Jun 27, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Courtesy of Bill Gates and his GMO mosquitos and his mosquito factories... We need to change the name in the dictionary of EVIL to GATES..

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Just sent out a substack on this, inspired by this Proton Magic post...I did a dive into this awhile back, the blood-sucking predator, Gates and his mosquito farms (joint venture with Soros, it seems) , because...I live in TX..? GMO (likely worse than that) mosquitos were released in TX and FL last year.


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Ha ha I was ready to say the same thing! Billy Boy has been playing with his toys lately.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Yep; Gates and modified mozzies was the first thing to come into my mind; Wasn't there a release of the GMO mozzies in Florida that were supposed to mate with the natural female mozzies and turn them sterile?

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Yep, they were released in Florida, and some other locations.. Its always amazing to me him and others like him always pretend they are doing these things for the benefit of humanity, when in actuality they are doing it for the DEMISE of humanity, and the benefit of them and their EVIL organizations.. What a devious and EVIL mind he has, what is going to be funny and ironic is when he and his ilk all get caught in the EVIL traps and plans they have for the " Useless Eaters"... The funny thing is him and his group of EVIL men and women are the only " Useless eaters" on the planet..

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Sarasota County huh? Thats basically where I live.

To be honest, I'm more concerned about so-called "red tide". If you want an interesting deep dive, look up the 2018 red tide that lasted 18 months in Sarasota - in fact, it lasted 18 months in MOST of the state. It was blue-green toxic cyanobacteria. "A mystery". (At the time, most of the people in my activist group knew it was from the radioactive waste from the phosphogypsum stacks all over Florida... although activists kinda have a bad reputation, this group actually worked hard to inform & educate and find solutions).

Anyway, over 200 million tons of dead sea life were removed from the beaches over those 18 months. A good friend of mine was leading the charge - for the cleanup and the "solutions" expert (a veteran, I forget what branch he was in and havent talked to him for awhile but he was such a smart dude). He taught me that water cleans itself. The ONLY "natural explanation" for something like this is because we were poisoning it. He also taught me how to fix polluted waterways - basically, you get the hell out of natures way, let foliage grow and it will filter itself. Thats one of the most significant lessons that helped me understand germ theory and why it doesn't work.

I love Florida but it also causes most of its own problems and then they put out stupid fear porn like "malaria" and "mysterious red tide" - at the end of the day, its all because we're being poisoned and we're poisoning ourselves 🙄

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023Author

Wow, a ground-zero guy right in our comments! Hope you will be ok. Notice they snuck in there, "Aerial and ground mosquito spraying continues to be conducted in these areas to mitigate the risk of further transmission." TO HELP YOU OF COURSE! The good 'ol toxic spray AKA virus back on stage to play it's role.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

Yep; "Trust us, we're from the government and we're here to help you"

Correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't the skies full of chemtrails as it is? i'd bet at least one of my testes that the fallout from the skies above has more to do with this "outbreak" than anyone from GovCO will ever admit to.

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Malaria FOIA

December 5, 2022:

Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention failed to provide or cite any record that describes controlled experiments proving that any parasites cause malaria. Instead, Roger cited 5 irrelevant/unscientific papers.

Very briefly:

1st paper, Studies on Human Malaria….

– small sample size, no controls, invalid independent variable, not even designed to test for causation of malaria

– monkeys were inoculated intrahepatically with crushed mosquito salivary glands and monkey serum-saline, as well as intravenously with supernatant from centrifuged crushed mosquito bodies (minus salivary glands) and monkey serum-saline

2nd paper, Chloroquine Resistant…

– small sample size, no controls, invalid independent variable, not even designed to test for causation of malaria

-infected blood from a human was innoculated intravenously into 1 splenectomized monkey, then blood from that monkey was subpassaged into other splenectomized monkies, etc

The remaining papers are equally irrelevant and unresponsive.


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DAMN, I KNEW I had read this but forgot where, I looked thru Sam Bailey's vids then ViroLEIgy, then had to run out, it was Christine after all! TOO MUCH INFO RUNNING AROUND MY HEAD ABOUT TOO MANY MADE UP BUGS. Roger might as well give out the crown jewels of the CDC, either he's a ditz or he's a great guy doing this on purpose to out the CDC. Maybe we can FOIA him about his own behavior?

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lol :)

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I linked your comment in the body of the post at the bottom. It is crucial for the public to understand that none of these hyped up bugs (malaria, smallpox, monkeypox, Marburg) actually exist as pathogens. Next they'll say Covid makes dogs rabid.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

In order for these "pathogens" to exist, according to their Virology theories, they must be from and of nature; The "Viro-lie-gists" tell us that these "pathogens" are indeed from nature and are naturally occurring;

If this is evidence based Fact, then why and how are there REGISTERED-US-PATENTS on many of these so-named "pathogens"?;

Patent law dictates that: Anything that is from Nature, Of Nature or is a Natural Occurrence CAN-NOT-BE-PATENTED;

Therefore, It is crucial that people (the public) investigate this FACT for themselves and then they will come to realise that you, Christine and many more of us are NOT-LYING-TO-THEM;

GovCO and many of their "research teams" are the CREATORS of these "pathogens" and by definition, are BIO-WEAPONS; GovCO has been in the business of "population control" for a very long time; 1917 and the "Spanish flu" was the beginning as far as i know.

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Yes. they can make chemical weapons but bioweapons are only on paper and in speeches because there are no biologic monsters to base weapons on and it would be too difficult if there were. The paper bioweapons lead to getting chemical weapon pills or shots, and now nanoparticles in our environment.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Proton Magic

i use the term "bioweapons" as this is what at least some can comprehend that GovCo would be capable of;

trying to educate people to do their own investigations is where i come from so i try to keep it simple;

you and i both know, anything created in a petrie dish with added chemicals is not of nature even IF it does have something natural (biological) in it's make up;

to change a single aspect of anything biological renders it Un-Natural.

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They stitch together in silico bits of genetic material They find, call it some "genome," and then patent it. So it's 100% fraud.

And I might offer My work to solve for psychopaths in control. My latest article aiming at that solution:


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Thanks PM.

Fingers well crossed that this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with EugenisistGrates' "Modified Mosquitoes" released into nature.

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I'd lay an each-way, odds on bet that this has everything to do with the GMO mozzies or the Chems being sprayed from the skies;

It amazes me how long the sky spraying has been going on for in the US and yet the Great American Patriot apparently either has not witnessed it or could not be bothered to alert the rest of the world to the poisoning from the skies;

i have just recently watched the series Breaking Bad that was filmed in New Mexico from 2006 to 2013 and near on every episode that was filmed outdoors showed in graphic detail the skies laden with Chem-Trails;

do americans ever look up at the sky?

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Sep 11Liked by Proton Magic

In my hometown here in Italy they started to "disinfest" (=spray poisons and toxins) parts of the city, like 200m diameter at a time after last year a (claimed) dengue fever case was detected, every time there is a suspicion of some fever like dengue. They close traffic from a certain hour in the evening, tell people to stay inside (including pets), keep windows shut and then go around and spray their thing around to kill those deadly moskitos and tell people to wash anything left outside during the disinfestation.

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better get some gas masks before they run out.

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What fear porn tripe They pump out! "They" being the psychopaths in control. My work for the last 18 years has been to solve for psychopaths in control. Their single tool to power and "influence" is money - it buys all the rest They use, the things and the People.

Given there have been societies that lived in abundance and never developed the energy accounting systems (money foundationally accounts for Our energy added into a system), it is clear, in this post-scarcity (no political baggage attached) world, that We do not need to account for Our energy added, and rather can, as those societies did, use social currencies accounted for in Our hearts and minds.

For more, I offer:

Money... Do We Need It? https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-do-we-need-it

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If malaria starts spreading what are our over the counter options, both in regards to prevention and treatment?

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023Author

The malaria scare is a way to prime you to be scared of bugs in general, and perhaps take things that will have side effects and may have graphene in them, also cover for ongoing vax injury if the malaria scare increases, like the train crash in Ohio. See Massey's comment above that no parasite causing malaria has been found by the CDC actually, the malaria test is an antibody test which are easily faked.

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