This little proton knows very well that one can only travel into the future, never into the past. No matter how many old lovers I try to re-date they NEVER say yes. Time travel to the past is unfortunately, impossible, and dating profiles can never actually exist before their birth date, unless the profile is well….“dated”.
While this is well-known info for most of you, I wanted to make a one-stop shop of a few of Corona’s fake past dating mug shots to show your favorite corona lovers, and add a little commentary, for your edification of course.
The Corona virus birth date as advertised: Jan 12th, 2020 (GeneBank registration), paper published feb 3rd, 2020.
This is where Fan Wu et al. registered the genome defining the Covid-19 “viru” (Sars-Cov-2). This “virus” was designated as WH-Human 1 coronavirus (WHCV) (and has also referred to as ‘2019-nCoV’) . The genome sequence was put together by a few software programs (no actual physical object was found) and was assigned GenBank accession number MN908947. This all means that no one could know what kind of supposed pathogen was characterized by and made up of until it was registered into GenBank. Keep these circled dates and the GenBank Jan 12th date in mind as we spelunk down the rabbit hole. Try to ignore the fact that the the GenBank registration of Jan 12, 2020 was 5 days after the paper was received on Jan 7, 2020. We’ll just assume they submitted a paper before they knew that there was a novel virus…oh I guess we can’t really ignore that can we?
Oh, and ONE GUY at BioNTech made the Covid vaccine on January 25th, 2020, 3 days before the Fan Wu defining paper for Sars-Cov-2 was accepted and 6 days before it was published. Moderna began testing it’s 2019-nCoV vaccine (mRNA-1273) on Feb. 25, 2020, 23 days after Fan Wu’s publication (posted on ClinTrials meaning it was submitted a few days prior). You can’t get the product, the clinical trial protocol, the site, staff, documents, and approvals together in a few weeks (it’s very complex!)…unless you’re lying and you started a few months earlier-before Sars-Cov-2 was known to exist, then you’ve lied about many things!
The Pfizer protocol in humans was written as of Dec 5th 2019! Fan Wu didn’t even meet his first Covid patient yet (image at post bottom).
Even if you think all this could be done as in the image below, along with all the complexities of formulating an injection, testing it’s stability, toxicity (which should but didn’t include animals), and pharmacology (not to mention the clinical trials) can be done even in a few weeks (or even months), I’ve got a large plot on Mars to sell you.

Here you can see an easy review of the paper if you don’t know that the “discovery” of Sars-Cov-2 was research fraud:
Marry first, date later?
Let’s take this a little further just to wet those conspiracy lips of yours. The (fake) PCR test validation paper by Corman (and Drosten) et al., Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RTPCR (right, THE pcr maker who made the test, “without having virus material available”), was published on January 23rd (if you can believe it was submitted on Jan 21st and accepted on Jan 22nd-the authors sit on the Board of the Journal of course), submitted only 14 days after Fan Wu et al. was submitted, and 6 days before Fan Wu et al. was even accepted (peer review isn’t important to the wheels of motion here). This is an example of agreeing to marry and buy a house even before agreeing to date.
Full disclosure, I uploaded that funky photo of Drosten with the messy hair, felt really sick and took it off the post.
The Covid-19 Test Kit Patent: 2015
Maybe it was a different test kit (for what exactly?), and when Covid came out they slapped the Covid name on the patent if you want to believe that. Nothing to see here, but who is Richard Rothschild?
You’re a die-hard fact check fanatic you say? Here you can see a fact check of fact checker nonsense and dig into lots of details here about the patent and “inventor(s)”. I’ll let the link do the typing, but you can see how the test kit patent related to the test kit imports below.
The Covid-19 Test Kit Imports: 2017
When the original WITS web page with the “Covid Test Kit” distribution dates in 2017 was found and went viral, the “Covid-19 Test Kits” designation was changed to “Medical Test Kits”. But here we can still see an original with the “Covid-19 Test Kits” on the Way Back Machine as linked. This is also a record of the original with printouts. Whether designated as Covid-19 or Medical Test Kits, or even if you want to argue about the “Covid-19” label, it is strange for millions of test kits costing millions of dollars to be imported just up to a year before Covid to nearly every country in the world. Neither companies nor countries take on huge inventory that can degrade unless there is a plan to use it. What do you suppose are all these test kits for exactly?
The WITS site was saved to the WayBack Machine on Sept. 11. 2020 with the WITS url. It can not be a faked page. Here the BBC tries to do some pathetic damage control. See some detailed and lively discussion in the comments below if you love nerdy detail. Note how the test kit imports relate to the test kit patent above.
There were also 2 other WITS shipping codes and products “Covid-19 Diagnostic Test Kits and Apparatus” shipped in 2018 later renamed, “Medical Diagnostic Test Kits and Apparatus,” and another “Covid-19 Test Kits”… later changed to, “Swab and Viral Transport Medium Sets”. See this vid from 24:24 to 27:49 for the info.
You believed in the news about the pandemic, are you at your WITS end yet? Here’s one more:
THE CARES ACT (Corona Virus Aid Act): Introduced Jan, 2019
>300 page document. Must have been written well before Jan 2019. Still some people will argue it’s just a “conspiracy theory” and that Congress is good at predicting pandemics so had it ready in their back pocket. I think this is the one allocating hospital payments for venting and killing granny, AKA “death panel by fiat”. Try to stomach this reference here from the American Hospitals Assn on CARES.
In case you are one of those who wish to argue that this bill’s name changed to CARES when Covid came out, you can look here at the bill becoming law on 3.37.2020 and you can see the ENORMOUS amount of work that went into this legislation noting Covid-19. This clearly started many months earlier than the “pandemic” itself which was called by the WHO on 3.11.2020 (note the “11” in there. 3.11 was also the date of the Japan Tohoku earthquake on 3.11.2011, and 3x11=33 is a special number for Free Masons. This will make sense to persons who understand how important numbers are to the groups doing these things, not to mention 9.11).
So who’s the bill introducer Joe Courtney? Rep from Ct since 2006, seems to be a gofer for the Navy, but there must be much more if he’s on the CARE’S act. Hey you decide, but I’m tired of typing so I’m not gonna do a deep-dive on another white-haired politician that just turns up the usual suspects (how many times can you type the words, “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”?) ugh, my hands hurt every time I type that.
Looking back at April 2020 when this Politifact piece was written, what do you think now?

The Pfizer mRNA clinical trial protocol IN HUMANS: Dec 5th 2019
No surprise, our Pfizer friends were way ahead of the pack in the fake dating road rally. The Pfizer mRNA clinical trial protocol IN HUMANS is a long document and must have been written well before its first debut date of Dec 5th 2019 (see the dates on p.2 in the shot below). Remember sars-Cov-2 wasn’t characterized by fabricating a genome in the Fan Wu paper until January of 2020, and the Fan Wu patient didn’t even come to the hospital until Dec 26th 2019. How can they make a vaccine based on the gene for the spike protein when that gene wasn’t even discovered yet? This is really “Spooky Action at a distance”.
In addition, no one has found spike protein in vaxxed persons (see this FOIA request), nor mRNA in vials, and there is no preclinical mRNA-spike dose-response study proving there is an mRNA actually making spike protein. Maybe Mr. Spike is still in the future someplace but he sure ain’t around now, pesky little protein isn’t he?
Now there lots of other time-travel examples like Omicron PCR tests getting around the world in warp speed, however the Proton Magic legal team has forbid me from criticizing topics that have become religious dogma.
Here, this is a good summary video on preplanning of the fake Covid pandemic:
Detailed Covid Timeline:
Looking at fact checking sites makes Proton Magic feel very sick in the tummy so I don’t try to debunk myself. How many times can you read, “well the patent/bill/resolution had another name when it was written and then was changed to fit Covid”?
Things like SPARS, Event 201, the military olympics in Wuhan right before the “outbreak”, pandemic movies, politicians manipulating stocks right before Covid broke etc. are supportive info but I only want to put provable official kinds of documents here that predated the Covid/Sars birthdate on this post because the purpose is to be able to show “normies” what cognitive dissonance means. If you have a great doc with proper links I’ll consider adding it to the post, at least they’ll be in the comments for the FUTURE of course.
Yours Truly,
Fraud it is...
The "virus," quite appropriately, was patented by ModeRNA in 2015, and the "remedy" only in 2019, ensuring intellectual property rights for the "inventor" so that the contents in individual batches would never be revealed, all the more so, because literally nobody knows what's in them from a selection of 300-1,200 pathogens, parasites, toxins, and graphenes, except for the computer(s) designing the batches and leaving no breadcrumbs behind (even the operators have no idea).
How do I know? Because that's the way I would have done it. And it's working...
I think that a point that seems to be missing is that the World Bank made loans to countries for "Plandemic Preparedness Measures", the RT-PCR tests that the WB delivered created the BELIEF that a "pandemic" was indeed occurring, i.e. rebranded 5G Influenza (detox)
These loans were part of a signing on to Pharmakeia's vaxsins and the contracts, accepted by the WB, were the worst contract anyone anywhere could sign.
Are Banks, Big Pharma & Governments abusing public health for mammon?