This was a nice morning laugh ;)

Btw.Ive heard how Info Wars (A.Jones) has ties to Stratfor Intelligence: "AJ was created at Stratfor Inc. Stratfor is an Israeli/US security/intelligence company based out of Austin just down the street from AJ."

Also, Ive seen A.Jones in pics with trannies!

There is this as well, remember Paul Joseph Watson?


"β€œIn addition, David Duke made a curious admission almost three years to the date in an August 15, 2018 broadcast about Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones’ de facto second-in-command for Infowars. He said that Paul Joseph Watson is a homosexual whose favorite gay bar is in Prague, and he asked to meet Duke there, and when Duke met him Watson was wearing a wig, lipstick, and a pair of pink jeans.”

Who is surprised by this? Im certainly not, it all goes well with everything else that we are uncovering.

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Searching for Alex Jones in this site (search the right upper search bar then in-page searches for what comes up).



-Alex Jones - Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Colonna, and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill

-Alex Jones is initiated into the Royal Order of Jesters [and is a masonic jester] and when acting like a Jester he operates under Prince Alexander von Furstenberg.

-Alex Jones former father in law is Edmund Lowe Nichols who worked at the US embassy in Rome and was knighted by the Italian president.

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Whoa! That site makes a lot of claims about a lot of people with zero evidence. Bummer.

A video made 13 years ago let us know that InfoWars stays away from topics concerning the Knights of Malta and the Jesuits. If you comment about these things, your post gets deleted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZLIoEOjNhY

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Great find Ricky, I will pin this comment due to the impact of the vid and thanks to you (the whole thread got pinned but that's great). Though the vid is grainy and sound is so so, it is still VERY impactful. Makes you wonder how many of these kinds of folks are on Substack, or Substack itself even?

About the blogspot, yes it requires further DIY searching, that doesn't mean it's incorrect, but checking a bit, so far seems legit to me.

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Here, if anyone is interested in the Jesuits

Walter Veith (from the video that R!CKYRANTS posted above):

"938 - The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part I / Rekindling the Reformation"



"939 - The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part II" :


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At 15:10 in this vid is the most interesting statement.

"Vatican runs on Templar theology. They are trying to control the world for The Dragon, NOT for Jesus Christ!"

It aligns with everything I have learned so far.

Jesuits (J.J.Scaliger and D.Petau) are the ones who have INVENTED the official history narrative which is taught to us. They were given this task!

By that fact only we can deduct how the Jesuits are at the top of the secret societies.

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We have a lot of unlearning to do.

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Yes, indeed! And then we have even more creating to do.

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Yes, the gay club is where the Illumanti operates.

lmao no

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Good call Proton, Keep at em.

thanks and Regards,


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It's interesting that My Protonmail tells Me that Your emails announcing articles always says You are "unverified" and requires Me to click "I understand the risk" to heart and comment on Your work. It doesn't do that with anyOne else I have encountered.

Yeah, anyOne connected to Infowhores is in on the scams. Controlled opposition. Pretending to be honest and for the People, but surely not. Even Truthstream Media.

I'd ask for the ten grand - I surely could use it - but then wonder how I could collect it, with no bank accounts, no credit cards, no "wallets..." Meh, I'll wait until We get free energy tech out in the open and don't need money to live as richly as We choose on OUR planet, where We are multimillionaires but the psychopaths hold Our wealth in "trusts."

Trusts (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/trusts:0?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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Proton mail said it's because I have the word "proton" in my SS name and could be trying to spam that the mail is from them when it is not. Just click your way in!

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Ahhhh. Okay. Yeah, I always do click on through!

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Tell them to change their name to NeutronMail! :) It would be more fitting.

Incidentally, I read that ProtonMail is nothing like as secure as they suggest. Early on they apparently made some very strange choices on the security front which looked remarkably like leaving a back door open. I'm afraid I can't expand much on this as networking/security are my weakest areas when it comes to programming. I read about this soon after getting a ProtonMail account and it is probably what led to me hardly ever bothering to use it. I think I've only ever used it writing to Amazing Polly who I think uses it exclusively.

PS. I'm replying one step down so I can say hello to Amaterasu Solar at the same time. Hello. xx

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Hey, Christian! I don't think any email is secure. The psychopaths in control ensure that no true privacy exists. We really would be st take Their power tool away!

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This is ridiculous. It is possible that some guests on the show have no idea of the full background on Alex Jones. No different than if someone appears on mainstream news channel. You really are supposed to look at the content of the person's character and/or actions, and not just paint everyone with one brush.

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I beg to differ. Putting People on that are not toeing the line is risking truth coming out. But You can see it as You like.

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Yep, you are on target.

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Samuel Eckert of Germany is offering 1.5 MIL Euros -- https://samueleckert.net/isolate-truth-fund/

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Yes I've known about that since 2020. Most people just ignore that and will not give up the belief in a virus, like a baby to a sucker. But I'll tell Reese on his site!

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HA! So true. Proton, don't disturb anyone's Status Quo! that get's them mad!!!

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Grand Solar Minimum is another psy-op. I’m putting up a post on this later today. The Air Force is hiding the real sunspot numbers.

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Thanks I looked over that a bit. Would have to think about that, BUT, from the Terrain disaster MM is not trustworthy to me and others who have read that and they have said so.

Think about these:

1. If GSM was a psyop why is that topic not spoken about very much? It's not on the news is it? They are usually quite vociferous about psyops (like flat earth, UFOs, etc).

2. GSM doesn't help the climate crisis psyop, it doesn't make much sense as a psyop.

3. The migration is just to wreck havoc on the US and EU then? Could be but why are the elites buying "farmland" in the desert?

4. Maybe the sunspot fudging is the psyop to get us off the scent of the GSM. MM has now proven he is a Covid/germ promoting writer.

Any ideas you have are welcome.

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Here's the issue:

the GSM they are predicting is based on computer models fed past data.

Just like they used computer models at the beginning of the "pandemic" to frighten everyone that there were going to be mass deaths. It just raises the level of fear if everything seems to be going to hell.

No it's not a main psyop that they would put a lot of resources behind because I assume they don't think the bulk of the public can get their heads around what GSM even means; it's just not on a lot of people's radar. But it is on the radar of a bunch of the STEM types. The geeks.

But here's the thing, they don't really have a working model of what causes the solar cycle so they can't accurately predict it. All they have is a bunch of different computer simulations that all spit out different answers based on whatever they fed it.

Mathis has a working model. He has accurately predicted the Grand Solar Minimum and it was about 2017-2019. It was the worst it has been since about 1810.

Everyone pretty much felt like shit coming into 2020 so that was when they timed the kickoff of the pandemic. They kicked everybody while they were down.

But, because Mathis has now proven he can accurately predict the cycle, the Air Force is hiding the data in order to not have to admit they don't know what the fuck they're doing. And because they're getting their asses handed to them, they have even more incentive not to broadcast it widely.

But the good news is that the bottom is behind us and we're heading into a maximum we haven't seen since about 1959.

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Maybe this, if MM is pushing it, "But the good news is that the bottom is behind us" is the psyop to lead us off the scent of the GSM truth??

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Google and the other search engines are suppressing his work. If they’re using Mathis to lead you anywhere then why not broadcast that he’s the first person in history to accurately predict a cycle?

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Thanks for the info Dawn!

Is this part of the psyop then?


And what is the purpose of this psyop?

Are you saying people were down from a minimum in 2019? I didn't hear about it or feel it or read any scary topics on it then. My work and private life has me speaking to many people around the world every year, no squeak of feeling down in 2019.

And why would elites buy land in deserts esp if we are gonna warm up even further?

Anyway, I don't trust MM with current topics. He (or his group with him as spokesperson) has a "model", that's not proof either.

I don't expect you have all the answers, and I really can't read ALL of those posts he's made on it. maybe he's made too many-like he is trying to spam a narrative-maybe HE IS THE PSYOP LIKE HE CLEARLY IS RE GERMS/TERRAIN-so he has proven himself to be willing to make psyop-ish writings that are clearly part of the blob.

Most importantly I dont see the purpose of a GSM psyop I see it as against climate warming. Sorry, I don't see that happened in 2019. We can just leave it here until there is some further info, but your time in replies is much appreciated. See ya!

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Oh, and in regards to the β€œelites” buying land in deserts, my thought is that they know their time is just about up and when the masses figure out what’s been done to them, the β€œelite” are on the menu. I’d hide too if I were them.

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See the short article, Natural News Continues the Fear Porn, where that Zharkova paper is addressed.

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they aren't really pushing the fear too hard, it's not on MSM and the like. Adams is one of Alex Jones' top subs and IW is a branch of Intel. So what they say needs to be taken with lots of salt. IW is MUCH deeper and sinister than we need to go into here. Much is right in our face: brighteon=illuminate on, you get it.

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From the linked paper:

β€œThe authors derived mathematical formulae for these two waves fitting principal components from the data of cycles 21–23 with the series of periodic functions and used these formulae to predict these waves for cycles 24–26.”

They don’t understand what is actually causing the cycles. They are just using past data to try to guess the future. And they guessed wrong.

If you want to understand the mechanics, you’ll have to read Mathis’ papers. He shows that what causes the cycles are the relationships between the sun and the planets and the galactic core.

He used past data on the relative positions of the planets and core and back-tested his hypothesis.

Then he predicted the next cycle. The sunspot activity matches his prediction. He’s the first person in history to predict a solar cycle.

His papers are rigorous and he shows his work. It took me a bit over a day or so to read them so it’s a slog, but totally worth the effort.

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Thanks Dawn, really appreciate it. I could read it and even if I got the logic I'm afraid that MM has proven he is willing to make narratives on viruses and germs to fit an objective that is abjectly fraudulent. Because of that I have ZERO trust in what he might do with any other topic that is not far in the past or entails data that can be manipulated. So he has proven to be a "Time Tunnel operative", truth about the past, spin about the present, and making a psyop about the GSM makes no sense to me objective-wise, nor operationally seem to be a psyop because there is very little push on it-that is not the way a psyop works. It did not distract from Covid or shots and has little behind it BESIDES MILES! Sorry, you are great but Miles is on the back shelf for the forseeable future for many people since his terrain disaster. But you never know and I am flexible to consider things as life moves along. Hope everything is well for you.

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PS If you look at the Migration post I made the other day, I did put this at the bottom even before you told me about MM's GSM posts, because I realize I don't have any absolute proofs, and I don't think he does either. No one can prove what the sun will do in future years with certainty.


Today’s topics are neither absolute proofs nor intend to be a thorough dissertation on the content discussed.

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β€œNo one can prove what the sun will do in future years with certainty.”

With the correct model, predictions can be made accurately. This is why we use a β€œglobe earth” model rather than a β€œflat earth” model.

With the better model we can predict the time of sunrise anywhere on the planet (except for at the poles) on any day in the future using the sunrise equation. And then we can verify that prediction by showing up when and where we predicted and observe the actual time of the sunrise. It always works because the equation was derived from the better model.

Mathis determined the correct model of the solar system. He used that model to predict future solar activity. The sunspot data matches his prediction and is evidence that he has the correct model.

Zharkova does NOT have a working model. She doesn’t know how the solar system works (and neither does anyone else at NOAA, NASA, the Air Force, etc.). All she has is a collection of past sunspot data and a computer where she is trying to predict just based off that past data.

But we already know that her (their) predictions are NOT accurate, because they published them ahead of time and when the sunspots are counted, they are way off.

Mathis also published his predictions ahead of time and his were β€œspot on.” He has the better model.

This model of his is already revolutionizing our understanding of the solar system. His physics papers are already higher in the search rankings than most mainstream physics sites. And the mainstream is crumbling because of it.

Too many people are figuring out that the towering figures of physics and history are mostly bluff.

We’ll get to watch the self-destruction of the entire edifice during our lifetime.

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Hi Proton,

Do you have a link for #5 β€œbioweapons are false stories?” I’m curious! Thanks!

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Hi I'm using the usual definition of bioweapon as from a germ:




To use a wider definition of bioweapon using biological material like putrid tissues, fluid, or cells, these are toxins really not bioweapons, but for cancer cells, yes these can be used as a weapon if you inject someone with them, but they are not a germ bioweapon.

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Jan 7, 2024
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Yes, but they are fake small hatters and saying that is a signal to their kin that they are cut outs (they are pagan occultists). Thanks for reading Hannah and take care.

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Jan 7, 2024
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See my comment above on AJ and use that blogspot site as much as you have time for.

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He is JUST married to a high profile jewess and is a zionist by affiliation.

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