I certainly wish there was no evidence of shedding, but in my case, I am the evidence.
I was 1 of only 3 in in my small psych hospital who did NOT get jabbed, but within a day after they rolled out the shots on all staff and employees, I was having the oft-cited massive bleeding. It continued for almost 2 weeks, then it shut off, and I’ve not had a period since, which is not normal, as I absolutely was having regular menses.
My naturopath says it’s an artificially-induced menopause. Super not happy about it, but am really enraged for all those who have been critically damaged by this medical evil, then are gaslit and ignored.
Hi Michelle, I suppose it's not nearly as bad overall as getting a shot. Antioxidants or EDTA seems to be the thing to do, check it out carefully and best wishes.
It’s absolutely better than getting that jab , but knowing so many others did despite our begging and pleading, is utterly disheartening. (Btw, currently exploring the EDTA route with my naturopath.)
This is not about Michelle, but the conversation reminded me of it.
Ever since the plandemic started, I've had this eerie feeling in comment sections that I am listening to fish in the restaurant fish tank, discussing who is going to be eaten first. To me, it's mind-boggling that instead of facing the danger and preparing for what's coming, most people seem to be hell-bent to sticking to the slightest thread of hope that is usually nothing but a delusion
Very true Ray! The chickens ran for the shots, the foxes are making plans. I personally have many plans and fortifying my living space, food, energy, medical safety, and financials has been on the forefront of deep planning and bursts of activity for 3.5 yrs. Fortunately, the society I live in here in Japan works very well, but unfortunately they are inflexible and can't see past their past their noses. See what the trains say on them, most everyone has no clue what this means.
I am unvakd , untested, and done many detox protocols.
But I am shedding and can show it. I test many people free and can say I haven't seen anyone for months without it. There are simple cheap tests you can do to see how contaminated you are. Look.
Very good stuff. Ya think from food, shedding, and chem trails? Did you test other unvaxed as kinda control?
Here in Japan few or no chem trails noted, just high % locals vaxed and masked and also foreigners who impatiently wanted to travel back home the last 3 yrs.
Many professionals have been seeing these fibres in the blood since 2005 at least . always told its glass or some other lie and instructed to ignore it.
Medicine mans story is in my comments somewhere. Australian army. Backs this up.
For all those who like csi etc, do you think that the world fibre database of interpol and the likes are not aware. Carnicom has the science to back it up. His documents are on the carnicom instute website free to download, along with all his notes. I did while we still can.
From every processed food owned by the same people behind everything. We need to stop funding our own demise. Yes, food water, air, meds, soaps, clothes etc.
I have worn a new shirt for one day. Counted the blue fibres only on the white collar, put thru the wash by itself. no change in numbers.
The answer for me lies in recognising we will live with this for the duration of our lives. we just need to mitigate so we can carry on.
I know early examples who have successfuly come out the other side and give us hope.
Hi Michelle, Do you get drunk when around a drunk person 'shedding" the alcohol out evert pore you can smell a mile a away? No. nerves or some chemical or exposure to radiation (wireless tech) at the hospital got to you. Were you forced to cut oxygen with a mask? think it thru. Did they scare you into taking "ivermectin".....??
www.VirusTruth.NET im printing mini flyers from this site called Lucky and putting on cars everyday and taping to gas pumps! its fun . we have to get this info out in our towns.
I could see how one might posit such, except for the fact that it happened w/in 24 hrs of the shots being administered, and we’d been required to be swabbed for months prior to the jabs, with no issue.
Our hospital was super nutty about swabbing, and we had to do a PCR swab every week. Luckily they were lazy and let us administer our own, so I could fake my own swabbing without really touching my nasal passages.
Y’all have no idea how obvious (to me) this whole scam was. As soon as every single medical office and hospital and doctor’s office and skilled nursing facility put up those “Heroes work here!” all at the same time.... yeeeaaaah, that’s not preplanned at all.
Even if you had only one real swab, even putting it close to mouth or nose where particles could be inhaled, it is possible that something got in you and then being around vaxed pushed you over some edge for symptoms-theoretically. The swabs are a confounding variable so that people that are swabbed even once wouldn't be appropriate research subjects for shedding testing. Anyway take good care!
Interesting thought experiment there! I’ll have to muck that around in my head for a bit, especially since I thought only the shedding from the vax might be the cause. Hadn’t actually occurred to me that it might’ve been a “1- 2- punch” kind of thing.
But then again, none of any of this evil had occurred to me to be an actual thing until it happened. I appreciate your thoughts, Proton Magic. Will definitely keep open to reading more of the research that comes out.
May I ask you if you knew about the shedding thesis before the jabbing of your collegues? A good friend of mine got strong bleeding as well being around jabbed people.
I experienced itchy nose and some minor nose bleeding after talking to a person who was bending over to talk to me some minutes to me sitting in the car, who had been jabbed the day before. after a day or so it itching went away. As I never had that before and after I concluded it could have been shedding. But I remind myself of the fact that the mind is powerful, if one expects something bad being around jabbed it will happen, just because of that. Menses are very sensitive to that I believe.
Interesting! I had PCRs before, it was the first one after I declined the shot made me feel sick. I remember the staff looking unusually nervous after I walked to a different testing booth than they intended, as if they felt caught.
Obvious indeed, I thought their stats came straight from "Lying with statistics for dummies" and was very surprised when everyone went along. It was especially strange to see almost all university graduates going along with this! Turned my world upside down.
Thank you! I used to run a half marathon, that dropped to just a few hundred yards. Slowly building it back up. No suffering really, just loss of health.
Others have much more reason to complain. The way we treated our most vulnerable, the elderly in care homes, was particularly horrifying.
www.VirusTruth.NET they are still tortuing elderly in nursing homes with mask and tests and isolation if test positive ! The shot are killing off our elderly. the ones who remember life before tech . the least vaxxed at birth. add Polypharma to vaccines you get alzheimers strokes SADS... we need activists who will do something we can all do something to help end the lie of contagion and viruses. I print mini flyers from this site and Put on cars. especially at nursing homes and hospitals. we need more fighting back
University graduates seem to have been among the worst for falling for the scam. I have a degree but it was along time ago and I did do a lot of statistics and knew how easily they are manipulated.
I am very sorry to hear this Michelle. You are not the only woman that has reported abnormal bleeding and then early menopause after working along side those vaxed. I have numerous clients that have gone through bizarre cycles.
One woman bled non-stop for 40 days before she was finally taken seriously. When she went for an ultrasound, the technician quietly told her this has now become a regular occurrence in the patients she was seeing.
I also know non-vaxed women that have gone through menopause and started menstruating again.
Yes, it’s been such a frequent comment when I’ve participated in threads on many different social media sites, not only with women’s input, but even husbands and sons and fathers chiming in how shedding had affected to their loved ones . They were so frustrated and felt so powerless. And the gaslighting that’s gone on, telling us “it’s normal,” or “there’s no way that could have happened; you’re just stressed.” After all we’ve seen over the last three years, it’s not surprising that medical professionals have to whisper it, for fear of losing their livelihoods. I wish everyone would just stand up and say “NO MORE... I will not participate.” I did just that. Quit my job and haven’t looked back. The things I saw and heard in my hospital were beyond my ethical boundaries. And to think it’s gone on worldwide is beyond my moral comprehension.
I’m working toward that right now! I’ve been intermittent fasting for a while now, and am planning a 3-day water fast in a few weeks. Hope to integrate it on a regular basis monthly with my IF.
I’ll look into both of those; thank you for the suggestions! Along the lines of “two heads are better than one,” I believe that multiple heads bring so much more to the table, increasing thought streams and blossoming new idea pathways. Sending you much gratitude, Laura🙏🏻!
That’s great…. from the studies and interviews it looks like it takes at least 48hrs for your body to go into Autophagy - where its starts to self heal, but IF is a great start as it makes it easier to go to OMAD and then an extended fast.
If you don’t get the results you’re after another option would be consulting a homeopathic/bio-resonance practitioner. The person I see, her teenage daughters both had interrupted cycles due to their classmates all being injected or maybe they were just syncing with those that had lost their cycles from the injection, anyway she was able to get her daughters back to normal through energetic homeopathy.
So good to hear that your friend’s girls are doing better... ultimately I believe we can do much to heal ourselves. We **are** light-bodied beings, blessed by Universe and energy.
I agree that the video content is quite long...and a bit repetitive (understandibly, a lot of topics overlap). The total video time could have been shaved down by at least 25-30%. But the project vision itself was important from a historical aspect of creating a timeline and documenting the covid circus act of 2020-202x.
Those of us who have gone down the naturopathic path can only attempt to show others how much simpler the narrative is and your life becomes. Many people seem to want to continue suffering, and just make the suffering more comfortable.
Excellent idea and name Turkey Trot ...I couldnt send it around to family and friends if I couldnt get passed module 1 mixing in the law stuff was annoying. I just wanted straight up no virus no contagion info. Do you think Viral Dellusion better or whatever its called?
Thanks, I would say the Delusion is more accessible because you can see the first section for free and it's only an hour. Then you can get the rest for only $11 which I gladly did. The other sections were also good, besides the one on vaxes where you had to read numerous screens which was a bit oppressive but easier than finding the info yourself. Delusion didn't have all the sections related to Covid nor the depth so its was missing that, but End of... was just toooo long, too many vids and too long vids per section. I'm a nerd for this stuff so I plowed thru 2-3 vids a day for a while. Dr. Sam's vids at 20min are just right, 10 min at 2X speed if you want but she's nice to have in your living room for 20min.
In a few months at the 1 year mark of PM News I will make 1 post with all my posts in a table of contents based on subject matter. Maybe the Delusion guy (Mike Wallach) will make a screen play out of them. JUST KIDDING!
Thanks for your review. I agree with your points. The 'no graphene' statements were confusing. I am a health practitioner, and do not have lab equipment to test things for myself. I am still looking for further information on this to support clients with vaccine damage. I have plenty of tools in my kit that have been supportive but if we had a better idea of what is in the shots, perhaps we could direct our attention to different types of support.
Regarding 'shedding': All I know is that when non-vaxed clients, family and friends go into a public crowd for a few hours they come out expressing all kinds of symptoms. I too have had this experience so I know first hand something is going on.
I know there can be many explanations for this (frequency, increase of 5G, extra chemtrails, extra shit in the water), but the consistency of their experiences cannot be dismissed.
And I think you hit on the key information, that there are many explanations possible for the so called "shedding", and it doesn't have to be the same cause(s) for everyone. This is no different than any other scenario whereby one becomes "sick" . Imagine the intensity of the frequencies from a person that is in extreme fear and confusion and after having their lives turned upside down, controlled, possibly without income now, and then getting an extremely toxic injection (are there are other kind really?). It's clear that not everyone that has been in close contact with a jabbed person has evidence of "shedding", so that alone points to other or additional factors. I think that this is what Kaufman and Cowan are trying to show and not have people lean on the shedding aspect as "the" cause of anything, anymore than there is "the" cause of the so called Covid symptoms.
It is wise to not lean too heavily on the shedding theory and I think there is still something to it that hasn't been explained. Too many people having similar symptoms post encounter. None of the people I have spoken to believe in or know about shedding, so it is not a psychosomatic issue. Numerous women have reported having their cycles disrupted with excess bleeding or starting to bleed long after menopause.
Another strange symptom that keeps occurring is a neurological tingling on the torso and limbs. (5G? Which is terrible!) But why only after being in a crowd for a few hours? This symptom appear to last for a few days.
Just the observations of a practitioner with a full-time practice. No specific answers!
I support the person and they often find my recommendations useful. Hydration, grounding, and a gentle detox appears to help the most.
Definitely agree! And the hydration and grounding, while helpful in general, also tends to point to frequency disruptions. Interesting. What I also find just as interesting is the number of people that have zero symptoms after being exposed at length to an injected person. One can't just attribute that to the "immune system" so often spoken of. Perhaps in some way it's the energy of that person? Too many questions and too few answers.
Funny you say that. After I had posted my comment and I was out walking around outside doing chores that exact thought came to me. I knew that, but didn't think of expressing it that way at the time, but that is 100% accurate. Your clients are lucky to have you!
Imm surrounded by triple vaxxed and babies getting al their baby shots.
shedding is a myth. people are thinking they could catch something from someone is experiencing placebo effect or nocebo? just like the vaxxed who think they caugh something from the unvaxxed. its a a merry go round... time to get off.. Read Contagion Myth www.VirusTruth.NET the consistancy of how many cell phones and wifi gadgets in one place cannot be dismissed. . humans do not cause another human to be sick. stress is not a particle a chemical its not "contagion" but being near someone you dont like or fear can make you Feel sick.
Shedding is a fuzzy topic very difficult to study: how many interactions, how close, what kind, who had how many shots, how long after what # shot, what batch and content did they get, difference by location, country, placebo, nocebo, EMF level during test, recently before tests...some of these are impossible to control.
We all have to admit, "we don't know yet and maybe won't really ever know". BUT, we can still add anecdotal info like Toni's, and have our own opinions.
Your're itching for Proton's opinion you say?
Ok, I think there may be some shedding sometime in some locations between some people under some conditions. Notice I have a keyboard with a "some key", it helps me wriggle out of decisions I don't want to make. BUT, if someone makes you feel sick, by all means stay away!
I just re-read your comment above and realized you stated "go into a public crowd" and they express symptoms. What about individual exposure to the vaxxed? Such as other family members, co-workers, etc? How often is that seemingly the source?
There are many unvaxed reporting to me strange symptoms after a family member, co-worker or friend gets vaxed. Changes in the menstrual cycle is one of them. In 4 cases the unvaxed woman didn't realize the person they live with got a vaxed. All of them had heavy prolonged bleeding and their cycle started weeks earlier than expected. They all found out later that one of their housemates had gotten a shot without their knowledge. Nothing else appeared have changed. Of course other factors can't be ruled out, but in my 30 years of experience I had never had 4 clients tell me this within a couple of weeks from each other. Interesting to note that none of these women are from the same region.
I know other practitioners that are experiencing similar reports from their clients.
Interesting to say the least. In my area, no one I know personally, (or family), that has been in contact with a vaxxed person has shown any symptoms. That could be because a) we are quite rural and have no 5G, (we do have massive wind turbines however which is another problem altogether but in a similar way), or b) some of those vaxxed (and there are quite a few, sadly) maybe received one of the "safer" injections or total saline. Or maybe something else entirely different, but what is the common denominator?
My personal experience confirms PCR Injury. After declining the shot, I took a PCR for a must-show-proof sports event. Right after the nasal swab I felt something spreading through my body. My sports condition declined quickly after and has not recovered to my previous strength. I suppose they swabbed me with the stuff they wanted to inject me with.
Suck’s doesn’t it!! Me too but with a rapid test. Immediate tingling in my nose with mild symptoms 30 minutes later and took me a week to recover. Just to go visit my ex mother-in-law. (Who couldn’t walk for two days after each of the 5 shots) Plus an additional five days each time to get back to normal for her. Her and her husband never had Covid or a flue. Their care home still recommends rapid testing for visitors as of Aug 2023.
This particular home was super strict at the time and the last 3 yrs. I had two choices. Leave or stay and get tested. These are my ex in-laws and I helped them with groceries etc. These people were held hostage and really didn’t have a choice about vaccination. But they also drank the Kool-Aid too:) Fortunately, testing is now optional.
In the Kaufman and Cowan discussion about shedding to the unvaccinated, I believe Kaufman did raise the possibility of shedding occurring in a similar manner to someone who has had chemotherapy where they advise not to expose yourself to the person’s body fluids as their body would be trying to eliminate the toxins.
Just from my own anecdotal evidence I think this is the case - exposure to/in the close vicinity of someone or a group that has been recently jabbed affects those around them. I have personally known of a number of children with ‘chickenpox’ like rashes/spots - where parents are jabbed, a person with a ‘shingles’ like rash (close proximity with their partner) and another with heart palpitations/extreme fatigue dealing with clients.
Best to avoid/distance yourself from those who continue to participate in this program.
Your anecdotal evidence seems to be piling up, unfortunately there are lots of "shedding deniers". I don't have access to the vid where Dr. K noted about Chemo anymore, but my recollection is that the overall feel from the 2 of them was "no shot shedding" and I vaguely recall they sort of concluded that at the end. I also vaguely recall Dr. K. was saying something like, IF shedding did occur it WOULD be something like that seen in Chemo, not that shedding DID occur, or that there was any evidence of shedding. I had known for some time about the dark field findings of blood abnormalities in a 3 y/o with vaxed parents, and later in the series Dr. Ana's similar findings. I'm not a shedding thumper, but I do think Dr. K and C should at least say "we need more data" rather than the denial. Thanks
In other talks Cowan has said that there is always a need for more proofs, in everything, and that he doesn't claim to have all the answers and is in fact in a continual state of learning. That said, there are some things that he is now very certain of due to his experiences and observations and research. That said, see my reply to LynnWoods just above.
Shedding is a term that really shouldn't be used as it connotes a direct transfer of a toxin from an injected person to a non injected person. Because there are multiple possible causes for an individual to have symptoms from being around a vaxxed person, it's not prudent and certainly not scientific to call it shedding. IMO. It's like saying "I caught" a cold from someone. I am not of the opinion that graphene can be "shed" as some are claiming. The frequency of anyone in fear and illness and massive life changes can certainly be "contagious". In the case of the little boy it's easy to see why his RBC could've changed just by being around the vaxxed. There are thousands if not more who have had no obvious symptoms from being in close contact, even intimately, with vaxxed persons. The reasons for that are as multi-faceted as the reasons that people do get symptoms. And that is what Kaufman and Cowan subscribe to, although I really can't speak for them.
And the effects of various frequencies, EMFs, has been documented for a very, very long time. "The Invisible Rainbow" is a good book and of course there are several other very knowledgeable people that have spent decades on just this subject.
Yes, I agree from what I remember of that video they weren’t very definite about any of the shedding theories. It felt very edited, I think I would have preferred an interview, similar to their videos in the past, and then someone could have asked about the anecdotal evidence that is appearing worldwide. I also agree that everyone needs to see more data, hopefully someone is doing some studies, haven’t really come across any though. I did see that 3y/o blood sample …. but there wasn’t much information about it at the time, i.e. was the child ever vaccinated/injected for anything else in their life, were they PCR tested?
Whoever brought this toxin to market, surely didn’t want themselves and their family exposed to it? But in the back of my mind I keep hearing…. ‘We only need 80% to reach herd immunity’ - maybe the real target was once 80% is reached, they would have also spread/shed it to the remainder? I’m praying that this isn’t the case.
I have to keep reminding myself that the shedding exposure (if it exists) has to be obviously less lethal than an injection directly into the body. Our bodies are amazing!
Been working around and in very close proximity to patients since this ‘last’ horrendous plandemic started. Would say approx anywhere in between 3500-5000 of them, mostly being jabbed 2-4 times, sometimes unfortunately even five.
Stayed away close to ten months as refusing to mask after working without a slave cloth for several months before the trigger from WHO came and prompted them on in almost all hospital settings.
In my line of thinking ‘shedding’ comes from other ways.
Stay positive and rely on your own energy and energies from others that share their love frequencies. Be grounded, be in nature, socialise when possible and when you are able to be with others willingly, eat good food, rest when you have too and Smile, it pisses the evil creatures off.
Universe creates mysterious connections.
And no, I do not live in La-la-land, we are in deep shit.
Name ONE person who has ever gotten Drunk after being near Drunk person "shedding" massive amounts of toxic alcohol or from their breath skin and cleaning up their vomit? if shedding were true people who drink no alcohol could get drunk in this manner. getting high off someone else smoking pot is not "shedding" either... that is straight up pollution
Dr. Anna has been beating her fear porn nano crap drum with the shedding stories for a long time.. She has no credible colleagues.
Is it a coincidence that those on her little bandwagon have conflicts of interest?
It’s a variation on the theme that Bigtree and Kennedy have used to great advantage. It’s pathetic anyone is profiting while not telling the whole truth.
Stefan Lanka and Stefano Scoglio are adamant that there is no GO in the vials. That's probably why they're not looking into it. It's follow the leaders for them, unfortunately. On nanotech, you probably saw the interviews Mark Bailey did with a specialist in microemulsions, but that's about it. I think the person they interviewed (whose name I've forgotten) followed up with an article where he seemed to walk back a bit his original claims/observations. It seems to me they've decided to focus only on proving virology is pseudoscience & no proof pathogenic viruses exist. That's well & good for beginners but we get it now and they should also be broaching other subjects like what's in the vials/our blood and how to get rid of it. On shedding, Uncles Tom (no virus so no shedding) & Andy (shedding probably psychosomatic) are the leaders so the others follow. No disrespect to any of them.
I assume you may be unaware of this dissent re the alternative media "graphene" narrative as I can't recall your mentioning it previously and much of his work is available only in Italian. The redoubtable Christine Massey has his contact info should you want to speak with him directly.
Dr. Stefano Scoglio not only disputes the Campra/Quinta Columna claims but questions the separate and distinct claim of the alleged original "discovery" of graphene itself.
Following publication refusal by Nexus (presumably because it conflicts with the desired and prevalent alternative media narrative claiming alleged "graphene" in the injectables), Dr. Scoglio published his paper on or about 3/20/23 on the Polyphilia Publishing website, "IL GRAFENE NON ESISTE," describing the reasons:
Dr. Stefano Scoglio: "Graphene does not exist" (ORIGINAL-Italian)
"...But even if there is no proof that graphene exists in vaccines; and if there is no need for graphene to explain the hyper-toxicity of these Covid vaccines, given the extreme toxicity of synthetic mRNA and synthetic lipids admittedly contained in them; 6 can we at least reasonably accept that graphene exists and is widely used, as is repeated by many? As I am about to show, graphene is an ideological and propaganda chimera, and all that exists is thin layers of graphite that pass for graphene....
So, here too it is repeated that graphene, one of the thinnest materials in the world, is a plane of carbon with the thickness of one atom, arranged in a hexagonal lattice structure. Then, as if nothing had happened, and indeed as if it were the most natural thing in the world (after all, a Nobel was awarded for that lie, so no one will dare to shout that the King is naked), the seller clarifies that the thickness of the graphene sheet they sell is 35 micrometers!...
Therefore, here it is confirmed that, both in research and in the market, what is only and merely graphite is passed off as graphene....
There remains one last and fatal problem for the existence of graphene. Even if they were really mono-atomic layers of graphene, as with the study of TEM and graphene, it is not clear how it can be graphene, theoretically the hardest and most resistant material known, if it then breaks and distorts irreparably under the electric-electron beam of the electron microscope, or in a normal redox process.
In other words, graphene not only does not exist because it can neither be produced nor isolated under normal conditions, but also because it has also been shown in experimental and laboratory conditions, such as with TEM, to not possess at all those characteristics which theoretically distinguish it, such as the extreme hardness and resistance.
In conclusion, just apply a little common sense to understand that graphene is an impossible material in reality, and that it is a mythological and para-magical material which, in concrete reality, is only the only material that actually exists , graphite, by another name...."
"...Since it is perhaps not clear that attached to the above post is my study which definitively proves that graphene does not exist, and furthermore it is absolutely not proven that it is present in vaccines, I post here the link to my study, published on the website by Poliphylia Publishing... https://www.poliphylia.com/il-grafene-non-esiste/ ..."
See also this comment on the now inactive pseudonymous substack Pseudoscience and its Discontents:
Hi this is a good topic. My 30,000ft view is that there are lots of disinfo games going on.
I can say the following:
1. that there is no functional mRNA in the shots because there would be a mRNA to product (spike?) dose-response curve which there is not-and they would be happy to show it if there was. There's no virus so what is spike for? To harm people? Anyway no substantial amt of mRNA and no dose-response has been found -these are red herrings.
2. What would they get out of telling us there is graphene in the shots vs graphite? The shot game is nearly over for most people so to discredit graphene pushers is a bit late I think.
3. Japan found "steel" in the vials that warmed up (when frozen the colloid contents are cloaked) and they recalled 1.63 mil doses in 2021, the next day the PM resigned changing the news focus. Some metal particles are clearly in the shots. I supposed it was graphene or other nano particles that either clumped or assembled so the Japanese say it...but "steel" is clearly just a cover.
4. Dozens of researchers do find electric circuit types of materials in the shots. Since I don't see a good reason for the planners to fake these I think they are seeing these in actuality. Since most vaccinators brush it off as conspiracy the planners are ok with it because that's not the big enchilada, the no-virus to begin with is the biggie.
You remember 9.11, the controlled demolition talk was all over the place. Thats because the no planes were the big enchilada to hide then. WTC planes "melted" into the bldgs when you see it on slow/still motion, and no plane wreckage out of 4 crashes was found (the pentagon small debris was planted soon after the "crash"). The WTC planes were image projections (if you say "holograms" people think you are nutzo) and that nothing broke on the moment of impact in the bldg or plane (an impossibility), and only after melting into the bldg did an explosion in the bldgs go off making it look to the eye like it was due to plane. Where's the plane when we saw all those people standing on the hole? A hole too small for those planes to go into. And small white orbs surrounding the planes and other strange white planes were in the air at time of impact (I assume the projectors).
People argued forever about the demolition and many even said the terrorists planted the demolition too.
So that's why they are happy for us to argue about the shot contents as long as you believe in the planes crashing into the towers, er, I mean the virus crashing into your lungs.
5. I think Dr. Scog has been a bit flip-floppy on some things and I can't imagine the planners would let any prominent viro micro guy out on the loose, so I suspect he is an agent in the lead now just by fomenting confusion whether he's right or wrong. Does it really matter to us if nano processors in shots are made from graphene, schmaphene, or schmutzaphene? But I want to pass on making any definitive statements about him as I don't have time to look at all his points.
-Sorry, I'm getting too many complex comments and cant look at your links. Apologies.
I didn't have time to explore TEOC but a topic which needs to be 'put out there' is the potential for electromagnetic radiation induced sickness (or worse). I'm not sure if this was included in the program. Admittedly it is in the realm of speculation, but I feel it's important for the topic (which has scientific validity) to register in people's minds for future reference.
If people were to suddenly get seriously sick (or worse) en masse this could be used to completely destroy all covid skepticism and the no virus camp. I don't mean 'asymptomatic' or sick with the seasonal flu - I mean something new and real. I can't help thinking of the carnage at Astroworld which (AFAIC) must have been caused by EMF (no other explanation fits) and imagining that playing out in major cities around the world....
If something similar to Astroworld were to occur worldwide, the panic would shut down all rational thinking and everyone would revert back to a 2020 mindset again. Couple this with the WHO's commitment to 100 day vaccines and (I would assume) door to door vaccination squads and you've got a scenario which would destroy all the gains made. As well as Astroworld there are the videos which surfaced around 2021 of villagers in India all describing similar deaths to Astroworld (oxygen starvation), which they all blamed on newly installed 5G towers. They even cut down the towers and the deaths stopped (if the reports are to be believed). The videos (just street interviews admitedly) looked credible to me although I never heard any more about this story. But we know Gates and co like to test out their crap in India and Africa where victims' voices won't be heard before deploying to the West. He even admitted this in a interview.
If there was a sudden epidemic of people dropping like flies (again, like Astroworld) those friends, relatives and work colleagues who are just starting to accept that the no virus position / no pandemic / no covid position might have some validity will go right back to full blown germophobia and become vaxoholics again. I'm not sure the terrain/ no virus position would ever be able to recover any credibility after such a scenario.
We've all seen Gates talk about how the next pandemic will be waaay worse than 2020. It would be the ultimate in bait and switch / shock and awe.
The evidence for EMF radiation overload is mounting. Like you, I did not indulge in the 100 hours of 'education' but it was not because I was too busy.
It was because I am sick to the back teeth of wannabe gurus and bullies who try to control what I think.
When I offer extensive research for their consideration I am either completely ignored or dismissed as crazy.
If the 'education' did not include a contribution from Arthur Firstenberg, Dr Martin Pall, Dr Devra Davis or Dr Magda Havas or, indeed, anyone who has correlated the roll out of 5G with the incidence of illness/death then I can be certain that the education is incomplete and biased.
This is interesting speculation. Thanks for sharing it. I also continue to think that Astroworld was a harbinger of something. I'm not sure what. At the time, I suggested one possibility might be sound frequencies. There is scientific research into the effects of sound waves on graphene. That would be devastating, wouldn't it? It would be hard to attribute. Also, I didn't watch the End of Covid series, but I don't see how anyone can say what is and isn't in the vaccines, since there seem to be different ingredients in different batches. Here's what I wrote at the time. https://covidmakebelieve.com/index.php/2021/11/11/implications-of-the-astroworld-tragedy/
Correct Paul, however, it can be stated that IT SEEMS that many batches have more or less Graphene for example. This may be the best we can do as we aren't gonna get a complete batch by batch CMC (chemical manufacturing control) and API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) analytic report any time soon.
Here's what stuck out to me, from the various eyewitness accounts.
1. two or three separate accounts of friends or people standing nearby having breathing difficulties, and in some cases dropping to the ground like a dead weight - BAM! - and then getting up again and wandering off. Everyone's reaction was WTF?
This was occurring THROUGHOUT THE DAY and in WIDE OPEN SPACES (it was an all day festival/ concert). It is clear that people were getting breathless / passing out long before the main concert and so we can confidently rule out 'crowd surges' as the primary factor.
2. Autopsies of the Hillsborough disaster (crowd crush at a football stadium in the 1980's) showed death by 'compression asphyxia'. At Astroworld they died of cardiac arrest.
3. The crowd was mostly young people with limited experience of concert crowds (for many it was their first gig). Any regular concert goer will tell you it's not that unusual to be squashed by the crowd to the point that you can't even move your arms, but this does NOT mean you will suffer any breathing difficulties. If crowd surges at concerts caused suffocation people would be dying/ passing out regularly at concerts. But they aren't, and they certainly are not having seizures and heart attacks.
4. First hand reports of people bleeding out nose and mouth. Also pissing and shitting themselves. That's weird. Many people have reported nose bleeds as a result of EMF (local 5G towers, 5G enabled shopping malls etc)
5. Similar reports of nosebleeds and weird headaches at Glastonbury festival 2019 among the staff (so probably not on drugs). Many were regular workers at the festival and said 2019 was unlike any other year they had experienced. EMF was off the scale that year as measured by someone with a meter (there's a video showing the readings on YT).
6. Reports of 'holes' opening up at Astroworld in the crowd, as pockets of the crowd all collapsed in unison. Makes me think of microwave ovens heating food unevenly.
7. Much of the crowd were standing on plastic mats (laid on top of the grass). Possible increased vulnerability due to not being grounded?
8. Many reports of eerie vibes, weird and odd sensations throughout the day. EMF is known to cause feelings of foreboding and weirdness. Obviously there was lots of 'dark' and 'sinister' imagery, stage sets and music. How convenient. It can all be explained away as a reaction to the creepy 'art'.
Claire Edwards was interviewed by Kerry Cassidy a while back (sorry I can't find the link) and she brought on this guy who seemed very down to earth and told a story of walking around a golf course in 2020 and feeling the same foreboding, eerie sensations which he eventually realised were coming from nearby streetlights. As he continued walking he had all the wind knocked out of him and he thought he was going to die. Then he recovered in an instant. It happened right next to a new giant monopole on a nearby highway. This story was very similar to the Astroworld accounts. I know Kerry Cassidy can be a bit 'out there' but this guy was very credible and not being sensational at all. The interview was from before Astroworld. His description perfectly matched the eyewitness accounts of Astroworld. Being on a golf course (and being an older guy) he was able to make the connection. There wasn't any 'eerie music' and there was no crowd to blame his sudden experience of being strangled/ crushed.
To me there is a clear pattern emerging. The psychological impact of this happening on a larger scale (and then being hyped by the media as a new killer virus) does not bear thinking about.
Very interesting speculation. It would be some job to put all of this together. I wonder if anything came out of the court cases at Astroworld. Are you aware? Is there something there that can be studied and analyzed? I think there were several different cases in civil and criminal courts.
thanks for this. Imagine the research proposal to get to the bottom of this. What's in the investigation files? What's missing from the files? Why? If I were the researcher, I'd start with the families they keep citing. All our prayers. All our thoughts are with you. Ya, right. That's why we buried everything of significance. Scott was allowed to go with his career intact. (Is that a career? I don't really know.) Also, Drake had something to do with it. You can see the real questions before you. But these assholes in front of the microphones are obviously sell-outs. No. Astroworld is key. How to get to the bottom of it though. I'm not an American. I wonder if it would be possible, nevertheless, to inquire into this. At what point would your life be at risk?
Just a note to let you know that your little article came with warnings that the site is not secure. I ignored the warning but I dare say others will not choose bravery over concern for their security.
I remember the strange 'sound waves' at Astroworld. They were even clear via my headphones. They were very unusual. Sound has power, for sure.
At the time I was observing that people on stages around the world were collapsing in front of their iPhone wielding fans with too much regularity. I think that electro-magnetic radiation is capable of seriously damaging living beings and so attending events which are 5G activated is a risky business at best.
There have been stacks of studies done which show that certain EMFs create terrible and cumulative effects - mostly by Russian scientists. It is interesting to note that the Russians have limited the use of 5G to military use only.
I have gathered a significant archive of evidence here:
'No virus' has been fun, and very instructive. Sharp minds point out the obvious (no isolated virus) and the fireworks begin.
Scores of people, true believers in TheVirology(TM) religion [a subset of TheScience(TM) religion] get enraged and spin out of control as they desperately try to defend literally nothing. We all get a good look at how the agitated human mind works, how threatened egos lash out, how personal status and reputation is defended, and all the other incidentals that come with paradigms being shattered.
So now, we take what we have seen and learned about shattering paradigms. We observe and learn from the reactions by threatened human psychology, and we can prepare better for our next paradigm-shattering pronouncement:
There Are No Cures.
Germs-Diseases-Cures all come together as a nicely-wrapped package. Or perhaps you like to see it as a set of 3 stacked Russian dolls. If you happened to be a Rockefeller-money-worshipping stooge MD from > century ago, you gleefully jump on the Germ Theory bandwagon promoted by your new Bossman. You work closely with your fellow stooge MDs to shore up the full Germs-Diseases-Cures paradigm: eliminating the chaff, tweaking the obfuscating language, bolstering the triumvirate in each of its stages.
Viola! A nice, neat and tidy disease-maintenance paradigm, to be steadily milked for $$$ far into the future.
So now we have the first and second parts of the triumvirate being rapidly dissected and banished.
Germ Theory is being wholly dismantled… and the true causes of the Diseases (purportedly ‘caused’ by germs) are finally being seen for what they are (severely ignorant/unhealthy lifestyle, environmental toxins everywhere, food toxins everywhere, EMFs run amok, aberrant/negative psychology).
Now we can move on and demolish the final pillar of deceit: Cures and Curing.
Plenty to be discussed and debated about this Curing paradigm for it to be fully understood and thoroughly debunked. It is a paradigm that has been with mankind, in various forms, since the beginning. The Curing Paradigm so very strongly tied to the human condition that its dissolution will result in the same shattered paradigm aftermath effects. But now we know what to expect with shattered paradigms, and we can plan ahead of time to do a better job of it.
To summarize: That which creates and maintains health – pure air, water, food, exercise, sunlight, sleep, along with all the sane, organic and beneficial aspects of mental, emotional and spiritual health – is all that is ever necessary to regain health if it is lost. If these 24 or so Needs of Health are supplied well and correctly, superlative health is the result. If one or more of these Needs is absent or insufficiently supplied, progressively worsening disease will result. If all needs are again properly supplied, health returns.
That’s it.
Simple… and true.
The Healing Power resides solely in the living organism itself. There is No healing power outside of the living organism.
Virtually all healing modalities, treatments, systems, philosophies, therapies, elixirs, concoctions, drugs, remedies and whatnot can be dispensed with, and good riddance.
Freeing everyone from straitjackets of false beliefs is the task. Smashing the Cures paradigm is another step in the right direction.
I am interested in all sorts of things. I have tried to avoid pharmaceutical products for some time, but would welcome further info although digesting it all would be another matter perhaps!
I've got a school that teaches Natural Hygiene. And you can read more about the general concepts online from many sources. Have a look at this search result and have a look around at your leisure:
I registered to watch the series. But would not let myself do it.
I believe it was a hugely successful scamdemic. And that these perpetrators are working full time to organize and prepare another. And another. And another. By the same name if they feel like it. I think they get off on lying and watching the populations try to get the mystery. And maybe some do, but they still have a nice fan base that will support their lies. What do manipulators live to do?
Sometimes we can get bogged down with explanations for for Covid and it's vaccine and forget why it happened. Think we need to resist what they are doing rather than reminisce over what has gone before. Sorry to be a 'Kill Joy', but after listening to various Covid explanations and being inundated with theories I think we need to be fully in the present and look to the future, otherwise we become a 'Talk Shop' .
Had to have a rapid test at a long-term care home to visit Mother in law and had “immediate” tingling in my nose with mild cold symptoms about 30 minutes later. After two hours it turned into a full-blown flu/cold that lasted for a week. Not doing that again!!! Now their testing is optional as of Aug 2023.
I certainly wish there was no evidence of shedding, but in my case, I am the evidence.
I was 1 of only 3 in in my small psych hospital who did NOT get jabbed, but within a day after they rolled out the shots on all staff and employees, I was having the oft-cited massive bleeding. It continued for almost 2 weeks, then it shut off, and I’ve not had a period since, which is not normal, as I absolutely was having regular menses.
My naturopath says it’s an artificially-induced menopause. Super not happy about it, but am really enraged for all those who have been critically damaged by this medical evil, then are gaslit and ignored.
Thanks always for the good reads.
Hi Michelle, I suppose it's not nearly as bad overall as getting a shot. Antioxidants or EDTA seems to be the thing to do, check it out carefully and best wishes.
It’s absolutely better than getting that jab , but knowing so many others did despite our begging and pleading, is utterly disheartening. (Btw, currently exploring the EDTA route with my naturopath.)
Under fear, people tend to be chickens freaking in the hen house instead of a fox in the snow looking at the hen house and planning carefully.
This is not about Michelle, but the conversation reminded me of it.
Ever since the plandemic started, I've had this eerie feeling in comment sections that I am listening to fish in the restaurant fish tank, discussing who is going to be eaten first. To me, it's mind-boggling that instead of facing the danger and preparing for what's coming, most people seem to be hell-bent to sticking to the slightest thread of hope that is usually nothing but a delusion
Very true Ray! The chickens ran for the shots, the foxes are making plans. I personally have many plans and fortifying my living space, food, energy, medical safety, and financials has been on the forefront of deep planning and bursts of activity for 3.5 yrs. Fortunately, the society I live in here in Japan works very well, but unfortunately they are inflexible and can't see past their past their noses. See what the trains say on them, most everyone has no clue what this means.
I am unvakd , untested, and done many detox protocols.
But I am shedding and can show it. I test many people free and can say I haven't seen anyone for months without it. There are simple cheap tests you can do to see how contaminated you are. Look.
Very good stuff. Ya think from food, shedding, and chem trails? Did you test other unvaxed as kinda control?
Here in Japan few or no chem trails noted, just high % locals vaxed and masked and also foreigners who impatiently wanted to travel back home the last 3 yrs.
Many professionals have been seeing these fibres in the blood since 2005 at least . always told its glass or some other lie and instructed to ignore it.
Medicine mans story is in my comments somewhere. Australian army. Backs this up.
For all those who like csi etc, do you think that the world fibre database of interpol and the likes are not aware. Carnicom has the science to back it up. His documents are on the carnicom instute website free to download, along with all his notes. I did while we still can.
From every processed food owned by the same people behind everything. We need to stop funding our own demise. Yes, food water, air, meds, soaps, clothes etc.
I have worn a new shirt for one day. Counted the blue fibres only on the white collar, put thru the wash by itself. no change in numbers.
The answer for me lies in recognising we will live with this for the duration of our lives. we just need to mitigate so we can carry on.
I know early examples who have successfuly come out the other side and give us hope.
Hi Michelle, Do you get drunk when around a drunk person 'shedding" the alcohol out evert pore you can smell a mile a away? No. nerves or some chemical or exposure to radiation (wireless tech) at the hospital got to you. Were you forced to cut oxygen with a mask? think it thru. Did they scare you into taking "ivermectin".....??
www.VirusTruth.NET im printing mini flyers from this site called Lucky and putting on cars everyday and taping to gas pumps! its fun . we have to get this info out in our towns.
Very Good! You can see the PM News also likes simple things!
Thanks for sharing your experience! As an alternative explanation, did you take a PCR after declining the shot? Best wishes for your health.
I could see how one might posit such, except for the fact that it happened w/in 24 hrs of the shots being administered, and we’d been required to be swabbed for months prior to the jabs, with no issue.
Our hospital was super nutty about swabbing, and we had to do a PCR swab every week. Luckily they were lazy and let us administer our own, so I could fake my own swabbing without really touching my nasal passages.
Y’all have no idea how obvious (to me) this whole scam was. As soon as every single medical office and hospital and doctor’s office and skilled nursing facility put up those “Heroes work here!” all at the same time.... yeeeaaaah, that’s not preplanned at all.
Even if you had only one real swab, even putting it close to mouth or nose where particles could be inhaled, it is possible that something got in you and then being around vaxed pushed you over some edge for symptoms-theoretically. The swabs are a confounding variable so that people that are swabbed even once wouldn't be appropriate research subjects for shedding testing. Anyway take good care!
Interesting thought experiment there! I’ll have to muck that around in my head for a bit, especially since I thought only the shedding from the vax might be the cause. Hadn’t actually occurred to me that it might’ve been a “1- 2- punch” kind of thing.
But then again, none of any of this evil had occurred to me to be an actual thing until it happened. I appreciate your thoughts, Proton Magic. Will definitely keep open to reading more of the research that comes out.
May I ask you if you knew about the shedding thesis before the jabbing of your collegues? A good friend of mine got strong bleeding as well being around jabbed people.
I experienced itchy nose and some minor nose bleeding after talking to a person who was bending over to talk to me some minutes to me sitting in the car, who had been jabbed the day before. after a day or so it itching went away. As I never had that before and after I concluded it could have been shedding. But I remind myself of the fact that the mind is powerful, if one expects something bad being around jabbed it will happen, just because of that. Menses are very sensitive to that I believe.
Interesting! I had PCRs before, it was the first one after I declined the shot made me feel sick. I remember the staff looking unusually nervous after I walked to a different testing booth than they intended, as if they felt caught.
Obvious indeed, I thought their stats came straight from "Lying with statistics for dummies" and was very surprised when everyone went along. It was especially strange to see almost all university graduates going along with this! Turned my world upside down.
Oh, I hope you haven’t suffered too much after that incident! That’s scary, and the medical personnel must have known something was off.
Thank you! I used to run a half marathon, that dropped to just a few hundred yards. Slowly building it back up. No suffering really, just loss of health.
Others have much more reason to complain. The way we treated our most vulnerable, the elderly in care homes, was particularly horrifying.
www.VirusTruth.NET they are still tortuing elderly in nursing homes with mask and tests and isolation if test positive ! The shot are killing off our elderly. the ones who remember life before tech . the least vaxxed at birth. add Polypharma to vaccines you get alzheimers strokes SADS... we need activists who will do something we can all do something to help end the lie of contagion and viruses. I print mini flyers from this site and Put on cars. especially at nursing homes and hospitals. we need more fighting back
University graduates seem to have been among the worst for falling for the scam. I have a degree but it was along time ago and I did do a lot of statistics and knew how easily they are manipulated.
PCR tests are poisonous.
I am very sorry to hear this Michelle. You are not the only woman that has reported abnormal bleeding and then early menopause after working along side those vaxed. I have numerous clients that have gone through bizarre cycles.
One woman bled non-stop for 40 days before she was finally taken seriously. When she went for an ultrasound, the technician quietly told her this has now become a regular occurrence in the patients she was seeing.
I also know non-vaxed women that have gone through menopause and started menstruating again.
Yes, it’s been such a frequent comment when I’ve participated in threads on many different social media sites, not only with women’s input, but even husbands and sons and fathers chiming in how shedding had affected to their loved ones . They were so frustrated and felt so powerless. And the gaslighting that’s gone on, telling us “it’s normal,” or “there’s no way that could have happened; you’re just stressed.” After all we’ve seen over the last three years, it’s not surprising that medical professionals have to whisper it, for fear of losing their livelihoods. I wish everyone would just stand up and say “NO MORE... I will not participate.” I did just that. Quit my job and haven’t looked back. The things I saw and heard in my hospital were beyond my ethical boundaries. And to think it’s gone on worldwide is beyond my moral comprehension.
Hear, hear!
Hope you get better Michelle, it isn’t right that you are injured by the choices made by others!
It may be worth trying an extended water fast if you haven’t already. Best wishes.
I’m working toward that right now! I’ve been intermittent fasting for a while now, and am planning a 3-day water fast in a few weeks. Hope to integrate it on a regular basis monthly with my IF.
Just had a thought … another option would be to also look into/research MMS/CDS.
Fingers crossed something works for you.
I’ll look into both of those; thank you for the suggestions! Along the lines of “two heads are better than one,” I believe that multiple heads bring so much more to the table, increasing thought streams and blossoming new idea pathways. Sending you much gratitude, Laura🙏🏻!
Two heads are certainly better than one, unless they are caused by the vaccines. :)
That’s great…. from the studies and interviews it looks like it takes at least 48hrs for your body to go into Autophagy - where its starts to self heal, but IF is a great start as it makes it easier to go to OMAD and then an extended fast.
If you don’t get the results you’re after another option would be consulting a homeopathic/bio-resonance practitioner. The person I see, her teenage daughters both had interrupted cycles due to their classmates all being injected or maybe they were just syncing with those that had lost their cycles from the injection, anyway she was able to get her daughters back to normal through energetic homeopathy.
So good to hear that your friend’s girls are doing better... ultimately I believe we can do much to heal ourselves. We **are** light-bodied beings, blessed by Universe and energy.
I agree that the video content is quite long...and a bit repetitive (understandibly, a lot of topics overlap). The total video time could have been shaved down by at least 25-30%. But the project vision itself was important from a historical aspect of creating a timeline and documenting the covid circus act of 2020-202x.
Those of us who have gone down the naturopathic path can only attempt to show others how much simpler the narrative is and your life becomes. Many people seem to want to continue suffering, and just make the suffering more comfortable.
Maybe they will take out 2-3 vids from each module and make a Turkey Trot version to increase views.
Excellent idea and name Turkey Trot ...I couldnt send it around to family and friends if I couldnt get passed module 1 mixing in the law stuff was annoying. I just wanted straight up no virus no contagion info. Do you think Viral Dellusion better or whatever its called?
Thanks, I would say the Delusion is more accessible because you can see the first section for free and it's only an hour. Then you can get the rest for only $11 which I gladly did. The other sections were also good, besides the one on vaxes where you had to read numerous screens which was a bit oppressive but easier than finding the info yourself. Delusion didn't have all the sections related to Covid nor the depth so its was missing that, but End of... was just toooo long, too many vids and too long vids per section. I'm a nerd for this stuff so I plowed thru 2-3 vids a day for a while. Dr. Sam's vids at 20min are just right, 10 min at 2X speed if you want but she's nice to have in your living room for 20min.
In a few months at the 1 year mark of PM News I will make 1 post with all my posts in a table of contents based on subject matter. Maybe the Delusion guy (Mike Wallach) will make a screen play out of them. JUST KIDDING!
I haven't seen the videos and I thought that I know most of it already anyway and can't invest the time.
Certainly re vaccines one can simply things to this regardless of whatever crap is in them which could be anything.
I appreciate you very much, PM!
I will have more to say on this & related topics shortly!
Thanks for your review. I agree with your points. The 'no graphene' statements were confusing. I am a health practitioner, and do not have lab equipment to test things for myself. I am still looking for further information on this to support clients with vaccine damage. I have plenty of tools in my kit that have been supportive but if we had a better idea of what is in the shots, perhaps we could direct our attention to different types of support.
Regarding 'shedding': All I know is that when non-vaxed clients, family and friends go into a public crowd for a few hours they come out expressing all kinds of symptoms. I too have had this experience so I know first hand something is going on.
I know there can be many explanations for this (frequency, increase of 5G, extra chemtrails, extra shit in the water), but the consistency of their experiences cannot be dismissed.
And I think you hit on the key information, that there are many explanations possible for the so called "shedding", and it doesn't have to be the same cause(s) for everyone. This is no different than any other scenario whereby one becomes "sick" . Imagine the intensity of the frequencies from a person that is in extreme fear and confusion and after having their lives turned upside down, controlled, possibly without income now, and then getting an extremely toxic injection (are there are other kind really?). It's clear that not everyone that has been in close contact with a jabbed person has evidence of "shedding", so that alone points to other or additional factors. I think that this is what Kaufman and Cowan are trying to show and not have people lean on the shedding aspect as "the" cause of anything, anymore than there is "the" cause of the so called Covid symptoms.
It is wise to not lean too heavily on the shedding theory and I think there is still something to it that hasn't been explained. Too many people having similar symptoms post encounter. None of the people I have spoken to believe in or know about shedding, so it is not a psychosomatic issue. Numerous women have reported having their cycles disrupted with excess bleeding or starting to bleed long after menopause.
Another strange symptom that keeps occurring is a neurological tingling on the torso and limbs. (5G? Which is terrible!) But why only after being in a crowd for a few hours? This symptom appear to last for a few days.
Just the observations of a practitioner with a full-time practice. No specific answers!
I support the person and they often find my recommendations useful. Hydration, grounding, and a gentle detox appears to help the most.
Definitely agree! And the hydration and grounding, while helpful in general, also tends to point to frequency disruptions. Interesting. What I also find just as interesting is the number of people that have zero symptoms after being exposed at length to an injected person. One can't just attribute that to the "immune system" so often spoken of. Perhaps in some way it's the energy of that person? Too many questions and too few answers.
Yes! So many questions, too few answers, but in the end frequency is the key to pretty much everything. 😉
Funny you say that. After I had posted my comment and I was out walking around outside doing chores that exact thought came to me. I knew that, but didn't think of expressing it that way at the time, but that is 100% accurate. Your clients are lucky to have you!
Like love. If you always love continually one's energy is very high. Everlasting love is an extremely high frequency.
Fear is a big driver of poor health. It drains one's energy.
However, love boosts it.
Truer words were never spoken!
Imm surrounded by triple vaxxed and babies getting al their baby shots.
shedding is a myth. people are thinking they could catch something from someone is experiencing placebo effect or nocebo? just like the vaxxed who think they caugh something from the unvaxxed. its a a merry go round... time to get off.. Read Contagion Myth www.VirusTruth.NET the consistancy of how many cell phones and wifi gadgets in one place cannot be dismissed. . humans do not cause another human to be sick. stress is not a particle a chemical its not "contagion" but being near someone you dont like or fear can make you Feel sick.
Shedding is a fuzzy topic very difficult to study: how many interactions, how close, what kind, who had how many shots, how long after what # shot, what batch and content did they get, difference by location, country, placebo, nocebo, EMF level during test, recently before tests...some of these are impossible to control.
We all have to admit, "we don't know yet and maybe won't really ever know". BUT, we can still add anecdotal info like Toni's, and have our own opinions.
Your're itching for Proton's opinion you say?
Ok, I think there may be some shedding sometime in some locations between some people under some conditions. Notice I have a keyboard with a "some key", it helps me wriggle out of decisions I don't want to make. BUT, if someone makes you feel sick, by all means stay away!
I just re-read your comment above and realized you stated "go into a public crowd" and they express symptoms. What about individual exposure to the vaxxed? Such as other family members, co-workers, etc? How often is that seemingly the source?
There are many unvaxed reporting to me strange symptoms after a family member, co-worker or friend gets vaxed. Changes in the menstrual cycle is one of them. In 4 cases the unvaxed woman didn't realize the person they live with got a vaxed. All of them had heavy prolonged bleeding and their cycle started weeks earlier than expected. They all found out later that one of their housemates had gotten a shot without their knowledge. Nothing else appeared have changed. Of course other factors can't be ruled out, but in my 30 years of experience I had never had 4 clients tell me this within a couple of weeks from each other. Interesting to note that none of these women are from the same region.
I know other practitioners that are experiencing similar reports from their clients.
All very curious!
Interesting to say the least. In my area, no one I know personally, (or family), that has been in contact with a vaxxed person has shown any symptoms. That could be because a) we are quite rural and have no 5G, (we do have massive wind turbines however which is another problem altogether but in a similar way), or b) some of those vaxxed (and there are quite a few, sadly) maybe received one of the "safer" injections or total saline. Or maybe something else entirely different, but what is the common denominator?
Thanks for your End of Covid viewing tips! The "Three Dads" are probably https://theendofcovid.com/eoclms/the-numbers-game-cases-deaths-and-vaers/, and the DMED Drs should be https://theendofcovid.com/eoclms/the-dmed-data/
My personal experience confirms PCR Injury. After declining the shot, I took a PCR for a must-show-proof sports event. Right after the nasal swab I felt something spreading through my body. My sports condition declined quickly after and has not recovered to my previous strength. I suppose they swabbed me with the stuff they wanted to inject me with.
Suck’s doesn’t it!! Me too but with a rapid test. Immediate tingling in my nose with mild symptoms 30 minutes later and took me a week to recover. Just to go visit my ex mother-in-law. (Who couldn’t walk for two days after each of the 5 shots) Plus an additional five days each time to get back to normal for her. Her and her husband never had Covid or a flue. Their care home still recommends rapid testing for visitors as of Aug 2023.
Refuse to Test.! fight back!
This particular home was super strict at the time and the last 3 yrs. I had two choices. Leave or stay and get tested. These are my ex in-laws and I helped them with groceries etc. These people were held hostage and really didn’t have a choice about vaccination. But they also drank the Kool-Aid too:) Fortunately, testing is now optional.
Thank you PM, your efforts are not wasted, and much appreciated :-)
In the Kaufman and Cowan discussion about shedding to the unvaccinated, I believe Kaufman did raise the possibility of shedding occurring in a similar manner to someone who has had chemotherapy where they advise not to expose yourself to the person’s body fluids as their body would be trying to eliminate the toxins.
Just from my own anecdotal evidence I think this is the case - exposure to/in the close vicinity of someone or a group that has been recently jabbed affects those around them. I have personally known of a number of children with ‘chickenpox’ like rashes/spots - where parents are jabbed, a person with a ‘shingles’ like rash (close proximity with their partner) and another with heart palpitations/extreme fatigue dealing with clients.
Best to avoid/distance yourself from those who continue to participate in this program.
Your anecdotal evidence seems to be piling up, unfortunately there are lots of "shedding deniers". I don't have access to the vid where Dr. K noted about Chemo anymore, but my recollection is that the overall feel from the 2 of them was "no shot shedding" and I vaguely recall they sort of concluded that at the end. I also vaguely recall Dr. K. was saying something like, IF shedding did occur it WOULD be something like that seen in Chemo, not that shedding DID occur, or that there was any evidence of shedding. I had known for some time about the dark field findings of blood abnormalities in a 3 y/o with vaxed parents, and later in the series Dr. Ana's similar findings. I'm not a shedding thumper, but I do think Dr. K and C should at least say "we need more data" rather than the denial. Thanks
In other talks Cowan has said that there is always a need for more proofs, in everything, and that he doesn't claim to have all the answers and is in fact in a continual state of learning. That said, there are some things that he is now very certain of due to his experiences and observations and research. That said, see my reply to LynnWoods just above.
Shedding is a term that really shouldn't be used as it connotes a direct transfer of a toxin from an injected person to a non injected person. Because there are multiple possible causes for an individual to have symptoms from being around a vaxxed person, it's not prudent and certainly not scientific to call it shedding. IMO. It's like saying "I caught" a cold from someone. I am not of the opinion that graphene can be "shed" as some are claiming. The frequency of anyone in fear and illness and massive life changes can certainly be "contagious". In the case of the little boy it's easy to see why his RBC could've changed just by being around the vaxxed. There are thousands if not more who have had no obvious symptoms from being in close contact, even intimately, with vaxxed persons. The reasons for that are as multi-faceted as the reasons that people do get symptoms. And that is what Kaufman and Cowan subscribe to, although I really can't speak for them.
And the effects of various frequencies, EMFs, has been documented for a very, very long time. "The Invisible Rainbow" is a good book and of course there are several other very knowledgeable people that have spent decades on just this subject.
Yes, I agree from what I remember of that video they weren’t very definite about any of the shedding theories. It felt very edited, I think I would have preferred an interview, similar to their videos in the past, and then someone could have asked about the anecdotal evidence that is appearing worldwide. I also agree that everyone needs to see more data, hopefully someone is doing some studies, haven’t really come across any though. I did see that 3y/o blood sample …. but there wasn’t much information about it at the time, i.e. was the child ever vaccinated/injected for anything else in their life, were they PCR tested?
Whoever brought this toxin to market, surely didn’t want themselves and their family exposed to it? But in the back of my mind I keep hearing…. ‘We only need 80% to reach herd immunity’ - maybe the real target was once 80% is reached, they would have also spread/shed it to the remainder? I’m praying that this isn’t the case.
I have to keep reminding myself that the shedding exposure (if it exists) has to be obviously less lethal than an injection directly into the body. Our bodies are amazing!
Been working around and in very close proximity to patients since this ‘last’ horrendous plandemic started. Would say approx anywhere in between 3500-5000 of them, mostly being jabbed 2-4 times, sometimes unfortunately even five.
Stayed away close to ten months as refusing to mask after working without a slave cloth for several months before the trigger from WHO came and prompted them on in almost all hospital settings.
In my line of thinking ‘shedding’ comes from other ways.
Stay positive and rely on your own energy and energies from others that share their love frequencies. Be grounded, be in nature, socialise when possible and when you are able to be with others willingly, eat good food, rest when you have too and Smile, it pisses the evil creatures off.
Universe creates mysterious connections.
And no, I do not live in La-la-land, we are in deep shit.
I suspect it depends on the batch and that seems much less common in Japan where I am.
Name ONE person who has ever gotten Drunk after being near Drunk person "shedding" massive amounts of toxic alcohol or from their breath skin and cleaning up their vomit? if shedding were true people who drink no alcohol could get drunk in this manner. getting high off someone else smoking pot is not "shedding" either... that is straight up pollution
Dr. Anna has been beating her fear porn nano crap drum with the shedding stories for a long time.. She has no credible colleagues.
Is it a coincidence that those on her little bandwagon have conflicts of interest?
It’s a variation on the theme that Bigtree and Kennedy have used to great advantage. It’s pathetic anyone is profiting while not telling the whole truth.
The nano crap has been reported for years.
Stefan Lanka and Stefano Scoglio are adamant that there is no GO in the vials. That's probably why they're not looking into it. It's follow the leaders for them, unfortunately. On nanotech, you probably saw the interviews Mark Bailey did with a specialist in microemulsions, but that's about it. I think the person they interviewed (whose name I've forgotten) followed up with an article where he seemed to walk back a bit his original claims/observations. It seems to me they've decided to focus only on proving virology is pseudoscience & no proof pathogenic viruses exist. That's well & good for beginners but we get it now and they should also be broaching other subjects like what's in the vials/our blood and how to get rid of it. On shedding, Uncles Tom (no virus so no shedding) & Andy (shedding probably psychosomatic) are the leaders so the others follow. No disrespect to any of them.
Hi PM,
Keep up the great work!
I assume you may be unaware of this dissent re the alternative media "graphene" narrative as I can't recall your mentioning it previously and much of his work is available only in Italian. The redoubtable Christine Massey has his contact info should you want to speak with him directly.
Dr. Stefano Scoglio not only disputes the Campra/Quinta Columna claims but questions the separate and distinct claim of the alleged original "discovery" of graphene itself.
Following publication refusal by Nexus (presumably because it conflicts with the desired and prevalent alternative media narrative claiming alleged "graphene" in the injectables), Dr. Scoglio published his paper on or about 3/20/23 on the Polyphilia Publishing website, "IL GRAFENE NON ESISTE," describing the reasons:
Dr. Stefano Scoglio: "Graphene does not exist" (ORIGINAL-Italian)
Dr. Stefano Scoglio: "Graphene does not exist" (ENGLISH Translation)
"...But even if there is no proof that graphene exists in vaccines; and if there is no need for graphene to explain the hyper-toxicity of these Covid vaccines, given the extreme toxicity of synthetic mRNA and synthetic lipids admittedly contained in them; 6 can we at least reasonably accept that graphene exists and is widely used, as is repeated by many? As I am about to show, graphene is an ideological and propaganda chimera, and all that exists is thin layers of graphite that pass for graphene....
So, here too it is repeated that graphene, one of the thinnest materials in the world, is a plane of carbon with the thickness of one atom, arranged in a hexagonal lattice structure. Then, as if nothing had happened, and indeed as if it were the most natural thing in the world (after all, a Nobel was awarded for that lie, so no one will dare to shout that the King is naked), the seller clarifies that the thickness of the graphene sheet they sell is 35 micrometers!...
Therefore, here it is confirmed that, both in research and in the market, what is only and merely graphite is passed off as graphene....
There remains one last and fatal problem for the existence of graphene. Even if they were really mono-atomic layers of graphene, as with the study of TEM and graphene, it is not clear how it can be graphene, theoretically the hardest and most resistant material known, if it then breaks and distorts irreparably under the electric-electron beam of the electron microscope, or in a normal redox process.
In other words, graphene not only does not exist because it can neither be produced nor isolated under normal conditions, but also because it has also been shown in experimental and laboratory conditions, such as with TEM, to not possess at all those characteristics which theoretically distinguish it, such as the extreme hardness and resistance.
In conclusion, just apply a little common sense to understand that graphene is an impossible material in reality, and that it is a mythological and para-magical material which, in concrete reality, is only the only material that actually exists , graphite, by another name...."
English translation (Google Translate):
"...Since it is perhaps not clear that attached to the above post is my study which definitively proves that graphene does not exist, and furthermore it is absolutely not proven that it is present in vaccines, I post here the link to my study, published on the website by Poliphylia Publishing... https://www.poliphylia.com/il-grafene-non-esiste/ ..."
See also this comment on the now inactive pseudonymous substack Pseudoscience and its Discontents:
All the best.
Hi this is a good topic. My 30,000ft view is that there are lots of disinfo games going on.
I can say the following:
1. that there is no functional mRNA in the shots because there would be a mRNA to product (spike?) dose-response curve which there is not-and they would be happy to show it if there was. There's no virus so what is spike for? To harm people? Anyway no substantial amt of mRNA and no dose-response has been found -these are red herrings.
2. What would they get out of telling us there is graphene in the shots vs graphite? The shot game is nearly over for most people so to discredit graphene pushers is a bit late I think.
3. Japan found "steel" in the vials that warmed up (when frozen the colloid contents are cloaked) and they recalled 1.63 mil doses in 2021, the next day the PM resigned changing the news focus. Some metal particles are clearly in the shots. I supposed it was graphene or other nano particles that either clumped or assembled so the Japanese say it...but "steel" is clearly just a cover.
4. Dozens of researchers do find electric circuit types of materials in the shots. Since I don't see a good reason for the planners to fake these I think they are seeing these in actuality. Since most vaccinators brush it off as conspiracy the planners are ok with it because that's not the big enchilada, the no-virus to begin with is the biggie.
You remember 9.11, the controlled demolition talk was all over the place. Thats because the no planes were the big enchilada to hide then. WTC planes "melted" into the bldgs when you see it on slow/still motion, and no plane wreckage out of 4 crashes was found (the pentagon small debris was planted soon after the "crash"). The WTC planes were image projections (if you say "holograms" people think you are nutzo) and that nothing broke on the moment of impact in the bldg or plane (an impossibility), and only after melting into the bldg did an explosion in the bldgs go off making it look to the eye like it was due to plane. Where's the plane when we saw all those people standing on the hole? A hole too small for those planes to go into. And small white orbs surrounding the planes and other strange white planes were in the air at time of impact (I assume the projectors).
People argued forever about the demolition and many even said the terrorists planted the demolition too.
So that's why they are happy for us to argue about the shot contents as long as you believe in the planes crashing into the towers, er, I mean the virus crashing into your lungs.
5. I think Dr. Scog has been a bit flip-floppy on some things and I can't imagine the planners would let any prominent viro micro guy out on the loose, so I suspect he is an agent in the lead now just by fomenting confusion whether he's right or wrong. Does it really matter to us if nano processors in shots are made from graphene, schmaphene, or schmutzaphene? But I want to pass on making any definitive statements about him as I don't have time to look at all his points.
-Sorry, I'm getting too many complex comments and cant look at your links. Apologies.
I didn't have time to explore TEOC but a topic which needs to be 'put out there' is the potential for electromagnetic radiation induced sickness (or worse). I'm not sure if this was included in the program. Admittedly it is in the realm of speculation, but I feel it's important for the topic (which has scientific validity) to register in people's minds for future reference.
If people were to suddenly get seriously sick (or worse) en masse this could be used to completely destroy all covid skepticism and the no virus camp. I don't mean 'asymptomatic' or sick with the seasonal flu - I mean something new and real. I can't help thinking of the carnage at Astroworld which (AFAIC) must have been caused by EMF (no other explanation fits) and imagining that playing out in major cities around the world....
If something similar to Astroworld were to occur worldwide, the panic would shut down all rational thinking and everyone would revert back to a 2020 mindset again. Couple this with the WHO's commitment to 100 day vaccines and (I would assume) door to door vaccination squads and you've got a scenario which would destroy all the gains made. As well as Astroworld there are the videos which surfaced around 2021 of villagers in India all describing similar deaths to Astroworld (oxygen starvation), which they all blamed on newly installed 5G towers. They even cut down the towers and the deaths stopped (if the reports are to be believed). The videos (just street interviews admitedly) looked credible to me although I never heard any more about this story. But we know Gates and co like to test out their crap in India and Africa where victims' voices won't be heard before deploying to the West. He even admitted this in a interview.
If there was a sudden epidemic of people dropping like flies (again, like Astroworld) those friends, relatives and work colleagues who are just starting to accept that the no virus position / no pandemic / no covid position might have some validity will go right back to full blown germophobia and become vaxoholics again. I'm not sure the terrain/ no virus position would ever be able to recover any credibility after such a scenario.
We've all seen Gates talk about how the next pandemic will be waaay worse than 2020. It would be the ultimate in bait and switch / shock and awe.
The evidence for EMF radiation overload is mounting. Like you, I did not indulge in the 100 hours of 'education' but it was not because I was too busy.
It was because I am sick to the back teeth of wannabe gurus and bullies who try to control what I think.
When I offer extensive research for their consideration I am either completely ignored or dismissed as crazy.
If the 'education' did not include a contribution from Arthur Firstenberg, Dr Martin Pall, Dr Devra Davis or Dr Magda Havas or, indeed, anyone who has correlated the roll out of 5G with the incidence of illness/death then I can be certain that the education is incomplete and biased.
Agree. See for reference:
This is interesting speculation. Thanks for sharing it. I also continue to think that Astroworld was a harbinger of something. I'm not sure what. At the time, I suggested one possibility might be sound frequencies. There is scientific research into the effects of sound waves on graphene. That would be devastating, wouldn't it? It would be hard to attribute. Also, I didn't watch the End of Covid series, but I don't see how anyone can say what is and isn't in the vaccines, since there seem to be different ingredients in different batches. Here's what I wrote at the time. https://covidmakebelieve.com/index.php/2021/11/11/implications-of-the-astroworld-tragedy/
Correct Paul, however, it can be stated that IT SEEMS that many batches have more or less Graphene for example. This may be the best we can do as we aren't gonna get a complete batch by batch CMC (chemical manufacturing control) and API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) analytic report any time soon.
I agree with that. In fact, it's what I intended to say. We can know what's in some vials. But we can't know what's in all vials.
Here's what stuck out to me, from the various eyewitness accounts.
1. two or three separate accounts of friends or people standing nearby having breathing difficulties, and in some cases dropping to the ground like a dead weight - BAM! - and then getting up again and wandering off. Everyone's reaction was WTF?
This was occurring THROUGHOUT THE DAY and in WIDE OPEN SPACES (it was an all day festival/ concert). It is clear that people were getting breathless / passing out long before the main concert and so we can confidently rule out 'crowd surges' as the primary factor.
2. Autopsies of the Hillsborough disaster (crowd crush at a football stadium in the 1980's) showed death by 'compression asphyxia'. At Astroworld they died of cardiac arrest.
3. The crowd was mostly young people with limited experience of concert crowds (for many it was their first gig). Any regular concert goer will tell you it's not that unusual to be squashed by the crowd to the point that you can't even move your arms, but this does NOT mean you will suffer any breathing difficulties. If crowd surges at concerts caused suffocation people would be dying/ passing out regularly at concerts. But they aren't, and they certainly are not having seizures and heart attacks.
4. First hand reports of people bleeding out nose and mouth. Also pissing and shitting themselves. That's weird. Many people have reported nose bleeds as a result of EMF (local 5G towers, 5G enabled shopping malls etc)
5. Similar reports of nosebleeds and weird headaches at Glastonbury festival 2019 among the staff (so probably not on drugs). Many were regular workers at the festival and said 2019 was unlike any other year they had experienced. EMF was off the scale that year as measured by someone with a meter (there's a video showing the readings on YT).
6. Reports of 'holes' opening up at Astroworld in the crowd, as pockets of the crowd all collapsed in unison. Makes me think of microwave ovens heating food unevenly.
7. Much of the crowd were standing on plastic mats (laid on top of the grass). Possible increased vulnerability due to not being grounded?
8. Many reports of eerie vibes, weird and odd sensations throughout the day. EMF is known to cause feelings of foreboding and weirdness. Obviously there was lots of 'dark' and 'sinister' imagery, stage sets and music. How convenient. It can all be explained away as a reaction to the creepy 'art'.
Claire Edwards was interviewed by Kerry Cassidy a while back (sorry I can't find the link) and she brought on this guy who seemed very down to earth and told a story of walking around a golf course in 2020 and feeling the same foreboding, eerie sensations which he eventually realised were coming from nearby streetlights. As he continued walking he had all the wind knocked out of him and he thought he was going to die. Then he recovered in an instant. It happened right next to a new giant monopole on a nearby highway. This story was very similar to the Astroworld accounts. I know Kerry Cassidy can be a bit 'out there' but this guy was very credible and not being sensational at all. The interview was from before Astroworld. His description perfectly matched the eyewitness accounts of Astroworld. Being on a golf course (and being an older guy) he was able to make the connection. There wasn't any 'eerie music' and there was no crowd to blame his sudden experience of being strangled/ crushed.
To me there is a clear pattern emerging. The psychological impact of this happening on a larger scale (and then being hyped by the media as a new killer virus) does not bear thinking about.
Very interesting speculation. It would be some job to put all of this together. I wonder if anything came out of the court cases at Astroworld. Are you aware? Is there something there that can be studied and analyzed? I think there were several different cases in civil and criminal courts.
thanks for this. Imagine the research proposal to get to the bottom of this. What's in the investigation files? What's missing from the files? Why? If I were the researcher, I'd start with the families they keep citing. All our prayers. All our thoughts are with you. Ya, right. That's why we buried everything of significance. Scott was allowed to go with his career intact. (Is that a career? I don't really know.) Also, Drake had something to do with it. You can see the real questions before you. But these assholes in front of the microphones are obviously sell-outs. No. Astroworld is key. How to get to the bottom of it though. I'm not an American. I wonder if it would be possible, nevertheless, to inquire into this. At what point would your life be at risk?
It requires a splashy investigation by someone with previous reputation, such as Erin Brockovich. Someone who won't be fobbed off with red tape.
I am not in America either so we can only hope that someone has lifted the gauntlet on this issue because, so far, it really stinks of a cover-up.
Just a note to let you know that your little article came with warnings that the site is not secure. I ignored the warning but I dare say others will not choose bravery over concern for their security.
I remember the strange 'sound waves' at Astroworld. They were even clear via my headphones. They were very unusual. Sound has power, for sure.
At the time I was observing that people on stages around the world were collapsing in front of their iPhone wielding fans with too much regularity. I think that electro-magnetic radiation is capable of seriously damaging living beings and so attending events which are 5G activated is a risky business at best.
There have been stacks of studies done which show that certain EMFs create terrible and cumulative effects - mostly by Russian scientists. It is interesting to note that the Russians have limited the use of 5G to military use only.
I have gathered a significant archive of evidence here:
'No virus' has been fun, and very instructive. Sharp minds point out the obvious (no isolated virus) and the fireworks begin.
Scores of people, true believers in TheVirology(TM) religion [a subset of TheScience(TM) religion] get enraged and spin out of control as they desperately try to defend literally nothing. We all get a good look at how the agitated human mind works, how threatened egos lash out, how personal status and reputation is defended, and all the other incidentals that come with paradigms being shattered.
So now, we take what we have seen and learned about shattering paradigms. We observe and learn from the reactions by threatened human psychology, and we can prepare better for our next paradigm-shattering pronouncement:
There Are No Cures.
Germs-Diseases-Cures all come together as a nicely-wrapped package. Or perhaps you like to see it as a set of 3 stacked Russian dolls. If you happened to be a Rockefeller-money-worshipping stooge MD from > century ago, you gleefully jump on the Germ Theory bandwagon promoted by your new Bossman. You work closely with your fellow stooge MDs to shore up the full Germs-Diseases-Cures paradigm: eliminating the chaff, tweaking the obfuscating language, bolstering the triumvirate in each of its stages.
Viola! A nice, neat and tidy disease-maintenance paradigm, to be steadily milked for $$$ far into the future.
So now we have the first and second parts of the triumvirate being rapidly dissected and banished.
Germ Theory is being wholly dismantled… and the true causes of the Diseases (purportedly ‘caused’ by germs) are finally being seen for what they are (severely ignorant/unhealthy lifestyle, environmental toxins everywhere, food toxins everywhere, EMFs run amok, aberrant/negative psychology).
Now we can move on and demolish the final pillar of deceit: Cures and Curing.
Plenty to be discussed and debated about this Curing paradigm for it to be fully understood and thoroughly debunked. It is a paradigm that has been with mankind, in various forms, since the beginning. The Curing Paradigm so very strongly tied to the human condition that its dissolution will result in the same shattered paradigm aftermath effects. But now we know what to expect with shattered paradigms, and we can plan ahead of time to do a better job of it.
To summarize: That which creates and maintains health – pure air, water, food, exercise, sunlight, sleep, along with all the sane, organic and beneficial aspects of mental, emotional and spiritual health – is all that is ever necessary to regain health if it is lost. If these 24 or so Needs of Health are supplied well and correctly, superlative health is the result. If one or more of these Needs is absent or insufficiently supplied, progressively worsening disease will result. If all needs are again properly supplied, health returns.
That’s it.
Simple… and true.
The Healing Power resides solely in the living organism itself. There is No healing power outside of the living organism.
Virtually all healing modalities, treatments, systems, philosophies, therapies, elixirs, concoctions, drugs, remedies and whatnot can be dispensed with, and good riddance.
Freeing everyone from straitjackets of false beliefs is the task. Smashing the Cures paradigm is another step in the right direction.
Well said. May I ask what these 24 or so Needs of Health are as you refer to perhaps 9 only as far as I can tell?
Hola BaldMichael - the 24 needs are an integral part of Natural Hygiene Principles.
Here's the list:
Lesson 4 – The Needs of a Healthy Human Life
Physiological Needs
- Pure Air
- Pure Water
- Adequate Sleep
- Pure, Healthy Food
- Comfortable Temperature
- Movement and Exercise
- Sunshine And Natural Light
- Healthy Expression Of Sexual Desires
Maintenance and Safety
- Cleanliness - Inside And Outside
- Rest and Relaxation
- Security Of Life And Its Means
- Pleasant Environment
Social Needs
- Belonging To A Group Or Social Circle
- Love, Sharing and Gratitude
- Play and Recreation
- Humor, Storytelling And Entertainment
Psychological Needs
- Emotional Poise
- Creative, Useful Work
- Art, Beauty and the Aesthetic Senses
- Self-Reliance And Self-Worth
- Individual Sovereignty
Spiritual Needs
- Imagination, Creativity, Intuition, Inspiration, Motivation, Purpose And Commitment
- Self-Mastery
- Personal Spiritual Growth
Thank you so much for taking the trouble to do that. All makes perfect sense.
No problem.
If U R interested in Natural Hygiene, I can send you plenty of other info.
I am interested in all sorts of things. I have tried to avoid pharmaceutical products for some time, but would welcome further info although digesting it all would be another matter perhaps!
I've got a school that teaches Natural Hygiene. And you can read more about the general concepts online from many sources. Have a look at this search result and have a look around at your leisure:
I registered to watch the series. But would not let myself do it.
I believe it was a hugely successful scamdemic. And that these perpetrators are working full time to organize and prepare another. And another. And another. By the same name if they feel like it. I think they get off on lying and watching the populations try to get the mystery. And maybe some do, but they still have a nice fan base that will support their lies. What do manipulators live to do?
Sometimes we can get bogged down with explanations for for Covid and it's vaccine and forget why it happened. Think we need to resist what they are doing rather than reminisce over what has gone before. Sorry to be a 'Kill Joy', but after listening to various Covid explanations and being inundated with theories I think we need to be fully in the present and look to the future, otherwise we become a 'Talk Shop' .
Had to have a rapid test at a long-term care home to visit Mother in law and had “immediate” tingling in my nose with mild cold symptoms about 30 minutes later. After two hours it turned into a full-blown flu/cold that lasted for a week. Not doing that again!!! Now their testing is optional as of Aug 2023.
Yours is the first report I have heard of the RAT test toxicity.
I have seen reference elsewhere to toxicity, In any event they are a con, a huge money spinner. Who want's to stick a RAT up their nose anyway??
RE: Shedding
Sick people have a sick aura, sick energy body with "holes" that release energy.
We can get any sickness just by osmosis, being near a sick person. But only if your energy body has holes which will allow for mixing of energies.
Osmosis is real. It works in the same way you get infected by emotions when in a massive crowd.
And yeah, Covid has not ended since it has never begun in the first place!