I was awakened to the nonsense of Covid because I was already well aware of the nonsense that is 'HIV'.

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The Globalists are working overtime to spread fear and distraction throughout the population as they ramp up their planned natural and man made disasters to continue the reduction of the population.

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"Scientists race to understand..."

"New covid variant with high number of mutations..."

"The WHO is monitoring a new variant..."

"What you should know about EG.5..."

"We should wear masks again warn scientists..."

"Why you should be worried about the new covid variant..."

"High temperatures may contribute to spread..."

"experts say new vaccines could weaken the virus..."

"three new worrying symptoms..."

The propaganda machine is revving its engines.

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In truth, it's probably spinning its wheels!

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Whatever happened to 'seeing is believing'?

Wasn't that the atheist response to God, and prayer?

If they couldn't SEE it, they didn't BELIEVE it? Yet I hear they are first in line for these 'invisible' problems.

As others said, if we could 'catch it'...hmm, 'good catch, Charlie?',

we wouldn't be here today.

I side with the 'good invisibles', reject the bad ones, you?

I side with God, prayer and against germs, viruses.


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They were told not to believe their lying eyes (?)

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That's Oprah's best friend promoting this crap!

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I have a hard time believing that anyone would take those things anymore.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

You k ow the old saying: A fool and their body are soon parted.

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I work in a nursing home/retirement facility and believe me nearly everyone still believes this scam. We are still wearing masks:(((( I know I need a new career but I’m a deer in headlights at this point...

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

OH, I'm sorry to hear about your work situation. Must be stressful. I live in France and the situation appears to be so different her. You almost never see people wearing masks on the streets or public transport. They have not been required in medical offices, health facilities or hospitals for months or even longer than a year, I think. I've heard no talk of new vaccines here. I assume that you live in the US?

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Yes, Commifornia:/

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Ah, my home state.

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Playing with fire is a stupid thing children generally learn not to do. There remain one or two billionaire and political pyromaniacs none the less.

Whether it is a plethora of incipient sickening shots or whether it is conflagrations in Greece, Spain, Canada, Canaries, Maui, (or the summer conflagrations in Australia and New Zealand to come) or broken economies, synthetic meat, globull warming fantasies and all the rest of the depop kraptitude, unless the sheeple and mushrooms awaken themselves, they will be relentlessly, predictably and silently erased.

It's way past time that the boot was tightly laced to the other foot.

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Fixation on the "virus" as the exemplar of chance, bias and confounding requires address.

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You're a Pro...!!! Yah bless <3

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Dear CDC and FDA...go to HELL!

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