Fraud it is...

The "virus," quite appropriately, was patented by ModeRNA in 2015, and the "remedy" only in 2019, ensuring intellectual property rights for the "inventor" so that the contents in individual batches would never be revealed, all the more so, because literally nobody knows what's in them from a selection of 300-1,200 pathogens, parasites, toxins, and graphenes, except for the computer(s) designing the batches and leaving no breadcrumbs behind (even the operators have no idea).

How do I know? Because that's the way I would have done it. And it's working...


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I think that a point that seems to be missing is that the World Bank made loans to countries for "Plandemic Preparedness Measures", the RT-PCR tests that the WB delivered created the BELIEF that a "pandemic" was indeed occurring, i.e. rebranded 5G Influenza (detox)

These loans were part of a signing on to Pharmakeia's vaxsins and the contracts, accepted by the WB, were the worst contract anyone anywhere could sign.

Are Banks, Big Pharma & Governments abusing public health for mammon?


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Thanks. See all the comments here. I noted that on the Test kits, WITS changed the name of Covid-19 test kits to Medical test kits in 2020. Why would they do that if they didn't want to hide something? See this too


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They can claim that all the "conspiracy" attention due to a "computer" glitch/error/oversight ... made them decide to change it i.e. what I'm trying to tell you is that it's circumstantial evidence, but this is why the "fact checkers" were created - to put spin on circumstantial evidence. Your article does show there's a problem with the speed and the pre-planning, but this is why they try do some "planning" in broad daylight i.e. see we're trying to save everyone, we're serving the "greater good", people are contagious killers, we must be prepared :) ... it's brilliant.

Now they are adding new layers of lies and deceit to keep making it more complicated and time consuming to unravel i.e. "testing"/"genomes"/"computer + biology" is a good mix to maintain the hoodwink, I don't know if this war is winnable, especially because the Health Freedom Movement are still stuck in "virus land".

Trump, is he Controlled Opposition?


Was it an RT-PCR PLANdemic?


Keep up the good work.

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I get where you are coming from, alas, they claim the dates of distributing the RT-PCR test were a computer error (supported by fact checkers :) )

They can claim that the CARES Act was a "Preparedness" measure.

The RT-PCR test patenting they can claim was for a "Coronavirus" in general, which was modified to facilitate the "emergency etc. .... these clever killers are good at creating lies to cover themselves.

I will add a link to your article here -

Could "they" have pre-created the "Spike Protein" computer sequence for a pre-planned PLANdemic?


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Thanks Andrew, I have purported that the genome was not computer assembled because there is no hard evidence of that and that the genome can not be left to chance so it was just a made up fiction said to come from a computer.


On, CARES Act was a "Preparedness" measure. It was a very large act intertwining many agencies, taking many months if not a few yrs to make, costing the congressman's office who wrote it lots of $ and legal aid staff. So it just makes no sense.

And on RT-PCR test patenting they can claim was for a "Coronavirus", same as Cares, no prior corona virus has ever been isolated and characterized, summary here: https://pastebin.com/PsXCQmGZ so this debunks the fact checkers.

There were links in the post on more back dated docs for Covid medical supplies, I'm just too tired to get them and paste more.

Putting the back dated docs along with FOI, and along with the fake discovery of Sars-C2 by Fan Wu, it's a pretty tight story.

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Proton, I just want to thank you for your comittment to truth, hard and diligent work, humility and good humour. Your work is a wonderful resource, easily searched for information that can help us wake and inform the ignorant. May almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless, keep and protect you!

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Thank you Mark and best wishes to you. I'm but one cog in the wheel and depending on others like you to help in the teaching myself and others. Speak again. PM!

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It s fraud stacked upon fraud. There are no viruses. Virology is a fraud. It is a giant deadly money-making, people sickening and killing fraud. The mountain of corpses they are responsible for is astounding.

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Just as astounding is the acceptance of this human sacrifice and lacking appropriate outrage(yet)!!!

I postulate that the human minds are already being controlled to a degree that this is the normal way we die. The medical mafia did its best and that was okay.

I mean or ask; How fukked up is that?

This is what we, by self enlightenment, have to deal with.

I see humans offering them selves up for sacrifice whilst paying with their money which is usually time spent(which can’t be gotten back) doing a job most would rather not be doing!

Does this define stupidity?

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People are born into a sick prison and everything seems normal until they wake up from the nightmare and see for the first time. A lot of time and energy is spent keeping people stuck in the dream.

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Hi PM,

I have investigated several claims that the term COVID-19 existed prior to Feb 11, 2020.

None of them check out.

As far as the WITS test kits:

You claim that

> we can still see the (2017) original on the Way Back Machine as linked.

So where is the link to the Wayback snapshot from 2017? The link that you used was from a snapshot taken 9/5/2020.

In fact if you're so confident I'd be willing to wager you $100 USD that you can't find it.

Because it isn't there. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for what you are seeing here, which any relational database administrator can explain to you.

Basically, relational databases are normalized to standardize data in certain fields. For example if the field name is month, you don't want to allow people to enter June, JUNE, june, 06, etc. You only want one of those, standardized across all months.

So what likely happened is that the test kits were existing in the database in 2017, but were named generically.

Sometime after February 11th, 2020, someone modified the name of the test kit in the database and called it COVID-19.

This had the immediate effect of changing all of the records in the database instantaneously, even those records created prior to February 11th, 2020.

I don't know about the other examples that you found, but I'd be willing to bet something similar is at play there as well.

I hope this is helpful!


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Hi Bill, I have dug deeper into your challenge.

First, I did not say this exactly as you quoted

> we can still see the (2017) original on the Way Back Machine as linked.

I said this:

“But here we can still see the original on the Way Back Machine as linked”.

I did not say anywhere that the the PAGE WAS saved to Way Back in 2017. I said, “test kit distribution dates in 2017” and in fact the link from Sept 2020 indeed says “2017” on the page and says “COVID-19 Test kits”:


Next, this WITS web page that was uploaded to the web.archive in Sept 2020 has https://wits.worldbank.org in the URL. It cannot be faked. So the WITS page itself said Covid-19 test kits were sent out in 2017, on the page ACCESSED in 2020. So still in Sept 2020 on that date there was no change yet to “medical test kits” which was changed later and is the current designation (the BBC says the medical test kit designation was changed on Sept 7th (https://www.bbc.com/news/54116326) but the first date of the Covid-19 test kit designation on Way Back was Sept 11, well maybe there was a lag). Which means that your statement that “Sometime after February 11th, 2020, someone modified the name of the test kit in the database and called it COVID-19” has no evidence as it is now Medical Test Kits, unless they changed it to Covid-19 and back again to Medical Test Kits after Sept 2020 but there is no evidence for a pre-Covid-19 designation (and neither does the BBC article above try to argue that). If they wanted to they could have just noted that they changed the name to covid-19 after Feb 2020 which changed the relational name as you opine but they did not, they changed it to Medical Test Kits soon after this info went viral in late 2020. In addition, there is no evidence for a "Covid-19 test kits" (or "Medical Test Kits") import en masse to every country in 2020 is there? The logistics and training would be enormous considering the fake PCR was even only published in Jan 23 2020 EVEN 11 days BEFORE the publication of Sars-C-2 fake genome by Fan Wu in Feb 3, 2020. Talk about Births before the birth date!

I think this is close to a proof that WITS had indeed sent test kits out to the world in 2017 and called them Covid-19. I don’t care much about the $100 bet, your comment helped me learn more about this issue and I thank you.

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Hi Bill I understand what you are trying to say, I also found this link


and will change the image link to it in the post. I'm not an absolute expert on the wayback machine, at the bottom is says page refreshed in Sept 2020, and the Added date was 2021, so it is a little confusing to me. However, the sheer volume and cost of these kits sent out just in time for Covid even on the orig site is enormous and suspicious. The current nomenclature in the list is Medical Test Kits not Covid-19,


so you are saying that changing the field changed the past iterations of that page to Covid-19, but, now in 2023 it says Medical Test Kits? I'm still confused. Either the 2017 pages are fakes or it was Covid-19 and now changed to Medical test kits-seemingly to erase the inconvenient truth that they were Covid-19 before Covid-19's birthdate.

Please see this video and if you have time pls debunk it:


On the patent, and the CARES act, sure Covid-19 was a name change later, but those dates are unchangable fields that had the history of 2015 and 2019 respectively, and we are left to imagine all these documents and projects started out doing exactly what Covid19 pandemic required in the few years before 2020 and just near the finish line they get the name Covid 19 slapped on them. I leave the imagination of this phenomena up to the reader.

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PS: people don't "upload" pages to the Wayback machine. You can *ask* the Wayback machine to capture a page. But I would say it would be a reasonable guess that 99.99999% of the ~780,000,000,000 pages indexed were discovered by the Internet Archive's own web crawler.

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This page clearly shocked many people so understandable it was saved to WB. Anyway, you made me think and discussion is good. Lets leave it here and talk again!

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Another $100 wager if you can show me how to "Upload" something to Wayback. :)

Bye for now.


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Right. Like I said, you can ask the Wayback machine's Crawler/Robot to take a snapshot of a web page. This is very different from "Uploading" a page directly to the archive. Maybe it's just a semantics thing, but I am a lifelong technologist, and that is a huge distinction.

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PM, you are making this WAY more complicated than it is.

This is very simple:

You can tell me NOTHING about what was happening in 2017 based on a snapshot taken in 2020. PERIOD. stop there.

Because the whole damn page could be faked.

We can see an evolution in the name of the test kits in the Wayback machine to the present. This is done via a relational database. I've already explained in basic terms about database normalization, and how a change in a field name INSTANTLY modifies all records throughout the database, even records of transactions occurring in the past. (Unless this is specially accounted for in the database design, to keep the test kit name associated with a particular date... which would be a lot of work, and no DB designer would likely do this.)

If you are interested, read more about relational database normalization here:. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_normalization

The Details in in the "Normal Forms": 0NF, 1NF, 2NF, etc.

Remember in the days before CGI and Photoshop when hostages would hold up a newspaper to establish a date? Now it only works in one direction. I could hold up an historical newspaper from 1934. But this does not mean the photo was taken in 1934. BUT! -- if I hold up a newspaper from 2023, then we know the photo could not have been taken prior to the date of the newspaper. (again, think of the days before CGI and digital editing).

The Wayback machine works like this. It is useful for establishing the dates certain things happened in the past, ***based on the date of capture***. If you look at a capture from 2017, you can establish the date that a certain page existed.

However you can generally infer //nothing// about what happened in the past based on a snapshot taken forward in time from the date of interest.

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> Either the 2017 pages are fakes

You have not shown me pages from 2017. You showed me a page captured 9/5/2020 *which mentions* dates in 2017.

In fact, that page did not exist prior to 2020.

There was another instance like this which might help you better understand:

A few years ago, someone posted a tweet from Obama from years ago. I don't know the date, but let's say it was from 2012.

However the screenshot of the 2012 tweet was made in (just for example, let's say) 2015.

But there was something in the profile picture which indicated that it was from a current time. So people were trying to say that the 2012 tweet had some kind of foreknowledge because of the photo.

BUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED is that Obama simply changed is profile picture sometime after 2012, but if you look at any older tweets after that date, they show the CURRENT profile picture. AS SOON AS you change your twitter profile picture, it INSTANTLY updates ALL PRIOR TWEETS with the current photo.

A similar thing happens to relational databases. If the month "JUNE" or maybe "06" is mentioned anywhere in any table, it is NORMALIZED by putting that field "JUNE" or "06" IN A SINGLE PLACE in the database. This is so you don't get some months called "June", some "JUNE" some as "06" and maybe some as "JNUE" (error). We don't want 20 different variations on "JuNe" in the database, so it's there exactly once.

So sometime in 2020, someone made a backend change to the "Test Kit Description" field in a table in the database, and just like with Obama's twitter profile picture, ALL RECORDS in the database are instantly updated, even those from 2017.


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So Bill, you are saying that a back end change in 2020 updated the records incl 2017 to say "Covid-19". I can understand that kind of field change. HOWEVER, the fields now (and since 2020) say "medical test kits" not "covid-19.

To me there a 3 choices based on field changes:

1. If the names went from Covid to medical tests, which is the current name for all the records, then Covid was a name on the records before Covid was born.

2. If the names went from medical tests to Covid then they should still say Covid but they do not, they now say medical test kits.

3. The docs on the way back machine are fake uploads and they always said medical test kits.

Happy to hear if you have a SIMPLE explanation for this discrepancy, otherwise we are at our WITS end.

We all agree Covid was planned in advance and can just leave this as data that is not absolute like a cold dead body is. Again, field changes have nothing to do with the patent history nor the CARES act. We all agree these started out with other names and were changed to COVID just at the finish line.

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KONVID was planned, that's for sure.

That WITS page is proof of nothing,

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Test kit imports seemed to go from zero in 2016 (and even back to the furthest I checked in 2013) to astronomical in 2017:


Even the official WITS page as denoted suggests something was going on, and even if we say WITS didn't use that same page/product no before 2017, why all of a sudden using this page/product no for millions of test kits costing millions of $ in 2017 and 2018 up to just ~12 months before Covid. While it's not proof of Covid beforehand, it is quite questionable. Neither companies nor countries (needless to say nearly EVERY country) take on huge stock that can degrade over time without a business reason.

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If the tests kits were/are generic test kits, I cannot imagine them later being re-labelled specifically for "covid-19". It would make no sense. It seems more plausible to me that they were trading convid test kits years ago, and got caught.

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well... do you know, that the so-called fictitious "C-19" is the name of the alleged "disease" of a non-existent so-called "virus" SARS-CoV 2" and that already in 2006 the dummy test for it was calibrated together with other non-existent so-called "viruses"????


well... that makes everything else superfluous, right?

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Hi MA, you noticed your SS banned me a number of months ago. I and others reached out to you multiple times as to why. I subsequently returned the gift of banning to you. Since you banned me first can you please figure out how to unban me then then someone know you did it who can let me know. This nice guy Ray Horvath would probably be kind enough to let me know.

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Mary Ann, first of all that appears to be a letter to the editor, not a peer-reviewed scientific paper.

Next, there's lots and lots and lots of talk about viruses. But there's no proof that viruses exist.

It's just more pseudo scientific gobbledygook to get you to try to believe in the now utterly discredited contagion hypothesis.

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I am the last one who believes in non-existing viruses, you don't have to write me that, after all I've worked in this profession for more than 40 years until to my retirement- I know, that everything is a hoax!

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Sorry, I didn't really what you were saying.

"2006 dummy test"? No idea.

"Calibrated together"? What does that mean?

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1. a stupid test that says absolutely nothing

2. it's a so-called multiplex PCR test, which again only search for several parts of the human genome or also from mice, rats, etc., since it is exclusively nucleotide sequences that are displayed(it's can find in my articles) - and the so-called "genomes" that are deposited in the "gene bank" are only a letter salad of amino acids https://molbiol-tools.ca/Amino_acid_abbreviations.htm that also are NOT a so-called "virus"

the so-called "Genome-sequences" https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uNoijuXDg5tzstEuaxtOrYv3fZ0Nyc405_thJY4-BBg/edit#gid=0

try it with each single letters-group - at Enter enter Query Sequence, scroll down and click on the blue box BLAST on the left, wait until the result is displayed


Multiples PCR test


it is important to know that all these abbreviations before, in between and behind are to be omitted, because they are only fluorescents



the CDC does state that: "Not for diagnostic testing use: Reagents manufactured from the sequences listed below may not be used for diagnostic testing under FDA’s authorization of the CDC Flu SC2 Multiplex Assay. Only primers and probes labeled for EUA use and distributed by the International Reagent Resource may be used." - but ultimately the FDA is allowing it


as it was 3 years ago, to stigmatize people with something that doesn't exist! https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-20e

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I saw the paper, it's a chemistry game, it has nothing to do with any organism. The complex words makes you think it's about a virus. Thanks!

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Now THAT I can understand and 💯% agree with!!!!

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and these fluorescents and the slashes are to be omitted in the BLAST search!!!

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