Alexander de Seversky, "Air power: key to survival," Simon & Schuster, 1950.)
Associate professor in biochemistry, Michael Palmer, has written a free e-book showing how napalm and mustard gas could have been used to fake radiation effects.
Yes, nukes are probably a hoax. Modern Physics (quantum theory and Relativity) might also be a hoax or at least a Limited Hangout.
I'm no Flat-Earther but the FE movement is right that something is wrong with NASA:
It's also interesting how flimsy the evidence for dinosaurs is. It's similar to virology where an entire body is extrapolated from a tiny fossil fragment. The "fossils" we see in museums are actually reconstructions, not actual fossils.
Very interesting info CK, some is plausible knowing what this cult wants to do. Strange Darwin found out so much in such a short time. Still, just to be balanced, evolution can be true (I dont think Darwin "found this out himself, it was an idea for a long time), AND be exaggerated-like making up dinos-to make a Luciferian point at the same time. About the FE or the moon being around the corner, well, the solar system should be full of frisbees but its not, so they cant fake the shape of the earth and the solar system at the same time. I think FE is COINTELPRO as it just leads to poising the well (discredit by association) as it makes normies look at any rational conspiracy idea like its like the FE. Standard COINTELPRO operating procedure. Thanks for the post.
"I think FE is COINTELPRO..."
Me too. But I have to say... I am impressed with the stubborn, pig-headed, brazen, unrelenting commitment of the Flat Earth narrative in the modern age. It's taken on a whole new life of its own and probably converting thousands as we speak. The scales are tipping back the other way finally, but it doesn't help that many influential truth speakers jumped on the FE bandwagon. If it's useful for anything, it helps people start to think for themselves again, to question everything they've been told, but we still need to do our due diligence and tread carefully in new territory. There's a lot of hucksters and self-appointed high priests out there pushing all kinds of schemes.
Very true, in addition I think that some of these influential truth speakers were actually sleeper cells that were called on during Covid to do some dirty work.
It certainly looks that way!
One of the problems with the round earth (I am not a flat Earther) is that NASA is quite obviously faking the "pictures" of Earth from Space.
Please ask the person for their logic then debunk it logically and politely if that is your opinion.
Sun Sioux, could you please provide any proof to validate your claim about the shape of the Earth?
Excellent post mate! Nuclear hoaxing is a reality! More and more Japanese people are saying it as well
Well, my mind is blown with the fact that atomic narrative is also a hoax! Thanks Anri, I found more on this subject only after you sent me the initial info! ;)
"In other words they started with the answer and then created a theory that supposedly proves the answer is correct."
Excellent phrasing Anri!! This is the reason humanity is in such a mess! Big bang idiocy! The foundation of modern science is a bad fantasy, a lie that exists solely for purposes of greed and power over others. Science which is used in rage.
And Tesla really knew! Excellent quote!
One of hif most famous quotes: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Cheers Anri, have a nice day.
久しぶり!先日、Dr. Samは、大阪大とNHKのウイルスノンセンスに関する私の捜査ポストを取り上げました。ご参考に
Well, theres no way around it! You deserve to be complimented dear Anri ;)
Yes, now Im very sceptical about the official narrative!
Anri, you have given us much better explanations than I could have ever written. Thanks for your time.
2nd just made a fool out of himself and, worse, his readers, today:
As a result of me making fun of him, he deleted his "article" that was nothing else but a hoax.
Perhaps the nuclear then were fake but now they are real? Nevertheless the scare of fear factor works wonder.
However today we have better weapons than nuclear.
The physics don’t support nukes, you have to read the Nakatani article linked in the post. It’s a long read.
Well if a leak from a nuclear power plan contaminates the ground with radiation for the next 800 years (see Cernobyl or Fukushima) ....how is it that the 2 atomic bombed Japanese cities are livible now??
And the victims show same damage (even generational) of chemical warfare.
Thanks PM. Great post!
More nuke hoax deep dives: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18SQRQRUjuGsDx4H0bvXNxK02vVht2sXCJUS_fU9eifg/edit?usp=sharing
Proton, I got banned, finally, by "the friendly neighborhood spook" the other day for making comments questioning the Petmectin he is selling. Before this we had some encounters somewhat similar to my Derrick Broze festivities here. I documented all of this in a post on Saturday. I think you would find it amusing. If this story originated with him it is pure propaganda.
Congrats, Mr. 2nd is more than one person it's clear he's in a propaganda group.
Thanks for the confirmation! I suspected something was off with that stack, as is with many others, too many to remember without taking notes.
Some signs that give them away:
Frequency of posting. Whatever the reason might be, these accounts post way too much posts. Asking for donations in an "agressive" way. Q type content. Projecting and fearmongering without much evidence or any warning.
They basically behave like journos.
Hes selling petmectin now, that will collect graphene then blow up in a fireball in 5g, and at least hot simmer in 4g.
it blows my mind that in 2023 anyone is looking towards alophatic garbage to cure anything
Its a poison on purpose and he's the pusher
I thought it was just an synthetic anti-parasitic. Idk what side-effects they list. You think an anti-parasitic for pets could have such interaction with graphene?
I don't worry too much if nukes are real or not, I just absolutely refuse to live in any fear of them and give no time to anyone who suggests that anyone should.
Btw, I use protonmail and it is constantly reporting that mails from you are "possible phising attempts"... even tho I marked your mails as legitimate a dozen times already. I guess its because of your publication's name...
It was only a 20kilo, which of course is a pop gun compared to a 50mega destination. An air burst would not have destroyed the bridge because obviously, the bridge is still there. It remains in place because the explosion did not exceed the top load of a concrete steel-reinforced bridge.
Doc, you need to read all the links. I like you but cant repeat that enough. I spent many hours on those links and other stuff over many weeks. There was not much radiation, and what was there was in patches found 2 yrs later, ergo radio waste was planted. The blocks from the buildings did not have the neutron thermal or gamma signature expected from a nuke, and people and buildings do not survive ground zero nukes if they did exist. Read, study and read more my good man. Simmer on it then write back to me in a few weeks. They firebombed 70 cities-all looked the same, they decided to call the last 2 nukes to scare you and steal trillions from the treasuries of many countries. Ingenious kind of robbery really. Every time you pay any kind of tax you can thank these racketeers.
The radiation poisoning took almost another 100,000 lives, which was not the result of napalm exposure. You (rhetorical you all) having learned core mathematics and CRT, can not process simple math problems in your head or used your CRT to think critically. You were indoctrinated not educated. Get an attorney and Sue the school board try to recover of your dignity.
Doc, it was burn injury they CALLED radiation. No, I've been out of school a Loooong time. Anyway I told you how to get the info but you certainly didn't read it in the couple of hours since your last note so I think we are at the end of our rope but best wishes.
You were indoctrinated not educated
What do Buzzards do ?
You are what you call yourself
see NUKELIES site if you wish to become better informed, you appear to suffering from brain rot on this topic at the moment.
Idk what you guys are smoking, but to think one bomber (Enola Gay and three days later and B29 took off) 100,000 were immediately incinerated, joined by another 70,000... https://www.history.com/news/hiroshima-nagasaki-atomic-bomb-photos-before-after
Hello Doc, its because concrete buildings and bridges would not be left standing after a theoretical atomic explosion with all the people still alive in them. The people in wooden houses were indeed incinerated as you say-by fire bombing as was the case for 70 Japanese cities (that was part of the NWO genocide not a war). Pls spend the time to read and see ALL the links in this post, incl the Palmer showing experimental proof of no atom bomb, and the comments, simmer on that, then come back to me. Thanks.
The "nuking" strategy to introduce WW3 was so predictable that I included it in the list of what's coming already in August, 2022:
A few false-flag “attacks” on the country can be expected, especially because, allegedly, many metropolitan areas are mined, as were the Twin Towers and Building. In this case, the mining must have been done under the pretense of scorched-Earth strategy employed in the event of a foreign invader making catastrophic advances inside the country.