I didn’t do a “Project Veritas” and chase this lovely girl down for a hidden-camera date, but I do know the Dr. who comes out at the end, and boy is he gonna get some shit from this little proton.
What is “loooong covid”? It is mainly just a name for “post-injection chronic toxicity syndrome”. Why can’t it be from Corona virus? Because no virus has been found: full explanation here:
This is a propaganda video to run cover for vax injury and to keep the virus fear going.
We need a cover girl who looks good, but not too good or it would be obvious.
The Doc is real and his nice looks, glasses, and mask make him perfect for the role. His dad ran the clinic before he did. Dad also raced cars as a hobby- Drs with expensive hobbies don’t argue with programs that pay his way for racetrack time.
👉 I showed the Dr. why no sars virus was found, and asked him how he can tell the difference between a never-found virus and injection injury and he said, “I can’t”. Didn’t I just tell him there was only one choice?
Our girl in motion:
She enters her home and first thing is the disinfectant spray. Can she really cover every nanometer of her body? And If you’re thinking like me, why doesn’t she run into the shower for the full deal, or better yet, only go out in a hazmat suit?
👉Notice: she seems to have muscles in her forearm and back. Does she look like she has been in bed for 2-years or in the gym keeping in shape for her video debut?
You gotta have that Long Covid “Oy Vey*” hand posture in the PR dig…but a few moments later as seen below she’s up and running food for the camera crew.
That Long Covid blur even infects the video:
She makes quite a nice meal for an “Oy Vey” crisis girl.
The Dr. on the lower right, who has personally been whipped a few times by Proton Magic to pull his head out of his @ss, is grinning as he collects his paycheck for spitting BS into his mask and our TVs.
On to the Vid so you can see her in action
3-min vid, filmed April 27th, 2024. Below is a screen recording so we don’t lose it, and here is the orignal still linked on the TV Asahi News. English summary is below the vid.
Today we interviewed a woman who is still suffering from Covid even though the country has let down their guard.
👉this means you shouldn’t let down your guard.
Climbing stairs she makes sure to let out a short of breath loud enough for the camera to pick-up. [@00:22, do her glutes look like she’s been in bed for 2 years or at the gym?]
Sprays herself with disinfectant, where the camera can see, which probably makes her feel worse.
“Boy I’m pooped and have to sit down”. She was infected with Corona virus 3-years ago [they don’t say if/when she was injected but that was just 2 months after the shots started in Japan].
She was working at a nursery school [if true, they definitely forced her to get the shots to keep her job]. She had a fever of 38℃ and spent 2-years in bed.
“I felt thrown to the bottom of the sea. Even if I sleep, I’m still exhausted.”
She was forced to leave work 2 years ago. She’s getting better but still has dizziness and is short of breath. She survives by cutting into her savings.
“Standing is tough, I have to sit down lots”.
The WHO says that Long Covid is defined as “ongoing symptoms like tiredness, coughing, and forgetfulness, continuing for longer than 3 months after infection and has been consistent for at least 2 months”.
The Japan Ministry of health states that 10% to 20% of those infected continue on with Long Covid.
We interviewed Dr. Hirahata who has seen over 7,000 Long Covid patients.
[👉now that we’ve got the feel scared & sorry part out of the way we’re onto the delegate to Authority part.]
Dr. Hirahata says, “In spite of seeing 5 variants we do not yet see milder cases nor fewer patients. The understanding of significant others is crucial to the patient’s well-being. The first 2 months are very important, one needs to be careful not to over-work during this time.”
👉They have to show the patient taking many pills of course…well it is a Pharma racket infomercial after all.
The racket works like this: hype a pandemic⇒force shots in order to go to work⇒make person sick/infertile⇒need medical care/infertility treatments/sell more drugs⇒sick/infertile⇒more medical care/drugs⇒More shots to prevent variants leading to death before collecting too much welfare or pension, and for the govt to collect inheritance tax at greater turnover rates as generations change from all the deaths💉💊🏥⚰️💰💵💸💱💲→💉🩹🏥⚰️💰💵💸💱💲→💉💊🏥⚰️💰💵💸💱💲→→→→→→→→→→→💀
She says they are working to get a group together to ask the Govt to help with their welfare needs. [Suggests you should get your shots or you’ll be on welfare]
※Crisis actor or not, she’s a scripted propaganda tool※
So your’re craving to learn more about long covid?
Here the New York Times gives millions of reasons a “virus” can cause Long Covid, but not one includes the vax.
👉Skip this section if reading the NYT makes you sick.
👉Yes protons can magic-tunnel right thru pay walls in case you were wondering.
How Long Covid Exhausts the Body
By Josh Keller Feb. 19, 2022. Everything below in block quotes is from the NYT article (slightly redacted by PM). Each image is linked to its source.
👉They ripped thru every page in the pathology textbook for this crock of shit.
Inflammation and low oxygen levels may cause cognitive problems. Early evidence of oxygen limitations.
Vascular damage and blood clots may trigger fatigue.
Autoantibodies or viral remnants may set off a chain reaction.
Millions of people continue to suffer from exhaustion, cognitive problems and other long-lasting symptoms after a coronavirus infection. The exact causes of the illness, known as long Covid, are not known.
Diagnosing Long Covid
Patients with severe Covid may wind up in hospitals or on ventilators until their symptoms resolve. Damage to the body from severe Covid — pneumonia, low oxygen, inflammation — typically shows up on traditional diagnostic tests.
Long Covid is different: A chronic illness with a wide variety of symptoms, many of which are not explainable using conventional lab tests. Difficulties in detecting the illness have led some doctors to dismiss patients, or to misdiagnose their symptoms as psychosomatic. But researchers looking more deeply at long Covid patients have found visible dysfunction throughout the body.
Studies estimate that perhaps 10 to 30 percent of people infected with the coronavirus may develop long-term symptoms. It’s unclear why some people develop long Covid and others don’t, but four factors appear to increase the risk: high levels of viral RNA early during an infection, the presence of certain autoantibodies, the reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus and having Type 2 diabetes.
One possibility is that the body is still fighting remnants of the coronavirus. Researchers found that the virus spreads widely during an initial infection, and that viral genetic material can remain embedded in tissues:
👉Lets look at this very interesting “remain embedded in the tissues” paper. Led by the US NIH. Dozens of co authors and really official looking references just to find an itsy-bitsy piece of RNA? Even I started to believe it was true for a nanosecond!
SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence throughout the human body and brain
Coronavirus RNA is visible in different body tissues at 500x magnification. Daniel Chertow et al., preprint via Research Square.
👉They really want to brain-wash the long covid issue as due to a virus.
ABSTRACT: “COVID-19 is known to cause multi-organ dysfunction1-3 in acute infection, with prolonged symptoms experienced by some patients, termed Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2. However, the burden of infection outside the respiratory tract and time to viral clearance is not well characterized, particularly in the brain. We performed complete autopsies on 44 patients with COVID-19…”
👉I’ve wrote to the author here (don’t expect a response) asking the following, so you can see from my questions the kinds of BS in the paper:
Did you control for Covid vaccination in the subjects, or correlate number of vaxes including unvaxed to the amount of RNA or protein found?
If not, how can you be sure the damages you have seen are not due to the vaccine, which is supposed to make viral mRNAs itself?
Did you find and isolate/purify any sars-cov-2 particles themselves?
It is my understanding that no sars-cov-2 particle has ever been purified and isolated and that the PCR primers were made by consensus from software in the original studies, Fan Wu et al. etc.
I have seen BLAST analysis finding the same PCR primers as part of human DNA, how can you rule out you are not finding human DNA? Did you have non Covid non-vaxed subjects as controls?
Hey, did you know that just making a SS post on a topic allows you to buy diploma hats? 👉 Is mRNA in the Covid vaccines?
Continuing from the NYT article:
Coronavirus components persist in one patient’s small intestine, 92 days after the start of their Covid symptoms. Christian Gaebler et al., Nature
Researchers have also found evidence that Covid may trigger a lasting and damaging autoimmune response. Studies have found surprisingly high levels of autoantibodies, which mistakenly attack a patient’s own tissues, many months after an initial infection.
A third possibility is that the initial viral infection triggers chronic inflammation, possibly by reactivating other viruses in the patient’s body that are normally dormant. The reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus, which infects most people when they are young, might help predict whether a person will develop long Covid, one study found.
[👉Let’s meet Dr. Iwasaki, Professor at Yale!]
Inside the intricate world of the immune system, these explanations may coexist. And just as different long Covid patients may have different symptoms, they may also have different immune problems, too. Identifying the problems that are central to each patient’s illness will be critical for guiding treatment, said Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale.
[👉What about identifying not to take poison darts in your arm?]
For instance, a patient with autoantibodies might benefit from immunosuppressive medication, while a patient with remnants of the Covid virus [a virus?? Akiko, aren’t you a professor?] should receive antivirals, [the makers of these drugs will help you meet your maker].
Dr. Iwasaki said. “Depending on what each person has, the treatment would be quite different.” [what do you do if you have poor thinking skills and your Dr’s thinking skill is even worse?]
👉I’ve written to Dr. Iwasaki for proof that Covid virus exists a few days ago, reply pending. Looking to get a feel for who I was writing to, I started to think, “I can meet smart and lovely girls just by making SS posts and can ditch my Tinder account?”
Then I thought oh…this was the professor-in-making circa 1988. Ahh, must be this one from 2022 (she even looks like a close relative to our “Oy Vey” Cover Girl).

Continuing from the NYT article:
Damaged nerve fibers:Chronic inflammation in long Covid patients may damage small nerve fibers. Peter Novak et al., Annals of Neurology
South African researchers found another circulation problem: Microscopic blood clots.
Platelets in the blood can become hyperactivated in Covid and long Covid patients, contributing to microclots. Etheresia Pretorius et al., Cardiovascular Diabetology
Inflammatory substances called cytokines, which are often elevated in long Covid patients, may injure the mitochondria that power the body’s cells, making them less able to use oxygen. Walls of blood vessels may also become inflamed, limiting the uptake of oxygen.
Whatever the cause, low oxygen levels may contribute to long Covid’s most common symptom, severe fatigue. Some long Covid patients meet the criteria for ME/CFS (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome), which often starts after a viral infection. Researchers have found that ME/CFS patients also suffer from a lack of oxygen triggered by circulatory problems. That puts enormous strain on the body’s metabolism and makes simple activities feel like strenuous exercise.
Even people with mild cases of Covid can experience sustained cognitive impairments, including reduced attention, memory and word-finding. Possible long-term neurological problems from Covid constitute “a major public health crisis,” according to Dr. Avindra Nath, the clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Microglia are activated in the brain of a Covid patient, contributing to brain inflammation. Anthony Fernández-Castañeda et al., preprint via bioRxiv. Photos: Myoung-Hwa Lee
Shortness of breath is a frequent symptom of long Covid. But common lung tests including chest X-rays, CT scans and functional tests — often come back normal.
Many hospitals now offer post-Covid clinics or recovery programs, which bring together doctors with experience treating long Covid patients. Given the number of patients, some doctors and programs have long waits for appointments. It can help to plan ahead and try multiple options.
Survivor Corps keeps a directory of post-Covid clinics.
Dysautonomia International offers a list of doctors with experience treating autonomic disorders commonly seen in long Covid.
Body Politic hosts a Covid support group where thousands of long haulers share information and advice on Slack.
The Long Covid Support Group hosts a community on Facebook.
The Royal College of Occupational Therapists offers advice for managing post-Covid fatigue.
An essay from Maria Farrell offers advice on how to get well, and the importance of making time to rest.
ME Action, a group supporting people with ME/CFS, offers advice to long Covid patients on how to manage symptoms.
Americans with long Covid may qualify for disability benefits, although without conclusive medical results, many people face roadblocks.
Three leading researchers into long Covid often share information about the latest findings on Twitter: Dr. Amy Proal, a microbiologist at PolyBio Research Institute; Dr. David Putrino, the director of rehabilitation innovation for the Mount Sinai Health System; and Dr. Iwasaki, the Yale immunologist.
Health Rising covers the latest research into long Covid, ME/CFS and other chronic illnesses in detail.
Gez Medinger, a video producer, interviews some prominent researchers into long Covid on YouTube.
A video interview with Dr. Svetlana Blitshteyn, a neurologist and the director of the Dysautonomia Clinic, offers advice for treatment and an overview of current research into autonomic disorders.
A detailed guide to understanding, treating and living with orthostatic intolerance is available from the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.
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👉I’m not sure “Enjoy” is the right word for access to the NYT, do you?
👉That’s one helluva bunch of BS. Did you count how many times they said injections could cause long covid? Maybe you missed one?
*I’m just making fun of Miles Mathis with the “Oy Vey” shit. Don’t mind me.
“Quoting their own material is the best way to blow them out of the water”
-Unkown JFK aide during the Cuban missile crisis
Ode to Long Covid
In the realm of medicine, a curious tale,
Where jabs do damage, side effects assail.
Mislabelling woes, oh what a spree,
Long Covid a “thing,“ can't you see?
Doctors in white, with pockets so deep,
Peddling toxic jabs, for the Big Pharma CREEP.
Lazy to read, now‘t but official decree,
Who needs research?? Nurse!! Pour me some tea!!
High salaries beckon, luxuries gleam,
Staying blind to truth, to protect their dream.
For, to question the norm, a doc won't go far,
In a system that pays, for his high status car.
So, we laugh and we sigh, at this medical freak show,
As long as toxic jabs flow, “Long Covid“ will grow.
Yet Proton persists, in truth he lurks,
Exposing the lies, that pay for docs and their perks.
poor dr. malone had long covid, and then he was attacked, and sasha latypova was banned from his onlyfans page, and he from hers, and then steve kirsch wept, as he smiled, and long-covid begat climate change, which begat alien transhumanoids, and then they came for me, and no-one was left to post about it...