That Denmark ordered a mink cull over mutated coronavirus seems to be a true story of absurdity, but today I’m writing about culling of you, yes you, my subscribers.
I will start checking your page. I have heard this from one other SS writer I subscribe to. In a way, it makes me feel special. I doubt this is happening to, say, Peter McCullough’s subscribers.
One of the pages I follow that is critical of the vaccine narrative, but still believes that viruses are real, by Jeff Childers, who puts out his Coffee and Covid news round-up pretty much every day, has a piece this morning about a new "virus" called Nipah, belief in the existence of which reportedly has already caused officials in Kerala, India, to institute draconian measures – lockdowns, masks, and the whole thing. I so wanted to comment, but he has comments on this one limited to paid subscribers only. He normally wouldn’t have shared even one part of the Sunday post with non-paid subscribers, but he thought this Nipah was so important to share that he made that story available to everyone, even though comments are not available.
Anyway, it just made me so deeply appreciate the writers I have found here, like you, who are all over that nonsense. (I have posted comments on his articles about the nonexistence of viruses. Just couldn’t do it this time. It was such a ripe opportunity to point out that stopping belief in that nonsense would eliminate the whole effort to scare and control people because of fear of contagion--to say nothing of pointing the way to a massive shift in how we understand--innerstand--everything. But people, lots of people, don’t seem to get that--or actually not even want it.)
Hi Betsy. I've had the same experience with C&C. I've tried numerous times on that site to try to get through to people on the "virus" lie and have made hardly a dent. That site, I came to realize, is a "group" effort by an establishment lawyer and his "team" and is thus another outlet for propaganda. There's no way that one person (Jeff Childers) can, on a daily basis, read and report on so many mainstream stories, some in considerable detail, while also working as a full-time attorney. And he has a family! His daily postings are complete with photos and links, the layout is appealing, and the articles are all pretty well-written. It's all just a little too "perfect," if you know what I mean. And, of course, he has 100s of subscribers and commenters.
The fact that I could barely convince anyone at C&C (author and commenters alike) of the lie of germ theory -- while frequently requesting that Jeff himself supply proof of his incessant claims about pathogens by citing a single legitimate study (I never got a response from him after months of making the request) -- made me realize that Jeff is part of the Establishment promoting the "virus" narrative. C&C lures people in by lampooning the lunacy of the Left -- morons being easy targets, of course -- but surreptitiously pushes the big lie by tacitly referencing it as a known "fact" (i.e., that never needs to be questioned). It's the usual commission of the "begging the question" fallacy that the mainstream is famous for.
So like all the other deception agents out there -- e.g., Malone (with whom Childers is good pals, btw), McCullough, Kirsch et al. -- C&C is just another "operation" that uses clever and witty reporting as a form of "eye candy" for those who believe in the great Republican-Democrat divide and who want to see the Left (rightly) mocked. It's also for those who "believe" in the other false narrative of "viral existence." Childers and his team of clever researchers and writers are clearly agents.
Indeed. Re "...actually not even want it." If they did, they would have to own responsibility for their own actions. Instead they can blame it on something 'out there'.
Sounds like They may have taken up YouToilet's practice of unsubbing People from contentious (don't support the "official" narrative) videographers. Only here it's writers.
And I was so hopeful to have found a censorship-free platform!
I'm sure you're right. Those damn psychos always screw up the garden party. Trample the flowers. Kill the birds. Spray insecticide. Drown the other kids in the pool...Ughhh.
While that certainly may be the case (I don't doubt it for one second) there may also be some shedding of unused accounts, newsletters that have stopped "producing" etc. Not sure if it really works like that or if that's just another excuse to shadow ban and censor but I remember reading somewhere that natural shedding of old accounts is common practice now.
Hmmmm. I hadn't heard so didn't think of that... Still pretty presumptuous to just delete People who haven't signed in for a while... But... Who am I, eh?
Sometimes I go through my subscriptions and purge some. This platform, like all the others, is a huge time suck. I do enjoy it but there are only so many hours in a day. If I'm being honest I have to admit that I've never gotten any actual value from any of the gossip about this, that, and the other thing. I do appreciate those people who point out the psyops but then I don't know whether they're not just part of the process. So congratulations overlords, lol, you've stolen my time and attention all of these years but I've not been transfected.
Thank you for pointing this out. I feel the same way. SS has become a HUGE timesuck! To the point where I found myself skimming through emails every morning... that I know I'm never going to read or actually want to read. I just subscribed to a bunch of things that were being recommended until one day... it's all too much!
So yeah... if there's a cull happening I'll be helping along. There is no place on Earth for what this has become. Sure, you can be interested in a topic for a while or whatever, but this level of needing to know everything, always up to date with the latest thing is beyond insane. No human mind requires this level of informational input. It should be obvious to everyone by now that it's actually detrimental and making people sick.
And because it's not just one platform, but a bajillion of them and every app and entertainment stream as well it's not even that straightforward these days to say to hell with it all, I'm done, I'm cutting out all the unnecessary shit in my life so I can restore some kind of sanity to my daily routine.
It's not easy. You need some of those things just to function today, but what I don't need is a long list of newsletter subscriptions in my inbox so that part has to go.
My new mantra is focus on fiction so some of those guys will stay. I want to dedicate more time to that. Evergreen stuff.
At the end of the day you have to make a choice if you want to be more productive or simply dedicate more time to things you'd rather be doing.
There is SS overload for sure. But in the 3 yrs of reading various things my mind feels stronger being in the know and I have initiated many personal infrastructures to help withstand some kinds of attacks, some may just buy time, some may not work, some may help keep body and home in best shape for many years, but they added up to a lot compared to the zombies down the street.
There's my need to shorten my SS, but there's also the effect of I refuse to read something someone says if they don't have a substack I can read them together all in one place with everyone else I am reading.
Well yeah... then there's the zombies down the street... that's a whole nuther world of pain... and supposedly we have to go through this whole thing so we can really see what's what and come out stronger or something. Not sure it's going to work like that but oh well... here goes nothing.
I do think "SS" (love those initials...) is designed to be addictive. No doubt. And just like crack, keeps the user from ever being productive. Some stacks especially seem to be nothing more than gathering subs and running them around cul de sacs in a never ending clown parade.
FWIW, until recently, I would see a warning on my email in red (using ProtonMail) that said something to the effect that your site may not be trustworthy, and I had to force it to open the email by clicking on an "are you sure"-type button. That warning has disappeared, though. Someone at SS seems to have it in for you, perhaps. Good luck.
Same here. Long standing problem that continues, but is readily circumvented...although methinks it is just another means to further track or collate data.
"readily circumvented" ... just continue and acknowledge
In literally acknowledging a requirement to accept an identifying condition (ie. dangerous web site that may be tracking you) you leave an irrevocable footprint.
Multiple VPNs may help, but I'm guessing, probably not.
I have the SAME thing....EVERY time there is a link to open...It gives me that schpeil & then I have to give my "consent" which is nothing more than agreeing to be their bitch for life. We have no idea what "consent" means in accordance to the AI . Consent is a fancy way to trap folks into CONTRACT.... What CONtract did you just agree too by hitting " I consent"?
I give NO permission... to counteract their contract spell.
Same here with proton, but it only happens when the email comes from a reply PM himself has posted to a comment, not from any other commenter from his SS. No matter how many times I mark "legitimate" it does it from PM posts over and over again.
Cairn, on my Stack THEY are simply not sending out all the notifications they claim. As long as you keep commenting places they likely aren't going to screw with you. They are targeting much less active readers. The ones that are scared to like or comment on posts.
The topic of Substack's shenanigans appears to be spreading around quite nicely now. I'm hearing about it in comments on other Stacks besides mine and yours now. Someone else told me today that they were having the same thing their doing to you. It's hard to believe they find that desirable at this time. Wonder if it means things are going to rapidly deteriorate from here now that they have begun to collapse the illusion......... YOUTUBE HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!
Bailey will continue to garner a lot of interest from cash not spent.
The paper that highlights the 'de novo' arrival of fuzzy 'corona' entities described by Drs. June Almeida and David Tyrrell whose funding fuelled fantasy in 1967 depicts the following:
"The particles are pleomorphic in form and although varying somewhat in size have an average diameter of about 800 to 1200Å. The surface of the particles is covered with a distinct layer of projections roughly 200Å, long. These projections seem to have a narrow stalk just within the limit of resolution of the microscope and a 'head' roughly 100Å across."
Seriously, variations of a 30 - 50% in “diameter” of very uncertain morphology possessing "stalks having a head," of “roughly,” 100Å across..... And in context, what is the explicit shapeshifting meaning of “pleiomorphic” in this context?
"Proving" means a judge that both sides accept. I doubt one could be found. Even "debates" are impossible, because the two sides would never agree on the rules of engagement:
There is always life after culling. My non-attachment to everything, except my marriage, leaves me with no remorse or downfall if I am culled from anything. It's the idea that you cannot survive without something that leaves you vulnerable. Not that losing something isn't painful, but the realization that you are still you is assuring.
There were mink farms shut down back years ago due to so many fertility issues, birth defects, and the like due to the wind farms there and the infrasound produced. Was a serious deal and of course it wasn't just the mink that were affected. Anyone not cognizant of the silent damage infrasound does to all life should watch Dr Mariana Alves-Pereira's presentation from a few years back, I believe it took place in Canada. Very informative and it's not just from wind turbines. She has multiple videos on youtube but I'm not sure if any of those address the mink farms and dairy farms. with all frequencies, if indeed there is a problem with the mink, I'd look there first. We, of course, know there are no viruses so no mutations but it sure makes a good excuse for tyranny again, doesn't it?
Thank you for your post. I have noted your comments on subscriber loss on other sites. Rather like the stock market subscribers can go up and down for various reasons. Of course it makes you wonder if some subscribers are just bots.
As for the minks the culling was clearly necessary because of minkey pox, the latest faux Luci-fur scam. :)
Those lovely fluffies were marked for culling one way or another. They are raised for their pelts. Not to cuddle. So regardless, people raised them to kill them. Period. Let's not waste our precious resource of sentimentality or we may have none left for our next viewing of BEACHES.
Is it possible we, your subscribers, are gathered and penned here on substack for similar purposes? Once SS (gotta love those initials...) has reached critical mass of those to be culled?
And the messing of minds begins because a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Like mink pelts.
Yes but the main issue about the minks is the psy-op to scare the population not about when they will be culled not to mention destroying the pelt business-another purposeful blow to the economy. Minks are in open pens and the scare included birds flying in the pens and bringing Covid out and into the population and they don't want to just isolate the minks and put a fence roof to keep the birds out because fear of mutation. It's nonsense, will they cull the entire animal kingdom? And because there is no virus to mutate and no test to say minks are infected with anything besides human deception games.
Well if it's exact numbers, ten, twenty--sounds like either a culling algorithm if there is such a thing, or a glitch; otherwise, it's just people self-culling their inbox lists. I go through from time to time and cull my FB or Tube, and Substack. Because, for instance now I put myself back on your list, I might tell myself, I am, still, not reading Yolanda Edwards' travel blog! Or, one is asking oneself, why your blog and not Christine Massey--one can't keep up with both and Samantha Bailey and still not have this as ones full time hobby, as if one read this kind of thing anymore for anything but civic duty. Then, there's Donny and... why you only and not them too. Then there's the Vigilante Fox, and half a dozen others--throw in the duty to keep up with tge, 2020, election. And that brings me back to culling my inbox. Multiply me by however many subscribers you have and subtract your hard core and you have people regularly dropping by tens and twenties, and no doubt, because you have good stuff, after all, adding by tens and twenties.
Your logic about attrition is correct, but it should be a few here and there which is the way it has been for 10 months, not 10 then nothing then 21 then nothing like the last few weeks. 21 in one day is strange, maybe there is an algorithm coalescing these in chunks not specific to the day, but still there are days 1-2 attrit.
I will start checking your page. I have heard this from one other SS writer I subscribe to. In a way, it makes me feel special. I doubt this is happening to, say, Peter McCullough’s subscribers.
One of the pages I follow that is critical of the vaccine narrative, but still believes that viruses are real, by Jeff Childers, who puts out his Coffee and Covid news round-up pretty much every day, has a piece this morning about a new "virus" called Nipah, belief in the existence of which reportedly has already caused officials in Kerala, India, to institute draconian measures – lockdowns, masks, and the whole thing. I so wanted to comment, but he has comments on this one limited to paid subscribers only. He normally wouldn’t have shared even one part of the Sunday post with non-paid subscribers, but he thought this Nipah was so important to share that he made that story available to everyone, even though comments are not available.
Anyway, it just made me so deeply appreciate the writers I have found here, like you, who are all over that nonsense. (I have posted comments on his articles about the nonexistence of viruses. Just couldn’t do it this time. It was such a ripe opportunity to point out that stopping belief in that nonsense would eliminate the whole effort to scare and control people because of fear of contagion--to say nothing of pointing the way to a massive shift in how we understand--innerstand--everything. But people, lots of people, don’t seem to get that--or actually not even want it.)
Hi Betsy. I've had the same experience with C&C. I've tried numerous times on that site to try to get through to people on the "virus" lie and have made hardly a dent. That site, I came to realize, is a "group" effort by an establishment lawyer and his "team" and is thus another outlet for propaganda. There's no way that one person (Jeff Childers) can, on a daily basis, read and report on so many mainstream stories, some in considerable detail, while also working as a full-time attorney. And he has a family! His daily postings are complete with photos and links, the layout is appealing, and the articles are all pretty well-written. It's all just a little too "perfect," if you know what I mean. And, of course, he has 100s of subscribers and commenters.
The fact that I could barely convince anyone at C&C (author and commenters alike) of the lie of germ theory -- while frequently requesting that Jeff himself supply proof of his incessant claims about pathogens by citing a single legitimate study (I never got a response from him after months of making the request) -- made me realize that Jeff is part of the Establishment promoting the "virus" narrative. C&C lures people in by lampooning the lunacy of the Left -- morons being easy targets, of course -- but surreptitiously pushes the big lie by tacitly referencing it as a known "fact" (i.e., that never needs to be questioned). It's the usual commission of the "begging the question" fallacy that the mainstream is famous for.
So like all the other deception agents out there -- e.g., Malone (with whom Childers is good pals, btw), McCullough, Kirsch et al. -- C&C is just another "operation" that uses clever and witty reporting as a form of "eye candy" for those who believe in the great Republican-Democrat divide and who want to see the Left (rightly) mocked. It's also for those who "believe" in the other false narrative of "viral existence." Childers and his team of clever researchers and writers are clearly agents.
Many people falling for agents right and left (no pun intended).
Yeah the left and right divide needs a change up.
I certainly fell for it! I have wondered how one person could produce that every day--it has to be a full-time job! Thanks for the reality check.
Indeed. Re "...actually not even want it." If they did, they would have to own responsibility for their own actions. Instead they can blame it on something 'out there'.
Sounds like They may have taken up YouToilet's practice of unsubbing People from contentious (don't support the "official" narrative) videographers. Only here it's writers.
And I was so hopeful to have found a censorship-free platform!
You Tube was equally uncensored at the beginning. Like governments, it all trends to totalitarianism eventually.
True, and it was when it was bought out by the psychopaths aiming to control it that the issues started.
I'm sure you're right. Those damn psychos always screw up the garden party. Trample the flowers. Kill the birds. Spray insecticide. Drown the other kids in the pool...Ughhh.
While that certainly may be the case (I don't doubt it for one second) there may also be some shedding of unused accounts, newsletters that have stopped "producing" etc. Not sure if it really works like that or if that's just another excuse to shadow ban and censor but I remember reading somewhere that natural shedding of old accounts is common practice now.
Hmmmm. I hadn't heard so didn't think of that... Still pretty presumptuous to just delete People who haven't signed in for a while... But... Who am I, eh?
Yes it is but I think they see it as housecleaning, pruning etc.
Not sure why, though. It's more work for Them, I would think... Anyway, what are We going to do? Not much. It is what it is... Haha!
I'm still receiving notices.
How much money is Bailey offering? Maybe Dr. Nagasse will take him up on it. He might need the money.
Sometimes I go through my subscriptions and purge some. This platform, like all the others, is a huge time suck. I do enjoy it but there are only so many hours in a day. If I'm being honest I have to admit that I've never gotten any actual value from any of the gossip about this, that, and the other thing. I do appreciate those people who point out the psyops but then I don't know whether they're not just part of the process. So congratulations overlords, lol, you've stolen my time and attention all of these years but I've not been transfected.
Thank you for pointing this out. I feel the same way. SS has become a HUGE timesuck! To the point where I found myself skimming through emails every morning... that I know I'm never going to read or actually want to read. I just subscribed to a bunch of things that were being recommended until one day... it's all too much!
So yeah... if there's a cull happening I'll be helping along. There is no place on Earth for what this has become. Sure, you can be interested in a topic for a while or whatever, but this level of needing to know everything, always up to date with the latest thing is beyond insane. No human mind requires this level of informational input. It should be obvious to everyone by now that it's actually detrimental and making people sick.
And because it's not just one platform, but a bajillion of them and every app and entertainment stream as well it's not even that straightforward these days to say to hell with it all, I'm done, I'm cutting out all the unnecessary shit in my life so I can restore some kind of sanity to my daily routine.
It's not easy. You need some of those things just to function today, but what I don't need is a long list of newsletter subscriptions in my inbox so that part has to go.
My new mantra is focus on fiction so some of those guys will stay. I want to dedicate more time to that. Evergreen stuff.
At the end of the day you have to make a choice if you want to be more productive or simply dedicate more time to things you'd rather be doing.
There is SS overload for sure. But in the 3 yrs of reading various things my mind feels stronger being in the know and I have initiated many personal infrastructures to help withstand some kinds of attacks, some may just buy time, some may not work, some may help keep body and home in best shape for many years, but they added up to a lot compared to the zombies down the street.
There's nothing like feeling superior to zombies. Oh, wait, isn't that the premise of every Zombie movie...or TV show for that matter? Why yes it is!
Mission accomplished! Thank you, SS.
There's my need to shorten my SS, but there's also the effect of I refuse to read something someone says if they don't have a substack I can read them together all in one place with everyone else I am reading.
Oh yeah... it's definitely useful to have things all in one place. But there's still only so many hours in a day... and I'm a slow reader.
Well yeah... then there's the zombies down the street... that's a whole nuther world of pain... and supposedly we have to go through this whole thing so we can really see what's what and come out stronger or something. Not sure it's going to work like that but oh well... here goes nothing.
"here goes nothing" I think you may have hit on the entire point...
I do think "SS" (love those initials...) is designed to be addictive. No doubt. And just like crack, keeps the user from ever being productive. Some stacks especially seem to be nothing more than gathering subs and running them around cul de sacs in a never ending clown parade.
FWIW, until recently, I would see a warning on my email in red (using ProtonMail) that said something to the effect that your site may not be trustworthy, and I had to force it to open the email by clicking on an "are you sure"-type button. That warning has disappeared, though. Someone at SS seems to have it in for you, perhaps. Good luck.
Strange, do you have a high security setting on your mail? You could ask them if you want:
Same here. Long standing problem that continues, but is readily circumvented...although methinks it is just another means to further track or collate data.
Thanks Latus, can you give more on "readily circumvented" and how they track data this way?
"readily circumvented" ... just continue and acknowledge
In literally acknowledging a requirement to accept an identifying condition (ie. dangerous web site that may be tracking you) you leave an irrevocable footprint.
Multiple VPNs may help, but I'm guessing, probably not.
This gets more odd by the day. Your reply was flagged with this message:
"Our system flagged this message as a phishing attempt. Please check that it is legitimate.Learn more"
That hadn't happened until today. I do "Mark Legitimate," which gets rid of the warning, but yours is the only site that generates that message.
Not to worry; at least I'm getting the emails. Thanks.
I have the SAME thing....EVERY time there is a link to open...It gives me that schpeil & then I have to give my "consent" which is nothing more than agreeing to be their bitch for life. We have no idea what "consent" means in accordance to the AI . Consent is a fancy way to trap folks into CONTRACT.... What CONtract did you just agree too by hitting " I consent"?
I give NO permission... to counteract their contract spell.
Same here with proton, but it only happens when the email comes from a reply PM himself has posted to a comment, not from any other commenter from his SS. No matter how many times I mark "legitimate" it does it from PM posts over and over again.
You had me worried for a minute that I was being culled.
Did your culled subscribers ever comment.
Not yet. We're not sure what's going on. Could have been bots sent in then out as harassment? Not sure, it's also happening to others in our group.
Bots are certainly around. Some of them collect info and others are trolls.
Well, some bots might be replacing authors, too.
Dear Little Proton,
I got your email for your post today.
Although I resubscribed and it didn't say I already had, so that's odd. And I bet I could do that over and over again.
And minks? Too sad.
And getting help from SS is a bit of a run around.
This hasn't happened to me with substack. I check my spam folder regularly and find that google trashes subscriptions they find "suspicious."
I don't usually get things thrown in my junk folder that aren't junk, usually scams. Although I always check.
I haven't noticed being allowed to sign up for something I'm signed up for, it usually says.
Cairn, on my Stack THEY are simply not sending out all the notifications they claim. As long as you keep commenting places they likely aren't going to screw with you. They are targeting much less active readers. The ones that are scared to like or comment on posts.
The topic of Substack's shenanigans appears to be spreading around quite nicely now. I'm hearing about it in comments on other Stacks besides mine and yours now. Someone else told me today that they were having the same thing their doing to you. It's hard to believe they find that desirable at this time. Wonder if it means things are going to rapidly deteriorate from here now that they have begun to collapse the illusion......... YOUTUBE HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!
SS could itself could be a ritual with "sacrifice" of writers.
Maybe the clue is in the name. Sub - standard? Sub - ordinate? Sub - mit?
Then we have: Stack, as in piled together, separated from the majority, put aside to be dealt with later?
This Substack is a corral and a ghetto.
It is obvious.
Bailey will continue to garner a lot of interest from cash not spent.
The paper that highlights the 'de novo' arrival of fuzzy 'corona' entities described by Drs. June Almeida and David Tyrrell whose funding fuelled fantasy in 1967 depicts the following:
"The particles are pleomorphic in form and although varying somewhat in size have an average diameter of about 800 to 1200Å. The surface of the particles is covered with a distinct layer of projections roughly 200Å, long. These projections seem to have a narrow stalk just within the limit of resolution of the microscope and a 'head' roughly 100Å across."
Seriously, variations of a 30 - 50% in “diameter” of very uncertain morphology possessing "stalks having a head," of “roughly,” 100Å across..... And in context, what is the explicit shapeshifting meaning of “pleiomorphic” in this context?
"Proving" means a judge that both sides accept. I doubt one could be found. Even "debates" are impossible, because the two sides would never agree on the rules of engagement:
There is always life after culling. My non-attachment to everything, except my marriage, leaves me with no remorse or downfall if I am culled from anything. It's the idea that you cannot survive without something that leaves you vulnerable. Not that losing something isn't painful, but the realization that you are still you is assuring.
I mean... I'm quite attached to food. I can't survive without that. But then... I'm not married so what do I know.
And air...and water...and toilet paper. That other guy is so lucky to only be attached to the institution of marriage. Why am I so accursed?
Yep... those things too. I can add a few more but then I'd start sounding like The Jerk...
All I need is one more booster...that's all I need.
There were mink farms shut down back years ago due to so many fertility issues, birth defects, and the like due to the wind farms there and the infrasound produced. Was a serious deal and of course it wasn't just the mink that were affected. Anyone not cognizant of the silent damage infrasound does to all life should watch Dr Mariana Alves-Pereira's presentation from a few years back, I believe it took place in Canada. Very informative and it's not just from wind turbines. She has multiple videos on youtube but I'm not sure if any of those address the mink farms and dairy farms. with all frequencies, if indeed there is a problem with the mink, I'd look there first. We, of course, know there are no viruses so no mutations but it sure makes a good excuse for tyranny again, doesn't it?
I imagine that we’ll see more and more SS chicanery in the weeks and months to come.
Thank you for your post. I have noted your comments on subscriber loss on other sites. Rather like the stock market subscribers can go up and down for various reasons. Of course it makes you wonder if some subscribers are just bots.
As for the minks the culling was clearly necessary because of minkey pox, the latest faux Luci-fur scam. :)
Those lovely fluffies were marked for culling one way or another. They are raised for their pelts. Not to cuddle. So regardless, people raised them to kill them. Period. Let's not waste our precious resource of sentimentality or we may have none left for our next viewing of BEACHES.
Is it possible we, your subscribers, are gathered and penned here on substack for similar purposes? Once SS (gotta love those initials...) has reached critical mass of those to be culled?
And the messing of minds begins because a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Like mink pelts.
Yes but the main issue about the minks is the psy-op to scare the population not about when they will be culled not to mention destroying the pelt business-another purposeful blow to the economy. Minks are in open pens and the scare included birds flying in the pens and bringing Covid out and into the population and they don't want to just isolate the minks and put a fence roof to keep the birds out because fear of mutation. It's nonsense, will they cull the entire animal kingdom? And because there is no virus to mutate and no test to say minks are infected with anything besides human deception games.
Well if it's exact numbers, ten, twenty--sounds like either a culling algorithm if there is such a thing, or a glitch; otherwise, it's just people self-culling their inbox lists. I go through from time to time and cull my FB or Tube, and Substack. Because, for instance now I put myself back on your list, I might tell myself, I am, still, not reading Yolanda Edwards' travel blog! Or, one is asking oneself, why your blog and not Christine Massey--one can't keep up with both and Samantha Bailey and still not have this as ones full time hobby, as if one read this kind of thing anymore for anything but civic duty. Then, there's Donny and... why you only and not them too. Then there's the Vigilante Fox, and half a dozen others--throw in the duty to keep up with tge, 2020, election. And that brings me back to culling my inbox. Multiply me by however many subscribers you have and subtract your hard core and you have people regularly dropping by tens and twenties, and no doubt, because you have good stuff, after all, adding by tens and twenties.
Your logic about attrition is correct, but it should be a few here and there which is the way it has been for 10 months, not 10 then nothing then 21 then nothing like the last few weeks. 21 in one day is strange, maybe there is an algorithm coalescing these in chunks not specific to the day, but still there are days 1-2 attrit.
Try to find a Substack technical manual on Kindle?